Removable dentures without palate: types, indications, advantages

July 15, 2019

Dentures are a solution for those who do not want to go without teeth. And if a decade ago people believed that when restoration of defects with removable devices old age would inevitably approach them, today such a misconception can be avoided: in modern dentistry you can be offered light and compact designs that allow you to chew without pain and with comfort, to feel good and boldly smile at others. For example, the most comfortable models for the upper teeth are created without the palate. What are these designs and how do they differ from traditional ones? What are they? Read the editorial material of the portal and find out the details!

Features and disadvantages of traditional removable dentures with palate

Palate dentures are classic removable structures made of acrylic, nylon or polyurethane designed for the upper jaw. They are also called covering ones, because. they typically restore a large number or full row of teeth. However, if only a few teeth need to be restored, then structures of this type also have an overlap, i.e. they are quite massive and their main feature and disadvantage is the palatal bridge, which greatly overlaps the palate.

The photo shows a prosthesis with palate closure

The bridge is created so that the devices are better held in the mouth, adhere more tightly to the mucous and soft tissues and do not move horizontally. However, this feature ultimately turns into a real tragedy for patients: it becomes impossible to taste their favorite foods and drinks due to the fact that the prosthesis blocks about 40% of all taste buds, which are located on the palate. As a result, about 70% of patients with this problem lose the opportunity to eat properly.

Complete blocking of the sensitive palate leads to other serious problems:

  • constant irritation of receptors causes increased salivation,
  • some patients, even after months of adaptation, cannot get rid of the gag reflex,
  • diction is impaired - articulation and sound pronunciation,
  • the mucous membrane under the structure can periodically become inflamed from friction, which is why patients with “retractors” often experience stomatitis1,
  • a person is constantly haunted by the feeling of a foreign body in the mouth,
  • a long period of adaptation: you have to revise your diet, and also get used to changing the position of the tongue, because the palatal part becomes lower.

Many patients find it quite problematic to get used to traditional dentures with a palate.

Indications for wearing

Prosthetics with products without a hard palate are indicated for:

  • toothless jaws;
  • inability to wear implants;
  • the patient's gag reflex;
  • inconveniences associated with wearing products with the sky.

There are practically no contraindications to the installation of structures. Temporary prohibitions for the procedure include: acute diseases of the oral mucosa, carious lesions of supporting units, and pregnancy. Pregnant women are not recommended to have prostheses installed due to the possible lengthening of the adaptation period.

Design features of devices without a sky and their advantages

They are lighter and more compact; they are also called new generation prostheses due to their increased level of comfort. Designed to restore teeth in the upper jaw. Unlike traditional ones, they do not have a massive palatal overlap, however, removable types still have a small arch or bar on top, which helps them to be held securely in the mouth and not move. If we talk about prostheses on implants, then this is the option when the patient’s palate remains completely open.

The advantages here are obvious: a quick and more comfortable period of adaptation to new teeth, greater naturalness and naturalness of artificial structures, and the absence of serious problems with diction. And most importantly, the opportunity to feel the taste of your favorite dishes.

Dentures without a palate are more comfortable to adapt to and use

Types of structures without sky

All varieties can be divided into three large groups: completely removable, conditionally removable with support on living teeth, or non-removable.

  • removable ones, due to their design features, have a reduced palatal overlap. This group includes clasp structures and their more advanced analogues “Quadrotti”,
  • conditionally removable ones can be fixed with clasps or can be “put on” over the remaining teeth (sandwich dentures), if any remain. Such prostheses do not need to be removed too often, but this possibility remains - that is why they are called “conditionally removable”
  • non-removable - these are prostheses that will be fixed on implants - these do not cover the palate at all. They are securely held and can restore either part or all of the teeth.

Which ones are better to choose? It all depends on the clinical situation, the number of missing teeth, the condition of the jaw bone tissue, the preferences and financial capabilities of the patient. We propose to consider each type in more detail.

Patient reviews

Ilona. The prosthesis does not replace your own teeth, but allows you to perfectly camouflage a toothless jaw. It is better to avoid consuming solid foods after implantation, as they have a bad effect on the condition of the product and can lead to its failure. A significant advantage of structures over implants is accessibility. Almost every person can afford a removable jaw, even with a minimum level of income.

Artem. I think that wearing a denture is better than being without teeth. I have been wearing my dentures for several years now and can smile calmly without worrying about an unaesthetic appearance. I gave preference to bulge structures, which can be removed if necessary and can be easily cleaned of food debris.

Pauline. The prosthesis was recommended to me by an orthodontist after I had to have several molars removed on one side of my jaw. Before installation, the specialist warned about possible jaw deformation. I've been wearing the prosthesis for more than 5 years, and I'm happy with the results. I can easily chew food on both sides. I did not notice any consequences associated with wearing a prosthesis.

Clasp systems

Clasp designs are truly unique dentures. They were invented by German scientists back in the 19th century. But despite the vast practice in their use, the devices are not outdated and are still considered one of the most popular in the treatment of edentulism. They can even be used, taking into account the latest trends, as new generation prostheses (attached using a telescopic connection or using locks).

A classic clasp denture consists of a metal base, acrylic gum, artificial crowns and hooks. In order for it to be securely held in the mouth, it needs support in the form of remaining teeth, so using a clasp cannot solve the problem of complete adentia.

The prosthesis consists of a metal base, acrylic gum, artificial crowns and hooks

It cannot be said that such a device will be made completely without the sky. Its structure contains a small metal arc, which you can even touch with your tongue if you wish, but, as most patients note, this feature does not interfere with the perception of the taste of food and does not affect diction.

The great advantage of clasps is that in addition to restoring the dentition, they are used in the complex treatment of diseases such as periodontitis and periodontal disease. They are practically incurable in an advanced stage, but many patients still do not agree to part with their diseased and loose teeth immediately, and splinting clasp removable dentures for the upper or lower jaw help prevent their loss or at least delay this moment, normalizing the chewing function.

Despite the fact that clasp dentures are considered removable, they are not so easy to pull out of the mouth; they literally cling to the supporting teeth with hooks, so the risk of them falling out is minimized. And if you also secure them in a more reliable way, as required by the trends of the new generation, on locks or telescopic crowns, then they can generally be called conditionally removable. The fastening is so reliable that only a doctor can remove the structure.

What’s also nice is that the clasp, that is, the metal component, allows a person to chew food quite comfortably, evenly distributing the load between diseased and healthy teeth, without causing injury or premature loss. This eliminates the risk of deformation of the prosthesis. They serve for about 7-10 years. Well, plus everything, the devices are practically without a sky, which means their operation is quite convenient for patients. Reviews confirm this.

Clasp appliances are attached to the abutment teeth using hooks

“I have a removable upper denture with a clasp, it is on hooks, and, thank God, without this terrible palate (there is only a small arch, which is not critical). I have been wearing it for several years because I suffer from periodontitis. So far I’m happy with everything, I don’t have any allergies to metal. The periodontist suggested removing the diseased teeth and installing a complete removable denture on the upper jaw, on suction cups, or doing basal implantation. The first is too old-fashioned and impractical for me, the second is still very expensive, but I will save up to improve my life even more significantly.” Kirill Novin, from a review from

As patients and orthopedists note, the disadvantages of such devices include relatively long addiction. And the metal component (hooks) can be noticeable on the front teeth, rub the mucous membrane in especially sensitive people and cause irritation, an abundance of saliva, and the appearance of a metallic taste in the mouth in allergy sufferers and those suffering from galvanic syndrome.


This is the restoration of tooth structure using inlays (internal or cavity dentures) and onlays (full or partial veneers). Microprosthetics is a promising direction in the development of aesthetic and orthopedic dentistry. Microprosthetics refers to the concept of “dental restoration,” which implies the restoration of a partially destroyed tooth.

Evolution is taking place in prosthetic dentistry, primarily due to the emergence of new materials and treatment methods. If in the past they used rubber and a ceramic tooth embedded in it to create a removable denture, today they use composite materials, biologically neutral metal alloys, and modern methods of tooth root implantation.

Modern technologies and modern materials allow the orthopedic surgeon to achieve the most natural smile for the patient. Today, the fashion for a healthy, most natural smile is supported by modern possibilities in dentistry, and this must be taken advantage of.

Quattro Ti

If you are interested in the new generation of removable dentures without a palate (Quattro Ti has only a small thin palatal plate with holes, which causes virtually no discomfort), then be sure to pay attention to Quadrotti. They are similar to clasp devices in their operating principle; they also compensate for the loss of one, several, or a large number of teeth in any jaw, and are used for periodontal inflammation. But they have several advantages, due to which they compare favorably with classic clasps: they are made of soft plastics and are more comfortable, they can be used to restore even a completely toothless jaw, they are suitable for people involved in dangerous sports and for allergy sufferers, for patients of any age . The newest Quattro Ti palateless dentures are soft but have a very dense metal-free base.

“Quadrotti” dentures without a palate do not have a metal component, so the process of getting used to them is faster, and there will be no side effects in the form of corrosion or toxic effects on the body. What’s also nice is that the elastic material from which the hooks for fastening are made can be of any shade in this prosthesis, from soft pink and white to transparent. It fits perfectly to the teeth and gums, so it will look unnoticeable and very aesthetically pleasing even in the smile area.

Another advantage is that these modern removable dentures are significantly smaller in size than similar models, they have a minimum of artificial gum, and they are practically without a palate. You can clearly see this in the photo below. This means that your false upper or lower jaw will be practically imperceptible during use, which, by the way, is very impressive - more than 7 years.

The photo shows Quattro Ti prostheses

“I have been wearing an upper denture without a palate recently. It is made in Italy and is quite comfortable. Of course, I realize that a denture for the upper jaw, even of such excellent quality, is worse than implantation. Still, we must admit that it is not without the shortcomings of all removable systems, although they are leveled out here. Therefore, I am planning to start restoring my teeth in the near future. The doctor calculated the cost of the complex for me, when supposedly in 3 days I would get a new smile, it’s called all-on-4. After this, a non-removable lightweight prosthesis will be installed, and after six months it will be replaced with a permanent one, which will last, perhaps for the rest of my life, if I take care of it. Sounds very tempting! So I’m looking forward to the transformation.” NataK, review from the dental portal

Installation and manufacturing cost

The cost of modern prostheses depends on:

  • clinic pricing policy;
  • qualifications of the doctor making the structure;
  • the material from which the frame is made.

The cost of acrylic products varies from 8,000 rubles. The most expensive are bulge and telescopic systems - from 40,000 rubles for a design with attachments and 35,000 rubles for fastening with clasps. Nylon products will cost a little less - from 25,000 to 30,000 rubles. The price of installation also greatly depends on the city in which the dental work will be carried out.

Sandwich prosthesis

As an alternative to clasp and Quattro Ti, you can also consider the “sandwich”, patented only in 2014 by Russian scientists. It belongs to the new generation devices, without sky. It is soft, attached to the remaining chewing teeth (at least 2 units on each side of the jaw) using rigid fixing crowns according to the telescope principle (hollow side crowns are put on top of them, like caps). The patient who will wear such a device does not need to grind the supporting teeth in preparation for prosthetics. There is also no need to remove the device from your mouth every day, which is why it is also called conditionally removable.

A sandwich denture is attached on top of the remaining teeth

Suitable for bruxism and epilepsy, indicated for those patients who, for some reason, are not suitable for other designs. However, for those who have inflammatory processes in the mouth, periodontitis and periodontal disease, wearing a “sandwich” is contraindicated.


Nylon prostheses have a small number of contraindications, but in some cases specialists prohibit their installation. This includes the following cases:

Periodontal disease is prolonged, complicated and of high degrees 3rd and 4th. With this disease, the tissues surrounding the tooth are completely destroyed, the dentition is significantly displaced, and purulent ulcers appear on the gums of both jaws. Such a patient is at risk of edentia - complete loss of teeth.

The teeth on which dentures will need to be fixed are small and have a low crown. This situation significantly complicates prosthetics, since it is difficult to install the structure on them - the attachment area is small.

An inflammatory process involving the oral mucosa, as well as developed inflammation of the gums of one or both jaws. The chronic course of the disease causes tissue atrophy, and it can be very difficult to fix the prosthesis.

High gum mobility in the patient also causes difficulties with the installation of the prosthesis.

Large-scale atrophy of the jaw bone tissue.

Recession is the receding or overgrowth of gum tissue.

Prosthesis with locks

Such conditionally removable structures differ favorably from completely removable ones in that they do not have any palatal overlap at all. Thanks to the reliability of the locking system, this is simply not necessary. Teeth or preserved roots (at least one on each side of the jaw) can act as support for such a device. If prosthetics are carried out on the roots, then they are first strengthened with pins with rounded heads; if on crowns, then one part of the fastening is created in the abutment tooth, and the second is placed in the base of the prosthesis.

Such prostheses are secured using special locks.

This type of design is convenient, compact, and easy to use, but you will have to pay more to restore teeth in this way than for the above-listed designs.

Prosthesis on implants

The options presented above are good, but not without the disadvantages of removable systems. Indeed, despite the reduced palatal overlap, they still remain removable. However, today patients can get rid of such problems by choosing implant-supported dentures that really will not block the palate and will allow you to feel as comfortable as possible.

Only an implant can provide the correct load on bone tissue; it uses it in the process of chewing food, forcing tissue cells to quickly recover. This is where qualitative changes in appearance occur: wrinkles are smoothed out, the oval of the face is restored, the skin is tightened - not a single removable denture for teeth (even without a palate) can provide such transformations.

Modern patients have a unique opportunity not only to restore any number of teeth (even with complete edentia, with a lack of bone due to prolonged wearing of dentures with or without a palate), but also to immediately get rid of other problems: for example, the fear of looking ugly and unnatural, discomfort , dietary restrictions, indigestion, the need to build bone tissue, bad breath.

The photo shows an implantation scheme on four implants

Existing methods of one-stage implantation with immediate loading, for example, “all on four” or “all on six” implants and others, allow you to get the new smile you have long dreamed of in less than a week. And fixed dentures according to such treatment protocols will be made, of course, without the palate, and at the same time they have a number of other advantages:

  • you receive the prosthesis almost immediately - within the first 3-5 days after the operation to install the implants is performed,
  • the design is completely non-removable and can be eaten without fear of breakage the very next day: at its base there is a strong metal component that connects the implants to each other,
  • the design is light, without a palate, has a thin plastic base and is equipped with a beautiful artificial gum that covers imperfections damaged by diseases or long-term absence of teeth with natural mucosa,
  • the prosthetic frame correctly stabilizes any deviation in the installation of implants, correctly distributes the load between implants, serves as a deterrent against the loss of artificial roots even in the most difficult clinical cases and eliminates the risk of their displacement under significant chewing loads,
  • reliable fixation in the mouth,
  • quick addiction
  • the opportunity to taste your favorite dishes,
  • no dietary restrictions after the rehabilitation period has passed,
  • there is no need to constantly adjust such a prosthesis (unlike removable ones).

The most reliable and comfortable is a prosthesis on implants.
As you can see, there are very, very many options for quite comfortable and very comfortable prosthetics. Today, each patient will be able to choose what suits him according to cost and personal preferences.


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  1. Galonsky V.G., Radkevich A.A. Reaction of the mucous membrane of the supporting tissues of the prosthetic bed to the impact of removable dentures. Siberian Medical Journal (Irkutsk), 2009.

Expert “Even the most ideal removable models last no more than 5-7 years. At the same time, not a single prosthesis that fills gaps in the dentition (we are talking about removable ones), with or without a palate, excludes atrophy of the jaw bone tissue. When thinning of the bone and subsidence of the gums occurs, the prosthesis loses the quality of fixation and constantly needs correction and relining. The situation with implants is different - they force the bone tissue to “work”, so the entire system functions as naturally and properly as possible.” Orthopedist Stanislav Vladimirovich Chorny

Consulting specialist

Sambuev Bair Sergeevich

Specialization: Orthopedic dentist Experience: 10 years


I wear a removable denture, it has no palate, at first everything was really very comfortable, but over time I began to feel discomfort. At the moment I am collecting information on implantation and in the near future I want to decide to install implants. This solution is not cheap. Tell me, will it be possible to install my removable denture without a palate on implants for the first time in order to at least somehow save money?

Alexey Nikolaevich (07/21/2019 at 23:25) Reply to comment

    Dear Alexey Nikolaevich! Orthopedic dentists in some innovative clinics today have the opportunity to adapt removable dentures without a palate, which were made for the upper or lower jaw and were already used by the patient, for fixation on implants. This actually allows you to save a little money initially. However, this method excludes the metal component in the design, therefore it does not allow a person to begin to eat properly immediately after the installation of implants, and requires re-prosthetics in the future (about six months after the installation of the implants, when they engraft into the jaw bone tissue).

    Editorial staff of the portal (07/25/2019 at 10:04 am) Reply to comment

I was interested in where in Moscow we can actually get teeth done in 1 day by immediate implantation with a prosthetic load? It seems to me that this is all just advertising...

Editorial staff of the portal (07/21/2019 at 23:27) Reply to comment

I was interested in where in Moscow we can actually get teeth done in 1 day by immediate implantation with a prosthetic load? It seems to me that this is all just advertising...

Vadim (08/15/2019 at 15:24) Reply to comment

    Dear Vadim! Clinics that perform express implantation in a few days actually exist today. To see this, read our article TOP 10 clinics for express implantation. Immediate implantation refers to a treatment protocol when the patient is implanted and within 2-3 days after that a permanent prosthesis is immediately placed, with which you can start chewing food. However, you need to understand that any implantation protocol is preceded by a thorough preparatory stage, which, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient, can take from 2 days to several months (for example, if there are diseases or relative contraindications are identified).

    Editorial staff of the portal (08/23/2019 at 09:07) Reply to comment

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Removable dentures without a palate are compact orthopedic structures designed to restore the integrity of the upper row of teeth. Traditionally, the upper denture is equipped with a palatal plate for vacuum fixation to the hard palate. Adaptation to such products lasts up to 3 weeks. Some patients cannot get used to it and refuse prosthetics, which reduces their quality of life. A removable denture without a palate is much smaller. The patient gets used to it in 7-10 days.

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