11 types of Forest Balm toothpastes: everyone will find what they need

April 3, 2018

You probably know that preventing gum disease is the best investment you can make in your dental health. If not, then take note: most people lose their teeth not because of various types of caries and its consequences. Very often, gum problems lead to this. Bleeding, changes in the shade of the mucous membrane, pain are alarming symptoms - after detecting them, you should be wary and go to see a doctor.

The editors of the UltraSmile.ru portal suggest timely prevention of gum disease. This can be done, for example, using toothpastes of the Russian brand “Kalina”, produced under the brand “Forest Balsam”.

A complete arsenal of Forest Balsam products

“Forest Balm” appeared on the market in the early 2000s and almost immediately gained extraordinary popularity and love among the population due to the presence in the company’s assortment of a mouthwash that coped quite well with gum inflammation. In addition, it was very competitively priced compared to, for example, other well-known brands such as Colgate.

Products "Forest Balsam"

Today, this Russian brand has proven itself well in terms of quality. The manufacturer emphasizes: the products it produces, which is a whole range of products for proper care and hygiene of teeth and mucous membranes (toothbrushes, various mouthwashes and toothpastes), are intended for the prevention of oral diseases.

It is not a medicinal drug, therefore it is designed to perform the following functions:

  • providing natural protection of the oral cavity from the effects of pathogenic bacteria,
  • reduction and elimination of inflammatory processes in the initial stage of their manifestation,
  • effective removal of plaque from enamel and interdental spaces,
  • protecting teeth from plaque accumulation for 12 hours straight,
  • providing an anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effect,
  • providing safe and comprehensive daily oral care,
  • strengthening gums and enamel,
  • ensuring fresh breath for a long time,
  • restoring or maintaining the balance of microflora in the mouth,
  • protecting teeth from caries,
  • combating the manifestations of gum inflammation at home.

The use of these products does not relieve you from the need to visit the dentist several times a year for preventive examinations. This only makes it possible to safely take care of your oral health.

Next we will talk about toothpastes, because the company has a great variety of them in its arsenal - 11 types, which allows anyone to choose exactly the option that suits and likes it the most.

Forest balm rinse for gums and teeth, instructions

With extracts of propolis and St. John's wort (from 50 years old)

The balm is indicated for use by people over 50 years of age.
The emulsion is based on extracts of St. John's wort and propolis. They prevent the aging process of the oral cavity and the development of pathogenic microflora in it.

The product is aimed at strengthening gum tissue and protecting it from the effects of microorganisms. It promotes the activation of the secretory function of the salivary glands.

When using prostheses, the drug can reduce the feeling of discomfort. The collection of plant components eliminates foci of inflammation and reduces bleeding.

In addition to the usual use of the drug for rinsing the mouth, it can be used to rinse dentures and various removable orthodontic structures.

Natural whitening and gum care

In addition to patients with problem gums, the balm is indicated for use by people with an increased rate of plaque formation and yellowing of the enamel.

The active components of the rinse include extracts from fir needles and aloe vera leaves. Additionally, the product contains decoctions of medicinal herbs.

Action: the key purpose of the drug is to nourish and strengthen gum tissue, accelerate its regeneration process, and reduce bleeding.

In addition, manufacturers guarantee brightening of the tooth surface due to the high-quality removal of soft dental deposits.

After regular use of the rinse aid, plaque forms on the enamel much more slowly.

Forest Balm

The balm is indicated for use in cases of pronounced pain and inflammation of the gum tissue during eating and brushing teeth.

Dentists also recommend using it when the neck of the teeth is exposed.

The basis of the balm is the capillary-protective complex Fitoprotectin. It is a combination of active biocomponents that provide protection and prevention of gums from various diseases.

The balm performs the following functions:

  1. eliminates sources of inflammation;
  2. prevents the penetration of the inflammatory process deep into the gum tissue;
  3. eliminates bleeding, redness and soreness of the gums;
  4. helps restore the structure of soft tissue.

Natural freshness

The drug is recommended for use if there are problems with fresh breath and the need to restore the microflora of the oral cavity.

In addition to five medicinal herbs, the balm contains aloe vera extract, which strengthens the gums and performs a preventive function in preventing their bleeding.

The product is indicated for daily use. It helps restore the structure of gum tissue, prevents the development of caries and freshens breath due to the presence of plant extracts.

Active-gel Comprehensive protection 10 in 1

Active-gel is recommended for use in the absence of significant problems in the oral cavity for the prevention and prevention of diseases of the teeth and gums.

The mouthwash balm contains a complex of five medicinal herbal plants, as well as ginseng extract, intended for toning and nourishing the gums.

The innovative active-gel gel formula promotes the formation of a thin invisible film on the surface of the teeth and gums, protecting the oral cavity from the effects of pathogens.

According to the manufacturer, the balm performs the following functions:

  1. effectively reduces bleeding gums;
  2. protects the oral cavity from pathogenic microflora;
  3. reduces the rate of plaque formation;
  4. promotes nutrition and strengthening of gum tissue;
  5. prevents the development of caries;
  6. helps preserve the color of the enamel;
  7. reduces tooth sensitivity;
  8. cleans crowns in hard-to-reach places;
  9. helps strengthen enamel;
  10. helps freshen breath.

With mint and forest herb extracts

It is advisable to use the product for people suffering from impaired oral microflora and bad breath.

Rinse aid components:

  1. five medicinal herbs;
  2. forest herb extract;
  3. mint extract.

Concentrated extracts of specially selected forest herbs help saturate the gums with vitamins. Mint extract freshens breath and helps keep it fresh for a long time.

The effect of the balm is aimed at preventing carious lesions of the enamel and stopping inflammatory processes in the periodontium.

For sensitive teeth and gums

The key indication for the use of the drug is increased sensitivity of teeth.

Among the components of the balm there are extracts of calendula, rose hips and aloe vera, supplemented by a complex of herbaceous plants that help ensure preventive protection of the oral cavity.

The mouthwash helps to quickly reduce the sensitivity of teeth and gums immediately after use.

The effect lasts up to 12 hours. In addition, the product slows down the formation of hard and soft deposits.

For bleeding gums

Manufacturers position the drug as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for people suffering from increased sensitivity of the gums and their bleeding at the slightest damage.

The basis of the product is a complex of five medicinal plants, as well as extracts of fir and oak bark. The rinse does not contain alcohol.

The balm reduces bleeding of gum tissue by 90% after two weeks of daily use by strengthening blood vessels.

Manufacturers also guarantee 100% elimination of pain and discomfort that occurs during eating and brushing teeth. In addition, the rinse normalizes the microflora of the oral cavity without causing dysbacteriosis.

For inflammation of the gums

The indication for the use of a mouth rinse is the appearance of an inflammatory process in the oral mucosa, the occurrence of burning and itching in the gums.

The main active components of the therapeutic and prophylactic product are a complex of five herbs, sage extract, which has an antibacterial effect, and pine nut oil, which starts the restoration process in periodontal tissues.

The main focus of the drug is to eliminate areas of inflammation of the mucous membrane and gums, restore and maintain the natural microflora of the oral cavity.

In addition, the balm helps saturate soft tissues with essential trace elements and minerals.

Natural whitening and gum care, “Phyto Balance” series

As the producers of forest balsam assure, the secret to the success of any of their products lies in the unique natural composition. Instead of water, every toothpaste and mouthwash recipe contains a herbal infusion. These included chamomile, nettle, celandine, St. John's wort and yarrow.

"Phyto balance"

Who doesn’t want to whiten their teeth at home, and at a very attractive price? Only 150-200 rubles will be an excellent investment in a snow-white smile. Gentle and, most importantly, safe whitening will solve the problems of smokers, making the yellow plaque on the teeth less noticeable. Among other things, the components of the paste will also take care of your gums, strengthen them, and help you forget about symptoms such as bleeding and swelling.


Inflammatory processes in gum tissue are often the result of insufficient oral hygiene.

Soft plaque removed from crowns poorly will eventually transform into tartar, which is almost impossible to remove at home. This leads to impaired blood circulation in the vessels of the oral cavity, bleeding and sore gums.

To prevent the development of inflammation during oral hygiene, it is necessary to use not only toothpaste and a brush.

Mouthwash “Forest Balm” is indicated for use both to prevent the development of diseases of teeth and gums, and in the presence of the following problems:

  • forced formation of tartar;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane and gums;
  • unpleasant odor from the mouth;
  • the presence of difficult to remove bacterial plaque;
  • crown mobility.

Herbal gum restoration course, “Forte” series

The price of the paste is within 150 rubles. The effect of use is guaranteed already on the seventh day - the oak bark and sea buckthorn contained in the composition deeply nourish the mucous membranes, ensuring rapid cell regeneration, protect them from the effects of pathogenic bacteria, relieve unpleasant symptoms such as pain, and have a hemostatic effect. Using this paste you don’t have to worry about the condition of your tooth enamel; gentle care is guaranteed.

"Forte" series

Therapeutic and prophylactic toothpaste for bleeding gums

Each paste in the “Forest Balsam” series is equipped with a special stable lid and has 75 milliliters of content, which is enough for economical use for several months of use. The same composition of five herbs plus fir and oak bark for just 100 rubles will alleviate the condition of the gums and increase their resistance to any kind of stress and influence. You can also forget about the pain syndrome, and bleeding will be eliminated in 93% of cases.

"Forest balm" for bleeding gums

Daily care paste “Natural freshness”

Aloe juice and white tea extract will help your breath always stay fresh, and you can provide all this to yourself every day for only about 70 rubles per tube. Just do not forget that if bad breath bothers you on an ongoing basis, this is a reason for a comprehensive examination of the body, because it is quite possible that the problems lie in the gastrointestinal tract or are “hidden” in other internal organs.

"Natural freshness"

Special care for gums after 50 years

It’s nice that the manufacturer also takes care of those who need additional care and protection for their oral cavity as they age. Propolis and St. John's wort will provide ideal conditions for healthy teeth and gums, even for those people who wear removable dentures. The paste costs about 100 rubles and provides a good opportunity to forget about problems with the mucous membrane and its rubbing. Say no to gum irritation.

Special care for gums after 50 years


Depending on the purpose of the balm, its cost differs slightly.

VarietyCost, rubles
With chamomile extract and birch sap135.00
With propolis and St. John's wort extracts85.00
Natural whitening and gum care120.00
Forest Balm320.00
Natural freshness85.00
Active-gel Comprehensive protection 10 in 1230.00
With mint and forest herb extracts160.00
For sensitive teeth and gums250.00
For bleeding gums140.00
For inflammation of the gums130.00

Preventive paste for teeth and gums prone to sensitivity, “Phyto Balance” series

Advantages of this product: a specially developed complex based on rose hips and calendula, reasonable price (120-200 rubles), reduction of enamel sensitivity for up to twelve hours, effective elimination of the first signs of gum inflammation.

For teeth and gums prone to sensitivity

For sensitive gums and teeth

This product has an innovative Nature Protect complex . The composition contains the following natural ingredients:

  1. Aloe vera.
  2. Calendula extract.
  3. Rosehip fruit extract.

This product is perfect for people with hypersensitive tooth enamel. This is due to the fact that the product has a soft abrasive structure. It relieves tooth sensitivity for a long time (for about 12 hours) and gently cleanses plaque. Natural substances have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effects, and have a beneficial effect on bleeding and sensitive gums.

Its effectiveness has been proven by medical tests of the State Medical Academy of Roszdrav.

For inflammation of the gums

Sage and aloe vera in the composition of the drug guarantee a positive effect after the first use, reducing the inflammatory process by up to 93%. The paste has anti-inflammatory properties, relieves itching and irritation of the mucous membrane, reduces swelling, and has a hemostatic effect. For the sake of such a list of advantages, you don’t mind paying a thousand rubles, but this paste costs only about a hundred.

For inflammation of the gums

Important information! Remember that paste alone is not enough to treat gum disease. It is imperative to visit a periodontal dentist, who will make an accurate diagnosis, identify the degree of development of the pathological process and clean the teeth from plaque and tartar. Only then can you use these products to help maintain healthy gums.

Paste for daily care of teeth and gums with sea buckthorn oil

Tartar will no longer bother you if you remove it in a timely manner, including with the help of this product, which can be purchased at any store or pharmacy at a very attractive price of 70 rubles. The characteristic fir flavor will make your breath fresh, the composition of the paste will normalize the microflora and restore the natural balance of beneficial bacteria.

For daily care of teeth and gums with sea buckthorn oil

Paste and conditioner balm: 2 in 1

You probably haven’t come across such a unique product yet; this paste has a gel consistency, and its components are aimed at fighting bacteria. The manufacturer guarantees that it will remove up to 99% of them from teeth and gums. And it is much more profitable to purchase such a composition than separately the rinse aid and paste, the price is 160 rubles.

Paste and conditioner balm: 2 in 1


The Forest Balm rinse contains the following active ingredients:

  • extracts of various plants – have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and analgesic effects;
  • triclosan - helps eliminate soft plaque;
  • fluoride – minimizes the risk of caries development, helps strengthen enamel;
  • alcohol – has a disinfecting effect and serves to interact with all elements of the drug.

In addition to the active ingredients, the conditioner contains various additives that increase the shelf life of the drug - emulsifiers, softeners, solvents, flavorings.

Since these ingredients are chemically produced, dentists recommend using Forest Balm intermittently.

Paste with BIO granules for daily care

To comprehensively protect the enamel of teeth and gums from the effects of pathogenic microorganisms, it is enough to use the 10 in 1 preparation every day. Among other things, it will restore the entire structure of the enamel, seal the smallest cracks and damage to it, carefully remove stains from the surface of the teeth and strengthen them. The price reaches 200 rubles.

with BIO granules for daily care

Forest balm express course

Do you experience pain in your gums when brushing your teeth or chewing food? Did you notice that they started to bleed? Quickly use the composition with phytoprotectin and all inflammation will be blocked and will no longer be able to “get” deep into the gums. The natural structure of the mucous membranes and their health will be restored in a matter of days. The cost of the miracle paste ranges around 110 rubles.

Forest balm express course

Among all the products of the Forest Balm brand, everyone will find something they like and will give a positive result, but still do not forget to visit the dentist. After all, the health of your teeth and gums needs to be monitored with the help of a specialist, then your smile can only be envied.


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Advantages of Kalina brand products

The Kalina concern is one of the most widespread in the world. Many manufacturers of expensive oral care and hygiene products admit that the products of the Kalina concern fully comply with European quality standards, but the price of their products is much lower.

The advantages of “Forest Balsam” toothpaste are its following qualities:

  1. Balanced composition and acceptable quality at a minimal price. Almost completely, this brand was able to displace imported manufacturers of the same price category from India, Turkey, China and other countries from the domestic market.
  2. Use of natural substances. The Russian Federation has a fairly large amount of natural good raw materials for the production of unique toothpaste. This is natural coniferous resin, extracts of pine needles and herbs. In ancient times, all these components were used by our ancestors to maintain the health of the soft tissue of the oral cavity and teeth. In terms of protection, no synthesized chemical component can compare with them.
  3. Due to the fact that only natural substances are used, these products have a low level of allergenicity. People who are susceptible to allergic reactions may react painfully to completely synthetic toothpastes. But allergic reactions to these products are very rare.
  4. At the time of production of the product, the most modern technologies are used, such as extrusion, vacuum extraction and a number of others. The equipment involved in the manufacturing process of this product is imported. To some extent, this is facilitated by the fact that the owner (actual) is the international corporation Unilevel. It is this company that supplies the plant with the newest and most advanced equipment.
  5. Such an indicator as the degree of protection against caries also plays a significant role. According to dental reviews, domestic paste for teeth and soft tissues of the oral cavity is a high-quality product for the prevention of caries. This figure is not lower than foreign analogues.
  6. Protection of soft tissues of the oral cavity. This indicator was initially the “strong point” when purchasing products in a series. In this case, we are talking not only about preventive measures, but also about the treatment of soft tissues in general. The series for sensitive gums and teeth will provide gentle oral care to those people for whom the use of other products from the range or products from other companies may cause problems.
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