What does a hole in a tooth mean in a dream - possible interpretations from the dream book

It is interesting for everyone who sees this to know why a person dreams of a hole in a tooth. As soon as you wake up, you want to make an appointment with a doctor - what if it was a prophetic picture? Fortunately, this does not always mean that caries is a problem in real life. Still, caution doesn't hurt. Teeth are a symbol of wisdom and good health, conception and reproductive power. If you see them as sick, with defects, you can suspect something bad. Typically, collections of interpretations associate the picture with negative life changes. For a correct understanding, it is necessary to take into account the details of the dream.

In outline

According to Miller's dream book, a hole in a tooth means hard work and the fatigue it causes. Possible illness due to overwork. If you dream that several teeth hurt at once, the person is threatened by unpleasant events, an unfortunate combination of circumstances, and numerous illnesses. This will greatly deplete internal resources and leave you without strength.

The meaning of a dream about a hole in a tooth, which ended with a successful trip to the dentist and a complete cure, is positive. The picture predicts: obstacles are surmountable, diseases are curable. Soon life will change for the better, luck will smile.

Sometimes seeing a hole in a tooth in a dream means a bad environment. If a person visited a doctor, got a filling, but the material turned dark, this clearly indicates ill-wishers in his close social circle. The dream advises you to re-evaluate your acquaintances and completely stop contacts with dubious people. If you ignore the warning, you may find yourself in a difficult, unpleasant situation.

In Vanga’s collection of wisdom, the interpretation of sleep is a threatening serious illness. It hasn't started yet, but the first signs will appear soon. It is necessary to be fully examined. Even minor symptoms should not be neglected.

If you neglect the case, you will not be able to recover.

Freud's collection offers its own decoding: if you dreamed of a tooth with a hole, trouble or an accident threatens. The dreamer or his child will get sick. Less often, the vision symbolizes lack, dissatisfaction with intimate life. To eliminate internal discord, you need to talk with your chosen one and change your usual rituals. If you dreamed that all your teeth were damaged (even without pain), it means that the person did something extremely unseemly. Now I am tormented by fear, because one day other people will find out about what I have done.


According to Miller

According to Miller, such dreams foreshadow the following:

  1. Damaged teeth with dark holes indicate that a person is very overworked and needs rest. If at the same time they were crooked, wobbly, and holes grew along the remaining healthy teeth, then this foreshadows the collapse of plans and hopes for a better future, the onset of a series of unpleasant events, misfortunes that will negatively affect health.
  2. If the holes were successfully filled, it means that business and health will improve thanks to the efforts of the individual.
  3. Cleaning dirty, sick ones with holes means that the dreamer wants to clear his conscience or wash away unfair slander. Depending on the size of the hole, you can get rid of small or large hassles.
  4. Treating them means restoring relationships, vitality, as well as putting things in order in life and preparing for new life milestones.

According to Vanga

Vanga often said that what is dreamed can happen in reality. A dream is a signal to action; if you dream about health problems, then you need to go to the hospital for examination.


  1. Bad, dirty, rotten - hard times, difficult work for wear and tear, difficult relationships with family or loved ones.
  2. Depending on where the hole is in the dream and what size it is, this foreshadows illnesses and accidents of relatives.

According to Freud

Interpretation according to Freud:

  1. Teeth loss, damage

    for an elderly person it means imminent death, the death of close relatives.

  2. If you dreamed of large dark holes that destroy teeth one after another, then this is interpreted as the occurrence of serious diseases, possible accidents in children.
  3. If holey teeth fall out with severe pain, a woman or man is afraid to have an intimate relationship with a partner.

According to Tsvetkov

E. Tsvetkov offers the following interpretation:

  1. Bad, rotten, sick - failures, unforeseen expenses, illness.
  2. Caries is a betrayal among friends or business partners.
  3. To tear out, to break - a severance of relationships with loved ones, family, disagreements with business partners.
  4. Problems with blood - death or serious illness.
  5. Treat, fill, insert new ones - profit, success in events, trips.

By Denise Lynn

According to the research and observations of Denise Lynn, a dream that occurs once is not an indicator of future events.

The dreamer should rely on several dreams occurring over several months, analyze events and details, this is the only way to correctly interpret it:

  1. Holes of brown or black color mean that a person swears too much in reality and is ungodly in his thoughts.
  2. Lost, diseased teeth indicate incipient dental problems; the subconscious mind prompts you to contact a dentist for help.
  3. Caries means that you should be careful in expressing your thoughts.

Interpretation of dreams. Video:

Advice from some dream books

If a woman sees bad teeth, Tsvetkov’s interpretation associates this with poor health. There may be problems communicating with relatives. The dreamer is threatened by quarrels and scandals. Faithful friends are planning betrayal.

Lynn's collection promises a man distrust and a fall in reputation. The reason is unreasonable words spoken earlier in anger.

The noble collection sees in the picture an allegorical image of problems in a career or chosen business.

The collection of Nostradamus, explaining why you dream of a hole in a tooth, connects the picture with a threatening disease.

A modern collection interprets the image as predicting trouble if bad teeth bothered another person. Possible deterioration of financial situation.

If the tooth was bothering you, aching, but there was no blood in the dream, this foreshadows career difficulties and difficulties in business for a man. Someone envies the success of an entrepreneur and puts a spoke in the wheels. There is a threat of deterioration in relations with the boss due to unkind, slanderous words. This vision hints to women: you should not tell your friends about your plans.

If a diseased tooth was bleeding, a relative would soon become seriously ill.

Visit to the dentist

What else could a dream dedicated to this topic be? A hole in a tooth in night dreams can force a person to see a dentist. You can’t call it a good dream in which the doctor refuses to fix it. In real life, the dreamer will find himself alone with his troubles; even close friends will not help him get out of them.

What does it mean in a dream in which the sleeper complains to the doctor that a hole in his tooth prevents him from chewing food? In the near future, the dreamer should refuse to start new projects and postpone planned actions. Otherwise, he will encounter insurmountable obstacles on his way that he will hardly be able to cope with.

Features and nuances of the picture

Sometimes you dream that the hole caused a split and the tooth broke in two. This is how the subconscious indicates excessive fatigue. A person needs rest. If you neglect it, you can get seriously ill.

If there were holes in all teeth without exception, the dream is a symbol of deceit and ill will of friends and acquaintances. People around you are insincere and can cause harm. It is recommended to hide plans from everyone, communicating very carefully.

If you dreamed of an accident that resulted in tooth decay, in reality you are facing an unpleasant situation that is harmful to your reputation.

Sometimes a person sees himself at an appointment with a doctor who mistakenly treats the wrong tooth. The dream is a symbol of someone else's influence. The dreamer is completely subordinate to someone due to stress, and is not free to make decisions on his own.

If you happened to look at caries in the mirror, the picture symbolizes an attempt to get out of a difficult situation. The time is favorable for solving problems, success will definitely smile.

If you dream that there are several holes in one tooth, because of this it is destroyed, but does not fall out, a relative has fallen ill.

If your teeth are rotten

Should a person who saw rotten teeth in a dream be worried? If night dreams with such a plot disturbed the nightly peace of a representative of the fair sex, in reality she should take care of her appearance. It is possible that the chosen one lost interest in the woman after she stopped taking care of herself and acquired extra pounds. In addition, it is worth checking your health, since sleep may indicate problems in the body.

What should a man beware of when he discovers rotten teeth in his dream? In reality, the dreamer will not be able to emerge victorious from a battle with enemies. Therefore, if there are strong competitors, it is worth temporarily abandoning the fight against them, otherwise the consequences will have a negative impact on the life of the owner of the dream.

Treatment, teeth drilling

Why do you dream of drilling with a dental drill? The dream book indicates: you have to do something unpleasant, but for now you cannot get rid of this responsibility. Be patient.

Dental treatment means: the sleeper will experience stress, but will quickly cope with it. He will be able to improve his situation.

After the treatment, your teeth became white and beautiful, the kind they don’t have in reality? The vision foretells the fulfillment of a wish, the support of reliable friends, and success at work.

If they themselves turn from bad to healthy and you sparkle with a snow-white smile, the troubles or illness will turn out to be temporary and will soon pass.

Place a filling, crown

Did the doctor put a filling in your dream? You can hide your ugly secret from everyone. The dream also indicates: you will soon get rid of the annoying problem.

Why do you dream about getting a crown installed? The dream book states: in reality, difficulties will begin due to the sleeper’s lack of some knowledge or experience, skills to perform a new job.

Look for someone who can tell you how to do the job correctly. Even if you are sure that you know everything yourself, ask a more experienced person to check whether you are doing it as needed. It’s better to correct it right away if you made a mistake than to redo the whole job later. Don't be afraid to learn!

Treat, insert

Did the dreamer himself treat or repair someone’s teeth? He should not trust new acquaintances too much. We must beware of scammers.

If they treated him in a dream, but there was no pain, there will be unrest and losses, but the sleeper will overcome all trials with dignity.

Did you dream about dental implantation? According to the dream book, a favorable period will begin soon. Health will be restored and internal strength will be strengthened. Broken relationships can also be resumed.

Women's dream book

The dream book confirms that bloody teeth falling out in a dream is a bad sign, foreshadowing unpleasant events at work or in your personal life: a difficult separation, family quarrels. But he draws attention to the need to take into account the day of the week on which the dream occurred: Sunday or Monday - the dream is empty, does not carry any semantic load; on the night of Tuesday/Thursday - a harbinger of unfavorable events.

We must always remember that, first of all, dreams reflect an unusual state of a person. If you are worried about an upcoming visit to the dentist, then the dream simply conveys your feelings and is not significant.

Miller's Dream Book: illness, problems

Did you dream that a doctor pulled out your tooth? Miller believes: an unpleasant illness awaits, which will turn out to be quite protracted.

In a dream, the dentist performed whitening, and after a while the teeth turned yellow again? Trust to represent your interests or conduct business to people who will succumb to the persuasion of a clever fraudster and harm you.

Have you seen how one tooth falls out? According to Miller, you will learn sad news. Two - troubles due to your own negligence. Three - serious disasters lie ahead.

Freud's Dream Book

Psychoanalyst S. Freud, based on his work experience, wrote the famous book “The Interpretation of Dreams.” It is based on observations of people's subconscious. The scientist believed that all unsatisfied desires, thoughts and needs manifest themselves in dreams. Decoding what you see will help a person understand his inner world and determine his future.

Women's dreams about teeth signify the health of their children. Holes and destruction can mean troubles, accidents or illnesses that the child will experience.

Freud believed that any dreams related to teeth have sexual overtones and mean unsatisfied, secret desires.

If your teeth are damaged, this indicates some kind of fear for your actions.

Interpretation of sleep from other dream books

A dream where a person gets rid of bad teeth and puts new, even and perfectly white implants in their place symbolizes success in matters on which great hopes are placed.

Loosening teeth falling out in a dream is a harbinger of failure in a planned transaction, a signal of the impending collapse of any undertaking. To avoid failure, you should temporarily switch to things that have been shelved.

Sick and crooked teeth in a dream, causing you to experience discomfort, mean that an extremely difficult period awaits you in the near future. Most likely, you will make a fatal mistake and lose all your money.

If you regularly dream of teeth falling out with blood, you need to take care of your health. Timely examination by a qualified specialist, tests and examinations will help you prevent any disease.

List of used literature:

  • Steiner E. S. “The unsteady bridge of sleep”: dreams and dreamers in the Japanese tradition // Proceedings of the “Russian Anthropological School”: Issue 6 / Ed. coll.: E. M. Boltunova, K. V. Bandurovsky, A. V. Garadzha, I. A. Protopopova, E. V. Pchelov, A. I. Sosland. - M.: RSUH, 2009.
  • Eliade M. Myths, dreams, mysteries. Per. from English - M.: REFL-book, 1996.
  • Jung K. G. Memories, dreams, reflections. Per. with him. - Kyiv: AirLand, 1994.

Tooth loss

Do your teeth fall out in a nightmare? If a dreamer loses all his teeth in his night dreams, he should think about his competence in his chosen profession. Also, such a dream can promise a catastrophe, the consequences of which will negatively affect the life of the sleeper.

Many dream books associate night visions with such a plot with sad news. If a tooth that was absolutely healthy falls out, in the near future the dreamer will receive news of the death of a relative. The danger increases if the person did not feel pain during the prolapse.

Do your teeth fall out in a dream? If they were destroyed or rotten, such a dream should be taken as a signal indicating problems in the body. In addition, a person may soon be faced with the need to make a difficult decision. If the dreamer watches someone else’s teeth fall out, in reality there is a person in his environment whom he secretly wants to get rid of.

It will be difficult...

Did your lower front tooth fall out on its own in your dreams? Expect the departure of a close relative or friend. If the bottom one fell, then the interpretation of the dream is similar for men.

The worst thing is if a pregnant woman’s front incisors fall out in a dream. It is likely that she will have a miscarriage, or the child will be born dead or seriously ill.

Have you ever seen all your front teeth fall out one after another? You talk a lot and waste your energy uselessly. In general, the loss of teeth hints: forget about the known problem and calm down.

Be careful!

Did you dream that a piece of a clove broke off? In reality, you will part with your loved one or temporarily quarrel with relatives.

Have you ever seen front teeth where a piece has broken off? Pay due attention to business responsibilities.

If a small piece breaks off in a dream, then in reality you will receive a reprimand from your boss or lover. Did you dream that a tooth broke off at the root? In reality, you will suffer significant losses.

A broken piece in the palm signifies grief. Medea's dream book calls for caution if you see a chipped tooth. There is a risk of injury.

Why dream of doing something with them?

Remember what you had to do:

  • grind - correct what you did without thinking;
  • squeeze - little benefit from the enterprise;
  • clicking - annoying interference in the planned enterprise;
  • to stagger - you are about to start a business that you won’t be able to pull off;
  • taking it out with your fingers means betrayal of a loved one.

Have you broken your teeth on something hard? You will cause great harm to yourself or your loved ones. Clicking them out of powerlessness means something will make you suffer. Listening to someone grinding - enemies are starting intrigues.

Squeezing in a dream

Did you happen to squeeze them? Someone will promise a profitable business, but as a result of risk and investment there will be more than benefit.

Clenching your teeth in a dream foreshadows suffering that will greatly damage your nerves, the dream book indicates. Don't despair: circumstances will change soon.

Why dream of clenching your jaw when angry with someone? Be patient - there are difficulties ahead.

Don't dwell on difficulties, just do what you have to do. Difficulties arise from time to time, and thanks to them we learn to act in different situations. This experience of overcoming difficulties or obstacles helps to take into account various details when planning.

Did you dream of knocking with them?

Teeth chattering with fear indicates: obsessive thoughts can lead to exhaustion. Stop focusing on negative speculation - maybe the situation will turn out for the better.

Knocking them from the cold is a harbinger, according to the dream book, of unforeseen complications where you clearly planned everything.

And knocking from impatience in a dream promises doing something new, but with an unclear outcome. Think carefully about your steps.

Crack and break off

Did you dream of splitting a tooth into several parts? Soon you will receive favorable opportunities that you will successfully use.

Did you happen to break off a piece? You need help to regain your strength. Chat with friends - their support will give you energy.

Did you see it in your palm after you painlessly took it out of your mouth? The dream book explains: there will be profit. It can be anything - even a new addition to the family.

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