Why do you dream about dentures: interpretation from various dream books

Dreams reflect real life events and problems. Interpreting the signs and symbols of the plot will help you avoid dangerous events and troubles. In order to understand why dentures are dreamed of, you need to remember all the details of what you saw: the state of the structure, the actions of the sleeper and his personal feelings. All this will allow you to accurately decipher the dream.

Why do you dream about dentures?

A denture is an excellent alternative to a lost tooth. However, seeing it in a dream is a bad sign; it symbolizes troubles and failures. Although there are exceptions, for example, if a beautiful prosthesis was inserted into your mouth instead of a rotten stump, this means good luck in the professional field. You will find more interpretations of what dentures mean in dreams in the dream book; it will tell you how to avoid troubles in real life.

To health problems

Did you dream that your false fang fell out in a dream? Take a closer look at the people around you. This is especially true for work colleagues. Some of them are plotting behind your back. If you are not careful, you will definitely fall into the nets that are placed.

We saw how a dental bridge broke, which also damaged healthy teeth in a dream. The spring dream book foretells that injuries and accidents will soon await you.

Did you dream about how your denture fell out? Try to pay more attention to your own health. Your health may soon worsen.

Miller's Dream Book about Dentures

If you dreamed that you had an ugly denture in your mouth, this is a sign that you will not be able to find a common language with your friends on some issues.

If you dream that your gums hurt under your denture, there is a possibility that the local climate is not suitable for you and you will have to move to another place of residence.

To dream that your jaws do not unclench because one crown is caught on another - you will experience very strong emotions due to the betrayal of a friend.

A woman sees that her artificial molar has broken - to the insult caused by her friends through negligence.

Interpretations of famous dream books

Dentures are a great alternative to missing teeth in real life. If you see artificial teeth in your sleepy dreams, get ready for failure. One exception: when in a dream old rotten teeth are removed and replaced with gorgeous new ones. Then you will have success at work and an increase in your salary.

In order not to suffer, wondering what the dream of false teeth means, turn to professional dream books, in which you can find all sorts of situations that could happen in a dream, and their interpretation.

READ ALSO: a tooth broke off in a dream: interpretation of dream books

Miller's Dream Book

A broken prosthesis, which is also extremely ugly, is a sign that directly indicates your inability to find a common language with your friends and people close to you in any area. If you dreamed that your gums hurt under your denture, this is a sign that perhaps the local climate is unfavorable for you, and it is best to change your place of residence.

In your dream, you couldn’t open your false jaws? Are the crowns tightly connected to each other? Perhaps strong shocks await you that you will encounter soon, betrayal of friends and loved ones is possible, be vigilant and extremely careful! For a woman who sees a broken artificial molar in a dream, it means betrayal, resentment and misunderstanding on the part of friends.

Interpreter Tsvetkova

According to the dream book, artificial jaws mean troubles in love affairs. Your companion is not completely honest with you, there are a lot of lies and insincere intentions. This dream is a warning that you need to take a break in relationships with the opposite sex and hold off on creating new ones. Try to find yourself in something else, get distracted, and don’t get hung up on relationship problems.

Esoteric dream book

Seeing dentures in a dream means you will be punished for your “long tongue,” lies and slander, which you have been actively spreading lately. You may be under attack, both literally and figuratively. If your jaw breaks in a dream - expect betrayal from those people from whom you least expect.

A beautiful alternative to a rotten wreck - expect success at work

If you dreamed that you were getting an artificial tooth instead of a broken one, your competitors will try to stop you, but you will win this battle, Tsvetkov’s dream book predicts.

If you dream that you are storing a prosthesis that has fallen out in a glass of water at home - at work you will be “knee-deep in the sea”, you will be able to cope with any task assigned. Take this opportunity to raise your authority in the eyes of management.

If you dreamed that you had lost almost all your teeth and therefore had a neat artificial jaw inserted into you - in order to achieve the career heights that you have planned for yourself, you need to change your habits, the Lunar Dream Book suggests.

To dream that your denture is decorated with a sparkling stone - a brilliant future awaits you in the field of what you are doing now.

Miller's opinion

if you see an ugly and disproportionate prosthesis in your mouth, then, according to Miller’s dream book, in reality you will face problems in relationships with your friends. Did you dream that your gums hurt under your denture? Most likely, you should move permanently to another area. this negatively affects your well-being and health.

Did you see in a dream that the jaws did not open and one crown stuck to the other? in reality you should prepare for the betrayal of a close friend. If a woman dreamed that her prosthesis broke, it means that in reality someone close to her will inadvertently offend her.

Unpleasant incidents with a prosthesis in a dream are a sign of failure in reality

If you dreamed that your front incisor denture broke, you shouldn’t take on any responsibility in the near future; you might not be able to cope and let others down, the Modern Dream Book prophesies.

You lost your denture while eating - pay attention to your health, it may disturb the digestive tract.

To dream of a dental bridge bursting in half means you should not go anywhere in the coming days, advises the Eastern Dream Book. You will be haunted by failures both on the way and upon arrival.

Losing a gold crown while kissing means that in reality you will have to endure public shame. You should not speak in public, hold numerous meetings, or be the center of attention. You need to sit out this period in a dark corner.

Miller's opinion

If you see an ugly and disproportionate prosthesis in your mouth, then, according to Miller’s dream book, in reality you will face problems in relationships with your friends. Did you dream that your gums hurt under your denture? Most likely, you should move permanently to another area. This negatively affects your well-being and health.

Did you see in a dream that the jaws did not open and one crown stuck to the other? In reality, you should prepare for the betrayal of a close friend. If a woman dreamed that her prosthesis broke, it means that in reality someone close to her will inadvertently offend her.

“Toothfall” or Take care of your health and nerves...

In a dream, your false fang fell out - very carefully study everyone who works with you. One of your colleagues is scheming behind your back. If you fall for his tricks, expect hassle.

If you dreamed that your dental bridge broke and damaged your healthy teeth, beware of injuries and accidents, the Spring Dream Book recommends.

If you dream that your dentures, which you recently inserted, fell out and you had to see a doctor again - pay close attention to your body’s signals. If you feel any symptoms of fatigue or illness, do not delay visiting a doctor.

to health problems

did you dream about how your false fang fell out in a dream? take a closer look at the people around you. This is especially true for work colleagues. some of them are scheming behind your back. If you are not careful, you will definitely fall into the nets that have been placed.

We saw how a dental bridge broke and damaged healthy teeth in a dream. The spring dream book foretells that injuries and accidents will soon await you.

did you dream about how your denture fell out? try to pay more attention to your own health. Your health may soon worsen.

Hello! I had a dream that my denture fell out and I was in a dream - it’s good that we wear masks while I put in a new one, thank you.

Two months ago I inserted dental bridges in the lower jaw. I had a dream that one bridge broke, but very smoothly without pain and everything was clean.

I dreamed that a crown with a bridge fell out and broke, I tried to put it on at least one tooth myself, but it didn’t work. The crown broke and something happened to the tooth, but I didn’t feel any pain, there was only resentment.

I dreamed that I put on a lower prosthesis, but it didn’t fit me, so I took it off.

I just had a very unpleasant dream. I was subjected to violence and beatings, my teeth began to fall out, both mine and the teeth from the denture, and as a result I spat out the rest of my teeth...

I dreamed that my dentures split into pieces, I could not put them back together in my mouth and decided to insert new ones. What is it for?

She spat out a palm full of dentures, cried a lot, everything was on the left side, why?

In a dream, I was washing my teeth and my upper denture fell to the ground, my mother and all my relatives were next to me.

Today I dreamed that I was fighting with my sister and after that my prosthetics began to wobble, why is this?

I dreamed on Sunday that the upper denture broke in half, and I inserted one part myself, then tried the second part, but it was broken. Tell.

I dreamed that I was given a new denture. This morning I woke up, I couldn’t speak, my throat was very sore and I had a fever. In general, I fell seriously ill, perhaps the gift of a denture in a dream is a sign of illness, or perhaps I just imagined it for myself.

Dream - all the dentures crumbled into small pebbles, but not sharp, but smooth, and I spat them out in my palms and put them in my pocket. All teeth remained in place. There was no blood or pain. Why is this?

In a dream I was looking for dentures.

I had a dream that all my left dentures fell out.

The golden bridge fell out. A mouth full of glass shards (no blood) and the tip of my lower tooth broke off.

I dreamed today that my prosthetic teeth were breaking and falling out. What is this for?

In a dream I dreamed that my lower denture began to break.

I had the same dream, only without violence! What does it mean!? Someone answer! (((


Popular meanings

Seeing dentures in a dream is an unfavorable sign . This is believed to indicate the beginning of financial difficulties. A person will have to approach the issue of spending money wisely. You should avoid making impulsive purchases.

A design like this could be a good sign. If a person inserts a denture instead of rotten and diseased teeth, this means career growth. The dreamer will be able to improve his professional skills, which will increase his salary.

When a sleeping person's denture falls out, this means a series of minor troubles. They will not cause serious damage, but will take a lot of time. Close people or relatives may offend or cause a scandal. Therefore, the dreamer needs to be more careful and not react to provocations.

A broken denture foreshadows the betrayal of a friend. If the design is severely distorted, then you can expect changes for the worse.

A broken denture indicates that good deeds are not received with gratitude. The dreamer needs to reconsider his attitude towards charity.

Miscellaneous parts

It is important to consider the condition of the prosthesis. If it is snow-white and does not cause discomfort, this portends a successful resolution of the controversial situation. It will be decided in favor of the dreamer. If only the front teeth are bright and clean, then this indicates the need to independently solve the difficulties that have arisen.

Inserting a new prosthesis means changes in life. The dreamer will find a new job or completely change his occupation. If the installation was in a large and bright dentist's office, then this indicates an increase in the family. Perhaps the sleeper will soon have a child. A dark and cramped room warns of problems with real estate.

There are several more interpretation options:

If the dreamer wears someone else's prosthesis, then this warns of the collapse of plans. He will not be able to bring his plans to life.

Gold teeth in the design foreshadow participation in dubious financial schemes. One of the dreamer's friends will offer to participate in business. The sleeping person should not agree to this, since the business will not pay off and the person will be left with debts.

For men and women

If a girl dreams that she has false teeth, this portends serious health problems . The dreamer will have to spend a lot of time on examination and diagnosis, then she will face long-term treatment.

The dream warns a lonely woman about the need to be careful when making decisions. You need to be patient and carefully analyze what is happening in all areas of life. If this is not done, the consequences will be bad.

A married woman dreams of a broken denture, indicating problems in family relationships. The husband will begin to make trouble and provoke quarrels. It is necessary to seek compromises and try to take a neutral position, otherwise the marriage will fall apart.

A lonely young man dreams of dentures as a subconscious desire to change his life. He wants to improve his appearance and find a different style of clothing. This will help you gain self-confidence. For a married man, such dreams indicate the intimate sphere. Your spouse wants changes in your sex life, so you need to discuss this topic and try new techniques.

Modern dream book. Dream symbolism “Prosthesis”

Many people are familiar with dentures firsthand. However, if you do not feel such a need, then the dream that they were inserted into you means the need to maximally mobilize all your capabilities to overcome business failures and resist ill-wishers trying to damage your profitable deals.

A lost arm and a prosthetic that appears in its place warns of the possibility of dangerous situations and overestimation of one’s own capabilities. Evaluate them objectively, and if necessary, use the support of friends. A dream in which there is someone with a prosthesis instead of a leg is a positive harbinger of the successful completion of the work begun, a well-deserved rest, and perhaps a pleasant surprise. If the prosthesis in your dream exactly imitates a real part of the body, then you may receive an unexpected offer.

Author's interpretations

In dream books, a denture can have different meanings. Miller believed that if the structure was crooked and quickly broke, it symbolized the dreamer's internal problems . He does not know how to find a common language with friends and relatives. After installing dentures, your gums begin to ache - indicating the need to change your place of residence.

If a person cannot unclench his teeth, then this is a bad sign. Soon the dreamer will have to face the fact that he will be betrayed by close friends and relatives. You need to be careful and vigilant.

Freud believed that dentures indicated problems with a partner. He will begin to cheat, lie and provoke scandals. The dreamer needs to calmly think about everything and analyze the situation. Perhaps the satellite really is hiding something.

In Tsvetkov’s dream book, a false jaw with teeth warns of troubles in love affairs. There is a lot of lies, falsehood and insincerity in the existing union. The dreamer should take a break from the relationship. You shouldn’t try to look for a new companion; it’s better to focus on other things.

The Esoteric Dream Book has several interpretation options:

For a full interpretation, you need to take into account the dreamer’s personal feelings. If after what he saw he still has positive emotions, then there is nothing to be afraid of, there will be good events in life. Negative feelings do not bode well and trouble will appear in the near future.


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