Causes of worms in teeth, routes of infection, clinical picture and treatment of diseases
Worms in teeth: fact or fiction, dental consultations, regular teeth cleaning and mandatory medical preventive control
People have been suffering from progressive dental problems since ancient times. Due to this pain
How to overcome childhood fears and persuade your child to get his tooth fixed?
One of the fundamental principles of modern dentistry is pain-free dental treatment. Nevertheless
Traumatic dental injuries in children
Mechanical trauma is the most common type of damage to permanent and temporary teeth in children. She
Modern methods of restoring damaged primary front teeth in children
Pediatric dentistry can be considered a separate section of modern dental practice, because due to the structural features
“Dentistry in the USA is still a one-doctor business”
The United States of America is the leading country in terms of the share of GDP allocated to healthcare. General medical questions
First signs of teething
How many baby teeth should children have at different ages?
From this article you will learn: how many baby teeth a person has, how temporary teeth differ
Treatment of gums in children
The expert explained what to do if gums bleed in children and adults.
Treatment of gums in children is a common reason for visiting a dentist. Susceptibility of tender gums
Causes of burning tip of the tongue and treatment
Pathological causes of burning tongue and proper treatment
206381 The tongue and oral cavity of a person are an indicator of health status, therefore, when diagnosing any
How long does it take for a baby to cut his first teeth: relieving the pain with improvised means
When do baby incisors appear? How long does it take for a baby to cut his first tooth?
Runny nose when teething
How long can teething cause snot and cough?
The child’s body at all stages on the way to growing up goes through a lot of crises and undergoes
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