Instructions for use of Solcoseryl for the oral cavity

Skin damage and wounds are always unpleasant. What can we say about trophic ulcers - companions of severe varicose veins, which are characterized by very sluggish and slow healing due to impaired tissue nutrition. Solcoseryl can help heal such difficult lesions, as well as burns, frostbite, and eye damage.
  • Solcoseryl ointment as a face cream
  • How to use Solcoseryl and Dimexide for wrinkles

In what forms is the drug available?

The manufacturer produces Solcoseryl in the form of ointment and gel for external use, as well as ophthalmic gel. In addition, this drug is available in injection form.

The active substance in all cases is calf blood extract - hemoderivat. Auxiliary components for each of the release forms are individual. Thus, in addition to the active substance, the solution contains only water for injection, and, for example, the manufacturer adds a number of ingredients to the ointment: white petrolatum, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, cetyl alcohol, etc.

Metrogil Denta

Contains an antibacterial substance - metronidazole and an antiseptic - chlorhexidine. It is used to relieve gum pain during stomatitis, after dental treatment, during an inflammatory process due to infection or traumatic injury.

The gel is practically not absorbed, therefore it is safe for treating the oral mucosa of a child. But at the same time, the low concentration of the active ingredient makes it not the most effective against severe inflammation; after treatment, there may be a relapse.

What kind of medicine is Solcoseryl?

The drug has a beneficial effect on tissue metabolic processes. It improves tissue nutrition in case of damage, and also activates repair and regeneration processes.

Solcoseryl in injection form is used for extensive circulatory disorders (diseases of peripheral veins and arteries, strokes), ointment and jelly are used to treat ulcerative lesions and slow-healing wounds, and the gel is an ophthalmic agent. Thus, each of the release forms performs its own task of restoring damaged tissue.

The rate of absorption and distribution of the drug in the body, as well as the route of its elimination, cannot be determined by methods usual in pharmacology due to the characteristics of the active substance.

According to the results of a study of the drug on animals, the pharmacological effect develops within half an hour after the bolus injection. The therapeutic effect lasts for 3 hours.

What is Solcoseryl ointment used for?

The drug is based on deproteinized dialysate obtained through special processing from the blood of calves. This substance is often used in medicine in countries such as China, Korea, and the entire CIS. It has proven itself to be an effective remedy that can:

  • enrich tissue cells damaged due to hypoxia with oxygen and glucose;
  • start tissue repair processes;
  • activate healthy cell division processes;
  • increases the level of energy produced by cells;
  • protects the skin from external damage by forming a film on its surface;
  • triggers the production of collagen by tissues.

Based on the activity of the drug, the drug can be used for:

  • frostbite;
  • psoriasis;
  • anal ring cracks;
  • cuts;
  • abrasions;
  • scratches;
  • bedsores;
  • acne marks;
  • dermatitis;

First of all, to achieve the best effect, it is necessary to start therapy in the early stages of the problem.


For each release form of Solcoseryl there are individual indications.

In the form of injections, the drug is prescribed when a patient is diagnosed with:

  • occlusive peripheral artery disease grade 3 or 4;
  • disturbances of venous blood flow with trophic lesions;
  • strokes and traumatic brain injuries, which led to disruption of metabolic processes in the brain.

Ointment and gel for external use are used in complex treatment:

  • minor abrasions and wounds;
  • mild to moderate burns, frostbite;
  • difficult-to-heal skin lesions: trophic ulcers, bedsores.

Ophthalmologists recommend the use of Solcoseryl eye gel to patients for the treatment of:

  • injuries of the cornea and conjunctiva, their erosive lesions;
  • scars after ophthalmological operations;
  • eye burns of various types;
  • dystrophic lesions of the cornea.

In addition, this gel is indicated for use in case of discomfort when wearing contact lenses and to reduce the time of getting used to them.

Prevention of oral diseases

The best option is to visit the dentist at least twice a year. This way you will save your health and finances. Be sure to have your mouth professionally cleaned, this will help to efficiently remove all accumulated plaque and hard deposits. The following procedures are recommended for gum health:

  • Massage your gums at home, this can be done with your fingers or a soft toothbrush.
  • Beware of hot foods to avoid burns.
  • Be sure to wash your hands several times a day, especially after going outside, to reduce the risk of stomatitis.
  • Use mouthwash.
  • We advise you to purchase an irrigator; this device significantly improves blood circulation in soft tissues.

Side effects

The use of an injection solution in rare cases can lead to the development of allergic reactions, including anaphylactic shock. In this situation, you should immediately stop using the drug and prescribe symptomatic therapy in the form of antihistamines.

In addition, the process of performing the injection itself can be painful for the patient due to the potassium it contains.

When using the ointment, some patients may experience a burning sensation at the site of application.

Solcoseryl eye gel may cause short-term irritation, which is not an indication to discontinue treatment. The development of allergic reactions when using external forms of the drug is extremely rare.

Special instructions -

  • Solcoseryl gel should not be applied to a contaminated, infected wound, as well as a wound with purulent discharge or a wound with torn edges. In most of these cases, a doctor’s intervention is required to perform surgical treatment of the wound.
  • If pain, swelling, redness occurs in areas of the mucous membrane and skin (near the site where the gel is applied), discharge from the wound or fever occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor. Most likely this indicates suppuration.
  • If, when using the gel, the wound does not heal within 2 weeks, you should urgently consult a doctor, because this may indicate the presence of tumor growth. We hope that our article on the topic: Solcoseryl Gel detailed instructions for use was useful to you!


1. Dental education of the author of the article, 2. Personal experience as a maxillofacial surgeon, dental surgeon, 2. “Outpatient surgical dentistry” (Bezrukov V.), 3.

Mode of application


Solcoseryl in the form of a solution is recommended to be administered intravenously slowly in the form of an injection or by drip, having previously diluted it with saline solution or 5% glucose solution. If intravenous administration is difficult, intramuscular injection is allowed.

For the treatment of venous insufficiency, the drug is prescribed for up to a month, combining it with the application of an external gel or ointment to the area of ​​trophic ulcers.

Patients who have suffered a stroke are prescribed a course of treatment with Solcoseryl for 5 weeks. When treating traumatic brain injuries, short courses lasting 5 days are prescribed.

Ointment and gel

Ointment and gel for external use are applied directly to the wound. Before using them, the wound surface is thoroughly disinfected. In the presence of purulent discharge, surgical treatment may be required.

The gel is used to treat wet, fresh wound surfaces. When the affected area begins to epithelialize, granulation tissue appears and the wound dries out, you should switch to using Solcoseryl in the form of an ointment.

The course of treatment with external forms of the drug is carried out until the wound surface is completely healed and a scar is formed.

Ophthalmic gel

The eye gel is instilled into the conjunctival cavity 3-4 times a day, one drop at a time. In some cases, it is possible to use the drug hourly. The course of treatment lasts until complete recovery.

Gel Solcoseryl: reviews

An important condition for achieving a good treatment result is the correct choice of the form of the drug Solcoseryl - this can be in the form of a gel, ointment or dental adhesive paste.
The effect of the gel will be noticeable specifically on wet wounds, and consists in accelerating the formation of granulation tissue by about 30%. You will not notice the effect of the gel when used on dry wounds, and it is unlikely that you will be able to leave a good review of the product after this. Solcoseryl gel will have a good pronounced effect and will accelerate the healing of wounds and ulcer erosions, unless, of course, they are related to tumor-like lesions. The latter must be especially borne in mind, because if the erosion or ulcer has existed for a long time, or there is no effect when using Solcoseryl, then these are signals indicating that this lesion of the mucous membrane/skin is related to tumor-like tissue damage.

Another important point is applying the drug to infected wounds. For the drug to give a good result, there must be no infection in the wound. Purulent wounds, as well as wounds with torn edges, first require primary surgical treatment and drug therapy. Reviews for Solcoseryl gel will be positive only if you carefully follow all recommendations for its use. Failure to follow the recommendations for use, especially with regard to infected wounds, can, on the contrary, lead to increased inflammation.

Solcoseryl anti-wrinkle gel in cosmetology: reviews

Some patients persistently try to use Solcoseryl gel for the face to get rid of wrinkles. The logic here is clear - since the drug increases proliferation (reproduction) and activity of fibroblasts, then its use should seem to lead to an increase in collagen production. Unfortunately for patients, it must be noted that none of the forms of solcoseryl work on intact skin.

Therefore, Solcoseryl ointment or gel is not used in cosmetology, and they are effective only for accelerating the healing of skin damage, including after surgical and cosmetic interventions. To stimulate collagen production in aging skin, it is better to use retinoid-based products, and an even faster effect is achieved by a hardware technique that uses fractional lasers. These techniques do have proven evidence of increasing collagen in the skin (see links above for arguments and clinical studies).

If you are interested in a cream that can improve skin regeneration and keep it moisturized, especially in winter, one of the best options would be to use Bepanthen for Dry Skin cream. It contains not only dexpanthenol (a precursor to vitamin B5, which enhances skin regeneration), but also moisturizing components such as the emollient “lanolin”, as well as D, L-pantolactone. I recommend this product because... I myself use it 2 times a day in the winter and see its effectiveness from personal experience. It can even be applied to the moving parts of the eyelids. A 100 ml tube costs only about 950 rubles.

The uniqueness of the composition of solcoseryl

The ointment has a uniform, greasy texture; the color can vary from deep white to yellow, with a characteristic odor of broth and petroleum jelly.

The active components of solcoseryl include deproteinized (removal of proteins) hemoderivat from the blood of 3-month-old calves at a concentration of 2.07 mg/g. Auxiliary components are represented by methyl parahydroxybenzoate and propyl parahydroxybenzoate (preservatives), palmitic alcohol (emulsifier), white petrolatum (ointment base), water for injection (dissolution of dry dialysate).

An analogue of the drug is Actovegin ointment. These drugs appeared on the pharmaceutical market almost simultaneously and differ only in the manufacturer and price.

The main active ingredient of solcoseryl is a deproteinized hemoderivat, which is obtained by dialysis and subsequent ultrafiltration. During the production process, high molecular weight proteins are removed (deproteinization). This is a complex compound that includes natural low-molecular substances with a molecular weight of up to 5000 Da.

Such a unique composition cannot be reproduced in laboratory conditions. Basically, these are electrolytes, amino acids, nucleotides, nucleosides. The effectiveness of only some of these substances has been described and proven from a pharmacological point of view. However, in vitro tests have proven the effectiveness of solcoseryl in the treatment of damaged tissues and wound surfaces.

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