Baby teeth
General information about microbes These tiny organisms get their name from the abbreviation “microscopic object.”
Carrying out diagnostics of syndromes For high-quality testing for the presence of a disease, it is necessary to perform a full range of various
Trigeminal neuropathy is a lesion of the trigeminal system, which is characterized by changes in interstitial tissue,
23619 The formation of a human bite occurs in childhood before the eruption of all milk teeth.
Most children have their first teeth at 6-8 months. And when we see that
In the treatment of cancer, inflammatory processes in the oral mucosa are by no means uncommon, but rather
The formation of teeth is a complex step-by-step process that begins in the first weeks of intrauterine life.
Benign tumors of the pharynx, which include a cyst on the tonsil, are quite common, especially in
Appointment with a dermatologist at the clinic. Call a dermatologist at home. Reception is strictly by appointment, registration
The stars have braces in the photo But not every one of us gets it by nature