The main secret: is it true that you can be treated with saliva?

Functions of saliva in the body

Xerostomia is a condition when the salivary glands stop producing enough saliva. This physiological fluid performs certain tasks in the mouth:

  • wetting and softening pieces of food;
  • fight against viruses and bacteria;
  • lubricating the throat for smooth swallowing of food;
  • maintaining the correct biological environment in the mouth;
  • protecting teeth from caries.

Without the protective function of saliva, it is easier for a person to get infectious diseases.

Symptoms accompanying dry mouth

In the absence of saliva, the body is unprotected, and therefore “attracts” many accompanying symptoms. Dry mouth is accompanied by: Thirst, a person cannot get drunk;

Feeling of “sticking together” of the tongue, gums and palate;

Bad breath;

The appearance of cracks and sores on the lips;

Tooth decay;

Difficulty swallowing food and water. The throat feels closed and hurts;

Irritation on the tongue;

Loss of taste in food;


With a constant lack of saliva, the digestive system begins to suffer, teeth and gums suffer, and problems with the ears and nasopharynx begin. At this time, it is dangerous to move along the street without a mask, as there is a high risk of catching any infection.

If you have dry mouth, the reasons may be natural.

Natural Causes of Dry Mouth

People say that dry mouth appears with age, which means there is no way out, but this is not true. Xerostomia is associated with very specific causes, therefore, they need to be detected and eliminated. Dry mouth can cause:

  • Dehydration. If a person hardly drinks water, then there is nothing to produce saliva from. The skin becomes dry and urine is scanty.
  • Excessive consumption of salty foods, especially at night.
  • Excessive consumption of coffee or hot spices “dries out” the mouth.
  • High air temperature. At elevated temperatures, the liquid evaporates too quickly and must be replenished. If this is not possible, then the throat dries out and almost no saliva is released. Temperature dehydration occurs not only in hot weather, but also in winter, when batteries dry out the air.
  • Stressful situation. There is an assumption that fear makes your throat dry, and this statement has a basis. An exciting event, preparation for an important event or speaking in public provoke a decrease in saliva production.
  • Runny nose. With a stuffy nose, a person is forced to breathe through the mouth, the saliva dries out and does not have time to be released again.
  • Dry mouth during sleep. When a person sleeps with his mouth open, he wakes up with a “dry” throat. As a rule, this is a sign of apnea - short-term holding of breath during sleep. A deviated nasal septum also causes your mouth to open during sleep.

Drinking alcohol causes dry mouth and extreme thirst in the morning. Poisoning with low-quality products or overeating gives the same effect. Smoking causes a decrease in saliva production, and consequently, dry mouth.

Sometimes the effect of the absence of saliva is associated with a deficiency of vitamins A and B in the body.

Dry mouth after taking certain medications

Any medications have side effects, one of them is xerostomia. As people age, they take more medications, which is why older people are more likely to suffer from dry mouth. Xerostomia is caused by drugs:

  • from edema;
  • from allergies;
  • from diarrhea;
  • from high blood pressure;
  • antispasmodics;
  • antibiotics;
  • tranquilizers;
  • psychotropic drugs.
  • In total there are about 500 items. If the symptom persists, you should consult a doctor to replace the drug with a harmless analogue.

Chemotherapy for cancer also causes dry mouth.

Radiation therapy as a provocateur of xerostomia

Irradiation of the head and neck for cancer of the oral cavity and pharynx can lead to disruption of the salivary glands. The function is restored over time, but sometimes the problem remains for life. For such patients, there are special aerosols that compensate for the lack of saliva.

Our body is a source of healing substances

  • Urine therapy
  • Urine and its healing properties
  • Cleansing with urine according to G. Malakhov
  • Treatment with saliva
  • Why is saliva valuable?
  • Treatment with “hungry” saliva
  • Treatment with any saliva
  • First, a few words about a wonderful person, a doctor - Gennady Petrovich Malakhov. Being a very sick man, he wanted only one thing - to get well. But traditional medicine could not help him, like many other patients whose diseases are considered incurable. However, Malakhov did not give up. He read a huge amount of various medical literature. He did not reject any method of treatment. Gradually, a single picture emerged, based on certain patterns common to all treatment methods. Based on these patterns, Malakhov created his own method, which allowed him to get rid of diseases. This method includes nutritional guidance, exercise, and more. But its basis was urine therapy, widely known in the West, but practically not used in our country. G. Malakhov was the first to talk about urine therapy as an independent and effective method of treating many diseases. Today G. Malakhov is the head of the Bodrost health club in Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Rostov region, and hosts a popular television program. With the help of his healing system, he helped many people avoid serious operations and get rid of serious illnesses. Followers of his method achieve overall health and rejuvenation of the body, and also get rid of excess weight.

    The method of urine therapy has been known since ancient times; it is described in the Mahabharata. All ancient doctors noted the healing properties of urine.

    Urine is the result of a complex process of ultrafiltration of blood through the kidneys, which produces a very concentrated saline solution. If used correctly for medicinal purposes, it can cleanse the body quickly and effectively. Urine, passing through the digestive canal, draws out excess water, and with it waste. As a result of cleansing, the functioning of the digestive and excretory systems, microflora is normalized, and the water balance in the body is restored.

    Healers claim that the urine of a sick person contains enzymes, hormones and antibodies that can be successfully used to treat the disease, and the dose of one or another component in such a medicine is always precisely determined. That is, a person produces for himself a treatment that will be more effective than drugs purchased at a pharmacy.


    ? Urine contains the hormone cortisone. It is used to treat asthma and is used to treat inflammatory processes in the body.

    ? Urine contains vitamin D

    , accordingly, it can treat all diseases caused by its deficiency, for example rickets.

    Urine has a tonic effect. ? Urine has bactericidal properties. ? Urine is an excellent remedy for constipation. Urine therapy from the point of view of modern medicine
    Urine therapy should be used carefully, since it is a method of hormonal influence. And hormone therapy, being a powerful health remedy, has a large number of contraindications. Therefore, before starting treatment with urine, you should definitely consult your doctor.

    Here are the basic rules of urine therapy:

    ? It is forbidden

    be treated with urine for sexually transmitted diseases, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the genitourinary organs, bladder, diseases of the kidneys, liver and pancreas, peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract.

    ? You can start urine therapy only after cleaning the gastrointestinal tract.

    ? The course of urine therapy should not be long.

    ? is used :

    the urine that comes out at the beginning and at the end of urination is unsuitable for healing. The exception is in cases of fasting, when all excreted urine should be taken.

    ? Urine should be drunk in one gulp, without stopping.

    ? It is forbidden

    use urine that was obtained from 20 to 3 o'clock. The most useful urine is obtained between 3 and 4 o'clock in the morning.

    ? When practicing urine therapy, you need to drink at least 1 liter of liquid (water) per day.

    ? It is forbidden

    drink urine if it contains pus.

    ? It is forbidden

    combine urine therapy with other forms of treatment, including medications. At least 2–4 days should pass between the end of the previous course of treatment and the start of urine therapy.

    ? Alcohol and tobacco consumption should be kept to a minimum.

    Diet you need to follow:

    ? consume as little protein and salt as possible;

    ? avoid refined and synthetic products: sugar, fine flour, sausages, cheeses;

    ? give up dairy products;

    ? Do not eat spicy food - it makes the smell and taste of urine unpleasant.

    The amount of urine drunk is determined individually.
    But in the first 2-3 weeks it is advisable to drink it all (with the exception of the first and final portions). This will allow you to quickly cleanse the body. Possible side effects
    During intensive courses of urine therapy, as well as if the body is heavily polluted, crisis conditions may occur. This is an indicator that the cleansing process is proceeding rapidly. The following symptoms may appear:

    ? loose stools;

    ? skin rashes;

    ? vomit;

    ? feverish condition;

    ? cough;

    ? general weakness and depression.

    Your body gets rid of diseases in this form; they come out and leave you forever. To minimize unpleasant symptoms, you need to cleanse the body. You can reduce the portions of urine you take and even stop taking it for a while. An excellent remedy in such a situation is complete fasting or a vegetable and fruit diet.

    If you develop a fever during treatment, cool your head with cold water compresses and massage your feet with melted butter.

    Malakhov has 3 techniques in his arsenal to cleanse the body:

    1. Ingestion of urine.

    2. Compresses with evaporated urine.

    3. Massage with evaporated urine.

    The greatest effect is achieved using the first method, but if this method is unacceptable for you, you can turn to the other two.
    Accustoming yourself to urine
    There are special methods that allow you to master urine therapy gradually, without forcing yourself.

    1. Intellectual and moral preparation.

    You need to consciously develop a calm attitude towards urine.

    2. Rubbing into the skin of the hands.

    Collect a small amount of fresh urine and rub it into your hands. After 5 minutes, rinse it off with cold water and see if it has had a positive effect on the skin, whether it has become softer and silkier.

    3. Rubbing the feet with evaporated urine

    . Evaporate 500 ml of urine in an enamel bowl to a quarter of the original volume. Massage your feet with evaporated urine for 5 minutes. Then wash it off with warm water. Analyze how your general well-being will change within 3-6 hours after such a massage.

    4. First ingestion.

    Now try drinking urine. Start with one drop, apply it to your tongue, taste and smell it.

    5. We are gradually increasing the number of urine therapy procedures.

    Next, you need to gradually increase the area of ​​the body massage and the amount of urine you drink.
    Purification by ingesting urine
    G. Malakhov recommends 3 methods of ingesting urine:

    1. Drink it once a day - in the morning.

    2. Drink urine 3 times a day - in the morning on an empty stomach, at noon 1 hour before or 1 hour after meals and 1 hour after dinner.

    3. Drink all the urine in one day or one day.

    For those who cannot drink urine, another method is suitable: you can do enemas with urine, and part of the urine will be absorbed.
    A regular rubber bulb of 100–200 ml is used. Using an enema with urine, you can quickly cure dysbiosis, colitis, and cleanse the intestinal walls. The best time for urine enemas is the second half of the day. Cleansing with external use of urine
    Urine can be used to heal and disinfect cuts, small wounds, damaged skin after shaving, as well as to soften the skin of the hands and face. For external use, urine evaporated to a quarter of the original volume is used.

    Open wounds are treated with compresses and lotions with evaporated urine. Compresses and lotions are applied to the wounds and constantly moistened with new portions of urine. If the ulcers initially increase in size, do not be alarmed: this indicates a cleansing process; when it is completed, the wounds will quickly heal.

    To raise your overall tone, apply a compress with evaporated urine to your feet at night. In the morning, your feet should be rinsed with warm water. The result is amazing - the skin on your feet becomes soft and smooth, you feel a surge of energy.

    You can rinse your mouth and throat with urine, brush your teeth, and drop it into your eyes and ears for diseases and inflammation.
    Massage with evaporated urine
    This massage perfectly stimulates tissues and increases the energy of the body.

    ? Choose free time, at least 2 hours.

    ? Prepare 300 ml of evaporated urine, place it in a wide bowl. If your own urine is not enough, you can use the urine of any healthy person of the same sex as you.

    ? Massage your entire body, working each part for 10 minutes. Hand movements should be light and there should be no discomfort.

    ? Dip your hands in urine and rub your body until your hands are dry.

    ? Particular attention should be paid to massage the feet, palms, face and neck.

    We have already talked a lot about the fact that in the matter of recovery you need to listen to yourself, your body, respond to all its desires and “whims”. The fact is that we are not talking about the actual whims here: our body simply knows with some “sixth sense” what it really needs, although this may be completely inexplicable from the point of view of ordinary everyday logic.

    Have you noticed that when we get hurt (cut, pricked), we reflexively try to “lick” the wound? In this we, people, will be given a hundred points ahead by our smaller brothers, animals. They intuitively heal themselves... with their saliva. Moreover, the treatment is very effective. We, also intuitively, are trying to do the same. But quite often we come across ethical prohibitions and cultural barriers: you should not lick dirty hands, there are a lot of microbes in your mouth that can get into the wound and cause suppuration, etc., etc. Meanwhile, traditional medicine from time immemorial has had a solid experience in treating various disorders with saliva, primarily with hunger. This is how healers and healers in Russian villages treated their patients for centuries, and for their patients everything healed “like a dog.”

    There is still a belief that if you unexpectedly spit in the eye of a person who has a stye, the suppuration will quickly resolve. Amateur piercers (ear piercing specialists) advise their clients to constantly lubricate a fresh piercing with saliva. Old-school midwives always licked babies' umbilical wounds or suggested that the mother in labor do so. When the mucous membranes of the eyes are inflamed, many healers advise wiping them with saliva. Many people are prejudiced against this kind of “recipe”. However, they are time-tested, our ancestors used them, and, oddly enough, they “worked”!

    Until now, scientists have not been able to find evidence of the value of saliva.
    Even its composition has not yet been studied. But research is underway, and stunning discoveries have already been made. Here is what Doctor of Medical Sciences Nikolai Shchepkin (Novosibirsk) says about this: “If they had asked me about the healing qualities of saliva five years ago, I would have simply laughed in my face. I would say that this is all absurdity and women’s prejudices. However, in the summer of 2004, a man was sent to our institute who first got lost in the taiga, and then became closely acquainted with a bear. Fortunately, he managed to scare the beast - and it left, but before that it pretty much crushed the man. And he, wounded, somehow wandered around the forest for five days until geologists picked him up. What’s amazing is that all the wounds on his body were clean! He was weak from blood loss and hunger, but there was no suppuration! And this is a real miracle. Usually, someone who is clawed, let alone bitten, by a bear, even if antibiotics are administered in time, begins to succumb to sepsis. And here - nothing! And the man didn’t have any medications! He said that he treated himself... with saliva. He had to believe it, because in this dramatic situation he really had nothing else to help himself with. This incident prompted me to begin research into the properties of human saliva. It turned out the following: firstly, it is a unique antiseptic. Saliva taken directly from the mouth is practically sterile: it contains the germ-killing enzyme lysozyme. And also a lipase with a bactericidal effect, which until now has been found only in the secretion of the duodenum. In addition, saliva contains natural antibiotics, sorbents, and substances that promote tissue regeneration in low concentrations... Until our experiments are completed, I cannot announce our preliminary conclusions. We examine the saliva of people of different ages, dogs, cats. I can already say now: the saliva of any living creature contains amazing healing potential! Don't be afraid to lick your wounds! They will definitely last!”[1] Western experts claim that kissing on the lips is not only pleasant for the kisser, but also... increases immunity, promotes health and rejuvenation, and activates metabolic processes. Here's what Grace Kim (experimental laboratory of natural medicine, Washington State National Hospital, USA) says: “Obviously, when kissing, two factors activate energy: a positive charge, joy and the exchange of saliva between two people. After all, saliva contains a lot of different antibodies, enzymes, and catalysts for life processes. We recently conducted a comparative analysis of the health status of fifty patients treated in the intensive care unit. We forbade half of them from kissing visitors and each other, and the other half were strongly recommended to do this as often as possible. Eighty percent of the patients who kissed recovered faster than their “colleagues” who had not kissed. This is very significant. In addition, practice shows that, for example, influenza in the initial stage in seventy-six percent of cases is extinguished by interaction with a healthy partner at the level of kisses. We advise all our patients to kiss as often as possible!”[2] Saliva: simple, “hungry”, “baby”, “animal”
    In ancient books we can also find recipes for treatment with saliva. The authors especially recommend taking “morning” or “hungry” saliva. What's the secret? It turns out that in the morning, before eating, healing substances are most concentrated in saliva. But if the situation is urgent, you don’t have to wait until the morning: any saliva will help. For example, if you happen to get hurt in the evening, it’s better to lick the wound right away and not wait until the next morning. If you are treating a chronic illness, it is better to take your time and conduct sessions in the morning.

    “Infant” saliva (saliva of a child under 7 years old) is of great value. The fact is that the child’s body’s immunity is maximally activated. Therefore, all “infant” secretions contain a healing power: “infant” urine, “infant” saliva, and even tear secretion are useful.

    You have probably seen more than once how animals lick their young and constantly “wash themselves”. On the one hand, this is hygiene, and on the other, massage. But there is another meaning: a protective barrier that the animal establishes from the aggressive influence of all kinds of “settlers” from the outside. It is known that animals tolerate many diseases more easily and are generally more adapted to life in difficult conditions, in the open air, than humans. Therefore, in animal saliva the concentration of biostimulants and natural antibiotics is several times higher than in human saliva. Your pets - dogs and cats - can provide you with an invaluable service in getting rid of various ailments. Therefore, if your cat wants to lick you, do not shy away from it: the cat is not just showing you its affection, but also wants to treat you. Maybe your dog always wants to lick you in a certain place. Think about it, is there a sore there? Probably, some hidden disease is localized there, which you are not even aware of. Let your dog lick the area he wants to lick and thank him for his treatment and care.

    Treatment with “hungry” saliva, or any saliva in general, is not a panacea and does not exclude taking other medications or performing medical procedures. If you treat wounds with saliva, you do not have to give up other remedies that your doctor has prescribed for you.

    Chronic or long-term diseases are usually treated with “hungry” saliva.
    I present recipes for the treatment of some diseases from the book of Alexandra Krapivina. If anyone liked the method, I refer you to her book. Treatment of chronic conjunctivitis
    Every morning, every half hour, wipe your eyes with “hungry” saliva.
    You can eat only after the second wipe. The course is a month, although you will feel an improvement in the first days [3]. Treatment of styes
    As soon as you feel the beginning of inflammation on the eyelid, wipe the area with saliva, no matter if you are not “hungry”.
    Wipe every hour. The next morning, use “hungry” saliva three times with an interval of half an hour. And then use regular saliva every hour. The stye will go away within 2 days. Treatment of acne
    If acne or pimples appear on your face, you need to wipe each pimple or blackhead with “hungry” saliva every morning. If a white head appears, you can gently squeeze it out and immediately cover the wound with “hungry” saliva.


    Pimples can be squeezed out only in the morning in order to immediately lubricate them with “hungry” saliva and thus prevent suppuration.
    For sinusitis,
    lubricate the areas of the maxillary chambers and frontal sinuses with “hungry” saliva in the morning.
    At night, warm these places with heated sea salt in a canvas bag, and after warming, lubricate with saliva. Usually the course of treatment does not exceed 1.5–2 months. Then the sinusitis is forgotten like a bad dream. Treatment of herpes and colds on the lips
    As soon as you wake up, immediately lick the sore spot intensively.
    Do this not once or twice, but at short intervals for at least 15 minutes before meals. Everything will pass within a week. Treatment of warts and papillomas
    If you are irritated by a wart or papilloma, every morning lubricate it with “hungry” saliva and massage it well with your finger, and in the evening do the same with regular saliva.
    Within 2–3 weeks, the wart (papilloma) will disappear. Treatment of sore joints
    If you have sore joints, then every morning lubricate them with “hungry” saliva and massage them lightly.
    At night, lubricate with regular saliva and massage too. Usually the swelling disappears on the 5th–7th day, the pain subsides within 1.5–2 weeks. But in order to continue treatment and consolidate the results of lubrication, light massaging of the affected areas must be continued. Treatment of cracks, old calluses and corns on the feet
    Every morning, wash your feet thoroughly, wipe dry, then apply “hungry” saliva to problem areas and rub it in thoroughly.
    Next, put on cotton socks for half an hour, and when you take them off, do not forget to lubricate your feet with some softening antiseptic cream. In the warm season, it is good to apply plantain moistened with saliva to cracks, calluses and corns on the feet overnight. The rest of the time - a cabbage leaf moistened with saliva. Everything goes away within 1.5–2 weeks. Treatment of varicose veins
    If varicose veins and nodules appear on the legs, lubricate problem areas with “hungry” saliva every morning.
    It is good to tie a plantain or cabbage leaf moistened with saliva to the diseased veins at night. If you have a dog at home, every night before bed, smear your leg with sour cream or butter and invite it to thoroughly lick the areas with pronounced varicose veins. It is also good to use “baby” saliva. Not necessarily “hungry”. Ask your child to spit on your leg, tell him what it is, so that the leg doesn’t hurt, rub the saliva over the entire surface of the limb affected by varicose veins. Treatment must be constantly renewed, carried out in courses of 2-3 weeks. Pain and swelling usually stop quickly, but bad blood vessels in the legs are an insidious thing; they can reappear at any moment, so you need to be on guard all the time. Treatment of gout, salt deposits
    If you have gout, “bones” or “spurs” on your feet, this treatment is perfect for you.
    Take a copper circle (a royal copper nickel is best), every morning lubricate the sore spot with “hungry” saliva, lubricate the nickel with it and tie it to the affected area. The length of treatment depends on how old your disease is. Be patient. Typically, it takes 3 to 6 months for this type of deposit to resolve. For inflammation of the female genital organs, thrush.
    Every morning after washing, lubricate the vagina with “hungry” saliva.
    At night, insert a tampon moistened with saliva into the vagina. The inflammation goes away and the discharge stops after 1–1.5 weeks. For tumor diseases
    Wipe the tumor site every day, lightly massaging it. If it is palpable, go through it all, constantly moistening the skin covering it with saliva. If not, still lubricate the corresponding place on the surface of the skin with “hungry” saliva. In 75% of cases with this therapy, the tumor decreases in size or stops growing within the first month. Many people, with the help of “hungry” saliva, defeat cancer even in advanced stages.

    Sometimes applying saliva in the morning is not enough.
    Then any saliva is used. Of course, it is better to use a “hungry”, infant or dog (cat) one. But that's how it goes. Treatment of a runny nose
    Every 15–20 minutes, you need to clear your nose, preferably rinse it with water, and then lubricate the mucous membrane of each nostril with saliva.
    In the morning, clean your nose and insert tubes with “hungry” saliva into your nostrils. Treatment of wounds and burns
    If you are injured, squeeze out a little blood from the wound and lick the wound.
    If there is a dog or cat nearby, try to let them lick the wound. If the child is small, ask him to spit on the wound. Saliva in this case acts as an excellent antiseptic. Constantly lick the wound and it will heal very quickly. If you are bitten by an insect
    If you are bitten by an insect, immediately lick the bitten area or simply salivate on it.
    If the bite itches, apply more and more saliva to it until the itching subsides. If you have a sudden headache,
    spit on your fingers and quickly vigorously rub your temples and between your eyes counterclockwise.
    Do this every quarter of an hour until the pain subsides. If your stomach hurts
    , spit on your left hand, place it on the solar plexus area and begin to slowly massage your stomach counterclockwise.
    After every five movements you need to moisten your hand with saliva. After 10–15 minutes, the attack of pain will pass. For radiculitis, lumbago.
    If an adult had a pain in the lower back, they also smeared it with sour cream or butter and also let the dog lick it.
    Moreover, they smeared it again and again so that she massaged the lower back with a tongue moistened with saliva for half an hour to forty minutes. The pain and aches went away after a week of “dog” procedures. If you can’t fall asleep
    , wet your fingers with saliva and lightly massage them counterclockwise, first your eyelids, then your temples, then the bridge of your nose, then the points between your thumb and index fingers. After 10 minutes you will feel like you are falling asleep.

    Table of contents

Diseases that cause dry mouth

In some pathologies, severe dry mouth can be a symptom, in others it accompanies the course of the disease.

Inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity

With inflammation of the gums or dental diseases, the amount of saliva may decrease due to greater fluid consumption for chewing food. The same situation occurs with a bad prosthesis. The salivary glands simply do not have time to replenish their reserves.


Excess weight is accompanied by metabolic disorders. If you are always thirsty and your throat is “dry”, and trips to the refrigerator are becoming more and more frequent, you should check your blood sugar level and make an appointment with an endocrinologist.

“Dry mouth and thirst are the first signs of diabetes.”

Especially if the above symptoms are accompanied by repeated visits to the toilet at night.


Infectious diseases are often accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea accompanied by fever. Losing a large amount of fluid causes dry mouth, which, usually, in this condition, few people pay attention to. However, this cannot be ignored. With severe intoxication, fluid loss is an additional risk factor, so the patient needs to drink a lot. Water removes toxins from the body and replenishes fluid deficiency.

Endocrine diseases

Some endocrine diseases may be accompanied by a decrease in the amount of saliva produced, for example, thyroid dysfunction. In women, dry mouth may be associated with pregnancy or menopause.

Xerostomia in autoimmune diseases

With autoimmune diseases, a person’s defenses fail and they attack their own body. This damages the entire system. The second name for these diseases is systemic.

As a striking example, consider Sjögren's syndrome. The disease affects the salivary glands, causing dry mouth and difficulty swallowing. The oral mucosa becomes bright pink.

Xerostomia in diseases of the brain and nervous system

During a stroke, partial death of brain cells occurs; it is difficult to predict which functions will be affected. Dryness of the oral mucosa can also occur with Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease, pathologies of the trigeminal nerve and circulatory system.

Gastrointestinal tract and dry mouth: what diseases require an appointment with a gastroenterologist

Particularly noteworthy are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Xerostomia is not one of the symptoms of these diseases, but may accompany them:

  • A stomach ulcer, as a result of smoking or drinking alcohol, is necessarily accompanied by dry mouth.
  • Gastritis, acquired through dietary abuse or as a result of stress, also does not exist without this symptom.
  • Acute pancreatitis is accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea, resulting in dehydration and its symptom – xerostomia.

Gastrointestinal diseases should not be joked about, so you need to visit a gastroenterologist and start treatment.

Acute pathologies requiring hospitalization

Acute pathologies, in addition to severe pain, also cause dry mouth. Appendicitis and intestinal obstruction, as well as perforation of the ulcer, require urgent surgical intervention.

The main secret: is it true that you can be treated with saliva?

Licking wounds is an instinctive response to trauma not only in animals, but also in our ancestors. According to legend, in 1589, Saint Magdalena de Pazzi cured one of the nuns from ulcers by licking her feet, and the Roman Emperor Vespasian once healed a blind man using his saliva. They did this for a reason; saliva really helped fight inflammation in those days when bactericidal ointments did not exist. “Hungry” or morning saliva was considered especially medicinal - supposedly it was completely cleansed overnight and was saturated with substances that promote healing. Burns, warts and other skin diseases were treated with baby saliva or animal saliva - it was considered quite natural to let a cat or dog lick your wound.

Saliva is a unique fluid secreted by three pairs of salivary glands located under the tongue, under the jaw and near the ears. It consists of 98.5% water, and the rest is various chemicals, which scientists have begun to study quite recently. has been found to contain a unique combination of proteins that can tell the truth about our health, from blood sugar levels to detecting cancer and heart disease. That is why today more and more tests and analyzes in medical laboratories are carried out based on its composition.

Saliva also contains substances that promote blood clotting and protect against infections. The antibacterial enzyme lysozyme attacks the cell walls of many bacteria, and the protein thrombospondin has antiviral properties. Antileukoproteinase present in saliva is both antibacterial and antiviral and also heals wounds. Saliva also contains opiorphin , a powerful analgesic six times more potent than morphine, which was only discovered by scientists in 2006. Thanks to him, we do not feel pain when small wounds appear in the mouth. Well, the main savior protein is histatin . Research conducted in 2008 proved that it not only kills bacteria, but also promotes wound healing within 16 hours.

Despite ongoing research into one of the most important secrets of our glands, doctors still do not recommend relying on the disinfecting properties of saliva, because the bacteria it contains can cause harm if they get into the wound, especially if the immune system is weakened. A British medical journal in 2002 described a case in which a man with diabetes cut his finger, decided to lick it, and developed an infection that had to be amputated.

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