Why does my mouth feel bitter at night? Causes and treatment of the symptom

Bitterness in the mouth may indicate problems with the digestive system. Severe or persistent bitterness in the mouth is a reason to consult a doctor.

From time to time you may experience an unpleasant bitter taste in your mouth. As a rule, this is due to a sudden release of bile into the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, some bile may enter the esophagus and cause a bitter sensation in the mouth.

. Often a bitter taste in the mouth is felt in the morning, since bile can enter the stomach during sleep (especially if you sleep on your left side and dinner included fatty foods).

Bile is a secretion produced by the liver and is necessary for digesting food. The bile duct carries bile from the liver to the gallbladder, which acts as a storage reservoir. During the active digestive phase, bile from the gallbladder enters the duodenum. Some substances have choleretic properties, that is, they increase the production of bile. Eating foods with choleretic properties (for example, pine nuts) can provoke a sharp increase in the flow of bile into the intestines and, as a result, the appearance of bitterness in the mouth. Some medications have the same effect - both medical preparations and traditional medicine (St. John's wort, sea buckthorn oil, etc.).

However, bitterness in the mouth should not be ignored

. Its appearance indicates that not everything is in order with the digestive system. For example, a bitter taste may appear after eating fatty (heavy) foods. Fatty foods stimulate bile secretion. Normally, the secreted bile should not enter the stomach and esophagus, but should be released exactly as much as is necessary for the digestive process in the intestines. The appearance of bitterness indicates that this is not the case. And we need to figure out what caused this. If bitterness in the mouth occurs frequently or persists for a long time, then it is better not to delay a visit to the doctor.

Foods that may cause a bitter taste in your mouth

A good place to start is to take stock of what you've recently eaten. Some foods cause a bitter aftertaste:

  • Pine nuts;
  • Fatty meats;
  • Strong coffee or tea;
  • St. John's wort decoction;
  • Pasta;
  • Sea buckthorn oil;
  • Alcohol.

Typically, a bitter taste occurs immediately after eating or after several hours. Bitterness in the mouth can also be caused by taking certain medications - antibiotics, antiallergic drugs, blood pressure medications, and others.

What to do

  1. It is necessary to avoid “bitter” foods or not eat them before bed.
  2. Diversify the menu with fruits, especially citrus fruits.
  3. Add buckwheat porridge to the list of dishes.
  4. If the bitterness is caused by taking pills, it disappears a few days after the end of treatment.

The main causes of bitterness

What does bitterness in the mouth indicate? There are actually a lot of reasons why a person begins to feel this. In this way, the body may try to “indicate” diseases of the digestive system or a gallbladder disease. This sensation may also be a sign of poor nutrition or taking medications of various spectrums for too long (mainly those used to treat the liver).

The main causes are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT):

  1. Diseases of the duodenum. Bile from the duodenum, entering the stomach, causes corrosion of its walls. Bile contains acids that cause a feeling of bitterness.
  2. Gastritis (see symptoms and treatment of gastritis). With this disease, the composition and amount of gastric juice produced by the body changes, the process is also accompanied by poor digestibility of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and other vitamins, and the removal of toxins worsens. Together, this causes heartburn, bad breath, constant belching and, accordingly, an unpleasant taste in the mouth.
  3. Gastric dyspepsia. The cause of the bitter taste may be difficult digestion caused by disruptions in the functioning of the stomach.
  4. Gastroesophageal reflux disease. This disease provokes surges of concentrated gastric juice to the very top of the esophagus, from where it enters the oral cavity. It can develop due to the abuse of spicy and fatty foods, as well as constant overeating (even healthy food rich in vitamins and minerals - an excess of it is also harmful).
  5. Disturbances in motor activity of the stomach. With reduced motility of the biliary tract, bile stagnates in them; with increased motility, there are sharp releases of bile into the duodenum, then into the stomach, esophagus and oral cavity, causing bitterness, burning and heartburn.
  6. Dysbacteriosis. Under normal conditions, a large number of beneficial bacteria live and function in the human intestine, capable of synthesizing vitamins, creating microflora and generally increasing the body’s immune strength. If the intestinal microflora is normal, then no problems are observed, but if an imbalance occurs, then dysbacteriosis appears, causing bitterness in the mouth.
  7. Giardiasis. A disease caused by the penetration of Giardia (intestinal parasites) into the body, causing disorders in the functioning of the small intestine. Nausea, bitterness occurs, and sleep is disturbed.

Dental diseases:

  1. Inflammation of the gums, mucous membrane of the tongue. This occurs if a person carelessly takes care of their teeth, and bad breath adds to the bitterness.
  2. Increased sensitivity to external interventions - implantation of dental crowns, dentures or fillings. The bitter taste is often caused by raw materials for dentures, fillings or gel for fixing an artificial jaw.

Other reasons include:

  1. If there is liver dysfunction (any disease), then increasing inflammatory processes negatively affect the production of bile and its transportation through the relevant systems of the body.
  2. Nervous system disorders, in which the peripheral nerves responsible for the taste buds and sense of smell become inflamed, also alter the perception of the taste of food and make it bitter.
  3. At moments when the level of glucose in the blood rises, vision begins to deteriorate, a feeling of weakness and heat appears in the palms and soles, along with this, a bitter taste becomes very noticeable in the mouth.
  4. General intoxication of the body, which is observed when it is damaged by heavy metals such as mercury, lead, copper and others.
  5. Disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system lead to the fact that the thyroid gland, together with the adrenal glands, begins to produce huge amounts of adrenaline. As a result of this, the bile ducts narrow, which provokes the release of bile towards the esophagus and the appearance of bitterness.
  6. Lack of zinc - an important trace element that is necessary for the normal functioning of cells and taste buds in particular.
  7. Smoking for many years. Long-term exposure to tobacco and its derivatives has a detrimental effect on the taste buds, as a result of which the smoker begins to feel an unpleasant bitterness.

Gallbladder and liver problems

If bitterness causes you anxiety every day for a long time, it's time to get your liver and gallbladder checked. Perhaps, as a result of a malfunction or inflammation, the gallbladder does not have time to remove bile from the body on time, and it ends up in the esophagus. This is where the unpleasant taste comes from.

What to do

  1. A blood test is mandatory; it is advisable to do both a general and biochemical one, as well as an ultrasound of the abdominal organs.
  2. As a rule, the doctor recommends taking anti-inflammatory and choleretic drugs (prescription only).
  3. For patients with cholelithiasis and cholecystitis, a diet is prescribed: milk and light vegetable soups, low-fat cottage cheese and kefir, boiled fish, marmalade, and tea are allowed.
  4. It is recommended to drink about 2-3 liters of liquid per day
  5. Decoctions and infusions of chamomile and calendula are useful, for the preparation of which 1 tsp is used. dried inflorescences are brewed with a glass of boiling water for 15-20 minutes. Take the decoction 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. l. half an hour before meals.


You can start diagnosing with a consultation and examination with a doctor. To do this, you need to contact a therapist, gastroenterologist, hepatologist or dentist. The doctor will conduct a survey and refer the patient for examination.

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During the consultation, the doctor needs to describe in detail the existing symptoms, tell how often and under what circumstances bitterness appears. Information about lifestyle, diet, and existing diseases will be useful.

For diagnosis, the following studies are carried out:

  • Duodenal sounding. If a malfunction of the biliary tract is suspected, portions of bile are taken using a probe for bacteriological examination, and the rate of excretion of bile into the duodenum is also assessed.
  • Gastroscopy (EGDS, FGDS) is a study using a gastroscope. Allows you to examine the mucous membrane of the digestive organs and do a biopsy (take tissue samples for laboratory testing).
  • Ultrasound of the liver, gall bladder and other organs. It is carried out to assess the size and presence of changes in internal organs.
  • Lab tests. If diseases of the digestive organs or biliary tract are suspected, a stool test is prescribed. A biochemical blood test is performed if cholecystitis is suspected. A test for hCG and sex hormones, as well as a serological test if viral hepatitis is suspected, can also be performed.

Stomach problems

The appearance of bitterness in the mouth also indicates stomach problems. It is often complicated by additional indications: bloating, nausea, heartburn, stomach pain, belching and a yellow-white coating on the tongue.

What to do

  1. Restore proper functioning of the digestive organs: remove heavy fatty and smoked foods, spices, salty and fried foods from the diet.
  2. Take medications that normalize the functioning of the stomach and intestines (as prescribed by a doctor).

Bitterness in the morning, together with pain in the right side, more often indicates problems with the liver and gall bladder, short-term and after meals - about problems with the duodenum and gastrointestinal tract, hormonal disorders.

Help before diagnosis

Even if a diagnosis has not yet been made, several measures can be taken to alleviate the condition:

  • Adjust your diet, remove fatty and fried foods, eat more often and in small portions.
  • Stop smoking or reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke.
  • Limit alcohol consumption.
  • Drink more water.

Monitor the quality of oral hygiene. You should brush your teeth twice a day, as well as use mouthwash and floss. If you have problems with your teeth, you need to visit a dentist.

Photo: goffkein/freepik.com

Important! You should not try to use folk remedies or treat yourself - this can be dangerous. If a bitter taste in your mouth appears regularly, you should consult a doctor and get recommendations for treatment.

Bitter taste of water - reasons

The appearance of a new taste is a rather unexpected and not entirely pleasant moment. Water treatment experts name several possible reasons:

  • A number of devices, such as reverse osmosis filters, can not only purify, but also change the ratio of mineral components in water. Therefore, some users may notice a change in taste and characterize it as bitter.
  • As the pH level increases, H2O may also appear to taste bitter.
  • During operation and cleaning of contaminants, organochlorine compounds may settle in the system. And they are known to not have a pleasant taste.

Next, we will dwell in more detail on each situation and solution methods.

To which authorities should well water be submitted for analysis?

You can only obtain a guarantee of high-quality testing of well water, as well as an accurate conclusion about the reasons for its bitterness, in an accredited independent laboratory that has all the necessary approvals, certifications and licenses. After conducting detailed analyses, chemists issue official certificates and protocols on the suitability of the well for drinking or using water for household purposes.

You can also contact the centers for hygiene and epidemiology, the laboratory of the regional branch of Vodokanal, or an organization that specializes in geological exploration and solves problems of water purification.

Food poisoning and bitter saliva

Foodborne toxic infection is very often accompanied by a taste of bile due to general toxicosis of the body and malfunctions of the digestive system. This includes vomiting bile and bile reflux. Often, after poisoning, a person temporarily lacks appetite. Food does not enter the stomach, and bile, despite this, is produced by the liver around the clock. It stagnates and some of it is thrown into the stomach and esophagus.

It takes time to normalize the functioning of the digestive tract after the symptoms of poisoning disappear. Then the unpleasant taste sensations will pass.

Boiling and freezing well water

Boiling. It is the simplest and most accessible, as well as the least expensive way to remove hardness salts from water. When water boils, sulfates and chlorides settle on the walls and bottom of the vessel. However, it must be borne in mind that boiling hard water can prematurely damage the container, so boiling is contraindicated in heating boilers. It is a temporary solution.

Freezing. Purification by crystallization. It is necessary to place a vessel with bitter well water in the freezer. When it freezes, crystals of pure ice will begin to grow on the walls of the container, displacing the salts into the central area of ​​the container. After a certain period of time (this is influenced by the degree of contamination of the liquid and the working volume), clean frozen water collects on the walls of the container, and the salt accumulations remain liquid in the center of the container, since their freezing rate is lower. They just merge.

Treatment of bitterness with folk remedies

Herbal medicine is appropriate in complex treatment under the supervision of a specialist. Chamomile infusion, flax seed jelly, and corn silk decoction will help get rid of such an unpleasant symptom. Therapy with freshly squeezed juices has proven itself well. For this purpose, potato is used, which activates the intestines and eliminates heartburn, carrot, beetroot, which is effective for diseases of the biliary tract, and cucumber. Juices have a general strengthening effect, help cleanse the organs of toxins and normalize digestion processes.

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