Treatment of runny nose and cough in a newborn baby
Why did so much saliva appear? Saliva and its functions How to help the baby Caring for the baby
Teeth in children from 6 to 9 years old. Features and timing of replacing baby teeth with permanent ones  
Crooked teeth Appearance of a second row of teeth in the jaw When permanent teeth do not appear for a long time
Diagnostic process in orthopedic dentistry. Methods of examining patients. Diagnosis and its components. Modern diagnostic methods. - presentation
A number of dental procedures are impossible without laboratory diagnostic results. Sometimes it is difficult to make a diagnosis through
First aid for stenotic laryngotracheitis in children
Laryngitis is an inflammatory disease of the larynx, which is one of the consequences of influenza, ARVI, whooping cough,
Differential diagnosis of cough in children and its treatment
Cough is one of the most common symptoms of illness in childhood. For this reason, antitussive
Why do my gums turn blue?
Why did my gums turn blue after the implant was installed? What to do?
Bruise on the gum - where it can come from and what to do with it Appearance on
Proper help for intestinal coronavirus
Covid-19 coronavirus infection diarrhea The tense epidemiological situation around the world does not lose its relevance.
Assignments for Part 2 of the Unified State Exam on the topic “Digestion in humans”
There are a huge number of different glands in the human body, but most of them are microscopic and only
She can easily reach her eyes with her tongue. Guerkari Blanco - the girl with the longest tongue in the world
Man is the crown of nature's creation and its perfect embodiment. Truly our body is unique and
Preparing to correct your bite
When should you not correct your bite? Contraindications: permanent and temporary
Like any medical intervention, bite correction has its contraindications, which is why
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