Pros and cons of external braces - are they a thing of the past?

One of the main ways to correct bites in adults today is vestibular, or external braces. And in everyday life we ​​simply call them in one word - “braces”. They are fixed on the outer surface of the teeth and all the surrounding structures on the teeth are visible when the patient smiles. Something like this (see photo)

You can discuss the pros and cons for as long as you like, since they have their own advantages and disadvantages, like any bite correction system. But there are several main points. And you need to know them.

There are four advantages of external braces when correcting malocclusion:

  • Firstly
    , today vestibular braces are the most functional device that orthodontists can use in adults.
  • Second plus
    . Treatment with braces really gives a fairly quick visual effect.
  • Thirdly
    , external braces provide probably the greatest expansion.
  • The fourth plus
    is that in terms of cost, they are probably one of the most affordable options for correcting a bite, which is important for adults.

The disadvantages are that, no matter what kind of braces orthodontists choose - metal or so-called aesthetic (transparent), ceramic, sapphire - when correcting a bite, the disadvantages are the following.

Disadvantages of external braces when correcting bites in adults:

  • Firstly
    , any external braces are still visible, and this very often influences the choice by adults of one or another method of treating malocclusion.

  • Second minus
    . In addition, of course, they contribute to the accumulation of plaque, which means hygiene is significantly reduced. And the accumulation of plaque leads to tooth decay. Therefore, you have to carefully clean your teeth and braces using special brushes. This is really tiring and it is never possible to completely clear the plaque (if you also violate your diet - see the fourth minus)

  • The third disadvantage
    : braces really rub the mucous membrane, especially at first they can strongly rub the mucous membrane of the cheeks and lips.

  • Fourthly
    , external braces also impose restrictions on the intake of hard foods, be it meat, apples, and so on.

  • Fifth minus
    . From the point of view of psychological comfort, vestibular braces are also, of course, constraining.

Pros and cons of braces according to doctors' reviews

Real reviews from doctors about the pros and cons of braces boil down to the fact that the main advantage of these devices is their ability to correct even the most complex malocclusions, unlike other orthodontic devices, and the disadvantage is the difficulty of care and aesthetic qualities (with the exception of certain types of braces) . In addition, experts do not advise choosing braces based on numerous tables on the Internet, which compare treatment periods for different types of braces and prices for these designs. Why?

Firstly, every patient must understand that the degree of impact on the teeth and the duration of the correction process are the same for all braces. This is due to the natural mechanism of tooth movement. Secondly, the following can be said about the cost of braces. There are clinics that offer expensive sapphire braces for the price of ceramic ones. And it's not a joke. It’s just that the cost of orthodontic structures and services for their use depends on the pricing policy of dentistry, and not on the quality of braces or the qualifications of the doctor. Therefore, in our article we will, of course, talk about approximate prices for this or that type of braces, but, basically, we will evaluate bracket systems according to the following criteria:

  • aesthetics;
  • reliability;
  • comfort of wearing;
  • ease of care.

Interesting fact!

According to rumors, scientists at Oxford University are working on creating magnetic braces. They say that the principle of their operation will be based on the creation of a constant magnetic field using two miniature generators, which will act on the iron contained in the teeth and effectively correct the bite without the need to wear any structures.

Reaching a new goal

Perhaps you are faced with a difficult choice: on the one hand, you are embarrassed about your smile, on the other, you do not want to wear braces for 1 to 3 years. But the faster you start, the faster you finish. As they say, the best time to do this is yesterday, the second best time is today. Moreover, you will experience great joy as you systematically move towards your goal, seeing how your teeth are straightened month after month, and in the end you will get the long-awaited result - a beautiful smile. This experience will certainly be useful in other areas of life.

Type of braces

Ligature braces

  • the elasticity of the ligatures ensures more comfortable wearing of braces.
  • affordable price.
  • It is necessary to change the ligatures regularly (about once a month), as they stretch while wearing braces.
  • a more complex hygiene procedure due to the presence of ligatures.

Braces without ligatures

  • There is no need to replace ligatures, so you can visit the doctor less often.
  • Easier oral care routine.
  • are more expensive than ligature braces.

Do your teeth hurt during treatment?

After braces are installed, the cost of which in Moscow can vary significantly depending on the clinic, a person may begin to experience discomfort. What is this connected with? This reaction is quite normal. People may experience discomfort for up to seven days. To ease the “suffering”, you can take an anti-inflammatory drug. It should be prescribed by a doctor - under no circumstances should you self-medicate.

Unpleasant sensations are normal. The gums need to get used to braces - a foreign object. To alleviate the condition, you can use a saline solution. How to cook it? Dissolve a couple of teaspoons of salt in a glass of water and rinse your mouth with the solution at least twice a day.

If your teeth become more sensitive after getting braces, avoid eating hard foods. Eat soft foods: mashed potatoes, yogurts, soups, etc. If the pain worsens, you can eat something cold.

Ceramic braces - pros and cons

These orthodontic systems are made from dental ceramics. Having analyzed the pros and cons of non-ligature and ligature ceramic braces, we can conclude that such brace systems represent good value for money, allowing you to solve any bite problems at an affordable price, which in Moscow clinics is about 30,000 rubles for the design itself. one row of teeth. In this case, diagnostics, installation and removal of the system will have to be paid additionally.


How does the oval of the face change after braces?

The face after braces becomes more symmetrical and proportional. This is a consequence of correcting the bite. For example, if a patient’s teeth do not close together and the face appears elongated, then after correction with braces the cosmetic defect is eliminated. Most often, after such treatment, the cheekbones become more expressive and the cheeks become sunken.

Is it possible not to wear retainers after braces?

Can. However, the consequences of such a decision are difficult to predict. The teeth will again try to return to their previous position. And then, 1-2 years of correction with braces will be useless.

Do braces make your lips look bigger?

Visually, yes, because there is a bracket arch under the lip. However, after removing the structure, the effect of lip augmentation disappears.

Do teeth fall out from braces?

No, they don't fall out. And information about this is just rumors that have no basis.

Sapphire braces - pros and cons

These are transparent braces made from artificial sapphire, which really do not spoil the patient’s appearance, but look like a stylish accessory. As for the pros and cons of sapphire braces, their main advantage is considered to be high aesthetics, and a significant disadvantage is the price, since most often they cost much more than ceramic ones. However, there are cheaper options for sapphire designs combined with metal or ceramic. Thus, the cost of braces made entirely of sapphire starts in Moscow clinics from 70,000 rubles per design for one row of teeth.

What is a retainer?

A retainer is a small arch that is placed on the inside of the teeth after braces are removed. That is, it consolidates the result of treatment of malocclusion. Retainer placement is required for all patients over 25 years of age. You have to wear it for a long time - twice as long as wearing braces. It is believed that the optimal period is four years. After this time, the person must wear a mouthguard at night.

And all these procedures must be performed without fail, otherwise the result of the treatment will not be consolidated. A person must realize that changes in the functioning of the body must be completed. Otherwise, correcting the bite with braces will be done in vain.

Type of braces


  • completely invisible.
  • as durable as metal systems.
  • are more expensive than ceramic braces.
  • They are more difficult to maintain than labial systems, which are attached to the outside of the teeth.
  • significantly affect diction.

Of course, the above pros and cons of braces will play an important role in shaping your preferences regarding one or another type of these orthodontic structures. However, we will tell you a secret: the best braces for each patient will be those that will help him solve his particular bite problems. Therefore, an experienced and knowledgeable orthodontist will help you choose the right bracket system after examining and diagnosing your teeth.

For children

Our dental prosthetics and orthodontics clinic installs braces not only for adults and teenagers, but also for young children. Which system is best to choose for your child? Usually a system is installed that consists of 20 “locks”. One half is attached at the top, the other at the bottom. Orthodontics considers this treatment to be the most effective. Metal structures are shown for children. After a few years, the braces are replaced with other, more advanced ones, for example, ceramic ones.

Advantages of aligners over braces

The two main advantages - aesthetics and wearing comfort - are due to the design of this product. This allows you not to experience embarrassment during treatment, as happens when wearing braces, when a person is embarrassed to smile and talk, experiencing stress and becoming withdrawn, refusing to communicate. Aligners eliminate such problems - they make you look the same as usual, and in extreme cases they can be removed altogether.

Aligners are more effective than braces in another respect: there are almost no restrictions on food intake. Even solid foods can be eaten if they are removed before meals. It is impossible to remove the braces for a while, so you will have to eat in them, which means you will have to give up solid food, which can break the structure, and after eating, rinse your mouth thoroughly and brush your teeth using special brushes and toothpicks, since food gets stuck between them much more strongly. teeth.

Well, difficulties in oral hygiene will result in the development of caries if the patient allows himself to relax and not be too diligent in caring for the oral cavity. When using aligners, such problems do not arise, you can eat and brush your teeth as usual.

Finally, what makes you choose aligners instead of braces is their purely medical effectiveness - treatment with aligners is faster, and you can change the aligners yourself if necessary. Aligners cover the teeth more tightly and transfer the load to them more evenly, allowing them to be moved in several axes at once, which speeds up treatment and at the same time makes it safer and more comfortable.


The length of the adaptation period takes 3-14 days - it all depends on the chosen design, following the dentist’s advice and the individual characteristics of the child. This time is the most difficult, as the teeth get used to the load, acquire some mobility and begin to change their position, trying to take the correct place in the bite. The patient feels severe discomfort and pain. You can reduce discomfort by adjusting the menu towards soft foods and taking prescribed sedatives.

Features of the action of orthodontic structures

The topic of aligners or braces - which is better - is discussed on forums. Patients talk about their impressions, and doctors explain how both designs work. In braces, a metal arch with a memory effect gradually returns the teeth to a physiologically justified position, restrains jaw growth or, conversely, stimulates it. Visits to the orthodontist are needed to change the tension of the arch.

The good thing about aligners is that they can be used by children as young as 6 years old.

, whose permanent teeth have not yet grown. Correcting a child’s bite with aligners can only be entrusted to a highly qualified orthodontist dentist with extensive clinical experience. An accurate prognosis is important - templates are made for the entire course at once; at the very beginning of treatment, the doctor writes out the algorithm using a specialized computer program.

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