Modern approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of herpesvirus infections

Modern pharmaceutical consulting is not only a test of professional knowledge, but also a real test of the character of the leader. Many buyers are confident that they have a good understanding of medications, and from this position they communicate with a pharmacist or pharmacist. At the same time, they can take antibiotics “to prevent ARVI” or retell the most sophisticated advice from popular TV presenters. In such a situation, the chief administrator should, on the one hand, dispense the required over-the-counter drugs, on the other hand, warn the person about the danger of his misconceptions regarding drugs, and on the third, not take on the role of a doctor and not make a diagnosis based on symptoms. Confusion and misunderstanding can arise even over something as simple as a seasonal problem like orolabial herpes. Our “cheat sheets” are intended to help the pharmacist communicate with the client on this topic. With the season of winter infectious exacerbations on the rise, let’s remember once again what most often worries customers with requests for remedies for “colds on the lips.”

Give me some kind of alcohol tincture for colds on the lips - maybe calendula or boric alcohol

Applying alcohol solutions to lesions is a very controversial method. On the one hand, they, of course, dry and have an antiseptic effect. However, not a single tincture, as well as boric or salicylic alcohols, are active against the causative agents of “colds on the lips” - herpes simplex viruses. Moreover: these drugs contain ethyl alcohol in a fairly high concentration - up to 70%. When applied to damaged skin, irritation and even burns may occur, which will only worsen the situation. The pharmacy's assortment today includes products that act directly on herpes viral particles, preventing their reproduction and accelerating recovery. It is these drugs that are considered the “first line” for the treatment of herpes on the lips.

Recommendations for use

Indications for the use of formulations containing acyclovir are:

  • eye diseases caused by herbes simplex virus;
  • herbes of the red border of the lips and skin tissues;
  • viral stomatitis of the oral cavity;
  • genital herpes;
  • hepatic encephalitis.

For successful treatment of the disease, experts recommend:

  • 5 percent creams, effective for external use;
  • 5 percent ointments;
  • ophthalmic 3 percent formulations;
  • tablet forms, dosed at 200 and 400 mg;
  • powders, for solutions, doses from 200 mg to 1 g.

All medicines against herpes on the lips are the same, give me something cheaper

Indeed, many drugs intended for the treatment of orolabial herpes contain the same active substance. Most often this antiviral drug is acyclovir, less often - penciclovir. However, there are means that have characteristic differences. For example, one of the creams, along with acyclovir, contains hydrocortisone. This remedy, unlike single drugs, simultaneously prevents the formation of new rash components and shortens the healing time of existing rashes, reducing the severity of the inflammatory reaction and itching [2].

Diagnosis of the disease

The presence of herpesvirus in the body can be detected using various methods. We list the effective methods that are used in our modern laboratory:

  1. Polymerase chain reaction. Allows you to determine the DNA of the virus in the taken material.
  2. Linked immunosorbent assay. Detects the presence of antibodies that are formed in the body when infected with a virus. The stage of the disease can be determined by the concentration of antibodies.
  3. Immunofluorescence reaction. The biomaterial is treated with an active substance that makes the antigens glow.
  4. Cultural technique. Sowing biomaterial on a nutrient medium. Studying the development of the virus under a microscope.
  5. Serological analysis. Detects class G and M antibodies and their avidity. Often used to diagnose genital herpes. The biomaterial is blood taken from a vein.

With any diagnosis there is a chance of getting a false positive result. An accurate diagnosis is made after several studies.

I heard that there are some very effective pills against herpes on the lips. This is true?

Indeed, there are antiviral drugs for the treatment of herpes intended for oral administration. Today, three oral drugs in this group are used - acyclovir, valacyclovir and famciclovir. Penetrating inside a cell infected with the herpes virus, they block DNA synthesis and stop the reproduction of the pathogen. All oral antiviral drugs are available only with a doctor's prescription.

Local forms remain over-the-counter: ointments, gels or creams. For recurrent colds on the lips, it is advisable to use these drugs, since they are practically not absorbed into the bloodstream and do not have a systemic effect.

Drugs against herpes on the lips in tablets can be prescribed in cases where relapses occur very often. This happens, for example, when the immune system is malfunctioning. If you keep having recurrent cold sores, you'd better see a doctor. He will find out why your immune system is not doing its job and may prescribe an oral antiviral medication for herpes.

Advantages of "Polyclinic +1"

  • The consultation is conducted by experienced dermatologists and venereologists.
  • Receive test results and make a diagnosis within 1 day.
  • Official license to provide paid medical services.
  • Possibility to take tests and undergo treatment anonymously.
  • Convenient location in the center of Moscow, 5 minutes from Novokuznetskaya and Tretyakovskaya metro stations.
  • Doctors are available daily from 9:00 to 21:00, including on weekends.
  • Free parking is available for visitors (notify the administrator in advance).


Only an experienced doctor can select an effective treatment regimen for herpesvirus. When deciding how to treat herpes on your own, you risk not getting the desired result, and sometimes even causing complications. Make an appointment with a doctor at the phone number indicated on the page to get rid of unpleasant symptoms and forget about relapses.

The article was checked for compliance with medical standards by a leading specialist at the Polyclinic+1 clinic, a dermatovenerologist, urologist, and mycologist.

Malashenko Vladimir Alexandrovich

I caught a cold, and lo and behold, my lips were covered. Give me some tea for colds

You are confusing two completely different infections - respiratory and herpes. A cold, or ARVI, develops when the body is infected with respiratory viruses. But a “cold on the lips,” or a relapse of orolabial herpes, appears when the herpes simplex viruses, which live in the body constantly, are activated. Therefore, when itching or rash appears on the lips, traditional cold remedies are not effective: they only act on the symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections or respiratory viruses. In the case of “cold lips,” it is advisable to use antiviral drugs that are active against herpes simplex pathogens.

Classification of herpes viruses

Researchers have identified 8 strains of herpesvirus that can infect humans:

  • First. Causes inflammation of the lips and mouth (labial herpes). In rare cases, it can cause genital rashes.
  • Second. Affects the genitals and groin area. Causes genital or vaginal herpes. Less commonly, it is the causative agent of oral herpes.
  • Third. Causes chickenpox and shingles.
  • Fourth. Known as Epstein-Barr virus. Causes mononucleosis, lymphomas and carcinomas.
  • Fifth. Cytomegalovirus. Causes mononucleosis, hepatitis, herpetic retinitis.
  • Sixth and seventh. Roseoloviruses. They cause roseola, exanthema. May be one of the causes of chronic fatigue.
  • Eighth. Causes lymphoma, Kaposi's sarcoma, Castleman's disease.

The causative agent of herpes simplex is herpesvirus type I or II. There is a misconception that the disease cannot be cured. In fact, herpes is curable. Although modern medicine cannot completely remove the virus from the body, it is possible to suppress its vital activity so much that it stops causing inconvenience.

Recommend some remedy for cold sore lips for a pregnant woman

Unfortunately, first-line drugs for the treatment of exacerbations of orolabial herpes are indicated for use during pregnancy only if the benefit to the mother outweighs the risk to the fetus and child [2]. Expectant mothers can be encouraged to use a lip balm or cream with a UV filter - it protects the skin of the lips from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, which is considered one of the triggers for relapses of herpes. Additionally, I would recommend lip moisturizers to prevent dry skin.

Prevention methods

What is herpes - it is a viral disease. It is transmitted by using other people's things, kissing, and unprotected contact. Preventive measures are aimed at preventing infection with the virus:

  • Wash dishes thoroughly after other people.
  • Do not take other people's towels, combs, toothbrushes and other personal hygiene items.
  • Women should not use other people's lipsticks, glosses, or balms.
  • Avoid touching your face and groin area with unwashed hands.
  • Damage to the skin must be treated with disinfectants.
  • Take vitamins regularly to strengthen your immune system.
  • Avoid unprotected sexual contact with strangers.

When in contact with people who have visible symptoms of herpes, the risk of becoming infected is higher. But even if a person is a hidden carrier of the infection, he can become infected. Therefore, you need to follow the rules of personal hygiene.

Recommend something effective to get rid of this herpes once and for all

Unfortunately this is not possible. Once entering the body - most often this happens in childhood - herpes simplex viruses never leave it. They penetrate the nerve ganglia of the trigeminal nerve and migrate from them only during relapses, and then return again to the zone of permanent “dislocation”. Activation of the infection occurs against the background of a number of risk factors, or triggers. They can be: fever, stress, fatigue, hormonal changes, respiratory infections, etc. By the way, with age, the frequency of relapses of orolabial herpes decreases.

There is no remedy that would allow you to get rid of herpes infection at once. However, there are drugs that alleviate the condition during the activation of the disease and speed up recovery. These are primarily acyclovir-based products that block the proliferation of herpes viruses. Acyclovir ointments and creams are the drugs of choice for recurrent colds on the lips, having an optimal balance of effectiveness and safety.

Interaction with other drugs and alcohol

Acyclovir and alcohol

When a doctor prescribes a particular drug, the question arises about compatibility not only with other drugs (more on this below), but also with alcohol. After all, a cold often appears at the wrong time, but plans are made to attend an event where there will be strong drinks. What to do in such a situation? Despite the absence of direct contraindications, alcohol and medicine are incompatible.

It is not recommended to take Acyclovir with alcohol

Firstly, alcohol, by suppressing the activity of leukocytes and the production of antibodies, reduces the body's defenses. Secondly, any drug puts a strain on the liver and kidneys, and alcohol has a similar effect. And when the liver cannot cope with processing, enzymes are released that suppress the action of Acyclovir. That is, the effect of the immunomodulator will be zero. Also, this can provoke intoxication of the body and increase the risk of side effects such as nausea and vomiting; convulsions, disturbances of consciousness; tremors and hallucinations; allergies (itching, skin rashes, urticaria, angioedema); loose stools; anemia; shortness of breath, pain in the sternum, increased heart rate; disorders of swallowing and respiratory functions; cephalalgia, dizziness, drowsiness.

If you suffer from a hangover after drinking, this is not the right time to take Acyclovir. When a hangover occurs, the body is already under stress. Taking the drug may cause a deterioration in your general condition.

Acyclovir and antibiotics

It may happen that Acyclovir is taken at the same time as antibiotics. When treating viral diseases, simultaneous use of antibiotics is not recommended, as they will simply interfere with each other. That is, treatment will be ineffective either from Acyclovir or from another drug. The one-time use of medications will not speed up the patient’s recovery, and the liver will not say “thank you” to you, since it creates an additional load, which can lead to negative consequences. In exceptional cases, as prescribed by a doctor, a one-time dose is possible, but it is associated with risks. Be sure to consult with your doctor.

I always bought ointment with acyclovir for herpes on the lips. Maybe there is something more modern now?

Acyclovir is truly a drug with “experience”: it was synthesized back in 1977 [4]. In those years, it was an innovative drug that offered a unique opportunity to control herpes infection. Today it remains one of the most popular remedies against herpes, although, of course, it has competitors. However, it cannot be said that they have any significant advantages compared to acyclovir.

Thus, the only alternative to local forms of acyclovir, penciclovir, which is also available in the form of an ointment, has a structure and mechanism of action similar to the parent of the group. Research results indicate that 1% penciclovir is as effective for cold sores as 3% acyclovir [5]. However, if acyclovir is applied 5 times a day, then penciclovir should be used a little more often - every 2 hours. Whether it makes sense to change the drug is up to you to decide.

Preventative treatment

The question often arises of how to prevent such an unpleasant situation as the manifestation of herpes. What should be the prevention? The recommendations are simple:

  • Get vaccinated every three years to avoid infection or recurrence of the disease;
  • Take acyclovir as a preventive measure when the disease may be triggered. Consult your doctor to determine your risk factors;
  • Don't forget about hygiene;
  • Strengthen your immune system: lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right and move more.

Acyclovir against herpes

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