Toothpaste Lakalut (lacalut) - for adults and children

Lakalut Active is an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory toothpaste produced in Germany by T heiss N aturwaren GMBH . All drugs of this brand are tested and approved by the German Dental Society and the Russian Dental Institute of the Ministry of Health.

Main ingredients of toothpaste

  • Abrasives: aluminum hydroxide (Al (OH)3), calcium carbonate (CaCO3), hydroxyapatite (Ca5 (PO4)3OH).
  • Fluorides: sodium fluoride (NaF), tin fluoride (SnF2), sodium monofluorophosphate (Na2PO3F).
  • Surfactants: Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) or related surfactants (detergents).
  • Antibacterial agents: triclosan or zinc chloride.
  • Flavors.
  • Remineralizers: hydroxyapatite nanocrystals and various calcium phosphates.
  • Various other ingredients: glycerin, sorbitol or xylitol; 1,2-propylene glycol and polyethylene glycol; strontium chloride or potassium nitrate.

Lakalut series of toothpastes for adults

In total, the Lacalut line of pastes for adults includes almost twenty items. It would seem easy to get confused. However, in this assortment three key groups can be distinguished:

  • Lakalut Active - this includes pastes to combat inflammation and bleeding of the gums;
  • Lakalut White – a series of whitening toothpastes;
  • Lakalut Sensitive - this series is intended primarily for people suffering from increased sensitivity of teeth (hyperesthesia).

In addition, the range includes others, including somewhat exotic toothpastes: Fitoformula, Alpin, Duo, Basic, Fluor, Fluor Gel and Flora.

Triclosan linked to cancer

In 2021, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a directive stating that certain antibacterial personal care products may not be sold to customers. These include substances that contain the active ingredients triclosan and triclocarban. This can be: liquid or bar soap, as well as some types of toothpaste.

Triclosan is found in certain types of clothing, pots and pans, furniture and toys. It is added to reduce or prevent bacterial contamination. However, these products are not regulated by the FDA.

The directive follows recent research that found triclosan may be hazardous to human health. Research has also shown that triclosan:

  • Changes hormonal levels in animals.
  • May contribute to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
  • Has a bad effect on the body's immune system.

When you use a product that contains triclosan, some of it may enter your body through the skin or orally.

A large study on the effects of triclosan on the body was conducted in 2008. In the USA, groups of children and adults were studied. Triclosan was detected in the urine of nearly 75 percent of those who took part in the experiment.

It is not a main ingredient in many products. Triclosan is added to toothpaste to prevent gingivitis. However, there is no evidence that antibacterial soaps containing triclosan are more reliable. According to the FDA, regular soap and water have absolutely the same effect on preventing and spreading disease.

Many manufacturers have begun removing this active ingredient from their products. If you are concerned about the harm caused by triclosan, use products that do not contain it.

From the history

The mention of the first means for cleaning teeth dates back to the 3rd-5th millennium BC. The ancient Egyptians ground eggshells, pumice, ashes of ox entrails, and myrrh and prepared a product from this, which was the progenitor of tooth powder. The Greeks, Romans and Persians improved the recipe by adding shellfish shells ground into powder, crushed chalk, honey, and dried plants. The Slavs contributed to the development of dentistry by starting to brush their teeth with birch charcoal. Powders and pastes, more or less similar to modern ones, appeared in Great Britain only in the 18th century, when their use was considered the prerogative of the nobility.

Modern people are luckier - everyone can choose a product to suit their taste and budget or for medical reasons. Nowadays there are toothpastes that are not only hygienic, but also therapeutic and prophylactic, which include special additives. Let's look at them in more detail.

Hollywood smile. How to whiten teeth at home? More details

Lakalut Active

So, the Active series includes 3 toothpastes:

  • Lacalut Active;
  • Lacalut Active Herbal;
  • Lacalut Aktiv intensive cleansing.

Lacalut Aktiv toothpaste is positioned as a preventative agent that protects against periodontitis, strengthens the gums, reduces their bleeding, and at the same time prevents the development of caries.

Thus, Lakalut Active toothpaste is intended primarily for problem gums, and can act as both a preventive and therapeutic agent.

The composition shows that the main anti-inflammatory components are aluminum lactate, bisabolol and allantoin. In such a triple combination it’s a pretty good option.

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It is also worth paying attention to the presence of a powerful antibacterial component - chlorhexidine. The fact is that too long-term use of powerful antiseptics can lead to dysbiosis of the oral cavity (in fact, this is the same thrush, the only difference being that it develops in the mouth). Perhaps this is why the manufacturer recommends using Lakalut Active paste only in courses (30-60 days).

Separately, it is worth noting the presence of sodium lauryl sulfate in the composition, around which there has recently been a lot of talk about its “terrible” harm to human health: this compound is credited with almost carcinogenic properties. However, most of the dangers are greatly exaggerated, but this substance, apparently, can still contribute to stomatitis, so it is strange that the manufacturer has not replaced this substance with an alternative.

Thus, by purchasing Lakalut Active toothpaste, the consumer receives a wide range of therapeutic and preventive effects:

  • Antiseptic;
  • Anticarious;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Hemostatic;
  • Increased resistance of tooth enamel to acids (due to fluorides);
  • Strengthening the enamel structure (also due to fluorides);
  • It also reduces the painful sensitivity of teeth and gums.

According to studies (and reviews from people), after about 1-2 days of use, Lakalut Active toothpaste can reduce bleeding gums.

The second product of the Active series is Lacalut Aktiv Herbal: based on the paste described above, but with the addition of herbal extracts (chamomile, eucalyptus, star anise, thyme, sage, myrrh, mint and fennel). Thus, the anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties of this product can be considered more pronounced.

And the third product in the series - Lacalut Aktiv Intensive cleansing - with a high content of surfactants that cleanse plaque from teeth. It is also characterized by higher foaming.


All Lakalut pastes have a creamy structure, which allows for gentle cleansing of all areas of the oral cavity.

These products will help get rid of a number of problems associated with teeth and gums due to the active ingredients:

  • Aluminum lactate . The main component. The substance significantly strengthens the gum tissue and makes it denser, eliminates bleeding, and has a beneficial effect on tooth enamel, reducing its sensitivity.
  • Aluminum fluoride . This compound allows you to mineralize weakened tooth enamel and prevent the development of caries.
  • Chlorhexidine bigluconate . Antiseptic medicinal product. Successfully breaks down plaque of any consistency and prevents its formation.
  • Allantoin . Colorless crystals that are considered non-toxic and hypoallergenic. Ideally heals damaged tissues in the oral cavity, eliminates inflammation of any complexity.
  • Fluoride compounds . The fluoride-based system allows you to improve the condition of the mucous membranes of the gums and oral cavity, strengthen the enamel of the teeth and provide reliable protection against the harmful effects of various acids.

Pros and cons of the Waterpik WP 450 irrigator and its technical characteristics. Read reviews about Sensodyne toothpaste here.

At this address we will tell you about the principle of operation of an ionic toothbrush.

Sodium lauryl sulfate and cancer

Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) reacts with nitrosamines. Nitrosamines are strong carcinogens. They cause your body to metabolize nitrates, which are considered carcinogenic. At least one study links SLS to increased nitrate absorption.

“This process occurs when SLS enters the body with the help of N-nitrosodiethanolamine.

The result is a reaction between SLS and the chemical triethanolamine. It is the main component in most hair shampoos. Triethanolamine is used as a detergent.”

SLS reacts with triethanolamine to form nitrosamine, which is a carcinogen.

The biochemistry of the process is complex due to the “chemical cocktail” that is your hair shampoo.

The chemical ingredients react with each other and unexpected new chemicals begin to form.

Unfortunately, some of them are nitrosamines.

As the article above explains, it is not possible to test all combinations of chemicals. The FDA cannot control the chemicals that are created in each individual mixture.

Even if SLS does not contain nitrogen, this does not mean that there is no nitrogen in the mixture of substances. Therefore, there is always the possibility of the formation of deadly nitrosamine.

Stomach upset may occur. If it continues for a long time or gets worse, consult a doctor immediately.

Tell your dentist if your teeth have decay. It is often the result of overuse of fluoride.

If your dentist recommended this drug to you, he should have evaluated it. And conclude that the benefit to you is higher than the risk of side effects. Many people who use these drugs do not have serious side effects.

A very serious allergy to this drug is unlikely, but call your doctor right away if necessary. Symptoms of a serious allergic reaction include: rash, itching, swelling (of face, tongue, throat), severe dizziness, difficulty breathing.

This is not a complete list of possible side effects. If you see other symptoms not listed above, contact your doctor.

Good luck! Good weekend!

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We suggest you read: How to properly use toothpaste with chlorhexidine? Dentalis toothpaste

Whitening toothpastes Lakalut

Lakalut toothpastes from the White series are positioned as whitening and capable of returning (restoring) the natural whiteness of a smile. An important point is that you should not expect that these products, like hydrogen peroxide, will lighten tooth enamel: no, in this case we are talking about mechanical lightening of the surface of the teeth by removing various pigmented deposits.

Thus, if your enamel is naturally yellow, spotted or even brown, then you will not be able to get a snow-white Hollywood smile.

So, the White line includes whitening pastes:

  • White – basic product;
  • White{amp}amp;Repair – in addition to whitening, it provides a remineralizing effect, that is, it saturates tooth enamel with mineral components;
  • White Edelweiss – here the “highlight” to the whitening effect is the presence of extracts of alpine edelweiss, sage, mantle and verbena. Due to this, pronounced anti-inflammatory, wound healing and antioxidant effects are achieved;
  • White Alpenminze – with alpine mint extract for maximum fresh breath.

For example, the Lacalut White whitening toothpaste has an abrasiveness index of RDA 120, that is, slightly above the average value, therefore it cleans the enamel quite carefully and in some cases is suitable even for sensitive teeth (for which, generally speaking, the use of whitening pastes is often undesirable due to... thinned enamel).

The presence of pyrophosphates in the composition, which are effective complexing agents, allows you to gradually destroy the tartar matrix by extracting calcium ions from it. However, it should be understood that this sometimes has a negative effect, since calcium will also be extracted to some extent from the surface layer of tooth enamel. That is why the use of toothpastes with pyrophosphates is usually not recommended for people with sensitive teeth.

Not without the presence of sodium lauryl sulfate in the composition of Lakalut White - the possible harm of this substance was noted above. And in addition to it, there are also preservatives methylparaben and propylparaben, the dangers of which are also controversial today.

In general, we can say that the composition of the paste is well suited for those people whose teeth are fine, but have plaque or tartar. Although even in this case, the manufacturer recommends using the product in courses - no more than 4 weeks.

The price of Lakalut toothpastes with a whitening effect is about 250-350 rubles.

Anti-inflammatory substances

Aluminum lactate, triclosan, chlorhexidine, biosol are names that can most often be found in descriptions of pastes that have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. The effectiveness of these elements is quite high, but it should be understood that, together with pathogenic microflora, they destroy or reduce the activity of beneficial ones. For this reason, their prolonged uncontrolled use may have a negative impact on health in the long term. Such pastes, like all therapeutic and prophylactic pastes, should be used after consultation with a dentist and according to his instructions.

Ideally, therapeutic and prophylactic pastes with additives should be used on the recommendation of a dentist, who will select the appropriate product for each specific case and tell you how and how much to use. In addition, it should be understood that such pastes are not an alternative to professional hygiene, remineralization and lamination at the dentist, but only an effective addition to these procedures.

There are contraindications, you should consult your doctor

How do fluorides affect enamel?

Although most of the aluminum consumed is eliminated through the intestinal tract, some remains in the body.

An increased concentration of aluminum has a bad effect on patients with renal dysfunction and impaired excretion of aluminum from the body.

The source of aluminum in patients with kidney failure may be water used for dialysis.

The adverse effects of aluminum on the body of these patients make it necessary to monitor the concentration of aluminum in dialysis water. And also measure the amount of aluminum in the blood of patients after dialysis.

High concentrations of aluminum in the body in patients are associated with its daily consumption in large quantities.

Increased aluminum concentrations in patients with renal failure have been extensively studied. As a result, it was concluded that the aluminum content in the body increases sharply if the daily dose of Al(OH)3 is more than 3 g.

The age of the patient also affects the aluminum content. Younger people had lower concentrations in their bodies.

The simultaneous consumption of Al(OH)3 and products containing citrates leads to a sharp increase in the level of aluminum in the body. For people with kidney failure, this process can lead to poisoning.

It has been suggested that citrate increases the solubility and absorption of aluminum.

We invite you to read Oral candidiasis: causes, symptoms and treatment in the article by dentist O. A. Popov.

The concentration of aluminum is interrelated with the iron content in the body.

The study showed that the higher the ferritin content, the lower the aluminum concentration. High ferritin levels in the body and high transferrin saturation may interfere with the absorption of aluminum.

With long-term consumption of foods that contain a lot of aluminum, it is deposited in the bones, joints and brain of patients.

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Sodium fluoride, amino fluoride, as well as sodium monofluorophosphate and other substances are added to toothpastes to restore enamel. Fluoride ions interact with calcium ions, forming calcium fluoride, which is built into the structure of tooth enamel, restoring and strengthening it.

All fluorine-containing additives have their own characteristics and differ in the speed of action. For example, amino fluoride, which is an organic fluorine compound, forms a persistent protective film on the surface of the enamel. Inorganic fluorine compounds (sodium fluoride and others) also form a protective film, but under the influence of saliva it dissolves faster.

Anti-caries additives

The most common:

  • Calcium glycerophosphate. Calcium salt, designed in toothpastes to compensate for the deficiency of this microelement in dental tissues. It is possible to saturate the enamel in adulthood with the necessary microelements only locally, so brushing teeth with a paste containing calcium glycerophosphate will be many times more effective in this regard than using specialized medications. In addition, the substance activates anabolic processes and strengthens the crystal lattice of the enamel.
  • Xylitol. This is a natural sugar substitute, which in addition has properties that are beneficial for teeth and gums. The main benefit is the elimination of bacteria in the oral cavity that are not able to process the substance. As a result, there is a pronounced anti-caries effect (everyone knows that caries appears due to the fault of bacteria that live in large numbers in the human oral cavity). In addition, xylitol helps strengthen enamel and gums, has antifungal activity, enhances salivation and increases the protective properties of saliva.
  • Enzymes. The most applicable are mutanase, invertase, peroxidase, protease, carbohydrase. The anti-caries effect is due to the same properties as the previous substance - enzymes fight pathogenic microflora in the mouth. At the same time, they do not damage the mucous membranes, have a beneficial effect on periodontal tissue, dissolve soft plaque and soften hard plaque.

The effectiveness in the fight against incipient caries and the preventive effect of elements from this group are lower than, for example, sodium fluoride, but they do not pose a threat to the body.

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Lakalut Sensitive and Extra Sensitive

The Sensitive line includes two toothpastes to reduce tooth sensitivity:

  • Lacalut Sensitive;
  • Lacalut Extra Sensitive.

Let's start with the first: Lakalut Sensitive toothpaste was specially developed for people with sensitive and damaged enamel (to reduce the unpleasant effects of hyperesthesia), and at the same time is a fairly effective means for the prevention of caries, including cervical caries. Specialists from the Dental Association of the Russian Federation have approved this product as a drug for the care of sensitive teeth.

From the composition it is clear that the main active ingredients that fight hyperesthesia are sodium fluoride and the Olaflur complex (a combination of amino fluoride and tin fluoride). All these fluoride-containing components contribute to the mineralization of enamel, its restoration, as well as the blockage of exposed dentinal tubules, which together leads to a decrease in painful tooth sensitivity.

That is, in addition to sodium fluoride and olaflur, substances were also used that significantly enhance the effect:

  • potassium chloride – potassium ions reduce the sensitivity of nerve endings in the dentinal tubules;
  • strontium acetate - effectively clogs the dentinal tubules, making the movement of fluid in them immune to the action of external irritants (accordingly, the nerve endings are not irritated).

Thus, to solve the problem of tooth sensitivity, the composition of Lacalut Extra Sensitive paste is designed quite well (in most cases, the effect will be felt after the first use). This product is also well suited as a restorative after the so-called in-office teeth whitening procedure.

Both described pastes are used in courses of 30-60 days.

Lakalut children's toothpastes

Lakalut children's toothpastes are presented in three products:

  • Baby – for children up to 4 years old;
  • Kids – for children from 4 to 8 years old;
  • Teens – for teenagers (children over 8 years old).

All products are positioned as safe for children’s health, they can be swallowed, they have a pleasant taste, so children enjoy brushing their teeth with such toothpastes.

However, it is worth noting that each indicated option contains fluorine compounds (olaflur is amino fluoride and tin fluoride). Such is the trend today that not everyone will agree to buy toothpaste with fluoride for a child under 2-3 years old, especially with fluoride of the heavy metal - tin, and especially considering that babies can swallow up to 40% of the toothpaste when brushing their teeth. And again, it is worth considering that the paste contains the preservatives methylparaben and propylparaben.

The Lacalut line of toothpastes has been on the Russian market for a long time, and all customers have very different opinions. Share your feedback on the use of any brand products at the bottom of this page - perhaps your experience will help someone make their choice.

Reviews and advice from dentists

As for the reviews and recommendations of doctors, it is quite eloquent that in the vast majority of cases, for the prevention of various types of dental diseases, it is dentists who prescribe toothpastes of this brand.

To make the use of Lacalut hygiene products as effective as possible, dentists advise the following:

  • for weak enamel and gums, use soft toothbrushes;
  • purchase special pastes for children;
  • after brushing your teeth and throughout the day, use special rinses;
  • during the treatment period, eat only healthy foods;
  • do not abuse whitening and abrasive toothpastes;
  • pay attention to the slightest changes and discomfort regarding the health and integrity of the teeth and oral mucosa.
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