Fixed Haas appliance - a breakthrough in pediatric orthodontics

More than 10 years ago, it was customary to correct the bite starting from adolescence. Dentists have proven that this is wrong.

Today, orthodontists have developed a technique that can prevent the development of anomalies, starting from early childhood. This saves not only money, but also time. After all, it is better to take preventive measures in childhood than to wear braces in adulthood.

The Haas apparatus can cope with this task. Dentists consider this device unique, and for good reason.

Structure of the structure

The device is non-removable and is capable of stretching the upper jaw and moving the teeth as needed to achieve aesthetics and functionality. The device consists of:

  • a frame made of medical steel, which eliminates the occurrence of an allergic reaction;
  • a plastic plate with the help of which the surface of the sky expands.
  • screw - an expander, with the help of which, if necessary, the parameters of the device are changed;
  • clasps and rings are fasteners.
  • Haas is used to correct temporary occlusion in order to prevent the development of pathology in the placement of permanent teeth. Attached to molars and upper canines.

There are no ready-made devices for sale. Each new specimen is made to order, taking into account the clinical picture and defects present in the little patient.

The device is fixed using dental cement or composite.

Examples of treatment with the Marco Rosa apparatus from the practice of orthodontists “Dial-Dent”

Example 1

Girl 7 years old. Open bite, narrowing of the upper jaw, constantly breathes through the mouth.

With the help of the Marco Rosa apparatus, the expansion of the upper jaw to the required size was achieved, and nasal breathing was normalized. Orthodontist M.P. Sleptsova, assistant orthodontist L. Rodina.

Example 2

Boy 8 years old. Narrowing of the upper jaw, advancement of the lower jaw. The beginning of the development of class 3 malocclusion (in adults with class 3 malocclusion, more complex and lengthy treatment is required).

As a result of the treatment, the upper jaw was expanded, and correct closure of the teeth in the anterior region was achieved. Orthodontist M.P. Sleptsova, assistant orthodontist L. Rodina.

Example 3

Boy 8 years old. Deep incisal overjet, not enough space for permanent teeth (second incisors).

After treatment with the Marco Rosa apparatus, the size of the jaws was normalized, and enough space was created for the eruption of permanent second incisors. Orthodontist M.P. Sleptsova, assistant orthodontist L. Rodina.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Haas apparatus

Doctors say the main advantage is the strength of the structure and invisibility for the interlocutor. This is extremely important for children, since the type of braces often affects the child’s social adaptation; they avoid him and do not want to communicate.

In addition, the advantages of using the device are:

  • painless installation;
  • efficiency (relapses are impossible, since the permanent tooth initially grows in the right direction);
  • comfort and speed of treatment (it is reduced to 4-6 months).

To get the most positive result, you should visit the dentist’s office systematically and on schedule.

Remember! Only a doctor can adjust treatment using the Haas apparatus. If you try to increase the pressure on the palate yourself, you can injure the child.

The disadvantages of the device include partial discomfort during the adaptation period and cost

Advanced training for Dial-Dent specialists

The creator of the device for expanding the upper jaw is orthodontist Dr. Marko Rosa conducts lectures and seminars so that orthodontists learn all the features of the device and learn how to use it most effectively. Orthodontists "Dial-Dent" M.P. Sleptsova and O.N. The selector was trained by the author of the device.

Seminar Dr. Marco Rosa in Minsk at the Renaissance Minsk Hotel, October 2021

Orthodontists "Dial-Dent" O.N. Selector and M.P. Sleptsova at the seminar of Dr. Marco Rosa in Minsk at the Renaissance Minsk Hotel, October 2016

Orthodontists around the world have recognized the Marco Rosa apparatus as effective for orthodontic treatment of children and use it in their practice.

Make an appointment for a consultation by phone +7-499-110-18-01 or through the form on the website. You can ask questions about correcting your bite to the chief doctor of the clinic, Sergei Vladimirovich Tsukor, at

Indications and contraindications for use

The main function of the device is to correct the malocclusion of primary teeth with further planning of normal growth of permanent teeth. In addition, the device allows you to correct a number of other pathologies:

  • crowded teeth;
  • growth of teeth outside the dentition;
  • malocclusion caused by a short upper jaw;
  • violation of the symmetry of lip closure.

Along with the elimination of the listed problems, the problems of speech therapy are corrected.

The device can cope with the task of normalizing the tone of the facial muscles and correcting the load on each group of facial muscles.

Unfortunately, not all pathologies can be solved using the device. It makes no sense to use the device in the following situations:

  • jaw asymmetry;
  • allergy to the components from which the product is made;
  • bite asymmetry with unilateral jaw enlargement.
  • Cross-occlusion of individual units of the dentition cannot be treated with the device.

How it works?

The maxillary row expands due to the opening of the palate suture:

  1. The device is fixed in the child’s mouth so that the base is in the center of the palate, and the rings and fasteners are on the molars and fangs.
  2. The doctor develops an expansion plan, clearly indicating when and how much it is necessary to unscrew the screw.
  3. The pressure on the jaw increases slowly, gradually.
  4. An upper jaw enlarged in this way suggests the formation of a cleft between the front teeth. To get rid of it, the doctor will prescribe corrective therapy (wearing braces, for example).

Only the upper jaw is corrected by the device. The lower one adapts to it very quickly (in a couple of months).


The period of getting used to the presence of a foreign body in a child’s mouth can be divided into three parts:

  1. The first day is irritation. Characterized by vomiting and severe salivation.
  2. From the second to the fourth day - partial braking. The level of salivation decreases, the child eats quite calmly, nausea and vomiting disappear.
  3. The next 20-25 days are a slowdown. Chewing function is completely restored, the child gets used to the presence of the device in the mouth.

Thus, the entire adaptation period will take no more than a month, but provided that the device is correctly selected and installed.

Treatment results

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The Haas apparatus can help bring the length and shape of the maxillary teeth into a normal ratio, and expand the nasal passages by leveling the palate. The device is successfully used to ensure the correct positioning of the tongue in the oral cavity, which significantly improves the child’s speech therapy.

The best period for correction using a device is considered to be the age of children from 6 to 9 years old, when baby teeth naturally change to permanent ones. At this time, it is quite easy to achieve the required result: expansion of the maxillary arch by about 1 cm. Visually, the result is usually visible a month after the start of treatment. However, complete healing of the cleft palate takes about 10 months, and during this time the device cannot be removed from the mouth.


On average, the cost of installing a device ranges from 15 to 20 thousand rubles. This is not a cheap treatment, but the results are worth it. Parents should be prepared to shell out several thousand more if there is a need to re-attach some elements to improve the correction effect.

Sometimes young patients have to continue eliminating pathologies with the help of braces. This dental service is not included in the cost of treatment with the Haas apparatus and is paid separately. In this case, the price will depend on the choice of model, material and design features.

Will I need braces later?

Orthodontic treatment in children using a fixed Marco Ross appliance helps to normalize the size of the upper jaw, which prevents negative changes in the facial skeleton (protrusion of the lower jaw or its retraction, severe narrowing of the upper jaw), which change the harmony of the face. If the problem of underdevelopment or narrowing of the upper jaw is left unresolved in childhood, surgical expansion of the upper jaw may be required in adulthood.

You may need treatment with braces or mouth guards in the future, but this treatment will be faster and more effective. Quite often, additional wearing of braces after orthodontic treatment with a fixed Marco Rosa appliance is not required.

Possible difficulties

The first few days after the appliance is placed on the upper jaw, the child will experience some discomfort. Usually this condition is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, difficulty chewing and swallowing food, and increased salivation.

When you subsequently wear the device, the following problems may appear:

  • difficulties with the pronunciation of individual sounds;
  • injury to soft tissues (cheeks, tongue) upon contact with parts of the device;
  • difficulty with complete and correct oral hygiene and care of the device.

Some parents highlight another problem - the need to regularly tighten the expanding mechanism.

In order for treatment with this device to proceed in accordance with the plan developed by the doctor, and for the child not to experience discomfort when wearing it, you need to patiently wait a certain time, during which the baby will get used to the presence of a foreign body in the mouth.

Cost of treatment

The average price for fixing the device in large dental centers reaches 16-19 thousand rubles, which is considered an expensive manipulation.

If there is a need for additional dental procedures or re-fastening of some elements of the device, the cost increases by several thousand rubles.

Some patients, even after removing this device, still need to continue correction using a brace system. Its installation is already paid for separately, and the final price of treatment depends on several factors: the type of braces and their material, the design features of the selected model.

The principle of operation of the technique

This device expands the parameters of the maxillary row by opening the palatal suture. The whole process occurs in the following sequence:

  1. The device is secured in the mouth so that the base lies in the center of the roof of the mouth, and the fasteners and rings are attached to the canines and molars, respectively.
  2. The dentist draws up a schedule that indicates a gradual increase in the force of the expansion mechanism on the jaw.
  3. The increase in pressure on units of the dentition occurs gradually. The result of this effect is the divergence of the jaw halves and the appearance of additional space in the suture area, which is gradually filled with bone tissue.

After enlargement of the maxillary line, gaps may form between the anterior elements. To eliminate them, the doctor prepares a program to further change the position of these teeth, which may include correction with a brace system or other orthodontic structure.

The mandibular row in children immediately responds to changes in the upper jaw and adapts to its new position. This will take approximately 1-2 months.

Reasons for installing the Twin Block device and reviews from specialists about the effectiveness of treatment with the device.

In this article, read about how the Dilyar mask works.

Here you will find a detailed description of the Kvadheliks teeth straightening system.

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