Invisible braces Incognito and aligners Invisalign: comparison, pros and cons

For many patients, the decision to correct their bite with braces is not easy. The main reason is that it is difficult to decide to wear such a system, which is constantly in sight, for one or two years. Incognito lingual braces can solve this problem. Their peculiarity is that they are attached to the inside of the dentition and are therefore invisible to others.

Incognito braces are installed on the inside of the teeth

This braces system was invented in the early 2000s in Germany and quickly gained popularity. But before planning a visit to the dentist, it is worth studying the pros and cons, as well as contraindications to installing Incognito braces.

Lingual braces Incognito (Incognito)

Lingual braces Incognito (Incognito braces) are a system that allows you to correct your bite comfortably, that is, as discreetly as possible and absolutely without changing your usual way of life. This happens largely due to the fact that the Incognito bracket system is installed on the inside of the dentition.

The first attempts to create lingual braces were made back in the 23rd century. Thus, the founder of modern dentistry, Pierre Fauchard, began to use lingual orthodontic construction. Of course, it bore little resemblance to the inventions of subsequent years. The first such systems, most similar to modern dental devices, began to be used only in the mid-1970s in the USA and Japan.

The Incognito bracket system appeared at the beginning of the 21st century. Its creation was supervised by the German professor Dirk Wichmann. At that time, he held a respected position - he was the head of the European Society of Lingual Orthodontics. It was he, together with a group of specialists, who patented this technology.


  • The main advantage of lingual braces is that they are invisible . The plates are located on the inside of the teeth, so others will not realize they are there. This can be important for teenagers and adults who may be embarrassed to wear regular metal braces.
  • Internal installation eliminates injury to the mucous membranes of the gums, lips and cheeks. True, the tongue comes into contact with the braces, but usually it is not injured, since its surface is not so delicate and vulnerable.
  • Incognito lingual braces are created individually for each patient using an impression or digital 3D model.
  • This system is excellent for correcting open bites (when a gap remains between the teeth when the teeth are closed) and deep bites.

Incognito braces are made for each patient, taking into account individual characteristics

In what cases are Incognito braces installed?

Orthodontists distinguish this brace system among others, since it has practically no disadvantages. The fact is that while the mechanics of operation are similar to conventional braces, the Incognito lingual braces system helps to achieve results faster and with maximum convenience.

You should consider installing if you need:

  • align teeth in the dentition or even rotate teeth;
  • correct deep bite;
  • remove crowded teeth;
  • get rid of dental problems comfortably and unnoticed by yourself and others.

Indications and contraindications for installation

Before starting orthodontic therapy, the orthodontist must identify the presence of indications and contraindications for treatment. Prohibitions on conducting a correctional course can be relative or absolute. Relative means that therapy cannot be started in certain circumstances, but if they are eliminated, correction can begin. The doctor collects anamnesis from the patient’s words, so it is very important to report all existing health problems, even if they seem not to be related to the upcoming course of therapy.


  • Crowding of teeth
  • Wide interdental spaces
  • Rotation of dental elements around their axis
  • Displacement of dentition relative to each other

Relative contraindications:

  • Dental and periodontal diseases
  • ARVI
  • Any illness in the acute stage
  • Pregnancy

Absolute contraindications:

  • Tuberculosis
  • Oncology
  • Blood and bone diseases
  • Diabetes
  • Thyroid pathologies

Important: the risk of using braces with existing contraindications cannot be underestimated. You should take care of your health. In any case, you need to visit an orthodontist. It is possible that a defect in the dental system in a particular case can be eliminated using another method.

Lingual bracket system Incognito and its advantages

The Incognito lingual brace system has many advantages. It is relatively easy and quick to install. Moreover, after the procedure you quickly adapt to new conditions. This is despite the fact that the design can affect diction and cause slight discomfort. The fact is that Incognito braces are much smaller in size than other lingual braces. Another plus is invisibility. Invisible braces Incognito are ideal for public people; they are often chosen by actors, politicians and TV presenters. In addition, the Incognito bracket system is hypoallergenic, as it is made of a gold-containing alloy. And a nice bonus is the design of such bracket systems. It’s nice to wear such aesthetic braces, even though they are invisible.


Initially, this brace system is installed indirectly: the dentist fixes all the braces at once using special silicone aligners. The Incognito system consists of a series of brackets with customized bases that cover a significant portion of the inside of the teeth. The design allows for easy re-attachment. If the bracket comes off, it is easy to re-fix it directly (without additional devices), since the base of the bracket fits exactly to the surface of the tooth in the only correct position.

Differences between Incognito braces and other types of braces

Incognito braces have many differences from other types of bracket systems. In many ways they are superior to them, for example, in aesthetics and size. There are some disadvantages, but there are still more advantages. In the table below we have summarized how Incognito braces differ.

Incognito bracesOther lingual braces
Made individually for each patientStandard braces are customized to fit the patient
An orthodontist must complete a year's training to operate this system.No special advanced training required
The most expensive braces systemPrice range depends on material
About 2 weeksIn some cases about 1 week
It has been proven that when wearing Incognito braces on teeth, caries occurs less often*The development of caries is very likely

*Company dental research data.

Examples of work “Before” and “After”

Correction of bite with Invisalign aligners
Problem: the patient is not satisfied with the aesthetics of the teeth in the front row, narrowing of the upper and lower jaws, after examination, caries and the presence of dental deposits were revealed Work: the Invisalign method was chosen for treatment (dental guards on both jaws), comprehensive cleaning of plaque and stone, caries treatment Time: 36 weeks Cost: treatment with invisalign aligners - 160,000 rubles.

Correction of bite with Invisalign aligners for narrowing jaws

Problem: the patient is not satisfied with the severe curvature of the fangs, he also wanted to straighten the remaining teeth, the curvature is caused by a narrowing of the upper and lower jaws.

Alignment of front teeth with Invisalign aligners (Invisalign)

Problem: the patient is not satisfied with the curvature of the front teeth caused by narrowing of the jaws Work: the Invisalign method was chosen for treatment (dental guards on both jaws), comprehensive cleaning of plaque and stone Time: 30 weeks Cost: treatment with invisalign aligners - 160,000 rubles.

Overbite correction with Aspire ceramic braces

Problem: the patient complained of gaps between teeth.

How is Incognito braces installed?

The installation of Incognito braces differs from the installation of other lingual braces. First, as usual, the oral cavity is prepared, including the removal of plaque, treatment of caries and gums. The doctor then takes 3D photographs of the teeth and photographs of the face. This data is sent to the German clinic TOP-Service für Lingualtechnik GmbH. There, using a three-dimensional model, Incognito braces are produced, which take into account absolutely all the individual characteristics of the patient. Later, the doctor receives a unique system and installs it. This entire process takes about two weeks.

Completion of treatment

Problems in completing treatment are often associated with incorrect positioning of braces during installation of the orthodontic system. Computer modeling allows us to eliminate this factor, which is possible in a conventional laboratory process. Unsticking Incognito braces less often leads to incorrect installation: these braces can be precisely positioned again, since individual manufacturing assumes almost the only correct position of a specific bracket on a specific tooth.

What is the price of Incognito braces?

The technology is unique, so the price for Incognito braces is appropriate. Braces for one jaw will cost from 80,000 rubles, this amount does not include installation and other treatment procedures. The turnkey cost can vary from 200,000 to 300,000 rubles. However, this is quite an adequate price for comfortable and effective treatment using Incognito braces. In addition, different clinics offer different prices. However, you should not chase cheapness. It is worth finding a clinic with a good reputation where the price for Incognito lingual braces will be acceptable. It may take some time, but you will be confident in your choice.

Incognito braces are a new step in the development of orthodontics. If the amount of treatment does not scare you, you should use this particular brace system. In this case, you will certainly not be disappointed. Incognito braces help you achieve your goal quite quickly and with maximum comfort. And besides, others will not know that you wear braces. You won’t have to be embarrassed, you can smile without worrying.

The result of treatment with Incognito braces

As a result of treatment with lingual braces, the shape of the dentition was normalized and the bite was corrected.

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