Heartburn and indigestion during pregnancy

Unfortunately, not only toxicosis spoils the life of expectant mothers, but also such a nuisance as bitterness in the mouth during pregnancy. This is not uncommon, women from all over the world face a similar situation. Sometimes the bitterness gives off a sour taste, sometimes it is accompanied by a regular urge to burp.

This difficulty does not always signal any violations; it can be a natural cause and only bring discomfort. But in cases where this is not normal, the cause may be impaired functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Moreover, the impetus for a violation can be anything.

A specialist in the field of gastroenterology is able to determine exactly what became the source of bitterness in the mouth during pregnancy based on previously performed tests and examinations.


With a proper diet and a healthy lifestyle, such a nuisance should not affect a woman. Unless the reason lies in hormonal changes. In the early stages, a similar problem may bother you in different ways: a bitter taste in the mouth during pregnancy may appear and disappear, constant bitterness can be bothersome, and the intensity of the foreign taste in the mouth will vary.

The most common symptoms that accompany a bitter taste in the mouth during pregnancy are the following:

  • Feeling of discomfort in the abdominal area;
  • Regularly painful belching;
  • Heartburn;
  • Sourish taste.

Why a bitter taste appears in the mouth during pregnancy can only be revealed by an examination and a visit to a gastroenterologist.

But there is a list of causes of bitterness in the mouth during pregnancy, which you will learn about below.


A taste in the mouth during pregnancy during the first few weeks is not normal. Often this phenomenon, coupled with toxicosis, causes vomiting in pregnant women. It does not affect pregnant women in a positive way. There are several common causes of bitterness in the mouth during pregnancy.

Physiological restructuring of the body

The cause of bitterness in the mouth of a pregnant woman may be toxicosis and hormonal changes in the body. On top of everything else, there is also the active production of a special hormone - progesterone, which helps protect the fetus throughout pregnancy. It is able to keep the uterus in a relaxed state, but along with the relaxation of the uterus, the valve between the stomach and esophagus can relax, which prevents acidity and stomach contents from reaching the esophagus. When relaxation occurs, acidity irritates the walls of the esophagus, the contents of the stomach can return to the esophagus, hence the feeling as if food is standing in the throat during pregnancy.

During the second and third trimester, the baby begins to actively grow and develop, which is why the uterus rises and puts pressure on some internal organs, and also relaxes the so-called sphincter (valve). All this together causes belching and bitterness in the mouth during pregnancy, as well as a feeling as if the woman has just eaten too much.

Digestive system diseases

A bitter taste may indicate a malfunction of the gallbladder. The fact is that it produces too much bile, which causes an unpleasant taste after eating. In addition, there are also the following possible sources of bitterness in the throat during pregnancy:

  1. Pathology of the gallbladder and biliary tract;
  2. Pancreatitis;
  3. Disease duodenitis;
  4. Ulcerative disease;
  5. Gastritis;
  6. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

If a woman has one of these diseases, then most likely a nasty taste in the mouth during pregnancy manifests itself immediately after eating, namely, after eating spicy, fatty or spicy foods. Symptoms (belching, heartburn) are often accompanied by unpleasant, even painful sensations in the right hypochondrium or in the epigastric region. Moreover, bitterness in the throat after eating during pregnancy persists for two to four hours. In this case, it is very advisable to quickly seek help from a doctor and undergo a full examination or tests.

Metabolic pathology

This rarely happens, but metabolic disorders can be caused by excessive consumption of fatty foods and simply an unbalanced diet. Signs of this condition may include excess weight (even during pregnancy), poor appearance of the skin - acne and oiliness. If your mouth tastes bitter during pregnancy, the cause may be a metabolic disorder, although this is a fairly rare case. Only tests will help you understand whether this is the source of the trouble.

Liver disorders

Another reason why bitterness occurs in the mouth during pregnancy. It is this organ, which plays the role of a filter for our body, that bears the greatest burden. Pathologies of the gallbladder and bile ducts can further worsen the unpleasant situation. If a pregnant woman has a bitter taste in her mouth, which is also accompanied by heaviness and pain in the right hypochondrium, then this may indicate the presence of chronic cholecystitis. If such symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Oral diseases

The mouth becomes bitter during pregnancy if there are some problems with the oral cavity. A pregnant woman needs to take special care of her teeth and gums. Often at this time diseases such as stomatitis, gingivitis, and periodontal disease appear. Even ordinary metal crowns can cause a feeling of bitterness in the mouth during pregnancy. The most unpleasant thing is that even after carrying out all the necessary procedures in the dental office, this problem can still manifest itself.

Deficiency of vitamins and microelements

It may cause a bitter taste in the mouth during pregnancy and in other cases, for example, if there are not enough beneficial vitamins and microelements. Most women know the statement that a pregnant woman is no longer alone in power over her body, and therefore must not only feed the body for its needs, but also the emerging fetus inside her. This is true, however, you can’t use everything. Unfortunately, the majority do not adhere to the rules of a healthy diet; they eat fatty, too salty, spicy and unhealthy foods. At the same time, they almost never consume healthy food containing microelements and vitamins, which a woman needs more than ever from the moment of conception.

To understand whether this is really the cause of bitterness in the mouth in pregnant women, you should undergo special tests, but first consult a doctor.


In order to determine the cause of sour taste in men , it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination, which will exclude or confirm certain diseases. Comprehensive diagnostics includes the following activities:

  • esophagogastroduodenoscopy (most informative for diagnosing gastric ulcers ;
  • gastric pH-metry;
  • ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs, including the liver and gallbladder;
  • ultrasound examination of the pancreas;
  • biochemical blood test, including liver tests and assessment of pancreatic enzyme levels;
  • general clinical blood test;
  • assessing blood glucose levels;
  • consultation with a neurologist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, hepatologist;
  • analysis for glycosylated hemoglobin.

How to fix it?

You can’t put up with the taste of bitterness in your mouth during pregnancy, this is a rather unpleasant problem. But it can be solved, the main thing is to know the ways. You can review your daily diet, purchase special medications, use folk wisdom, or also add more physical activity to your daily routine. Even a combination of all these methods may not always help, but at least it will reduce the symptoms and make your mouth less bitter during pregnancy.

Balanced diet

If you constantly have a bitter taste in your mouth during pregnancy, you should reconsider your menu. Perhaps the root of the problem lies precisely in an incorrectly selected diet, which is why internal organs do not function properly. If you have not yet given up smoked foods, spicy, fatty and any canned foods, then you should do so now.

It is advisable not to sit or lie down after eating; it is important to remain upright for a while; it is also not recommended to wash down food with drinks - this will only harm the digestion process. It wouldn't hurt to go for a walk and get some fresh air. If you lie down, or even just sit down, it turns out that the stomach and esophagus will be at the same level, the valve will open, and acidity, along with undigested food, will flow back from the stomach into the esophagus. It is also undesirable to overeat, so you will have to refuse feasts or restrain the desire to try everything that is on the table.


As has already been said, you cannot overeat; you need to learn to eat more often, but in smaller portions. They should be sufficient and consist of natural products, without pickles, smoked foods, spicy foods, etc.

Regarding drinking, do not overdo it, otherwise it will cause swelling. Also drink half an hour before meals, and in no case after it, wait at least twenty minutes.

Physical activity

Physical activity is considered a good remedy for bitterness in the mouth during pregnancy. This could be regular walks in the fresh air, swimming classes (for pregnant women), fitness and yoga. Wear clothes that do not restrict movement or put pressure on your stomach.

When you move, you activate all processes in the body, including digestion. This way you can reduce unpleasant taste sensations.


There is only one rule regarding any drug from a pharmacy - only with a doctor’s prescription. You cannot find out on your own which cause is causing the problem. If this is a disease, then the wrong selection of medications will only worsen the situation.

In addition, such medications are prescribed for a certain period of time, that is, they can only be taken for a limited period.

Folk remedies

This problem was, is and will be, but in ancient times women dealt with it in special ways. With some herbs it is better not to take risks and not take them, as they can pose a danger to the woman and baby. But there are recipes that are quite safe and effective:

  • Take two hundred grams of carrots, sixty grams of parsley, one hundred and fifty grams of celery. Make juice from these ingredients and drink three times a day, maybe even half an hour before meals instead of water, this will improve digestion. Just prepare fresh juice every day, that is, you cannot make a portion today and drink it the next two days.
  • Regular potato juice is quite capable of solving the problem.
  • Buy calamus root at the pharmacy and chew it to get rid of the unpleasant taste.
  • Water with a little baking soda also helps many people. This is due to the fact that soda and acidity in the stomach react and neutralize each other, however, you should be careful with this method, everyone knows that a large amount of soda can harm the body. But severe bitterness in the mouth during pregnancy can be eliminated in this way.

Why do expectant mothers so often complain of heartburn and indigestion?

There are two main causes of heartburn and indigestion during pregnancy:

  1. Hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother

    During pregnancy, the amount of progesterone produced increases, causing muscle relaxation. Accordingly, increased production of progesterone provokes relaxation of the muscles of the lower esophageal sphincter. The sphincter is a ring of muscle that prevents stomach contents from entering the esophagus. As a result, when the sphincter muscles relax, the contents of the stomach (including gastric juice) can freely pass into the esophagus, causing irritation of its mucous membrane. The esophageal mucosa is not designed to accept large amounts of gastric acid for a long time. This is why we feel pain.

  2. Child's height

    As your baby grows, it begins to put more and more pressure on the organs of your digestive tract, stomach and intestines. This pressure can cause stomach acid to flow into the esophagus.

    Most often, problems with the digestive system during pregnancy are faced by those who had similar problems before pregnancy, as well as those for whom this is not their first baby.

    Heartburn and indigestion can also be caused by other reasons. For example, some foods and drinks also cause excessive stomach acid production, which can destroy the protective lining of the stomach. The protective layer is the mucous membrane, which is in direct contact with the contents of the stomach, including gastric juice. If its destruction occurs, it can lead to discomfort and unpleasant sensations.

What to do to alleviate the condition

A combination of several methods will definitely alleviate the suffering of a pregnant woman.

Changing your diet - no more junk food that is difficult to digest. Smoked, too salty and spicy foods have a bad effect on the body as a whole and specifically on digestion. It is advisable to exclude even chocolate. Also change your habit of eating large portions, eat more often, but in smaller quantities.

Physical activity – movement will help the body digest food better. It is not necessary to sign up for yoga or another type of activity for pregnant women; regular walks are necessary for all people. Get used to the fact that at least one hour of time should be allocated for walks in the fresh air.

Wearing loose clothing - you should not be constrained in your movements. Choose comfortable things, from fabrics that are pleasant to the touch and will not pinch anywhere.

Drug treatment - if none of the methods listed above helps, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps this is an individual characteristic of your body and there is no need to worry, or perhaps it is some kind of disease. In any case, the doctor will prescribe a drug to alleviate your condition or refer you for examination and tests.

Advantages of pregnancy management in our clinic

The Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics of the Pirogov Clinic on Vasilievsky Island (St. Petersburg) is among the TOP 3 best in the city according to the results of the VIII and IX ranking of private clinics (2018-2019). You can view reviews about pregnancy management on our website, as well as on independent platforms. By contacting us, you can be sure of high diagnostic standards and professionalism of doctors. We offer our patients:

  • Services of experienced, attentive and caring obstetricians-gynecologists - our specialists worked and improved their skills in clinics in Finland, France, the USA, as well as in maternity hospitals in St. Petersburg.
  • Having your own laboratory and all specialized doctors in one place, as well as medical offices equipped with new generation equipment. You can undergo all examinations in a comfortable environment and without queues. We guarantee the reliability of the results. There is no need to come pick them up - we will send everything by email.
  • Remote video consultations with gynecologists (online).
  • Affordable prices for pregnancy management in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd trimesters.
  • Possibility of paying for services in installments.
  • The clinic is located on Vasilyevsky Island - in a picturesque historical area not far from the station. m. Vasileostrovskaya.
  • Pregnancy management under VHI.

You can make an appointment with a gynecologist through our website or by calling 320-70-00.


If you've only heard that the taste in your mouth during pregnancy can be bitter, then it makes sense to take some measures to prevent this from happening. If you take care of your health, eat right, and move, your pregnancy will pass without an unpleasant aftertaste.

So, preventive measures:

  • Eat healthy foods, eat more often, but in smaller portions.
  • Eat your last meal three hours before bedtime.
  • Give up any bad habits - don’t drink alcohol, don’t smoke, etc.
  • Visit the dentist more often during the entire period of pregnancy - the dentist will have time to prevent the occurrence of diseases such as periodontitis, gingivitis and some gum diseases. They are the ones that can cause an unpleasant aftertaste.
  • You can ask your doctor for a referral for a gastrointestinal examination.
  • Try not to get sick.
  • Walk outdoors more often.

Pregnancy is one of the happiest periods in a woman’s life, because soon she will have the opportunity to hold her little miracle in her arms. And so that nothing overshadows this period, you should take care of your condition. Get rid of bad habits at least for as long as you grow a new life within yourself. Watch your health and take preventive measures, then bitterness in your mouth during pregnancy will not bother you.

Folk remedies for heartburn

Gaviscon for heartburn

When a pregnant woman first experiences heartburn, she tries to avoid the use of various medications and get rid of this condition with folk remedies. However, it is worth remembering that not all traditional medicines are safe during this period.

Some can cause severe allergies or cause other problems besides heartburn. Therefore, it is still advisable to consult a doctor before treatment. Some folk remedies:

  1. Most often, doctors first recommend adjusting your diet. If the problem is in nutrition, then after reducing the consumption of fatty foods and chocolate, heartburn will go away on its own.
  2. Baking soda is a very popular folk recipe for heartburn. However, you shouldn't get carried away with it. Soda is not harmless to the stomach; it irritates the walls, after which the attack of heartburn recurs after a while. Baking soda is not a completely safe natural remedy. When taken regularly, it retains fluid and causes swelling, and can also cause an allergic reaction. You can drink soda (it is recommended to add it to water or milk) only if the attack of heartburn is unbearable and there are no other medications at hand.
  3. Mineral water is great for heartburn. Pregnant women should only choose slightly alkaline water and release gas before drinking. It should be remembered that medicinal mineral water cannot be drunk constantly and in any quantity. You also need to read the label and read all side effects and contraindications.
  4. Sometimes a sip of milk is enough to get rid of heartburn. Milk has enveloping properties and reduces acidity. This is not always effective, but it is worth trying this safe method first.
  5. Nuts. Regular consumption of nuts reduces the likelihood of heartburn. Unfortunately, this method does not quickly eliminate existing heartburn.
  6. Don't lie down after eating. Immediately after eating, you should not take a horizontal position so that acid does not enter the esophagus. If you need to lie down, you should raise the pillow higher so that the position is reclining. Sometimes following this simple rule and a simple diet is enough.
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