Why do you dream about teeth - a smile or problems? Interpretation of sleep

The dream book warns that crooked teeth are one of the most alarming signs you see in a dream. Explanations of what the symbol means in dreams contain warnings in most cases. What the dreamer is most interested in is now in danger. The interpretation of the dream will tell you how to reduce risks and losses to a minimum.

Health is at risk

The Wanderer's Dream Book explains why crooked teeth are dreamed of in combination with other defects. Seeing signs of caries or periodontal disease in a dream happens shortly before an unexpected deterioration in health, not necessarily related to dentistry. Not only the sleeping person can get sick, but also someone close to him.

Bleeding gums portend separation forever from one of the blood relatives, the cause of which may be death or irreconcilable enmity. If crooked teeth crumble or fall out in a dream, in reality you will face an unsuccessful and categorical conclusion to the matter.

Psychological interpretation

Crooked teeth can be seen in a dream by people who have recently visited the dentist or have encountered problems in the oral cavity, but are afraid to go to the dentist. They mentally return to their situation and it is not surprising that reality is reflected in dreams. The best way out in this case is to relax (after treatment) or radically take care of your oral health. Then dreams where bad, uneven teeth appear will not often bother you.

Dental signs

If you dreamed about crooked teeth, this does not always mean that something irreparable will happen. Often the dream book only reminds of the increased likelihood of a particular situation. Knowing what exactly to watch out for will make it much easier to avoid trouble.

  • If you dreamed of a symbol, try to avoid domestic conflicts;
  • An ugly smile in a dream sometimes indicates an impending illness;
  • A twisted grin portends difficulties in love and family relationships;
  • Did you dream about deformed teeth? Beware of mistakes in doing business;
  • If you are lucky enough to see your jaw straightening out in a dream, troubles will pass you by.

Dream: Teeth

Dreams about teeth are extremely common, as a rule, they are disturbing, but extremely rarely they occur in the form of nightmares. Such dreams rather reflect a state of health, or the proximity of changes for the dreamer himself, so it is worth paying extreme attention to this symbol.

A dream in which you looked at your teeth

- says that your enemies are not asleep, be vigilant.

Everyone was there

- you will be lucky to get back everything that was taken from you.

If your teeth are clean and white

- success awaits you.


- your spouse will cheat on you.

Sick and darkened teeth in a dream

- you will go through a conflict or risk getting sick.


- someone close will suffer.

Seeing someone have beautiful teeth

- soon you will meet someone with whom you will tie the knot.

Chew them, according to the dream book

- a hint that you should prepare for business thoroughly.

If they are suffering from an infection

- you will use foul language.


- you will be very glad and happy in reality.

To see someone without them

- enemies will not be able to harm you.

I dreamed that a new one was growing

- you will be lucky to sort out the problems.

If they cut themselves

- you will make peace with someone with whom you are in a quarrel.

Looking at teeth in the mirror

- Visit the dentist.

Turned out to be hollow

- you will avoid problems.

Dreamed that you had baby teeth

- you will have an affair with someone who is younger than you.

We saw that they were crooked

- a dark streak awaits you in life.

Gold teeth

- someone may slander you.

Wax, wood or glass

- imminent death.

Losing a tooth in a dream

- a sign that you should be alone.

We saw in a dream how he staggers

- you risk getting sick.

Pull out the tooth and put it back in your mouth

- your spouse may get hurt.

According to the dream book, take it out without pain

- imminent large profit.

Ill vomit

- the dream hints that you should not worry about unsolvable problems.

Pulling teeth at a dentist appointment

- you will push away the one who bothers you.

I dreamed that they fell out without pain

- you are exhausted, you need rest.

If the process of loss is painful

- someone close to you will die.

Looking at a tooth that has fallen out

- changes will happen soon.

As the dream book says, knock out a tooth with your tongue

- a sign that you will be very lucky.

Spit it out

— you and your relatives may get sick.

I dreamed that the front upper one fell out

- a man from your family may die.

Front lower

- a close relative will die.

I dreamed that the side fell out

- a distant relative will die. On the left - someone close will leave.

On right

- relatively old.

Lost a molar in a dream

- death of parents.


- the child will die.


- brothers or sisters are in danger.

Loss of two or three teeth

- a reflection of a lack of vitality.

I dreamed that one fell out

- the news will upset you.


- you will be in a difficult situation through your own fault.


- difficulties and troubles will be serious.

Someone else lost a tooth in your dream

- you fear for the life and health of this person on a subconscious level.

Break yours

- Exertion will harm your health.

If they cannot withstand the load and crumble

- you will be forced to push ambitions to the background.

Knocked out tooth in a dream

- failure of plans.

The baby has lost milk

- your stupidity will not lead to good.

Have you seen dental fillings?

- an expression that you are not confident in your own safety.

Clean them

- They will ask you to borrow money.

Hole in tooth

- your friends are hypocrites.

Treat the one that is healthy in a dream

- you will soon change your place of residence.

Someone cleans them in a dream

- you will work for someone and will not be able to earn normal money.

Rinse your teeth with medicine

- you will diligently fight for your happiness.

Install new ones, according to the dream book

- a sign that material security awaits you.

Get rid of tartar and plaque

- you will soon get rid of the illness that has been bothering you.

The beauty of teeth in a dream

- a hint that you will soon be happy.

Feeling with your tongue the place where the extracted tooth once was and not finding such a place

- you will predict a task that you will never start.

The dentist carefully cleans them

- don’t be gullible, you can be used.

Dreamed of dental fixes

- there will be a bad streak in your business.


- you may be mistaken about something.

Flux on the cheek

- you will be busy with a profitable business.

If you have teeth like a vampire

- reflections of distrust of one’s surroundings.

Removing what's stuck in your teeth

- you will be able to deal with problems.

Picking with a toothpick in a dream

- you will be satisfied with life.

They bare their teeth at you

- envious people are waiting for you, beware of the evil eye and damage.

I dreamed that I had to escape from someone’s teeth

- Be prepared for your friend's betrayal.

Clicking teeth

- you have to work on your mistakes.

Someone else clicked

- the news will upset you.

Inedible biting in a dream

- you will go through difficult times.

Be proud of your teeth

- contacts will not meet your expectations.

I dreamed that my teeth were falling out

- empty talk can prevent you from completing a task, do not waste your energy. Find a worthy direction for using your strengths.

Rotten teeth

- scandals between spouses, misunderstandings and discord in the family. Everyone will foam at the mouth to prove their point of view.

Teeth with blood

- great changes in life, most likely, they will affect existing relationships.

A dream in which you have to pull out a tooth

- have a frivolous affair, concentrate completely only on your emotions, live by the desires of your lover. Another interpretation is confusion of feelings, confused thoughts, inability to understand what is happening.

Teeth are crumbling

- unfavorable dream. He warns that one must be prepared for numerous misfortunes, disappointments, and losses. Your plans are not destined to come true now.

The tooth is loose

- the appearance of a new family member or deterioration in the well-being of children.

I dreamed of brushing my teeth

- you will be supported, but this will be done reluctantly. You will feel awkward.

To treat teeth

- deterioration in health will be a temporary event. You will be able to start implementing your plans and achieve excellent results in your work.

White teeth

- the situation will stabilize, relations will improve. Prosperity and success in business awaits.

A tooth broke in a dream

- an unforeseen circumstance that can cause damage. There is a high risk of injury for older people.

Child's teeth

- the efforts made will be in vain. Don't have any false illusions about the job available.

I have a toothache

- receive an invitation to a magnificent celebration organized by one of your close relatives.

Knocked out teeth, according to the interpretation of the dream book

- you will be able to significantly improve your current affairs by increasing your professional level. Competitors are working hard to get ahead, so make every effort to not give them the slightest opportunity to do this.

Dreaming of pulling out a tooth

— urgent assistance from a competent medical specialist will be needed.

See your front teeth fall out

- witness the death of a person. To be a witness in some case.

I dreamed that there was a hole in my tooth

- minor losses of information, some information. Relationships between colleagues may deteriorate significantly.

Black teeth

— take your achievements to a new level. Be known as a successful and enterprising person.

Rotten tooth fell out

- your burden is too much for you. Make it a rule to distribute the total workload among your employees, do not take on everything yourself.

Tooth, filling in a dream

- fraud is rampant among your partners, break the existing relationship between you, and start looking for worthy candidates.

Baby tooth

— the infantilism with which you approach serious tasks is unacceptable. Look at the world like an adult.

Gold teeth

- you will have to deal with unplanned expenses and endure a significantly weakened financial situation.

A dream in which you begin to insert teeth

- the risk of ending up in a hospital bed. Be extremely careful and if your health worsens, seek medical help immediately.

Sick teeth

- serious illness is at risk.

Pull out a tooth

- the immediate family is in distress; they will need your help and participation.

Dreaming of a molar

- trouble may happen, this is especially likely for older people.

Pull a tooth out

- to be the envy of ill-wishers. If you are extremely careful, everything will be as easy as water off a duck's back.

Spitting out teeth

- threat of illness, exacerbation of chronic diseases.

It's not easy to bring!

Many dream books associate oral hygiene procedures with general cleaning of the home before guests visit. If you dreamed about crooked teeth, a specific visit is planned. Guests will arrive asking you to take on their problems, or they will create them out of the blue with their ugly behavior.

This is not the only explanation for why I dreamed of cleaning crooked fangs. At work, a lot of urgent tasks may arise, the solution of which will take all the strength of the sleeper.

The wind of change

In Medea's dream book there is an explanation of why she dreams that a worthless fang fell out on its own. The sorceress reports that now is a favorable period for all kinds of changes. The only thing that can stop you is the fear of letting go of the past.

However, what you see in a dream does not call for breaking wood and throwing stones. Perhaps the time for active action has not yet come. Dreaming that a chisel has fallen out symbolizes the birth of an idea or intention to change something.

If you dreamed about a rotten root falling out, there is a high probability of having a serious quarrel with a person who is really dear to you. Whatever he does to annoy you, the dream book promises that sooner or later a truce will take place.

What can you do

When you have to see yourself with crooked teeth, the Big Dream Book advises being in a state of moral preparedness for the worst, so that the blow of fate does not take you by surprise. It is advisable to double your vigilance in business matters, avoid sharp corners in communication whenever possible, and be attentive to your well-being.

Psychological and spiritual support, as well as recharge from any other sources of inspiration, will not be superfluous. A negative forecast from a dream book is not a verdict, but just a reminder that now is not the time to rely on luck and let everything take its course.


When you happen to see bad teeth in your dream, the dream book will tell you why you are having this nightmare. Sometimes the explanation sounds very simple: it’s really time for you to visit the dentist. At the same time, there are a number of other interpretations that should be taken into account.

  • An unsightly smile in the mirror means that a terrible danger has been avoided;
  • You have to see bad teeth when serious trials are coming;
  • If you dreamed that they were black, you couldn’t win in an open battle, your weapon was tricks;
  • If in a dream caries has worked well on your smile, try not to trust anyone;
  • When you happen to see rotten incisors, it means illness of a loved one.

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