Inspire Ice braces: pros and cons of sapphire systems


There are a huge number of braces - their designs are varied, the materials are numerous. For the average person, understanding their abundance is a difficult task; determining how some differ from others is unlikely to be possible without additional explanations.

So, for example, to understand why Inspire Ice is good, you need to delve a little into the features of their device.


Ormco is an American company whose products are known throughout the world . There is not an orthodontist who does not know about it.

There are representative offices in many countries, the work is always individual and done with a specific client in mind. The main principles of the company are constant development, taking into account consumer opinions, and constant improvement of employee qualifications.

The company produces braces developed using the most innovative methods. All of them are hypoallergenic, comfortable to wear and have an extremely positive effect on the bite.

Innovative technological solutions

A special feature of the installation of Ormco braces is the use of light-polymer material, which does not harm tooth enamel and allows the entire procedure to be performed comfortably and without pain.
The production of various Ormco models is based on the use of computer technology, which allows achieving ideal results in terms of quality. Thus, in the process of technological production of Ormco braces, the use of straight rectangular arches and plasma treatment of the cushion was found for the first time; the diamond-shaped design of the product also became a distinctive feature.

The use of the latest advances in this field has turned Ormco into a world leader, whose products are actively used by leading specialists in the dental field.

Production technology

The basis of Inspire Ice braces is sapphire. Of course, not a real stone dug out of the depths of the earth, but a high-tech replacement made in factories. As a rule, production takes place in several stages:

  • aluminum oxide is melted and a monocrystalline mass is obtained from it;
  • by compression, sapphire is formed from the mass - unlike natural, it is absolutely transparent - and even plates are formed from it (they can be of very different sizes, from a few centimeters in length to a whole meter);
  • the plates are cut into small portions;
  • Each piece is polished so that it becomes as smooth as possible and takes a specific shape.

After this, an arch is separately made on which the stone will be attached, and all of this is sent to the dental clinic so that the orthodontist can combine the parts into a single structure on the spot.

The basis for the arc can be any metal. Sometimes alloys with Teflon are used, sometimes polycarbonate.

Why are Victory braces so good and do they have any disadvantages?

In this article we will consider non-ligature systems.

Do you need a special toothbrush for braces information on the link.

Aesthetic dentistry and modern methods of correcting bites

Today, dental patients are selective. Of course, they don’t come asking for statistical data. And before deciding to wear braces, they want to know what aesthetics each technology provides. What are the advantages and how expensive is it to correct a bite? Is the treatment period difficult? Let's go over the methods and advantages.

System Features

Inspire Ice differs from other braces in a number of features:

  • Reliable fixation .
    Before installation, the client's teeth are covered with a special glass coating, which consists of microscopic balls - they are made so that the Inspire Ice base material adheres tightly to them. So, even if the mechanical fastening gives way, the braces will not go anywhere.
  • Full transparency .
    Most often, if a client wants braces to be invisible, they are placed on the back of the teeth. Due to the transparency of sapphire, this is not required - it will not be visible, regardless of the color of the client’s teeth. It can be pure white, grayish or yellowish - the design will still be almost invisible.
  • Special dye .
    Due to transparency, inconveniences also arise - the orthopedic doctor must clearly see what he is placing and where. Because to save him from having to strain his eyes, the manufacturer coats the braces with a special dye - each is painted in its own color, so it is obvious which one is for which tooth - which is easily washed off after installation.
  • Individual removal device .
    It is impossible to simply remove Inspire Ice braces - also due to the reinforced fastening - therefore, for each set, a special tool is additionally created to remove them. These are plastic tongs that are used to pick up each element so that it remains undamaged. After completion of treatment they are disposed of.
  • Residues on teeth .
    After removing the conventional system, no marks remain on the teeth. After removing Inspire Ice, the situation is different - particles of material and a special solution for fastening remain. It will not be possible to clean them with a regular brush - this must be done by the dentist using a special device (this procedure is included in the main treatment and is paid accordingly).

There are no other design features - the arch is also installed on the lateral teeth and needs to be tightened from time to time.

Ceramic braces

A visit to the orthodontist will not be complete without comparing the functions of other brace systems, so we will quickly go over alternative options for correcting defects and malocclusions and creating a beautiful smile that you are not ashamed of. Ceramic braces, by analogy with braces made of artificial sapphires, can be ligated or non-ligated. Their use is justified if the shade of the teeth is yellow. In this case, sapphire braces will not be a comfortable option, because... will stand out too much in the mouth area. The client can be sure that such a system (like ligature braces) will not rub the oral mucosa, and the fasteners or lock will not cause allergic reactions

System advantages

Like any system, this one has its advantages:

  • Simplicity . Due to the fact that the design is relatively standard, the orthodontist does not need any additional skills for installation.
  • Individuality of execution . The system is made from an impression of a specific person’s jaw and is ideally suited specifically for his teeth.
  • Safety . Thanks to the material and impeccable polishing, Inspire Ice does not cause allergies, is not capable of injuring the sensitive mucous membrane of the oral cavity and does not oxidize over time.
  • Immutability . Ceramic systems easily change color over time, but sapphire always remains as transparent as the day it was purchased.
  • Polishing . Due to the way the components are perfectly polished, the arc fits the sapphires perfectly, the pressure is distributed evenly between them and discomfort during the adaptation process is minimized.
  • No traces . Once removed, ceramic systems can leave cracks and chips in the enamel. This will never happen with Inspire Ice - they leave no residue.
  • Transparency . Due to the lack of pigmentation, even an attentive person is unlikely to notice the presence of braces - unlike other models, they blend perfectly with any natural shade of enamel.
  • Versatility . Such a structure can be installed on a person of any age - the main thing is that his bite has already formed.

The abundance of advantages, however, does not mean a complete absence of disadvantages.

How to care for sapphire braces

Thanks to the resistance of modern material to coloring and mechanical stress, it is quite easy to care for Inspire Ice braces. However, during the entire period of treatment the patient must follow some rules:

  • Remove food debris and deposits from the system.
  • Regularly clean your teeth and braces with a special brush sold in pharmacies.
  • As the fastening rubber bands darken, they must be replaced with new ones by an orthodontist.


Installing Inspire Ice is not much different from installing any other standard braces:

  • a panoramic photograph of the jaws is taken in order to assess the scale of the problems and the prospects for solving them;
  • a clear photograph of the dentition on which the system will be installed is taken;
  • the results are transferred to the manufacturer, where, using a special program, a detailed forecast is made and spare parts for the structure are manufactured;
  • the parts are sent back to the clinic;
  • the patient is treated for all dental problems, cleansed of tartar, and uses compounds that strengthen the enamel;
  • a specific structural element is installed on each specific tooth (the orthodontist determines the match by color marking);
  • all elements are secured with a common arch, which is fixed on the lateral teeth.

After the procedure is completed, the doctor explains to the patient the basic principles of caring for the system and sets a date for the next appointment, at which he can assess the progress and, if necessary, tighten the arch according to the changes.

How the installation takes place - watch the video:

Sapphire braces - prices and types at the ART dental clinic

Among other services at the clinic, we provide treatment for the correction of malocclusion using sapphire braces, along with other brace systems (ceramics, metal, mouth guards, ligature and non-ligature braces). When choosing sapphire braces, the price of which is higher in comparison with cheaper analogues, you should understand that this is really a reasonable expenditure, since this technology combines maximum aesthetics, hypoallergenicity, comfort of wearing and effectiveness in a gentle correction of malocclusions and malocclusions. We guarantee customer satisfaction from treatment using this method and are pleased to offer highly qualified orthodontists, and we are always ready to please our regular customers with profitable promotions and discounts.

Installing aesthetically pleasing, virtually invisible sapphire braces is not a cheap procedure. But both the material itself and its aesthetic properties fully justify such costs. In our clinic in Odintsovo you can order installation. The price range is quite large: the average cost of sapphire braces including installation will be about 60 thousand rubles. Depending on the complexity of the work, the price tag can rise to 75 thousand rubles.

Dentistry in Odintsovo ART offers to supply the following types of ceramic braces: Ormco - Inspire Ice, STB, Orthos; - Incognito. Before deciding on such a procedure, it is necessary to undergo a full examination, consult with an orthodontist, and determine the degree of deformation of the dentition (in case of serious problems, sapphire braces, alas, are useless).

Timing and effectiveness of treatment

Treatment with braces usually involves three stages:

  • Adaptation .
    Inspire Ice works in a very gentle way. Pain is minimal, the main problems the patient faces are the sensation of a foreign body in the mouth and some problems with diction during habituation. During this period, you need to limit the consumption of solid foods, take extra care of your teeth and try to relax - over time, the sensations will become familiar.
  • Basic treatment . At this stage, the patient stops noticing that there is something foreign in his mouth and feels good. The main thing is not to eat too hard foods (nuts, for example), visit a doctor on time and take care of the structure.
  • The final stage . At this stage, the braces are removed and the doctor monitors the changes. Sometimes it may be necessary to use additional devices to ensure that the bite is secured and does not deteriorate again.

All together it can take from a year to two years - it all depends on the degree of malocclusion, the accuracy of following the recommendations and the competence of the doctor.

Let's look at Incognito braces and find out why they are called that.

We’ll tell you here what the prices for sapphire systems consist of.

Read the link how to straighten teeth without braces.

Opinion of bracket bearers

Tatyana, 39 years old

Until Ormco braces became known to me not only in theory, but also in practice, I had used other orthodontic structures and was disappointed with the lack of results. Thanks to my friend, I became acquainted with Ormco braces and was completely satisfied, firstly, with the effectiveness of the treatment, and, secondly, with the adequacy of the financial costs.

Evgeniy, 28 years old

Since childhood, I have had problems with allergies, and therefore many braces designs are completely unsuitable for me, so this system became a way out of this difficult situation for me. I was completely satisfied with the treatment, both with the process itself and with its results, so I recommend this system to all my acquaintances and friends.


Sapphire requires minimal care. In fact it requires:

  • timely visit to the doctor so that he can assess the progress and tighten the arch accordingly;
  • accuracy in preparing a diet , from which everything too hard should be excluded;
  • daily cleaning , which can be done either with a regular toothbrush or with a special brush, which can be bought at a pharmacy.

No complicated devices or tricks are required.

Treatment price

The price of treatment consists of:

  • the cost of the braces themselves;
  • orthodontic services for teeth cleaning, installation, related care, removal;
  • the cost of consumables such as brushes;
  • if necessary, replacing failed components.

At the same time, Inspire Ice costs about 20,000, but all together - the whole year of treatment - will cost a much more round sum from 100,000 to 150,000.

The final result depends on the chosen clinic, the qualifications of the doctor and small nuances, such as the material from which the arc will be made.


The only downside of these braces is their high cost. Taking into account the full course of treatment, the final price will not be affordable for every person. But their cost can be reduced slightly if you use the following combination option: install sapphire braces only on the upper frontal units.

Being a progressive orthodontic design, it cannot correct a strong bite defect. To do this, it is better to install other systems, since Inspire Ice is positioned mainly as a highly aesthetic model.


As a replacement you can use:

  • Plastic systems . They are much cheaper, but are inferior in strength, easily change color due to dyes or nicotine, and can even chip long before the end of treatment.
  • Ceramic systems . They are durable, adhere well to the teeth, but often do not match them in color. There is no talk of any invisibility. May injure lips.
  • Damon Clear . Products from the same company - sapphire is installed only in the smile zone, metal is placed on the rest of the teeth. They cost more, the grip is no better, but there is less of a feeling of foreignness when getting used to it. Easily removed without damaging the enamel.

You should choose based on your financial capabilities.


Installation of sapphire braces is indicated only for minor tooth curvatures that require gentle correction. If there is a small malocclusion, the orthodontic structure is subject to special aesthetic requirements.

They are also recommended for those patients who have an allergy to a certain metal, since they themselves do not contain metal parts.


The best way to understand whether a product is worth buying is to read what those who have already bought it say about it. If you have something to say about Inspire Ice, you can leave your opinion in the comments below the article and thus help those who have not yet made their choice.

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Tags: braces vestibular braces sapphire braces

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Contraindications to the installation of sapphire products are:

  • dental diagnoses in the chronic stage;
  • dysfunction of the endocrine and immune systems;
  • blood pathologies;
  • cancerous formations;
  • tuberculosis in the active stage;
  • improper oral care;
  • children under 12 years old.

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