Catalog of Nobel Biocare system abutments for dental implantation

Swiss quality is valued all over the world. This applies to various market segments, including healthcare and implantology. Nobel Biocare dental implants are bright representatives of a reliable and premium series of dental products.

The result of implantation depends on the professionalism of the doctor and the material of the implantation system. And if clinics care about their reputation and status, then they constantly improve the qualifications of their specialists and use only products from the best manufacturers in their work.

Nobel implants have been installed in tens of millions of patients around the world. By choosing this brand, you can be confident in the success of the operation, both from a functional point of view: the survival rate of implants is 98.3%, and aesthetically: the gum around the neck of the titanium rod remains in excellent condition, while its bluishness and swelling account for a greater number of complaints after operations with other systems. A Nobel Biocare implant with a crown is indistinguishable from your own teeth.

Nobel implantation system

Dental implantology inextricably links its history with the name of Brånemark. The man who discovered the process of osseointegration of a titanium artificial root with bone tissue. And in 1965 he underwent the first implantation. After which he worked on improving forms and materials. In 1978 he became the founder of Nobel Biocare. We can confidently say that the brand is at the origins of a new trend in dentistry at that time.

Over half a century of observing the condition of their patients, laboratory studies of the effect of various alloys on living tissue, and the invention of a special rough surface of the pin, a huge scientific base has been accumulated with evidence of the effectiveness of certain implants in every clinical case. Only a few companies can afford such financial investments in the development and improvement of technologies.

Due to confidence in the quality of its products, the manufacturer provides a lifetime guarantee for Nobel Biocare implants.

Quality guarantees and certificates

Nobel superstructures comply with ISO standards for medical devices. Each implant and abutment is accompanied by supporting documentation with a mandatory quality certificate, which indicates its serial number. The factories strictly adhere to internal standards, which require daily round-the-clock inspections and testing at every stage of the production process. Mandatory regular training courses for implantologists allow them to obtain permission to work with products and improve their skills.

The company provides a lifetime guarantee on implants. For suprastructures and orthopedic components - 10 years.

Key features of the Nobel Biocare implant system

  • using only pure grade 4 titanium (G4Ti), which significantly increases the process of osseointegration and reduces implant rejection to an absolute minimum;
  • Patented TiUnite® surface. Titanium is lowered into the electrolyte, exposed to electric current (the process is called “anodization” - anodic oxidation), as a result of which micropores appear, the oxide layer thickens, and the hydrophobic property increases. The implant is enriched with phosphorus on top. All this leads to rapid overgrowth of the titanium root with tissues, blood vessels, and integration in the body. Phosphorus, in turn, affects secondary stability by reducing resorption;
  • each model has a unique type of thread for low-traumatic implantation and a tight fit;
  • each product has its own individual number to avoid counterfeiting;
  • Nobel was one of the first to use the “All-on-4”, “All-on-6” technique (all on four, all on six), which became a salvation for people with edentulous, toothless jaws. Now there was no need to insert many implants, which scared patients away due to the price and volume of work;
  • Swiss Nobel Biocare implants are used in classical protocols with delayed loading and in single-stage ones, and can be combined for the most complex clinical cases.

Advantages of Nobel Biocare as a method of combating edentia

A considerable number of patients do not consider prosthetics the optimal method of restoring the integrity of the dentition due to the duration of treatment. In some cases, clinic specialists have to warn the patient that treatment will take at least six months. There is nothing surprising. The fact is that it takes time for the implant to take root, and only after that can we talk about choosing the material for making the prosthesis.

Nobel Biocare technology means something different. A-Medic dentists offer patients to perform several dental procedures in one visit:

  • removal of a tooth;
  • implantation;
  • installation of abutment and crown.

Mandatory conditions for the implementation of the technology are the professionalism of the dentist and high-quality consumables. A minimum of contraindications, no age restrictions and high implant survival rates have made the technology of prosthetics with Swiss implants one of the most popular procedures at the clinic. No other manufacturer of titanium roots has yet managed to achieve such high rates of foreign body survival in the oral cavity. Nobel Biocare is chosen by those patients who want to solve the problem of edentia as quickly and effectively as possible.


  • time-tested reliability and quality. The company has been producing implants for more than 50 years, and even those that were installed 20-30 years ago serve their owners flawlessly;
  • the survival rate reaches almost 100%, only 0.4% of the body perceives the titanium artificial root as something foreign;
  • a large selection of shapes and sizes, which gives the doctor the opportunity to select the necessary implant for each patient;
  • the ability to use most models for bone atrophy, without osteoplasty and sinus lift;
  • accelerated integration with bone tissue due to a special surface and coating.

Special TiUnite coating

The surface of TiUnite implants is a patented development of the company. More than 10 years of clinical studies have proven the effectiveness of the coating. The manufacturer was not trying to develop a profitable product, but was studying the properties of bone and the principles of integration with the implant material in order to make implantation faster and painless for patients. This led to the creation of TiUnite coating. The porous surface literally allows bone to pass through, allowing it to grow into the structure as it integrates. The use of technology ensures a high success rate of treatment and, most importantly, the absence of health problems in the future.

Types of Nobel Biocare implants

Main lines of implants:

  • Active
    . The company is positioned as “unparalleled”. The most expensive of all models. It has an obverse conical shape at the neck, leaving a normal volume of soft tissues, including gingival papillae, which gives good aesthetics. Aggressive carving provides excellent primary stability in any bone type.
  • Parallel
    . A universal product suitable for any protocol: two-stage, single-stage, all-on-four/six.
  • Replace
    . The root-shaped implant is also used for immediate loading; it forms the gum well due to the ledge in the neck area, which is important in the smile area;
  • Speedy
    . For express implantation. Atraumatic insertion and rapid osseointegration with the “All-on-4” method.
  • Branemark
    . Named after the founding scientist. It is declared as “the most clinically studied”, which means it is reliable. Has a wide range of abutments;
  • Zigoma
    . Long zygomatic pins used by dentists for the upper jaws in the area of ​​the lateral teeth. Allows you to do without a sinus lift.


Every year there are fewer contraindications. Absolutes become relative. What you should pay attention to that can cancel or delay implantation:

  • mental illness;
  • allergy to the material;
  • intolerance to anesthesia, anesthesia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • diabetes mellitus (insulin dependent);
  • undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy;
  • acute disease (chronic, viral);
  • AIDS, HIV, hepatitis (the decision is made after consultation).

Nobel implantation for complete absence of teeth

In 1998, the operation to install Nobel implants using the “All-on-4” technology was developed and performed for the first time. A permanent prosthesis was securely fixed on four implants, ensuring the restoration of the entire jaw. Experts tested this concept and improved it. But the fact that it became possible to restore a beautiful smile to an entire row of teeth in a few days was a real miracle for patients. Now many people are copying this technology and using it as the basis for their express implantation programs.

Expert opinion

Vladimir Aleksandrovich Voznyuk

maxillofacial surgeon, implantologist

Experience: more than 33 years

If possible, it is better to choose time-tested brands. Such as Nobel Biocare. If the budget is limited, but the patient is only committed to Swiss quality, I tell you about the ROOTT implant system. It has not been on the market for half a century, but those decades of its existence have proven itself quite well. Excellent stability, reliability and aesthetics are a big plus for patients. And for my work, a large set of tools, various shapes of implants and abutments suits my work. You can solve the problem of a single loss or carry out implantation using the ReSmile technology, when after a few days the patient leaves my office with a permanent prosthesis.

Implant manufacturer

The Nobel Biocare implantation system is manufactured by the concern of the same name (it has had this name since 1996). The company was founded in Sweden in 1978. In 2014, it was bought by the American company Danaher Corporation. Currently, the headquarters of the concern is located in Kloten (Switzerland), and production is located in several countries: Sweden, USA, Canada, Japan, France, Spain, Australia, Germany, Great Britain, Italy. The concern produces implants, abutments, crowns and bridges.

Where to go for turnkey Nobel Biocare implant installation

Many dentists use Nobel Biocare implants to be confident in their results and not have to test recently released new products on their patients. Therefore, we offer you a list of clinics where Nobel Biocare implants are installed on a turnkey basis.

dental clinic Website Address
Center for Implant Technologies ROOTT
  • Moscow, st. Rustaveli, 14 building 9
  • Volgogradsky Prospekt, 4A, 1 subdivision, 2nd floor. 80
  • Moscow, st. Kyiv, 24 8
  • Moscow, Pechatnikov lane, 20, building 1 8
  • Moscow, st. Dubininskaya, 27, building 1 8
Rudenta h
  • Moscow, Birch Grove Ave., 6 8

Other jobs

Recommendations from specialists for postoperative care

The success of implantation largely depends on oral care after surgery and following certain rules. Doctors advise:

  • do not drink or eat for 3 hours after surgery;
  • on the first day, apply cold to the cheek on the operated side;
  • if necessary, take painkillers;
  • do not engage in heavy physical labor and sports, do not visit the sauna, bathhouse, beach, solarium for a month after the operation;
  • for at least a week, eat only warm foods with a soft consistency (soups, cereals, yoghurts, meatballs, fish fillets, etc.), do not drink alcohol;
  • do not touch the suture area with your tongue;
  • Start using a toothbrush only on days 3–5. Before this, you should do oral baths (take water or an antibacterial solution into your mouth, hold for a minute and spit it out);
  • take all medications prescribed by your doctor.

The dental network offers installation services for Nobel Biocare implants. Implant surgeons working in our branches are highly qualified and improve their skills in leading clinics in Russia and Europe. The quality of implantation meets international standards. We have a system of family and cumulative discounts, and we provide reporting documents for filing tax deductions.

Branches of our orthodontic center are located in Moscow within walking distance from the metro:

  • Art. Alekseevskaya (VDNKh district, etc. Mira), address: st. 3rd Mytishchiskaya house 3, building 2;
  • Art. Shelepikha, address: Shelepikhinskaya embankment, address: building 34, building 1.

Dental implantation will help restore self-confidence. We are waiting for you every day without breaks and weekends!

Examples of work “Before” and “After”

Complete prosthetics of the upper and lower jaws
Case: absence of teeth in the upper jaw (completely), absence of an orthopedic structure in the lower jaw on existing implants (installed in the USA two years earlier) Work: production of a complete removable denture in the upper jaw as a temporary structure until the installation of one-stage implants followed by prosthetics.

Combined implantation and prosthetics of the upper and lower jaw

Case: The patient complained of tooth mobility on both jaws, including under bridges, and was treated for periodontal disease for several years.

Combined implantation and prosthetics of the upper jaw

Case: complete absence of teeth in the upper jaw.

Complex implantation of 1 jaw in 4 days

Work: complex implantation of 1 jaw in 4 days using ROOTT technology.

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