Retainers after braces, how long they are worn, how they are installed

When is it time to remove braces?

Typically, the duration of wearing braces depends on the severity of the pathology and the age of the patient. The more complex the clinical case and the older the person, the longer it takes to straighten the teeth. However, the first changes are noticeable within a few months after fixing the system. When it is clear that it is time to remove the braces, the doctor will inform you about the expected end date of treatment.

The process of correcting the bite can take from several months to 2 years. An experienced and highly qualified orthodontist is able to select the most optimal correction scheme that allows you to achieve your goal in the shortest possible time. If you strictly follow all the instructions, the day when you need to remove your braces will not be long in coming.

How are braces removed from teeth?

Most patients know virtually nothing about how braces are removed. The procedure is simple and involves several manipulations. Before the doctor begins work, you can ask him how long it takes to remove braces. As a rule, regular clasps are removed in about twenty minutes, and a lingual system in just under an hour. Any orthodontist can remove braces, regardless of whether the person is his patient or not.

The process of removing braces involves several stages.

  1. Preparation.
    A retractor is installed for the patient to protect the oral mucosa from damage.
  2. Removal of the structure.
    The ligatures and arches are removed first, then the braces themselves.
  3. Grinding.
    Remains of glue are removed from the teeth by polishing, and the enamel is coated with a remineralizing composition.

Does it hurt to remove braces? Definitely not. Dental procedures cause some discomfort, but the discomfort is quite minor and mainly depends on the individual pain threshold.

Which system to choose

No one except the orthodontist can decide which device is suitable for the patient. The selection of the system is carried out strictly individually, taking into account the characteristics of the clinical situation.

In the most difficult cases, it may be necessary to use two types of mechanisms at once. So, a person wears retainers on his teeth around the clock, and at night he additionally puts on a mouth guard to increase the pressure created.

Can I remove braces myself?

The query “How to remove braces at home?”
found on the Internet quite often. But it should be noted that without special skills and tools it is impossible to correctly remove the system. Removing the structure yourself can cause damage to the mucous membrane, teeth and gums. Even if you have theoretical knowledge of how to remove braces yourself, you should not do this, since the procedure is followed by the mandatory installation of a retainer, which you cannot purchase and secure yourself. In addition, at home it is also impossible to remove glue residues and polish the surface of the teeth.

Even one loose bracket cannot be removed without the help of a doctor without damaging the entire structure. It is necessary to make an appointment with an orthodontist as soon as possible to repair the system, since the absence of one element can disrupt its balance, and the effectiveness of treatment will decrease. Before going to a specialist, it is better to fix the fallen lock with medical wax, sold in a pharmacy.

Teeth after removing braces

Usually, after removing braces, the condition of the teeth leaves much to be desired - glue residues, stains and cracks spoil the impression of the treatment result. White areas on the enamel after removing braces indicate a lack of microelements in the tooth tissues during the period of wearing the orthodontic apparatus.

There is no need to worry about aesthetic defects caused by wearing the system. After the braces are removed, the enamel is restored by applying a remineralizing composition, and irregularities are removed by polishing. In some cases, the installation of veneers is used or the method of artistic restoration is used in order to obtain ideal teeth from an aesthetic point of view.

Dial-Dent specialists who took part in the treatment

  1. Orthopedic dentist A.S. Ivankov – diagnostics, treatment planning, ceramic dental prosthetics.
  2. Orthodontist O.A. Baranova – planning and carrying out orthodontic treatment.
  3. Neuromuscular dentist A.V. Galeev – pre-orthodontic neuromuscular preparation.
  4. Osteopath T.Z. An – osteopathic correction.
  5. Dentist-therapist T.I. Matienko – revision of a problematic tooth with a microscope.
  6. Implant surgeon V.P. Alaverdov – tooth extraction, installation of a dental implant.
  7. Dental hygienist E. Smirnova – hygienic preparation before installing braces, professional hygiene during treatment.
  8. Dental assistants – S. Shchelkova, M. Erkimbekova, L. Rodina.

See other works of Dial-Dent specialists here.

Make an appointment for a consultation by phone +7-499-110-18-04 or through the form on the website. You can ask questions about dental prosthetics to the chief doctor of the clinic, Sergei Vladimirovich Tsukor, at

What do you do after removing braces?

The treatment process does not end with getting rid of the orthodontic structure. The doctor will perform several procedures to restore your teeth to their natural color and attractive appearance.

With the help of professional hygienic cleaning after removing braces, the remaining glue, plaque and tartar that have accumulated under the clasps while wearing the device are removed from the tooth surface. Remineralizing therapy and fluoridation saturate the enamel weakened by constant stress with the necessary substances.

After removing braces, teeth whitening is recommended no earlier than a month later, when the condition of the dental tissues improves. Premature lightening threatens increased sensitivity and prolonged pain.

Key recovery goals

Patients sometimes themselves do not understand very well what they want from dental restoration. If, in the event of damage or injury, there is a visible chip or crack, then the reason for the appeal is clear. The doctor must restore the unit to its previous shape with maximum color matching with other elements. If you want to create a Hollywood smile, even with a healthy dentition, treatment is often not required; then microprosthetics using veneers or lumineers is used. Recently, more and more people are asking for hygiene procedures, in particular, whitening, which can also be considered as one of the methods of dental restoration. Modification of functional capacity is most often applied to the lateral units that experience the highest loads. Correction of appearance is especially important in the smile area; it is not without reason that not only public figures, but also ordinary people are increasingly seeking restoration of their front teeth. Thus, the main goals of the procedure are:

  • improvement of chewing functions, which contributes to more thorough grinding of food and normalization of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • elimination of interdental gaps by changing the position of the elements of the upper and lower dentition;
  • treatment of caries in the spot stage, as well as superficial, medium and deep caries with composite materials;
  • restoration of lost units or local fragments using plates or gel-like compositions;
  • creating a charming “Hollywood smile” using modern technologies.

REMEMBER! Healthy gums and a beautiful smile are a gift that, unfortunately, not everyone has. But there is no need to despair. If 30 years ago artistic and functional restoration of teeth required a lot of money, now anyone can improve their appearance without extra material costs.

What do you wear after braces are removed?

Without the pressure of the orthodontic system, the teeth will try to return to their original position if not prevented. To prevent the teeth from becoming crooked after the braces are removed, the patient is fitted with a special retainer that fixes the dental units in the desired position to secure the result. Such structures are divided into removable and non-removable.

  • Fixed retainer.
    A thin wire is glued to the inside of the teeth using a filling material. The arch is absolutely invisible when worn, does not affect diction and does not cause discomfort.
  • Removable retainer.
    We are talking about a silicone mouthguard, which is made according to individual impressions of the patient’s jaws, or retention plates after removing braces, intended for use while sleeping.

The retention period exceeds the duration of treatment by at least 2 times. Some patients wear a retainer throughout their life.

The result must be confirmed

The braces system is used to ensure that crooked teeth take the correct positions and form one even and beautiful row. They allow you to correct your bite and eliminate problems caused by occlusion.

The difficulty is that not only the teeth, but also the bone tissue in which they are fixed must get used to the new position. Otherwise, a few will soon take a more familiar position.

Under the pressure of the leveling apparatus, the units are displaced. Because of this, small empty areas form in the bone tissue. As soon as the orthodontist removes the retaining elements, you need to immediately fix all units of the row in the correct position. This will prevent their roots from returning to the vacated areas of the jawbone.

Feelings after removing braces

Few people like the way their teeth look after braces are removed. However, aesthetic defects can be easily eliminated. A more serious problem is physical discomfort. After removing braces, teeth hurt from trying to return to their previous position, especially after installing a retainer, which blocks any movement. In addition, weakened and sensitive enamel reacts sharply to temperature changes, which also causes discomfort. Dizziness or nausea after having braces removed may be related to retainers. If such symptoms occur, be sure to consult a specialist.

Video about how to remove braces from teeth

Consultation with a dentist-therapist

A consultation with a dental therapist is always carried out before starting orthodontic treatment, since dental caries must be cured before installing braces. After examining the condition of one of the teeth on the upper jaw on the right, it was decided to remove this tooth, since it cannot be treated. The tooth was examined using a microscope, which ensures high quality diagnostics and a balanced decision on removal.

Is it possible to remove braces early?

Sometimes braces are removed faster than planned. This is due to the anatomical features of the jaw structure and accelerated biological processes in the human body. However, such cases are extremely rare.

As a rule, the question “Is it possible to remove braces ahead of time?” doctors answer negatively. The patient must put up with certain inconveniences and undergo full treatment. Otherwise, the teeth will return to their previous position, and time and money will be wasted. In addition, removing the brace system ahead of schedule can lead to disruption of the temporomandibular joint.

Previously, braces could only be removed under certain circumstances.

  1. Correcting the bite does not bring results, and surgical intervention is required.
  2. There is an urgent need to replace one system with another for some reason - for example, a breakdown or an allergy to the material.
  3. The doctor is unable to cope with the anomaly and is forced to redirect the client to another orthodontist.

Is it possible to remove braces temporarily if important public events are coming up? Theoretically this is acceptable, but from a practical point of view it is inappropriate. Firstly, after removal the structure becomes unsuitable for secondary use. You will have to purchase a new system and spend money on its installation. Secondly, after repeated fixation, the time required to correct the bite increases.

Future newlyweds are interested in the question of whether it is possible to remove braces for the wedding. You should take care of the problem in advance and opt for ceramic or sapphire devices or transparent silicone aligners. Then the design will not spoil the festive image.

Advantages and disadvantages of caps

The use of mouthguards is characterized by the following advantages:

  • There are no difficulties in cleaning your teeth. The structure is removable, so a person can carry out standard hygiene measures without any restrictions.
  • There are no dietary restrictions to follow. During the retention period, you are allowed to eat hard and sticky foods.
  • Silicone elements do not break , which means there are no problems with their repair.

Among the disadvantages of these systems, orthodontists name:

  • Lack of control over the patient's actions. A person may be irresponsible about the need to wear a structure and often take it off.
  • Risk of forgetting to put on a mouthguard. This probability is especially high if it is used only at night.

Where to remove braces in Moscow and how much does it cost?

The removal of the system is carried out by the attending physician in the same clinic where it was installed, so the patient does not have to look for a dentist to carry out the procedure.

With turnkey treatment, there is no need to find out in the capital's centers how much it costs to remove braces, since the service is already included in the final price. In addition, the amount includes the costs of the device itself and its installation. If all stages of bite correction are paid separately, then the cost of removing the device is about 10,000 rubles.

After wearing braces, you will need to put in a lot of effort to maintain a beautiful smile. However, those who have patiently gone through the entire path of bite correction from braces to a retainer confirm that the end result justifies any difficulties of the process!

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