Who needs bone grafting? Atraumatic tooth extraction.
What is the essence of the one-day implantation method? The main obstacle to restoring a natural tooth
Toothpaste SPLAT JUNIOR 3-8
natural1992: Our introduction to Splat. Children's toothpaste from 2 to 6 years.
My morning started in a good mood, and I wish the same for you, my dear readers.
When does a baby's first teeth erupt?
Teeth in children from 3 to 6 years old. Features and timing of eruption.
Features of the period. During this period, the formation and further development of the roots of baby teeth occurs: their strengthening
Chronic tonsillitis - symptoms and treatment
For every parent, there is nothing worse than a child’s illness. I would like to help in any way possible.
Why children's teeth turn black - causes of darkening of teeth
In pediatric dentistry, one of the most common reasons for visiting a doctor is black plaque.
Brown sputum when coughing, causes, diagnosis and treatment
Brownish sputum is a mixture of saliva and mucus that appears in the respiratory tract. Except
installation of rubber dam
Rubber dam or rubber dam in dentistry: the influence of latex protection on the quality of dental treatment
Rubberdam (cofferdam) is a protective dental screen (gasket) made of latex: with its help, the doctor isolates
Thrush in newborns in the mouth
From this article you will learn: what oral candidiasis is, what thrush looks like on
Gels for teething in children picture
Why does a child not eat anything and refuse to breastfeed when teething?
Contents Types of appetite disorders Prevention of appetite disorders in children Causes Consequences of long-term eating disorders
Sagittal Plane – Definition and Quiz
Good afternoon, dear medical lovers. This is another post about anatomy - as you know,
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