Black caries classes
Degrees of development and methods of treatment of caries according to Black’s classification
Dentists use various classifications of caries to determine the extent of its development. One of the oldest
teeth cleaning
Professional hygienic teeth cleaning: what it is, how professional oral hygiene is done in dentistry
Professional hygienic cleaning of teeth and oral cavity at the dentist - what is it, how is it done
Medium caries: diagnosis and treatment
Tooth root caries: etiology, classification, diagnosis, prevention, treatment.
Author of the article: Soldatova Lyudmila Nikolaevna Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Clinical Dentistry of the St. Petersburg Medical and Social
Toothache conspiracies for yourself
How to talk about toothache? 12 proven old ways
Conspiracies > From toothache for yourself Everyone is afraid of toothache because it
Chronic fibrous and gangrenous pulpitis: features of pathogenesis and treatment
Gangrenous pulpitis is a putrefactive inflammation of the pulp in the crown and root parts of the tooth, which is accompanied by
Restoration of a pulpless tooth.
Is tooth depulpation necessary before prosthetics?
About the service Prices Consultation Promotions Advantages Reviews Doctors Portfolio Licenses Contacts Tooth removal before
pain at night
What to do if your tooth hurts at night? Causes of night pain
Why do teeth hurt at night, but not during the day? It would be more correct to say – teeth hurt at night
periodontal treatment
Dentistry Trezubov's Textbook / Section 11 Periodontal diseases / 04 Idiopathic diseases with progressive lysis of periodontal tissue
Anatomy, physiology Periodontium is a complex organ of the oral cavity surrounding the teeth, formed from specialized
Oral hygiene in children (professional approach)
About what procedures are necessary for the prevention and protection against oral diseases, and
girl with a healthy smile thanks to oil pulling
Oil pulling: why should you do it and how?
Wellness November 14, 2019 text: My Handbook Oil pulling is a
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