What causes the taste of rotten eggs in the mouth? Treatment and elimination of symptoms

The appearance of a rotten egg taste in the mouth indicates the presence of some pathological process occurring in the body .
In some cases, this phenomenon is a symptom of a serious and dangerous disease that requires immediate treatment.

To understand why the taste of eggs appeared in the mouth, you need to familiarize yourself with the mechanism of development of the pathological condition.

You need to know the accompanying symptoms and possible pathologies that provoke the uncomfortable symptom.

Reasons for appearance

For your information! The smell of rotten eggs from the mouth can appear either after eating or be present constantly.

A peculiarity of this phenomenon is the release of hydrogen sulfide in the gastrointestinal tract.

This can happen both for external reasons and because of a developing disease.

Among the reasons that are not associated with pathologies developing in the body that provoke the taste of eggs in the mouth, there are:

  • significant decrease in stomach acidity , for example, after eating apples, chicken broth, lemons, nuts, pickles;
  • binge eating. Provokes the appearance of bad breath due to slow digestion of food. When food does not have time to be digested and lingers in the stomach, after some time rotting processes begin, from which the smell of hydrogen sulfide emanates;
  • gum pockets. After eating food, its remains accumulate in the gum pockets and also undergo a process of decay, emitting a hydrogen sulfide odor.

Stay up to date! As for diseases, the appearance of egg odor from the mouth indicates the presence of the following pathologies:

  • gastric dyspepsia or in other words indigestion;
  • peptic ulcer or gastritis. In such a situation, belching of rotten eggs often appears after eating. After belching, the patient feels better for a short time;
  • pyloric stenosis. It is characterized by the slow movement of food masses due to the narrowing of the passage near the stomach. The walls of the organ itself also become inactive;
  • pancreatitis. The reason for the appearance of this pathology is insufficient production of enzymes, weak peristalsis;
  • Giardiasis The disease appears due to a single-celled parasite that carries out its vital functions in the small intestine and liver. Bad breath appears due to dysfunction of these organs.

Traditional medicine and homeopathy

Most traditional medicine helps eliminate the smell itself, but does not fight the cause of its appearance:

  • chewing aromatic spices quickly eliminates the smell of rotten meat: cloves, parsley, laurel and the like;
  • an eaten green apple will not only clean your teeth, but also improve intestinal motility;
  • rinsing the mouth with weak decoctions of the following plants: lemon balm, sage, chamomile, strawberry and thyme.

For pharyngeal diseases that cause rotten breath, the following homeopathic remedies help well:

  • Mercurius solubilis;
  • Argentum nitricum;
  • Belladonna;
  • Capsicum;
  • Aconite.

And if the cause of rotten meat is tonsillitis, then you need to use:

  • Phytolacca;
  • Baryta carbonica;
  • Kali mureaticuma;
  • Hepar sulphura.

Other symptoms

It is worth noting! In addition to the immediate manifestation in the form of the smell of eggs from the mouth, the patient may experience the following list of symptoms:

  • the appearance of nausea and heaviness in the stomach ;
  • bloating ;
  • the phenomenon of constipation or diarrhea ;
  • bouts of vomiting ;
  • pronounced pain in the stomach ;
  • feeling of fullness in the stomach.

Depending on the accompanying symptoms, it is possible to identify the pathology developing in the body.

In what cases should you be concerned about such a symptom?

In any case, it is logical to consult a physician, dentist or gastroenterologist when halitosis appears to rule out the presence of serious health problems. Having found out the true causes of the unpleasant “aroma”, together with the doctor it is necessary to determine further tactics of behavior.

If halitosis is associated only with dietary restrictions or fasting, then only successful “masking” of it will be a sufficient measure. Otherwise, you should immediately begin treatment of organs that are malfunctioning in the body.

Another important note: it is advisable to carry out any dietary restriction only under the “supervision” of a qualified specialist (nutritionist or doctor), otherwise it is possible that there will be many more health problems than the expected benefits.

also necessary to “enter” and “exit” the diet gradually : the body may experience severe stress, which will not have the best effect on its condition.

Diagnostic measures

Before starting a course of treatment and getting rid of an unpleasant symptom, you need to undergo a diagnosis.

Keep in mind! The set of diagnostic measures includes the following:

  • General and biochemical blood test. With its help, the presence or absence of an inflammatory process in organs and tissues is revealed, and internal bleeding is excluded;
  • stool analysis. Determine the presence of parasites and intestinal infections in the body;
  • Ultrasound. During the examination, the structure and size of the internal organs are visible, which makes it possible to determine deviations;
  • determination of the acidity of gastric juice. The probing method is used for research, in which secretions are taken or the PH metric method;
  • fibrogastroduodenoscopy. The method is aimed at identifying more detailed information about the quality indicators of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines;
  • CT.

Causes of unpleasant odor during hunger

A particularly acutely repulsive odor (halitosis) is felt at a time when a person experiences a feeling of hunger. There are several reasons for this...

  • To begin with, from the list of possible causes of halitosis, one should not exclude the lack of basic hygiene procedures in the oral cavity, which allows pathogenic bacteria to freely multiply and function on the surface of the teeth and mucous membranes. Also, a large amount of bacteria accumulates on the tongue. The result of their vital activity is manifested in the stench emanating from the mouth, and will subsequently affect the health of the teeth and oral cavity.
  • Perhaps one of the main reasons for this symptom is an unbalanced diet , as a result of which the blood sugar level drops significantly. People who deliberately or unintentionally cut back on their diet do not consume the required amount of nutrients that are important for the normal functioning of the human body. Thus, a lack of carbohydrates can provoke an intensive breakdown of proteins and fats contained in foods consumed by a person. This reaction is compensatory in nature: the body tries to make up for the lack of energy in this way. As a result of this reaction, breakdown products of proteins and fats (ketones), which have a rather unpleasant odor, are released into the blood. This “aroma” vaguely resembles the smell of acetone and is eliminated from the body through the lungs and, naturally, through the oral cavity.
  • As a result of “meager” nutrition over a long period of time, vitamin deficiency may develop , one of the signs of which is a putrid or chemical “aroma” from the mouth. Associated symptoms of vitamin deficiency are swelling and bleeding of the gums.
  • Problems with teeth or mouth. Decayed teeth and caries cause an unpleasant odor, which is explained by the active development of harmful microorganisms in the oral cavity . In addition, the release of ketones can activate the carious process, which will lead to the appearance of a putrefactive “trail” from the mouth.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which can be aggravated by irregular eating , dieting or fasting. If there are such problems with the stomach, liver or pancreas, the digestion of even small amounts of food and the progress of its movement through the digestive tract are disrupted. As a result, rotting of food debris develops in the gastrointestinal tract, which does not “flavor” a person’s breath.
  • Eating onions or garlic as one of the ingredients in dietary salads or other dishes: as a result of digestion of such products, sulfur compounds are released, which have a putrid odor.
  • Do not forget that alcohol and nicotine provoke a foul “amber” from the mouth, which is especially noticeable on an empty stomach.

Treatment and elimination of symptoms

A set of therapeutic measures is selected depending on the pathology after diagnostic procedures .

It is worth noting! The goal of treatment is not only to eliminate the symptom itself. First of all, it is important to get rid of the pathology that caused the taste of eggs in the mouth.


As for medications , the following drugs are used depending on the disease:

  • for dysbiosis, medications from the class of probiotics are used , for example, such as Hilak Forte and Linex;
  • in situations with constipation, laxatives are used (they must be prescribed by a doctor), as well as enemas with olive or vaseline oil ;
  • if the cause of bad breath is a lack of digestive enzymes Mezim Forte and Festal are taken ;
  • the process of producing bile in the body , then Allochol or Holosas ;
  • for stomach ulcers or gastritis, Almagel and analogues are used ;
  • if there is a bacterial infection , then you will need to take a course of Amoxicillin and Phthalazol ;
  • if there are parasites use Levamisole, Metronidazole and other similar drugs.

Important! Under no circumstances should you self-medicate if you have a smell of rotten eggs coming from your mouth. Medicines are prescribed only by a doctor after proper diagnosis.


It happens that the taste of rotten eggs in the mouth appears due to food poisoning. In such a situation, to get rid of the symptom you will need to do a gastric lavage.

In order to provoke a gag reflex, you can prepare a weak solution of soda and drink it in small sips.

After gastric lavage, you need to take any sorbent.

As for directly eliminating the symptom , you can get rid of it yourself at home.

First of all , you should pay attention to the daily menu and adjust your diet. Low acidity is eliminated by consuming :

  • fermented milk products;
  • meat;
  • fish;
  • vegetables You can make a beet or turnip salad.

Keep in mind! To eliminate the symptom, you need to exclude the following foods from your diet:

  • alcoholic products;
  • citrus;
  • plums, cherries;
  • legumes;
  • milk products;
  • cabbage, squash, zucchini;
  • bread.

When the smell of rotten eggs appears in the mouth, eat food 5 times a day in small portions. strictly not recommended to fast for “accumulation of acid”, as well as to overeat.

Folk recipes

You should know! At home, you can use the following methods to get rid of the smell of rotten eggs from your mouth:

  • herbal decoctions (melissa, chamomile, yarrow). Infusions of raspberry leaves, rosehip or sea buckthorn, as well as St. John's wort and lingonberry, give a good effect. These herbs can be purchased at the pharmacy and prepared according to the attached instructions, or 1/2 teaspoon of herbal raw materials, pour 300 ml of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes;
  • take general strengthening agents, for example, vitamin-mineral complexes . It is useful in such a situation to drink mineral water;
  • soda solution. To quickly get rid of an uncomfortable symptom, you will need to prepare a weak soda solution. Dilute 1/2 teaspoon of the substance in 250 ml of water and drink in small quantities when hydrogen sulfide belching occurs;
  • eggshell. For this remedy, you will need to boil the eggs for 20 minutes, peel them, remove the film from the shell and grind the shell into powder. Take 1/2 teaspoon three times a day. The product should be washed down with clean water;
  • mint tincture. The product can be purchased at a pharmacy and taken 15-20 drops with meals.


You won’t be able to get rid of the smell forever unless you eliminate the underlying disease that caused the symptom.

It is important to monitor the condition of your teeth and gums. You need to regularly brush your teeth, use floss and mouth rinses. Pay attention to the tongue during hygiene procedures. Pathogenic bacteria accumulate on the organ. Yellow-white plaque must be thoroughly cleaned off using a special scraper or a toothbrush with a rubberized head.

Regularly undergo medical examinations, take tests, and treat identified pathologies in a timely manner. Follow the recommendations of your doctor.

Particular attention should be paid to nutrition and lifestyle. To eliminate the unpleasant symptom of the stench of rotten eggs from the mouth, you need to adjust your diet. Remove unhealthy, spicy, fatty foods from the menu. Eat in moderate portions, avoiding overeating. It is necessary to give up alcoholic beverages or significantly reduce the amount of their consumption.

Oral stench is an unpleasant but common pathology among the population. If an unpleasant odor comes out of your mouth when you exhale or talk, it is better to consult a doctor. It is important not to start the disease, not to mask it with various means, but to promptly eliminate the cause of the symptom. Every adult should understand that the smell of hydrogen sulfide is not typical for a healthy body.

Useful video

From this video you will learn what to do if you have an unpleasant taste in your mouth:

If a hydrogen sulfide taste appears in your mouth, you need to determine the cause of this phenomenon as soon as possible . If there is a suspicion of the development of pathology, then only a qualified doctor can cope with it.

You should not resort to home remedies or self-medicate. Since with their help you can only eliminate the symptom, and not the disease itself. This can lead to negative consequences and complications.

Symptomatic therapy

If rotten belching is caused by enzymatic deficiency, to eliminate the unpleasant sensations, it is necessary to correct the diet with the exclusion of milk, fresh fruits, bread and other provoking foods. To reduce the frequency of regurgitation, it is recommended to avoid bending over and heavy physical work immediately after eating. To cope with the reflux of rotten gases at night, it is useful to sleep on a high pillow. To reduce belching before verifying the diagnosis, you can use enzyme preparations and prokinetics. Laxatives and cleansing enemas help with constipation.

general characteristics

Olfactory hallucinations vary in content.
Unpleasant imaginary odors are associated primarily with a depressive mood, including anxiety, fear, and suspicion. Patients smell rot, decomposition, toxic substances, and sewage. To ease the sensation, they cover their nose with their hand, insert cotton swabs into the nasal passages, ventilate the room for no objective reason, and use air fresheners. Such hallucinations often serve as the basis for the formation of delusional ideas, for example, about the use of poisons by attackers or the storage of corpses. Olfactory hallucinations of pleasant content are represented by the aromas of flowers, delicious food, and favorite perfumes. Often, patients cannot guess what the source of the smell is; they describe it as unearthly, giving joy, inspiring. Hallucinatory experiences accompany ecstatic, manic states. Imaginary perceptions of odors of a neutral nature are usually not noticed by people and are not grounds for complaints.

Olfactory hallucinations vary in where sufferers identify their source. It can be localized in the environment (on the street, in the next room), in the patient’s body or in imaginary space (in the air, “in the soul” - in mental space). As a rule, the unpleasant smell of poison, rot, or sewage is defined as emanating from external objects; the smell of sweat, urine, decomposition of organs - from one’s own body. The imaginary causes of pleasant odors are magical, mystical sources that are not present in the physical world.

What complications and consequences can there be?

A careless attitude towards one’s own body, refusal of timely treatment and omission of the occurrence of a disease can lead to complications and serious consequences in the future, namely:

  • The appearance of diabetes mellitus. In addition to increasing blood sugar and causing hypoxia (lack of oxygen), diabetes can also affect the baby - it will grow too big, which will negatively affect childbirth.
  • Caries. Its advanced stages threaten severe pain, tooth extraction, decay of nerve endings, and the formation of a cyst at the site of the damaged root.
  • Gingivitis develops into periodontitis . This is followed by bleeding, inflammation of the gums and loss of tooth mass.
  • Advanced gastrointestinal diseases . Formation of toxic substances in the body, anal fissures, in the worst case – miscarriage.
  • Lack of calcium . Deterioration in the general condition of the body (skin, hair, nails), aching joints, increased blood pressure, complications during labor (fetal weakness, premature birth).
  • Protein fasting . Directly affects the intrauterine development of the child, liver disease develops, seizures and blood pressure occur.


Olfactory hallucinations are a common symptom of mental disorders and organic lesions of the central nervous system. Patients are examined by a psychiatrist and a neurologist; to exclude diseases of the nasal cavity, an otolaryngologist is consulted. If a neurological disease is suspected, instrumental studies of the brain are performed - EEG, CT, MRI. Mental illnesses are diagnosed using the method of clinical conversation and pathopsychological testing. The following procedures are used to identify olfactory disorders:

  • Clinical survey.
    While maintaining a critical perception of the symptoms of the disease, patients report sudden influxes of strong odors without an external cause. Often such conditions are accompanied by fear, anxiety, and emotional stress. In acute psychotic disorders, patients more often perceive hallucinations as reality and report them when describing a delusional idea (poisoning, stupefying, witchcraft). The doctor receives objective clinical information from the patient’s family members.
  • Observation.
    Patients with hallucinations are characterized by inappropriate behavior, focused on hallucinatory images as real-life stimuli. They may sniff, wrinkle their nose, or cover it with their hand or handkerchief. Sometimes patients begin to breathe quickly, complain of a lack of fresh air, and nausea. They ask to open the window for ventilation and tend to leave the room as soon as possible if they believe that the source of the smell is somewhere nearby.
  • Olfactometric tests.
    Diagnosis of olfactory disorders is carried out using sets of odorant substances. In clinical practice, the use of the Bernstein kit and adapted versions of the Sniffin Sticks test are common. The results make it possible to determine the threshold of smell, the function of distinguishing and identifying odors, and the risk of developing olfactory hallucinations. Tests act as provoking factors in identifying hallucinatory-delusional syndrome (patients tend to interpret the origin and effect of each smell in their own way).

What does an iron taste indicate in pregnant women?

In addition to the unpleasant smell, the life of pregnant women can be marred by a metallic taste.

The reason for it may be:

  • Micro-wounds on the gums . As a result of injury to the gums by food, slight bleeding begins, which gives the taste.
  • Vitamin deficiency or iron deficiency anemia . This is due to an unbalanced diet and vitamin deficiency.
  • Acid reflux . Occurs due to gastric contents entering the larynx or belching.
  • Hormone fluctuations . Changes in their content in the body affect taste buds - familiar food seems completely different.
  • Oral disease . Namely – stomatitis, glossitis, etc.
  • Poor water quality . Often, you should look for reasons not only inside, but also outside - hard water with heavy impurities can create a taste of iron in the mouth. For cooking and drinking, use only clean, filtered water.
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