✅ Why do chickens pluck each other's feathers and eat them?

For many, the appearance of unpleasant sensations in the body is a reason to start worrying. Many of us, feeling discomfort, immediately begin to look for the cause of the disease in medical literature and articles on the Internet. The imagination immediately draws terrible pictures of rare or neglected diseases. Fortunately, in most cases, everything turns out to be not as scary as it seemed at first. At a doctor’s appointment, it turns out that the disease is treatable, and the main thing is to start therapy on time. That is why it is very important to consult a doctor in a timely manner, when the first unpleasant symptoms of the disease occur.

And yet, in order not to panic, you need to know about some unpleasant symptoms of diseases. For example, why has tearing increased and it stings the eye? Let us immediately note that there are many reasons for the appearance of these symptoms. Let's tell you more about each of them.

Why do chickens pluck their feathers?

A common question when keeping chickens is “Why do chickens pluck each other’s feathers and eat them?”

A lack of microelements and vitamins can cause feather loss. Also natural processes are seasonal molting and the change of feathers in young individuals. “Chickens eat feathers, what’s missing?” a logical question arises. What to do when chickens pluck each other's feathers?

To identify the reasons for feather pecking both in yourself and in other individuals, it is necessary to analyze the following points:

Use of household chemicals and cosmetics

Most often, eye irritation occurs due to household chemicals or cosmetics getting into them. The feeling of discomfort occurs due to a specific reaction of the mucous membranes. The first manifestation is intense lacrimation. The eyes begin to sting, and there is a desire to wash off the harmful substance. The best solution is to help the body get rid of the irritant. Rinse your eyes with plenty of warm water and then pat dry with a clean tissue. Some substances can cause prolonged redness of the mucous membrane. Therefore, it is worth having special eye drops in your medicine cabinet. They will quickly relieve irritation if regular washing does not help.

Usually, discomfort in the eyes disappears 4-5 hours after using the drops. If a severe allergic reaction to a chemical irritant occurs, an allergic reaction may occur. We will tell you what to do in this situation a little later.

Cosmetics are an everyday companion for most women. Everyone wants to create a memorable and stylish image, to look attractive and impressive. If you use cosmetics, try to choose them with special attention. This will save you from problems in the future. Eye cosmetics can cause allergies. The eyes will sting, they will become red and begin to water. This means that all your efforts to create a unique image will come to nothing.

It’s easy to protect yourself when choosing cosmetics. Choose bio-series with natural ingredients or lines of products for sensitive skin. Try not to use testers in cosmetics stores. This is especially true for test copies of mascara. The tester carries the risk of infection with demodex mites. This is fraught with severe itching and burning in the eyelash area. This suffering is not worth the free makeup!

Lighting mode

The development of cannibalism is influenced by the lighting of the chicken coop. Bright light causes aggression in birds. It is recommended to use dim lighting and reduce the flow intensity. If the windows of the chicken coop get direct sunlight, then the windows are painted over with white paint. It is recommended to use infrared lamps or devices with a daylight effect.

For chickens, the light is not turned off either at night or during the day. The duration of daylight is reduced gradually, starting from 2 weeks. Turning off the electricity in the coop at night will cause stress to the chicks. Aggression will develop. The stronger chicks peck the weaker ones.

More on the topic: What to do to prevent chickens and roosters of the Ayam Tsemani breed from fighting?

The optimal length of daylight for adult laying hens is 14-16 hours. Changing the day disrupts metabolism and egg laying. With a sharp increase in egg production, the oviduct may be damaged. It falls out. The chickens peck at it. There is a bloody wound around the cloaca.

In Vasmer Max's dictionary

pinch pinch, tongs pl., Ukrainian. pinch, blr. pinch “pinch”, Bulgarian pinching “pinching” (Mladenov 697), Serbo-Croatian. shtipati, shtipam, shtipiem, slovenian. ščípati, -ram, -pljem, Czech. štípati, slvts. štíраt᾽, Polish. szсzurać, v.-luzh. šćipać, n.-luzh. šćipaś. Dr. level of vowel alternation: *ščьр-, cf. pinch (see). Wed. ltsh. šk̨ipsna “strand, bundle; pinch, pinch”, šk̨ipsta – the same, šk̨ipuôsts – the same, šk̨īpstin̨š – the same, lit. skurata “small piece, crumb”; see M. – E. 4, 42 et seq.; Zubaty, AfslPh 16, 415. The latter tries to connect, further, with the flail (see). Wed. also shchik.

Prevention measures

You can avoid such a phenomenon as pterophagy by organizing the conditions for keeping chickens, observing sanitary standards, proper diet, and timely removal of sick and aggressive individuals..

Amateur poultry farmers sometimes see chickens plucking each other's feathers and eating them. Experienced poultry farmers are not surprised by this, although the picture, you see, looks strange. Naturally, people are interested in “Why do chickens pluck each other’s feathers and eat them?”, whether this will harm their health, or whether the gizzard will become clogged.

Moreover. Sometimes the process of “gnawing out” feathers develops with such intensity that the chickens are left almost “bald”. However, this is followed by the process of “gnawing out” the body - cannibalism, which can be prevented, but is very difficult to stop.

Read also: Why does a dog have a blue tongue?

Let's try to figure out what the reason is and how to help a chicken stop eating the plumage of its own kind.

What is the correct spelling: “pinches”, “pinches” or “pinches”?

According to the spelling norm, writing and pronouncing correctly is “pinching.”

You can make sure that the use of the form with “l” is correct using any dictionary. This will also become clear if we remember that in verbs whose root morpheme ends with the consonants v, f, b, m, p in the form of the 3rd person and singular, there is an alternation in the cognate lexemes p/pl, b/bl, m/ml , v/vl, f/fl (surprise - surprise , pour - pours ) .

A similar phenomenon is not uncommon in the Russian language. However, difficulties often arise with the verb being analyzed.

How to solve a problem

The measures that should be taken first depend on the triggering factors. So you first need to find out the reasons, and then do everything to eliminate or reduce them.

First of all, it is necessary to ensure that the birds receive sufficient amounts of vitamin B and protein.

For this purpose, the diet includes the following supplements:

  • peas, alfalfa, corn;
  • meat and bone or fish meal;
  • green plants;
  • feed yeast;
  • sunflower cake, bran;
  • curdled milk, milk, whey.

During the molting period, it is imperative to include preparations containing the necessary minerals and improving the condition of the feather cover:

  • "Methionine." Apply in the proportion of 3 g of product per 1 kg of feed. When using the drug in tablet form, use 4 tablets per 1 kg of feed. The drug contains sulfur, which normalizes metabolism and promotes the absorption of protein, minerals and vitamins. Duration of admission - 14 days;
  • fish fat. It is mixed with food in a proportion of 100 g per 1 kg;
  • Vitamin C is added to the drink;
  • "Vitvod" - the drug strengthens the immune system and increases the productivity of chickens. Contains vitamins A, D3, E. Used as injections or as a drink;
  • "Chiktonik." This complex of vitamins is given to chickens at the rate of 1 ml per 1 liter of water, for adult birds - 2 ml per 1 liter of water. The course of treatment is at least a week.

The following measures are also being taken:

  • organize normal lighting at the rate of 1 light bulb of 60–70 watts per 10 sq. m. Daylight hours should be in the range of 12.5–14 hours;
  • make sure that for 1 sq. m accounted for 4 individuals;
  • provide the poultry house with the required number of feeders and drinkers according to the standards;
  • organize bird walks in the fresh air more often in places with green grass;
  • ventilate the room well, but without drafts;
  • hang brooms of nettles or tops, heads of cabbage around the chicken coop;
  • place baths of ash containing sulfur and sand;
  • the most ardent instigators of fights are placed separately, otherwise pecking will be constantly provoked by them;
  • birds that have received wounds from pecking must also be isolated from the flock and their wounds disinfected. Damaged areas are treated with the following preparations - penicillin or ichthyol ointment, tincture of iodine containing glycerin.

An important point in solving the problem is to review the diet of birds, because chickens often peck feathers to compensate for the lack of necessary substances in the body.

Did you know? A hen that occupies a high degree of hierarchy in the flock receives better nutrition, but its egg production does not become high. Constant stress due to defending your place reduces productivity. In a smaller group, chickens lay eggs more actively.

Since the reason why chickens eat feathers is often a lack of calcium, the diet should include chalk, crushed shell rock or egg shells, as well as preparations containing calcium.

Should you take your dog to the vet?

If your dog eats grass from time to time, this is normal. But if she does this constantly, it is better to consult a doctor, as she may be talking about digestive problems or other diseases. You should be especially wary if, in the absence of grass, in an attempt to induce vomiting, the dog tears and eats paper and pieces of fabric.

If your dog isn't showing any symptoms but you think he's eating too much grass, let him fast for a day. If your pet continues to eat wheatgrass, go to the vet.

See a doctor immediately if your dog not only eats grass, but also has the following symptoms:

  • diarrhea;
  • vomit;
  • weight loss;
  • loss of appetite;
  • blood in stool;
  • frequent licking of lips;
  • lethargy.

These signs may indicate various problems, including serious infectious diseases and poisoning. The doctor will make a diagnosis based on blood and urine tests. X-rays and other examinations may be needed.

Why do chickens pluck each other's feathers and eat them?

Amateur poultry farmers sometimes see chickens plucking each other's feathers and eating them. Experienced poultry farmers are not surprised by this, although the picture, you see, looks strange. Naturally, people are interested in “Why do chickens pluck each other’s feathers and eat them?”, whether this will harm their health, or whether the gizzard will become clogged.

Moreover. Sometimes the process of “gnawing out” feathers develops with such intensity that the chickens are left almost “bald”. However, this is followed by the process of “gnawing out” the body - cannibalism, which can be prevented, but is very difficult to stop.

Let's try to figure out what the reason is and how to help a chicken stop eating the plumage of its own kind.

In what cases is it possible to use the words “pinches” and “pinches”?

In addition to the codified form “pinches”, the variants “schipet” and “pinches” are actively used in everyday speech. Most dictionaries of the modern Russian language give the mark “colloquial.” or "simple." Fewer sources classify such words as normative. This means that the use of this option is acceptable, but the style of the text will be considered reduced.

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Let us note that often in everyday communication there is a stratification of lexical meaning. For example, in the meaning of “it hurts to squeeze, squeeze the skin of the body,” they say “pinches.” If we are talking about “a burning sensation and pain,” the verb “pinches” is used.

Sometimes, along with the word “nibbles”, the form “pinches” is used in the sense of “pinching, tearing off or tearing off” (a duck nibbles grass; he nibbles sorrel).

Treatment of sick individuals

Aggression and pecking of birds can be prevented if the livestock is properly maintained. Also, many farmers resort to the help of tested and proven effective drugs. These include:

  1. Chiktonik. It is added to water in the dosage indicated in the instructions for a week.
  2. Fish fat. Mix with the main food at the rate of 100 g. drug per 1 kg. food.
  3. Ascorbic acid solution. A prophylactic agent that dissolves in water at the rate of 2 tablets per 1 liter. water.
  4. Methionine. An effective medicine that improves digestion, which is given in a volume of 4 tablets per kg. feed for 2 weeks.
  5. Witvod. A preparation for strengthening the immunity of poultry and increasing its productivity. It contains many nutrients and can be used as a drink or injection.

Very often, farmers add crushed egg shells, crushed shells and chalk to poultry food to prevent pterophagy. In the summer, it is recommended to walk the livestock on pasture; birds can find especially many nutrients for themselves in a field with alfalfa.

What to do to stop your dog from eating grass

If you are concerned about your dog's health when he eats wheatgrass, do the following:

  • Review your dog's diet, paying special attention to fiber. Many dog ​​owners have found that their pet stops eating grass when they include vegetables and fruits (cabbage, apples, carrots) in their diet.
  • Feed only high-quality food that is beneficial to animals and easily digestible. If the dog is natural, the diet should consist of meat, vegetables, and fruits. When she eats dry food, buy a super premium or holistic product. Never feed economy class food.
  • Raw, unpeeled beef stomach (tripe), which contains a huge amount of enzymes that improve digestion, is beneficial for your dog.
  • Don't give food from the table or leftovers that you haven't eaten.
  • If your dog eats grass out of boredom, play with him and buy toys.
  • When walking, pay attention to your pet, not your smartphone.
  • Monitor your pet's health.

What to feed chickens to prevent feather plucking

If a poultry farm can feed chickens so that they are happy and do not eat the plumage, then why is this not possible in a private backyard? Maybe. To do this, you need to feed the poultry with compound feed, which is offered by feed mills. Is it profitable? Yes.

However. It's no secret that a homemade chicken egg is completely different in taste and healthiness from a store-bought product. It has a natural composition and does not contain chemical impurities. If you read the recipe for compound feed, most of the ingredients are unfamiliar even to specialists, information about the composition is closed, and what is included in the compound feed is completely unnatural, moreover, sometimes even harmful.

By raising chickens on a private backyard, we strive to obtain high-quality, healthy, environmentally friendly eggs, and naturally with good productivity. Therefore, when adding feed to your diet, you need to weigh all the pros and cons.

Poultry farmers whose birds are constantly on the run do not have the question “Why do chickens pluck each other’s feathers and eat them,” although in winter, when grazing is impossible, they may have problems with plumage and egg production.

While grazing, the chicken finds protein food in the form of a worm, moth, bug, insect and its larvae, slug, etc. In winter, this resource is absent, and only the owner must worry about the composition of the bird’s diet, otherwise, it begins to worry about itself worry about “eating” relatives.

Both the feather and the egg are made of protein. Therefore, these are two interrelated positions. The chicken instinctively continues its race, laying an egg, as nature intended, and this requires complete proteins. If there is enough protein in the diet, chickens will not eat feathers and their egg production will be higher.

What is protein found in?

All animal foods contain proteins. Milk, skimmed milk, slaughterhouse waste, meat and bone meal, fish meal and of course feather meal.

Large poultry farms, in the process of planned slaughter, have raw materials after feather plucking. The feathers are handed over to a processing plant and there they produce feather meal, which is then added to animal feed.

However, the realities of our life are such that this process is becoming more expensive than the production of synthetic amino acids, so entrepreneurs no longer want to process feathers.

Feeds of plant origin, grain, also contain protein. It is enough for the life of the bird and average egg production, but we want an egg every day, so we must adjust the protein diet ourselves.

What plants are dangerous for dogs?

Don't let your dog eat wheatgrass:

  • along the highway;
  • on a heavily polluted street;
  • near a working plant, factory or small enterprise that is engaged in hazardous production.

Walk away from planted fields that are treated with pesticides, fertilizers, and rodent poisons. The grass growing here is dangerous for the dog and can cause poisoning.

If you live in a townhouse and treat the area with pesticides, pay attention to whether the product is safe for pets. Buy high-quality drugs that do not harm dogs, cats, people, or birds.

Don't give your dog indoor plants, even if she wants to eat them. They can be toxic to your pet. First of all, this applies to tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, orchids, azaleas, rhododendron, tiger lilies, and foxgloves. Usually the dog won't eat them, but a puppy or young dog who likes to chew sticks may become interested in the flowers and eat the leaves.

What to do with an injured chicken

Birds affected by pterophagy are placed in a separate room. Minor damage is treated with a solution of hydrogen peroxide or furatsilin. Large wounds are lubricated with brilliant green, ointments: Sintomycin, Tetracycline, Levomekol.

Improve nutrition by increasing the dose of protein and vitamins. The individual is returned after complete recovery. At the same time, they monitor the behavior of chickens in the flock so that attacks do not happen again.

Example sentences

Here are several contexts when it is appropriate to use the verbs pinches” and “pinches” in colloquial speech:

  1. I got a sunburn yesterday that really stings.
  2. The alcohol bandage stings the patient's wound.
  3. Vlada’s wound stings when his mother treats her knee with green paint.
  4. Kolya pinches Yulia’s hand so that she would quickly pay attention to him.
  5. Grandma Tanya always pinches the cheeks of small children.
  6. My cousin pinches my stomach to keep me awake.
  7. The bluish liquid first stings the hand and then leaves a small burn.
  8. On a green lawn, a cow is nibbling lush grass.
  9. A sheep is nibbling on a neighbor's bush that Uncle Senya planted.

Summing up

You need to remember that there are only three reasons for eye irritation and watery eyes: a temporary irritant, an allergic reaction and an infection. In case of short-term irritation, everything is simple: you need to rinse your eyes and drip moisturizing soothing drops.

“Cationorm” is a unique cationic emulsion that is suitable for people with glaucoma, blepharitis, allergic conjunctivitis and people using hormone replacement therapy (menopausal hormones, oral contraceptives). The drug restores all three layers of tears and prevents itching and redness of the eyes. Cationorm helps with severe pain and dryness in the eyes that appears in the morning, and quickly relieves discomfort. Drops can be applied directly to lenses. Drops should be used 1-2 drops into the eye sac 1-4 times a day.

With allergies, in general, it’s also not very difficult, because an adult, as a rule, already knows whether he is prone to allergies or not. But in the case of eye infections, everything is quite serious. Therefore, if the symptoms of eye stinging, irritation and watery eyes do not go away within 24 hours, a trip to the ophthalmologist is mandatory.

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