Elmex toothpaste and its main characteristics

Beautiful and snow-white teeth are the calling card of any successful person. We are told this repeatedly in television advertisements. Of course, there is some truth here, since unkempt teeth with unattractive plaque and other visual defects can disgust even the richest and most charming person. But achieving aesthetic beauty is only half the story. The main task is to make teeth healthy. And Elmex toothpaste will help you with this. What is she? What effect does it achieve? And how effective is it?

Briefly about the main thing: general information about the manufacturer

Elmex is a recognized trademark developed by the famous Swiss concern GABA Production GmbH. For those who don’t know, this manufacturer has been operating in the market of hygiene products and toothpastes since mid-1962. He is the owner of two other brands: Meridol and Colgate, and also produces mouth rinses, floss, toothbrushes and pastes.

Thanks to the high quality of products, a competent marketing approach and innovative production technologies, Elmex toothpaste received the first positive reviews, and the GABA group of companies became widely known among professional dentists and ordinary citizens in different countries of the world. What kind of paste is this? And is she really as good as they say she is?

Advantages and properties of Elmex toothpaste

This brand appeared in 1962 and very quickly became popular not only among buyers, but also among specialists - dentists, who began to more often recommend Elmex paste to their patients.
There are five varieties of Elmex , each with its own characteristics and can be used to correct specific problems in the mouth.

All of them belong to the type of therapeutic and prophylactic agents . The company produces products for children and adults, so the whole family can carefully and thoroughly care for their oral cavity, maintaining the health and beauty of their smile.

The advantages of these pastes:

  • high quality;
  • well selected components;
  • elimination of inflammatory processes in the gums and bleeding;
  • decreased sensitivity and strengthened enamel;
  • use of innovative solutions in the production.

Manufacturers of Elmex oral care products

The GABA group of companies has been operating for over a hundred years.
It also owns brands such as Meridol and Colgate. It all started with an ordinary pharmacy, but now this structure is a world leader in the production of such oral care products: toothpastes; rinse aids; toothbrushes and floss. The homeland of the company is Switzerland , however, factories are located in different European countries:

  1. Italy.
  2. Germany.
  3. Austria.
  4. France.

As for the Elmex brand, this toothpaste immediately after its appearance on the market established itself as an excellent remedy for caries . It also helps with the following:

  • Eliminates dental plaque.
  • Protects the area near the roots from negative influences.
  • Freshens breath.
  • Prevents the appearance of tartar.

What is pasta?

The paste packaging is a small tube of soft plastic weighing 75 ml. It does not have an overly colorful design or elaborate inscriptions that attract attention. On the contrary, it has a standard appearance for pastes with a predominant white color, red inserts and red-blue inscriptions. On the outside of the tube you can see an image of a tooth. The pasta is covered on top with a neat cardboard package.

Elmex toothpaste is closed with a wide and thick lid, tightened strictly according to the thread. When the tube is opened and after squeezing out, a thick white paste of uniform consistency appears.

It does not contain any inclusions and has a faint and pleasant mint smell. Thanks to its lightness and unobtrusiveness, it easily refreshes the oral cavity, creating, as many users say, a slight chill. In a word, it looks quite ordinary outside and inside, smells nice and does not change the shape of its tube for a long time when used.

Advantages and disadvantages

The brand's drugs are aimed at combating major oral diseases and reducing tooth sensitivity. For this, the combined use of Elmex toothpaste and mouthwash is indicated.

The components will complement each other's actions and increase the effectiveness of care. Among the advantages of the brand's products are:

  • good teeth cleaning,
  • long-term preservation of breath freshness,
  • enamel protection,
  • pleasant taste and aroma,
  • efficiency,
  • healing effect.

Consumers consider the difficulty of purchasing them to be a lack of funds. Elmex products are difficult to find on sale, and ordering via the Internet results in a significant overpayment.

Elmex toothpaste: composition

They say that you will not find any harmful substances in this paste. But is this really so? Let's take a closer look at the components of the product. So, the paste contains the following ingredients:

  • water;
  • silicic acid (it is responsible for gentle polishing of teeth);
  • sorbitol and glycerin (helps retain moisture);
  • thickener and stabilizer;
  • aminofluoride (serves to strengthen tooth enamel);
  • flavorings;
  • fluorine;
  • cosmetic dye and others.

As you can see, Elmex toothpaste does not contain anything harmful in its composition, for example, it does not contain sodium lauryl sulfate (responsible for foaming), sodium laureth sulfate (creates the illusion of thickness and concentration of the substance) or the antimicrobial component chlorhexidine, which destroys normal microflora in the oral cavity .

Elmex Kariesschuts Zahnspulung for rinsing

This product is a mouthwash.
It is used after brushing your teeth. It is needed so that the organic fluoride can penetrate into hard-to-reach places for the brush and is excellent in cases where dental hygiene is very problematic. For example, during straightening or when brushing your teeth is impossible for one reason or another. This liquid helps slow down the development of the bacterial layer, and you can keep your breath fresh for as long as possible. This product also protects against caries.

The rinse aid does not contain dyes or alcohol components. It is used during the day or after brushing your teeth. How to use the rinse aid:

  • Hold the bottle tightly, remove the cap and press down on the bottle until the neck is full for an accurate dosage (for rinsing - 10 ml).
  • Rinse your mouth for half a minute, then spit out the contents.
  • The liquid should not be swallowed.
  • Do not rinse your mouth with water immediately after rinsing.

What types of pastes are there?

Elmex toothpaste (mostly positive reviews can be heard about it) comes in the following categories:

  • from the “Sensitive” series - Elmex sensitive (designed for sensitive gums and teeth);
  • from the “Anticaries” series - Elmex anti-caries (paste with protection against carious formations);
  • from the Elmex junior children's series.

It is noteworthy that Sensitive pastes contain a special protective complex Pro-Argin. It is this that makes it possible to protect teeth from unpleasant sensations and reduces the reaction to cold, hot, sour or sweet. It also contains other protective substances that can act directly on nerve endings and reduce the pain threshold. In addition, this paste does an excellent job of removing plaque and removing unattractive tobacco or alcohol coatings on teeth.

Anti-caries toothpastes

Another Elmex toothpaste deserves special attention - “Protection against caries”, or “Anticaries”. Its composition, as a rule, includes the above-mentioned amino fluorides. On the one hand, they create an invisible protective barrier and prevent caries from developing, and on the other hand, they quickly penetrate the enamel, strengthen it and almost completely restore the mineralization of teeth. Moreover, it is this protective complex that fights so-called parietal or lateral caries and reduces the sensitivity of dentin, restoring tooth enamel over time.

Characteristics of Elmex brand toothpastes

Toothpastes under the Elmex brand are divided into three categories.
Sensitive – for sensitive teeth. Anticaries – for the treatment of caries. Junior – for children. Elmex sensitive paste . This paste is intended for sensitive teeth. It contains a complex such as PRO-ARGIN. It helps reduce pain when consuming cold or hot foods, as well as sour or sweet foods.

In addition to this complex, the paste also contains other anti-pain components that act directly on the nerve endings. It also perfectly cleans teeth of plaque and stains that appear after smoking and drinking wine. The paste also helps freshen breath and strengthen gums.

Cleaning with this paste is soft, gentle, and can be used on open tooth necks. And the protective film helps protect against harmful irritants and caries through ammonium fluoride.

The composition of the paste is as follows:

  1. Sorbitol, water, hydrogenated silicon.
  2. Polyethylene, aminofluoride, saccharin.
  3. Hydroxyethylcellulose, potassium hydroxide.
  4. Titanium dioxide.
  5. Dimethylsalilate, flavoring.

Elmex pastes for caries and for children

Elmex anticaries contains a special technology of effective amino fluoride, which is able to quickly penetrate tooth enamel and strengthen it. This helps protect against caries .
Thanks to its high surface activity, this component will provide long-term protection to teeth and restore mineralization even with demineralization. This series against caries is also represented by children's pastes, some of them are intended from birth to 6 years, and others - from 6 to 12 years, respectively. A special feature of Elmex toothpastes for children is that they are safe for a child , even if he accidentally swallows them. They do not contain dyes or preservatives and can be used for daily use.

Remember that if baby teeth are healthy, then only this factor contributes to the future health of the child’s permanent teeth. The advantages of this paste are:

  • It contains amino fluoride, which perfectly protects against caries, so baby teeth will be protected until they are naturally replaced by permanent ones.
  • Includes 0.05% fluoride, as recommended by dentists.
  • Good pasta taste that children like.

Children's toothpaste includes the following ingredients:

  • sorbitol;
  • water;
  • polyaminopropyl biguanide;
  • Castor oil;
  • aminofluoride;
  • cocamidopropyl betaine;
  • silicon and others.

Assortment of Elmex brand products

The line of dental and oral care products, in addition to toothpaste, includes the following items:

  1. Rinse solution.
  2. Gel.
  3. Toothbrushes.

All of these products include amino fluoride in different consistencies , this is the key component for protecting teeth from caries. Elmex brand products can solve certain dental problems. To make care as effective as possible, it is recommended to combine products, for example, use a brush, paste and rinse solution at the same time.

Pastes from the children's series

As for children's toothpastes, they also come in several types. In particular, oral care products have age restrictions. For example, some Elmex pastes can be used by children from birth to the age of six.

The next group of pastes is suitable for children from 6 to 12 years old. According to the manufacturers, all these products do not contain preservatives or other harmful substances, and therefore are not dangerous if swallowed. This is what Elmex toothpastes are like. It is difficult to say whether these products are counterfeit. Since in our time, almost all foreign-made drugs and goods can be counterfeited. Therefore, in order to avoid misunderstandings and waste of money, it is recommended to order and buy pasta only from trusted suppliers and sellers.

Quality control of Elmex brand products

As already mentioned, brands belonging to the GABA concern, including Elmex, have been successfully sold on the world market for many years. This success is due to scientific development and the fact that all products are carefully controlled in terms of quality.
The following activities are being carried out: certification of all hygiene products; conducting regular expert assessments; periodic clinical studies .

Toothpastes and rinses under the Elmex brand are the result of complex work of various specialized specialists, including:

  • dentists;
  • chemists;
  • technologists;
  • hygienists;
  • consultants for the development of quality oral care products.

The company constantly uses innovations in production. Requirements for the quality of the line of oral care and hygiene products are changing; for this purpose, new products are appearing, and old ones are being improved. Thanks to such implementations, the manufacturer is able to withstand strong competition with others and stay afloat for such a long time.

What reviews can you hear about the pasta?

Most reviews about Elmex paste are positive. For example, almost all users who managed to purchase the product like its quality and the long-lasting effect it has. So, some of them talk about a pleasant mint taste that can last for quite a long time. Others talk about the positive effects of the paste on their teeth, talking about reducing carious deposits and reducing the fragility of the enamel surface. Still others like a small amount of paste. According to them, one tube lasts a long time.

Manufacturer Elmex

Elmex products have been produced since 1962 with the participation of leading European dentists. It is distinguished by high quality and proven effectiveness. The brand's headquarters is located in Switzerland, with subsidiaries operating in France, Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, and Finland. Since 2004, the brand has been owned by Colgate-Palmolive. All products are subject to certification, clinical testing, and expert assessments.

Products for the oral cavity of adults and children are classified as therapeutic and prophylactic. It has the following advantages:

  • gentle care,
  • thorough cleansing
  • safe components,
  • quality control,
  • strengthening the enamel.
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