Manufacturer of the Nobel Replace system, product catalog and how it differs from others

Author of the article:

Anastasia Vorontsova

Photo: Implantation with Nobel implants

The Swedish company Nobel Biocare has been a leader in the dental market for the production of premium class implants for more than forty years.

Nobel implant systems are widely used in restorative surgery and orthopedics.

Dentists all over the world successfully use Nobel implants for dental implantation.

This implantation system is a set of solutions in the field of aesthetic dentistry, which is aimed at achieving the best results, even in very difficult situations.

Highly aesthetic, reliable and safe implants can not only restore the functionality and integrity of the dentition, but also significantly improve the quality of life of patients.

Nobel regularly conducts training for implantologists, so specialists have an excellent opportunity to familiarize themselves with the products, as well as learn how to work correctly with implants of this brand.

Nobel brand structures are created primarily for those patients who suffer from insufficient bone tissue.

They are also suitable for two-stage implantation and one-stage implantation after tooth extraction.

Modern technologies for manufacturing implants provide them with such properties as ideal installation with minimal trauma to bone tissue and a high degree of integration.


  • Nobel implants are equipped with an individual serial number. In this way, the manufacturer protects its products from counterfeits. The patient always has the opportunity to check with the manufacturer whether the implant offered by the clinic was manufactured at his factory.
  • Nobel biocare dental implants have the highest rate of osseointegration with bone tissue (from 99.3%), which is confirmed not only by the results of studies conducted by the manufacturer itself, but also by reviews of patients and implantologists.
  • The presence of a patented external coating of the implant called “TiUnite”. The presence of such a coating ensures primary stability of the structure in the bone tissue, a high rate of fusion of the implant with the bone, followed by reliable fixation. Thanks to the TiUnite layer, metabolic processes in the bone are activated, which leads to the rapid proliferation of cells that envelop the implant in a short time.
  • Possibility of using structures in the presence of complete and partial edentia.
  • The presence of an uneven thread that decreases downwards, which allows for a fairly quick implantation of the structure with a minimum of trauma to the bone tissue when preparing the bed for installation of the structure.
  • After installing Nobel implants through a puncture, prosthetics on implants is possible immediately after implantation.
  • Nobel structures are created in such a way that after their installation it is possible to fix prostheses made from any type of material on them.
  • High-precision matching between implant and abutment due to the special triangular shape of the implant, which allows for improved positioning when fixing the abutment.
  • The range of implants is quite diverse in length, diameter and method of fastening structures.
  • For the manufacture of artificial roots, modern materials are used that have a high degree of compatibility with living tissue.
  • Surgery is performed by highly qualified doctors who have undergone special training.
  • The warranty on implants is lifetime, and on abutments – from 10 years.

Development and production process of Nobel Replace

The work process is in constant dynamics, in search of new modern solutions. Improving implants, materials, equipment, technologies are the most important priorities. Our own patented developments are the result of many years of scientific activity. The effectiveness of the products is confirmed by documented data from more than 200 studies. In addition to the structures themselves, the manufacturer offers everything necessary to work with them: training of specialists, its own 3D diagnostic and planning system, orthopedic and surgical kits, and components.

Nobel Biocare has created reliable protection for its products against counterfeiting. Each product has a serial number.

You can check its originality on the company's official website. In addition, implants come with a lifetime warranty and are only installed by certified dentists.

What are implants

Photo: Nobel Biocare implants
These are root-like structures made of pure grade 4 titanium, which is the best today, because it does not contain toxic vanadium.

The presence of Fe in the composition is so low that it cannot have a negative effect on the body.

The structure of the implant includes:

  • A titanium root is a screw implanted into the jawbone.
  • Abutment is the supragingival part of the structure onto which the denture is subsequently fixed.

To speed up healing, the surface of the implant is coated with phosphate-enriched titanium oxide (TiUnit). This type of coating is used only by the manufacturer Nobel Biocare. Thanks to it, the process of osseointegration is accelerated.

In the production of implants, Nobel uses Groovy (double thread) technology. This thread contains additional grooves, which improve the stabilization of the implant in the jaw bone and accelerate the healing of the structure.

Manufacturer NobelBiocare LLC (Sweden)

Nobel Biocare has been developing and producing titanium denture bases for several decades. It is the undisputed leader in the international market of innovative technologies in the field of dental implantology and aesthetic dentistry.

The history of the enterprise dates back to 1981. Then it was called Nobelpharma . The current name Nobel Biocare was assigned in 1996. The concern is part of the global scientific and technical corporation Danaher , whose goal is to provide real ways to solve complex problems, thereby improving the quality of life of many people around the world. The company's main office is located in Washington (USA) and consists of a multinational team with a total of 71 thousand employees. Production workshops operate in many technologically developed countries of the world: Sweden, Switzerland, Japan, Israel and others.

Implant systems

Today, the Nobel implant catalog has a number of unique systems that guarantee the solution to various problems in implantology.

The company offers a wide range of designs for any type of bone tissue and surgical protocols, both for experienced implantologists and for beginners.

  • Implants are available in all lengths and diameters and can have connections such as conical, three-channel and external.
  • Any of the systems are distinguished by their versatility, reliability and ease of use of structures, and are also aimed at preserving the volume of soft tissue and bone.

Nobel Speedy

Photo: Nobel Speedy Groovy implant
The system is intended primarily for express implantation with medium and low bone density.

The conical shape of the implant and the thread geometry allow it to achieve excellent stability even in low-density bone tissue.

Due to the simple installation method, the All-on-4 implantation method is the ideal solution.

Design features:

  • They are the optimal solution for simultaneous implantation of the entire dentition.
  • Thanks to the conical narrowing of the apical part of the implant, its high primary stabilization is ensured.
  • Has TiUnit/coating
  • Internal channel fastening for abutments guarantees strong fixation and excellent aesthetic performance of orthodontic structures.

Nobel Speedy Groovy

Can be used for any clinical cases.


It has a deep thread over the entire surface, thereby increasing the surface of contact between the structure and the bone tissue, which contributes to better fixation of the implant in the bone and rapid healing.

Nobel Active

Installation of the
nobel active implant is an ideal solution for implantation using the All-on-4 system, as well as for implantation with bone deficiency.
Photo: Nobel Activy implant

The design is made taking into account the maximum possibilities for its implantation and fixation of prostheses.


  • The presence of a unique cone-shaped design, which allows the structural elements to cut into the bone. This guarantees greater stabilization of the implant in the bone tissue and excellent contact with its surface.
  • The presence of a double thread allows you to control with maximum precision the direction of the position of the implant during its implantation.
  • The improved orthopedic base allows the use of various prosthetic options.
  • The coating technology of the TiUnit structure helps to accelerate its engraftment and makes the result of implantation quite predictable.
  • Implantation of the structure is possible both in one stage and using classical technology.


  • Implant placement after tooth extraction.
  • Single-stage implantation.
  • Loose bone tissue.

Nobel Replace

It is the most common because it is easy to use, suitable for any implantation technique, and quite predictable.


  • The unique design with the presence of an internal three-channel connection ensures control of the correct fit of the denture.
  • The presence of color coding for each element simplifies the identification of structures.
  • The narrowing of the implant neck ensures its best integration with bone and soft tissue.
  • The presence of a root-like shape of the apical part of the structure allows implantation both during tooth extraction and some time after healing.
  • The TiUnit coating ensures implant stability and accelerates the osseointegration process.

Nobel Replace Select

Photo: Nobel Replace Select implant
An implant system that allows you to achieve high aesthetic results.

  • The elements have a unique design with a polished neck of 1.5 - 2 mm, which makes it possible to implant structures at different depths in order to correctly form the gingival margin.
  • It is possible to use the system for one-stage implantation of implants, which in turn helps save time and simplifies treatment.
  • The implants are coated with a layer of TiUnit based on zirconium, which contributes to their better engraftment.
  • The presence of three-channel internal fixation technology ensures easy installation of prostheses and their reliable fastening.

Nobel Replace Groovy

Photo: Nobel Replace Groovy implant
Suitable for any clinical case.


  • The presence of an internal triangular connection.
  • The root-like shape of the structure provides good primary stability, the indicators of which have a direct impact on the integration time.

Nobel Conical Connection

Can be used for any clinical case.


The shape of the structures is identical to the Nobel Replace Groovy implants, but the trihedron is replaced with a cone and a hexagon.

This type of connection is more physiological and reliable.

Nobel Branemark System

Photo: Nobel Conical Connection implant
The only system in the world whose research period has lasted more than forty years.

According to dentists, it is the most versatile among all other Nobel systems.


  • The presence of parallel walls of implants, which allows implantation into bone tissue of varying densities.
  • The location of the first turn of the thread is as close as possible to the neck, which helps to improve healing to the marginal part of the bone.
  • The presence of patented Groovy grooves that secure the implant most firmly, which improves the process of osseointegration.
  • The external hex mount is highly durable and reliable.

Nobel Guide

Technology that allows highly accurate planning of implantation with a minimum of surgical intervention.

  • Based on the CT scan, a three-dimensional model of the jaw is created.
  • After special calculations, a template is created for installing implants.
  • It is used to implant structures without cutting soft tissues or applying sutures.


  • Low morbidity.
  • The blood supply to the bone and soft tissues is not impaired.
  • Minimal exposure to anesthetics, which allows for implantation in people with heart and vascular diseases.
  • High accuracy of the predicted effect of the procedure.
  • Short recovery period.

How Nobel Replace differs from its analogues

The implants of the Nobel Replace series stand out against the background of analogues:

  • versatility;
  • possibility of installation using different methods: one-stage, two-stage, express, “all on four”;
  • reliable fixation in the jaw due to threads applied over almost the entire surface of the rod;
  • sealed connection with the abutment;
  • unique TiUnite coating, providing a high level of initial stability and a rapid healing process;
  • ease of use;
  • the presence of a wide range of prostheses for fixation on implants of this line;
  • speed of implantation;
  • lifetime warranty from the manufacturer.


Installation Methods

Photo: Color coding of elements

  • Nobel implants are suitable for traditional (two-stage) and one-stage implantation.
  • To simplify the dentist’s work and quickly identify all components of the implant system are color-coded.
  • A single standardized step-by-step surgical protocol greatly simplifies the preparation of the surgical bed and allows for predictable surgical intervention for any indication.
  • For the manufacture of artificial crowns, individual or standard CAD/CAM solutions are used, which involve the use of computer modeling methods.

Special TiUnite coating

Nobel dental implants are equipped with a modern special coating, which is given a special shape - porosity and roughness with small protrusions and grooves - as well as a high phosphorus content, which makes the surface of the implants similar to the surface, structure and composition of bone tissue, greatly facilitating and accelerating the process of fusion of metal material with jawbone tissue.

Thanks to this, they quickly and painlessly take root, stay firmly in the jaw, and make it possible in many cases to do without bone augmentation and avoid problems in the future.


The cost of the nobel implant
is quite high, since the designs belong to the premium class.

Each patient who has an implant installed receives a quality certificate giving a guarantee for the Nobel brand implant.

Implant NobelPrice (in rubles)
Nobel Biocare implantfrom 28 000
Prosthetics on Nobel implants (without material cost)from 10 000
Installation of a removable Nobel Procera bar structure on 4 - 5 implants190 000
Installation of standard Nobel abutment (Conical connection, Active, Replase)11 000
Nobel abutment (Conical connection, Speedy, Active, Replase) individual titanium15 000
Fixation of individual Nobel abutment (Replase, Speedy, Conical connection, Active,) made of zirconium16 000
Nobel temporary abutment4 700
Fixation of the healing abutment2 400

Standard and quality assurance

The highest quality of Nobel products is confirmed by international certificates. Each model complies with ISO medical device standards . When purchasing a system, the patient receives the appropriate documentation, including a quality certificate. Products are tested at all stages of production. The company's employees constantly consult implantologists from different countries, which contributes to the growth of the effectiveness and safety of treatment.

Another confirmation of the absolute quality of Nobel Biocar implants and components is an extensive warranty program that provides for various cases that require free replacement of components. Thus, in case of rejection that occurred through no fault of the doctor or the patient, an absolutely identical kit is provided. Additionally, the manufacturer offers replacement for implants of other brands that have been installed with Nobel Biocare elements.

Each artificial root comes with a lifetime warranty, and the abutment comes with a ten-year warranty.


  • Five years ago I installed dental implants. 6 teeth were missing for a long time. During the examination, it turned out that there was not enough bone tissue, so I chose Nobel implants. After implantation, the new teeth are like natural ones. Even the color of artificial teeth is no different from the color of real teeth.
  • I have long known a good dentist who periodically undergoes internships abroad. He recommended that I install dental implants from Nobel. The implantation cost me, as they say, “a pretty penny,” but the implants have a lifetime warranty. I was not afraid of complications after the operation, because I know that the doctor who installed the implants for me has extensive experience in performing such operations.
  • I was very afraid to do implantation. But still I decided to have the operation. For a long time I couldn’t decide on the choice of implants. I read reviews about Nobel implants from clinic patients who have already installed such structures. The operation went quickly. Three months later, I had zirconium oxide teeth installed. I couldn't be more excited about my new teeth!

Indications and contraindications for implantation

The use of Nobel Replace implants is indicated in the following clinical situations :

  • partial and complete edentia;
  • absence of a tooth for a long time;
  • low bone density and volume deficiency;
  • the need to restore the aesthetic appearance of the smile as quickly as possible.

It is not recommended to install rods from Nobel Biocar Replace if:

  • there is an individual intolerance to one of the components of the system;
  • allergic reaction to medications used during surgery;
  • inflammatory processes in the oral mucosa were detected;
  • diseases of teeth and gums (until they are relieved).

Unless absolutely necessary, implantation should not be performed in pregnant women.

Work results

Some of the latest results of implantation work. Click on the image to see the full before and after photos:

Result of dental implantation No. 23. Click on the image

Result of dental implantation No. 17. Click on the image

Result of dental implantation No. 9. Click on the image

Other results of work...

How to care for Nobel implants?

The success of implantation largely depends on careful adherence to the doctor’s instructions. In addition to drug therapy in the postoperative period, it is necessary to:

  • Apply a cold compress for the first 24 hours;
  • for the first 3 days after surgery, avoid coarse solid foods, replacing them with dietary products crushed to a puree consistency;
  • rinse your mouth with an antibacterial mouthwash;
  • avoid overheating and physical activity;
  • avoid drinking alcohol and smoking;
  • Visit your doctor regularly for check-ups.

After installing the prosthesis, care becomes easier - regular daily hygiene (2 times a day) with the use of special brushes and threads for implants is enough, you can also purchase an irrigator. Professional hygiene is required twice a year.

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