Polymerization of the filling using a compact light source (wavelength 400–500 nm). Fillings from
Features of installing a temporary filling Why a temporary filling may fall out What to do when a filling falls out
Tonsils - what are they and why are they needed? Tonsils are represented by lymphoid tissue, which provides
Biorevitalization is a cosmetic procedure in which hyaluronic acid is injected under the skin using a syringe with
Surgery to increase breast size or change its shape and volume is one of the most
It’s a pity that not everyone in our world is naturally blessed with beautiful and smooth hair.
Due to the rhythm of modern life, a corresponding imprint is left on a person’s health and appearance. One of
Wearing braces is not all you need to straighten your teeth.
Among the many diseases of the oral cavity, dental caries is the most common. According to WHO statistics,
Untimely treatment of caries in children leads to the development of pulpitis - inflammation of tooth tissue, including