Microbes under a microscope. Photos on the hands, in the mouth, under the nails. What they are, what they look like, presentation for children
Microbes under a microscope. Photos on the hands, in the mouth, under the nails. What they are, what they look like, presentation for children
General information about microbes These tiny organisms get their name from the abbreviation “microscopic object.”
Stylohyoid syndrome and the main morphological characteristics of the styloid process of the temporal bone that contribute to its occurrence
Carrying out diagnostics of syndromes For high-quality testing for the presence of a disease, it is necessary to perform a full range of various
Diagnosis of damage to the inferior alveolar nerve during dental implantation using cone-beam computed tomography.
Trigeminal neuropathy is a lesion of the trigeminal system, which is characterized by changes in interstitial tissue,
Child’s bite – the influence of the pacifier and recommendations for choice
Does the pacifier affect the child’s bite, what is the relationship?
23619 The formation of a human bite occurs in childhood before the eruption of all milk teeth.
Natal teeth
Incredible! Children born with teeth: causes and consequences
Most children have their first teeth at 6-8 months. And when we see that
Stomatitis after chemotherapy - treatment and prevention
In the treatment of cancer, inflammatory processes in the oral mucosa are by no means uncommon, but rather
Teething 1
Symptoms and sequence of teething in a child
The formation of teeth is a complex step-by-step process that begins in the first weeks of intrauterine life.
Cyst on the tonsil: causes, symptoms, treatment features
Benign tumors of the pharynx, which include a cyst on the tonsil, are quite common, especially in
Redness around the child's mouth. Photos, causes and treatment, diet
Redness around the child's mouth. Photos, causes and treatment, diet
Appointment with a dermatologist at the clinic. Call a dermatologist at home. Reception is strictly by appointment, registration
Hollywood smiles
Celebrities have braces, which actors and celebrities wear braces?
The stars have braces in the photo But not every one of us gets it by nature
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