Mouthwash FOREST BALM with extra. oak and fir bark 400ml Unilever Rus'/Russia

Gingivitis and periodontitis are the most common gum diseases.
This is a problem that dentists face almost daily. According to statistics, certain signs of gum disease are observed in 95% of the population. The pathology is especially common in patients over 30 years of age. The disease not only brings discomfort and discomfort, but over time can cause tooth loss. What are its symptoms and what needs to be done to prevent the development of the disease?

Gum diseases and their symptoms

Depending on the location of inflammation, there are:

  1. Gingivitis is an inflammatory process that appears on the gums around the tooth, but does not affect the dental tissues. This is a milder form of the disease. Manifested by redness, swelling, discomfort, bleeding. It can occur in acute and chronic form.
  2. Periodontitis is one of the most insidious pathologies. As it develops, inflammation spreads to the supporting apparatus of the tooth. This is already stage II of the disease. At this time, bad breath appears, the gums become loose and, due to their receding, the teeth appear longer. In areas of inflammation, pus may appear when pressure is applied.

If left untreated, periodontal disease develops (stage III), which is extremely difficult to treat and brings a lot of suffering to the patient. To prevent the development of the disease, you must immediately consult a doctor at its first signs.

Causes of bleeding from gums

Injury to gum tissue

The mucous membrane of the gums can be damaged when brushing your teeth with a brush that is too hard or if used incorrectly:

  • dental floss,
  • toothpicks,
  • and other hygiene products,
  • when eating too rough food (hard cookies, crackers).

More serious bleeding may be caused by improper fitting of prosthetic devices (crowns, bridges, etc.).

Poor hygiene

In the absence of the required care, a plaque consisting of bacteria, mucus and food debris appears on the enamel. Subsequently, it is mineralized by calcium salts present in saliva and turns into dense tartar. The bacteria that make up plaque produce toxins that negatively affect the condition of the mucous epithelium of the gums and provoke the development of an inflammatory reaction. Against the background of inflammation, the blood vessels in the gum tissue become vulnerable, brittle and easily injured when eating or performing hygiene measures.

Irritation from tobacco product toxins

Irritation that occurs upon contact with chemicals. In particular, bleeding can be caused by toxins produced by burning tobacco or smoking mixtures. In addition, chemical irritants can be substances used in hazardous industries (asbestos, metal salts, perchlorethylene) or poorly selected hygiene products (pastes, rinses).

Hormonal imbalances

Hormonal changes are one of the most common causes of bleeding gums in pregnant women. Such manifestations are temporary: bleeding stops completely after the baby is born.

In addition, factors contributing to the development of bleeding gums are:

  • unbalanced diet;
  • serious disorders in the functioning of the body (leukemia, diabetes, hemophilia and others);
  • long-term medication use;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • drinking alcohol too often;
  • stress.

Comprehensive treatment measures

Therapy consists of several stages:

  1. Professional teeth cleaning Removing dental plaque is one of the important therapeutic stages. During the procedure, plaque and tartar are removed, which helps restore the gums to their previous position. For professional teeth cleaning, the Air Flow device is used in most cases. This is a safe way to gently clean without damaging the enamel. During the procedure, a mixture of water, soda and air is sprayed onto the teeth under pressure. The device allows you to remove various types of deposits, which is very important during treatment. To perform the ultrasonic teeth cleaning procedure, a special device is used that produces ultrasonic waves. With the help of ultrasound, it is possible to remove tartar even in subgingival pockets. After removing tartar, fluoridation is performed. The teeth are coated with special preparations containing fluoride and calcium. They allow you to saturate the enamel with minerals and make it more durable. And also relieve increased sensitivity of the necks and roots of the teeth.
  2. Anti-inflammatory therapy Considering that the gums remain inflamed and bleeding after the teeth are freed from deposits, antiseptics and a number of other drugs are prescribed. Used in the form of: - rinses; - oral baths; — applications to the pathological periodontal pocket; - submucosal injections. Physiotherapeutic procedures (electrophoresis, phonophoresis) are also often used. Laser therapy has become widespread. The procedure helps relieve pain, improve blood circulation and metabolism, and stimulate immune defense. In severe cases, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed orally or as intramuscular injections. The periodontist or the patient himself massages the gums. The area of ​​the interdental gum papilla is massaged with the index finger in an up and down motion. Finish the massage with hygienic rinses.
  3. Surgical treatment Used in severe cases of the disease, when the inflammatory process has spread deep into the bone tissue. Today, there are various surgical treatment methods, the choice of which depends on the condition of the patient’s oral cavity and his overall health.


Despite the obvious advantages of use, “Forest Balm” cannot be used by everyone.

In some cases, the rinse aid is contraindicated for use:

  • During pregnancy and lactation - available only after consultation with a doctor. May cause nausea due to toxicosis.
  • Allergy or hypersensitivity to the main components of the drug .
  • Children under 7 years of age - the ban is due to the risk of swallowing an alcohol-containing composition and burning the esophagus.


It is quite possible to protect your gums and teeth from an unpleasant disease if you follow a number of simple rules:

  1. Visit the dentist 2 times a year. The specialist will identify the disease in the initial stages, which will greatly facilitate treatment. Visits to the doctor will help to diagnose caries in a timely manner and replace low-quality fillings. After all, one of the causes of periodontitis is pathogenic microorganisms and uneven fillings.
  2. Maintaining oral hygiene at home is another important preventive measure. Brushing your teeth in the morning and evening with a medium-hard brush will help avoid periodontitis. As additional care products, it is necessary to use dental floss, tongue cleaner, and rinses. It is very important to choose the right toothpaste. If you find it difficult to choose, consult your doctor. Perhaps a specialist will recommend a specific paste - with fluoride or medicinal herbs.
  3. Eating right helps prevent disease by eating solid foods, which put stress on the teeth and gums, strengthening them. The diet should contain vegetables and fruits, dairy products (preferably without sugar), fish and meat.

Prevention does not require special efforts; only a systematic and comprehensive approach is important. And then a reliable barrier will be erected between you and the disease.

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We pay special attention to quality and service and strive to ensure that anyone can use our services. Therefore, our prices for dental treatment are affordable, promotions are often held, and discounts apply.

The specialists of the Sanident dental clinic are ready to help right now. Use the consultation registration form on our website.

Indications for use

You should know! Refer to the instructions on the back of the bottle for recommendations for use.

Most often, dentists recommend using Forest Balm for:

  • Prevention of diseases of the teeth and oral mucosa.
  • Eliminate pathogenic bacteria.
  • Maintaining local immunity after surgery.
  • Acceleration of regenerative processes of mucous tissues.

Consumer Reviews

An excellent combination of price and quality, natural composition and effectiveness - these components have brought the Forest Balsam mouthwash great popularity among the population.

Let's see what consumers say:

Ekaterina Plotnik, 39 years old.

My husband had terrible gum problems. This is likely due to the fact that he is a heavy smoker.

Every morning, while brushing his teeth, he spat out bloody saliva. On the advice of the dentist, we bought “Forest Balm” from the “For Bleeding Gums” series and it really helped.

Already on the third use, the husband noted that the gums practically did not bleed. Moreover, its enamel became a little lighter. Now we use the rinse and toothpaste “Forest Balsam” with the whole family.

Elena Gordeychik, 31 years old.

I can’t imagine my morning without a cup of strong black coffee, and my lunch without a big glass of latte.

Unfortunately, my addiction to coffee drinks also affected the condition of the enamel - my teeth became noticeably yellower.

Having secured a whitening toothpaste, I began to look for a suitable rinse and my choice fell on “Triple Effect Whitening” from “Forest Balm”.

I was seduced by the natural and harmless composition. The mouthwash works well - my teeth actually became several shades whiter, and there was practically no plaque left.

I think I will continue to use it even after the whitening course.


Depending on the purpose of use, “Forest Balsam” is available in several varieties.

The range includes complex products for the prevention of oral cavity, anti-inflammatory liquids, and products for reducing gum sensitivity.



  • in the presence of inflammatory processes of the gums;
  • in case of bleeding and swelling of the gums;
  • with soft tissue pain;
  • with increased tooth sensitivity.

Active components of the drug:

  • tea tree oil;
  • oak bark extract;
  • nettle essence;
  • lingonberry and raspberry extracts;
  • sea ​​​​buckthorn.

The key advantage of the balm is the activation of the oral cavity’s own immunity, which helps protect it from the effects of pathogenic microorganisms.

The process leads to the normalization of natural microflora, which reduces the number of pathogenic bacteria.

“Forest Balm Forte” helps provide soft tissues with a complex of nutrients and eliminate inflammatory processes developing on the gums.

As a result of its regular use, there is a decrease in bleeding of gum tissue, its regeneration and a decrease in irritation. Chamomile and nettle help saturate tissues with essential vitamins.

With chamomile extract and birch sap (basic care)

Like most of the products in this line, the drug is recommended for use for problems with gums - bleeding, inflammation, soreness, looseness.

The basis consists of the following ingredients:

  • five herbs - chamomile, nettle, celandine, yarrow and St. John's wort;
  • fir extract;
  • oak bark

The emulsion is designed to eliminate pain caused by inflammation of the gum pockets.

It helps restore the natural microflora of the oral cavity and destroy pathogenic microorganisms developing on the mucous surface and enamel.

The essence of treatment with Invisalign aligners, reviews from patients and dentists. Read here what Strauman implants are.

At this address we offer material on the effectiveness of the Bright White teeth whitening pencil .

With extracts of propolis and St. John's wort (from 50 years old)

The balm is indicated for use by people over 50 years of age.

The emulsion is based on extracts of St. John's wort and propolis. They prevent the aging process of the oral cavity and the development of pathogenic microflora in it.

The product is aimed at strengthening gum tissue and protecting it from the effects of microorganisms. It promotes the activation of the secretory function of the salivary glands.

When using prostheses, the drug can reduce the feeling of discomfort. The collection of plant components eliminates foci of inflammation and reduces bleeding.

In addition to the usual use of the drug for rinsing the mouth, it can be used to rinse dentures and various removable orthodontic structures.

Natural whitening and gum care

In addition to patients with problem gums, the balm is indicated for use by people with an increased rate of plaque formation and yellowing of the enamel.

The active components of the rinse include extracts from fir needles and aloe vera leaves. Additionally, the product contains decoctions of medicinal herbs.

Action: the key purpose of the drug is to nourish and strengthen gum tissue, accelerate its regeneration process, and reduce bleeding.

In addition, manufacturers guarantee brightening of the tooth surface due to the high-quality removal of soft dental deposits.

After regular use of the rinse aid, plaque forms on the enamel much more slowly.

Forest Balm

The balm is indicated for use in cases of pronounced pain and inflammation of the gum tissue during eating and brushing teeth.

Dentists also recommend using it when the neck of the teeth is exposed.

The basis of the balm is the capillary-protective complex Fitoprotectin. It is a combination of active biocomponents that provide protection and prevention of gums from various diseases.

The balm performs the following functions:

  • eliminates sources of inflammation;
  • prevents the penetration of the inflammatory process deep into the gum tissue;
  • eliminates bleeding, redness and soreness of the gums;
  • helps restore the structure of soft tissue.

Natural freshness

The drug is recommended for use if there are problems with fresh breath and the need to restore the microflora of the oral cavity.

In addition to five medicinal herbs, the balm contains aloe vera extract, which strengthens the gums and performs a preventive function in preventing their bleeding.

The product is indicated for daily use. It helps restore the structure of gum tissue, prevents the development of caries and freshens breath due to the presence of plant extracts.

Active-gel Comprehensive protection 10 in 1

Active-gel is recommended for use in the absence of significant problems in the oral cavity for the prevention and prevention of diseases of the teeth and gums.

The mouthwash balm contains a complex of five medicinal herbal plants, as well as ginseng extract, intended for toning and nourishing the gums.

The innovative active-gel gel formula promotes the formation of a thin invisible film on the surface of the teeth and gums, protecting the oral cavity from the effects of pathogens.

According to the manufacturer, the balm performs the following functions:

  • effectively reduces bleeding gums;
  • protects the oral cavity from pathogenic microflora;
  • reduces the rate of plaque formation;
  • promotes nutrition and strengthening of gum tissue;
  • prevents the development of caries;
  • helps preserve the color of the enamel;
  • reduces tooth sensitivity;
  • cleans crowns in hard-to-reach places;
  • helps strengthen enamel;
  • helps freshen breath.

With mint and forest herb extracts

It is advisable to use the product for people suffering from impaired oral microflora and bad breath.

Rinse aid components:

  • five medicinal herbs;
  • forest herb extract;
  • mint extract.

Concentrated extracts of specially selected forest herbs help saturate the gums with vitamins. Mint extract freshens breath and helps keep it fresh for a long time.

The effect of the balm is aimed at preventing carious lesions of the enamel and stopping inflammatory processes in the periodontium.

The video talks about the effectiveness of the forest balm series products.

For sensitive teeth and gums

The key indication for the use of the drug is increased sensitivity of teeth.

Among the components of the balm there are extracts of calendula, rose hips and aloe vera, supplemented by a complex of herbaceous plants that help ensure preventive protection of the oral cavity.

The mouthwash helps to quickly reduce the sensitivity of teeth and gums immediately after use.

The effect lasts up to 12 hours. In addition, the product slows down the formation of hard and soft deposits.

Advantages of the innovative Sandwich denture and the price of its installation. Come here to study in detail the history of the disease - chronic fibrous periodontitis.

Follow the link if you are interested in the cost of a mouthguard for bruxism.

For bleeding gums

Manufacturers position the drug as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for people suffering from increased sensitivity of the gums and their bleeding at the slightest damage.

The basis of the product is a complex of five medicinal plants, as well as extracts of fir and oak bark. The rinse does not contain alcohol.

The balm reduces bleeding of gum tissue by 90% after two weeks of daily use by strengthening blood vessels.

Manufacturers also guarantee 100% elimination of pain and discomfort that occurs during eating and brushing teeth. In addition, the rinse normalizes the microflora of the oral cavity without causing dysbacteriosis.

For inflammation of the gums

The indication for the use of a mouth rinse is the appearance of an inflammatory process in the oral mucosa, the occurrence of burning and itching in the gums.

The main active components of the therapeutic and prophylactic product are a complex of five herbs, sage extract, which has an antibacterial effect, and pine nut oil, which starts the restoration process in periodontal tissues.

The main focus of the drug is to eliminate areas of inflammation of the mucous membrane and gums, restore and maintain the natural microflora of the oral cavity.

In addition, the balm helps saturate soft tissues with essential trace elements and minerals.

Instructions for use

Important! Forest Balm should be used twice a day, after morning and evening brushing of teeth.

The instructions are as follows:

  1. Brush your teeth with a brush. Try to remove plaque and get rid of food debris. It would be a good idea to clean the surface of your tongue.
  2. Spit out the paste and rinse your mouth with water .
  3. Fill the balm cap about 3/4 full . Place the liquid in your mouth and rinse thoroughly for several minutes. The rinse should wash the inside of the cheeks, tongue and interdental spaces.

Note! In 95% of cases, consumers feel positive dynamics after a week of regular use.

Gums stop bleeding when brushing, and the enamel reacts less to the use of hot and cold.

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