Walkthrough of the quest Fang of Decay in Genshin Impact

In ancient beliefs, the wolf is an intelligent, strong, brave creature endowed with magical powers, so it is not surprising that the wolf fang is used as a talisman.

The mystical predator protects people from evil forces, helps to win, connects the human and other worlds, so the main task of the wolf fang amulet is to be a reliable talisman for people of all ages.

Give a fang

See what “Give fang” is in other dictionaries:

FANG - White fang.
Jarg. mol., corner Joking. Male penis. Elistratov 1994, 663; GESTURE 1, 141. Take/take (give, throw, accept) on the fang. 1. Jarg. angle, gom., unbend. About orogenital sexual intercourse. Baldaev 1, 45, 63; Kz., 126; UMK, 104. 2.... ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings TEETH - TEETH. The teeth of vertebrates are completely similar in structure and development to the placoid scales that cover the entire skin of shark fish. Since the entire oral cavity, and partly the pharyngeal cavity, is lined with ectodermal epithelium, a typical placoid... ... Big Medical Encyclopedia

List of episodes of the anime Majutsushi Orphen - Main article: Majutsushi Orphen This article contains a list of episodes of the anime Majutsushi Orphen, which was broadcast in Japan from 10/03/1998. First season Episode number Title Date of original broadcast 01. My name is Orphen October 03... ... Wikipedia

Persia - (Persia) Persia is the ancient name of a country in South-West Asia, which since 1935 has been officially called Iran. The ancient state of Persia, history of Persia, rulers of Persia, art and culture of Persia Contents Contents Definition... ... Investor's Encyclopedia

MUSCLES - MUSCLES. I. Histology. Generally morphologically, the tissue of the contractile substance is characterized by the presence of differentiation of its specific elements in the protoplasm. fibrillar structure; the latter are spatially oriented in the direction of their contraction and... ... Big Medical Encyclopedia

METHODS OF MEDICAL RESEARCH - I. General principles of medical research. The growth and deepening of our knowledge, more and more technical equipment of the clinic, based on the use of the latest achievements of physics, chemistry and technology, the associated complication of methods... ... Great Medical Encyclopedia

Japan* — Contents: I. Physical sketch. 1. Composition, space, coastline. 2. Orography. 3. Hydrography. 4. Climate. 5. Vegetation. 6. Fauna. II. Population. 1. Statistics. 2. Anthropology. III. Economic essay. 1. Agriculture. 2.… … Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Ephron

Japan - I MAP OF THE JAPANESE EMPIRE. Contents: I. Physical essay. 1. Composition, space, coastline. 2. Orography. 3. Hydrography. 4. Climate. 5. Vegetation. 6. Fauna. II. Population. 1. Statistics. 2. Anthropology. III. Economic essay. 1 ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Ephron


How to charge a magic item

In order for the amulet to acquire the required power, it must be charged. It is recommended to do this outdoors - in the forest or on the river bank. If this is not possible, the ceremony can be performed at home.

To do this, you need to relax and feel harmony with the world around you. The amulet must be taken in the palms of your hands, folding them into a boat. Then you need to read the plot and put on the pendant. Before going to bed, you can remove it and place it near the bed.

To distinguish a real wolf fang from a fake, it is important to pay attention to its shape and shade.

The meaning of the word "fang"


A tooth located between the incisors and premolars (in mammals and humans).

Source (printed version):

Dictionary of the Russian language: In 4 volumes / RAS, Institute of Linguistics.
research; Ed. A. P. Evgenieva. — 4th ed., erased. - M.: Rus. language; Polygraph resources, 1999; (electronic version):
Fundamental electronic library

Fangs are cone-shaped teeth that are used for tearing and holding food.

Fang (rock) is an island in the Franz Josef Land archipelago.

Klyk (tributary of the Baigol) is a river in Russia, flows in the Altai Republic, Altai Territory.

Fang (film) is a Greek film released in 2009.

Dogtooth (2014 film) is a 2014 film directed by Kevin Smith.


, a,
m. 1.
One of the four teeth located in a person on each side of each jaw between the incisors and molars (anat.).
A very large tooth in some animals, protruding outward from the mouth and serving for attack and defense (zool.).
In elephants, the tusk is called a tusk.
In general, carnivorous animals have large teeth. The wolf bared his fangs.

“Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” edited by D. N. Ushakov (1935-1940);
(electronic version):
Fundamental electronic library

1. anat. tooth between the incisors and molars in humans and mammals ◆ You see, the front teeth have been knocked out, including the canine

Vladimir Tendryakov, “The Court”, 1960 (quote from NKR) ◆ Closing his right eye, he stretched his lips with a wide smile, discovered two golden fangs
in the lower jaw and one above them.
Gorky, “The Life of Klim Samgin”, 1928–1935 ◆ At the sight of the raft, the male raised his head and opened his huge mouth, in which there were two rather long and sharp fangs
. Vladimir Obruchev, “Plutonia”, 1924 (quote from NKRYA)

2. anat. same as tusk; a long, protruding tooth found in some mammals ◆ This is a mammoth fang

Alexey Remizov, “In Captivity,” 1896–1903 (quote from NKRYA) ◆ The rod is factory-made, and the handle itself is made of walrus tusk
Rytkheu Yuri, “Marriage Paper”, 1970–1977 (quote from NKRY) ◆ The front elephant is older, one
of its
tusks He is skinnier than his companion, his advanced position indicates that he is more experienced, more suspicious, and a broken fang
makes him more vicious and unpredictable.

1. river in Russia ◆ Klyk

- one of the many rivers flowing through Russia.

Making the Word Map better together

My name is Lampobot, I am a computer program that helps you make Word Maps. I can count perfectly, but I still don’t understand very well how your world works. Help me figure it out! Thank you!

I began to understand the world of emotions a little better.

Question: cheburek

- is it something neutral, positive or negative?


Proper use of the amulet

The amulet can be worn as a pendant or bracelet. However, it is permissible to place it in plain sight. The Wolf's Fang is considered more than just a talisman. It is an attractive decoration that has powerful energy.

If you don’t want other people to see this symbol, you can hide it. To do this, it is recommended to put the fang in a small bag made of natural fabric and place it in a secret pocket of the bag. It is also permissible to attach the amulet to a belt.

You can easily make a talisman yourself.

What is slang?

See what FANG is in other dictionaries:

fang m.1. (in humans) canine (tooth*) 2. (in animals) fang

-a, m. 1. A tooth located between the incisors and premolars (in mammals and humans). 2. A large tooth protruding outward from the oral cavity. look

FANGS m. tooth, between the incisors and molars, a person has an eye tooth, of which there are four, but the upper two are actually eye teeth, the lower two are fangs. Boar tusk, dug, undercut; elephant, tusk (in the upper jaw); walrus, teen; wolf, slaughter; musk deer (in the upper jaw), kosachek. | A fang or klok, a wooden pipe or cup on a pole, or a ladle, with which a fisherman beats at will, to lure catfish onto a spoon or on a girder, imitating the gurgling of this fish with its mouth (see klok). Kly, ikly pl. fangs; | bodny, rooster spurs (single cla? col?). Fang-like, fang-like, related to a fang. Fang-like, fang-like. Fanged, with large fangs.

m Eckzahn m (uml.) (in humans); Stoßzahn m (in animals); Reißzahn m (in predators); Hauer m (tusk) Synonyms: tusk, cut, tooth, fang, dug, scythe. look

Ndp.cm. Continuous excavator cutterSee all terms GOST 21796-90. CONTINUOUS EXCAVATORS. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS Synonyms: b. look

Original Suf. derivative (cf. language, Kamyk “stone”) from the lost kal (cf. old Russian kly “fangs”, Polish kieł “fang”, Czech kel - etc.), images. look

FANGUSH, m. 1. One of the four teeth located in a person on each side of each jaw between the incisors and molars (anat.). 2. a very large tooth in some animals, protruding outward from the mouth and serving for attack and defense (zool.). In elephants, the tusk is called a tusk. || In general, carnivorous animals have large teeth. The wolf bared his fangs.

m (in humans) (dente) canino m; presa f, (dente) canino m, (in an animal) colmilho m Synonyms: tusk, notch, tooth, fang, dug, braid, cuspid, po. look

köpek dişi* * *мköpekdişi walrus tusk - mors köpekdişi Synonyms: tusk, notch, tooth, tusk, dug, braid, cuspid, undercut, tinok

(2 m), R. canine/; pl. fangs/, R. fang/vSynonyms: tusk, cut, tooth, fang, dug, braid, cuspid, undercut, tinok

m. 1) (in humans) canine f, dent f canine 2) (in animals) croc m, défense f (tusk)

1.1 Tusk The horizontal part of the fork that carries the fuse Source: GOST 30013-93: Floor-mounted vehicles. Load plates, forks. Specifications

1) canine 2) cuspid 3) fang 4) ivory 5) canine tooth 6) cuspid tooth 7) laniary tooth8) tush, tusk

Fang. Original Suf. derivative (cf. language, Kamyk “stone”) from the lost kal’ (cf. old Russian kly “fangs”, Polish kieł “fang”, Czech kel - etc.), o. look

(canine) the third tooth from the middle of each jaw. Each person has four canines, two on each jaw; These teeth are present both in the adult and in the primary dentition. Often in the literature, the fang is called differently *eye tooth* (eye tooth). look

Rzeczownik fang m kieł m

(in an animal) 獠牙 liáoyá, 长牙 chángyá; (in humans) 犬牙 quǎnyáSynonyms: tusk, notch, tooth, fang, dug, braid, cuspid, undercut, tinok

m.colmillo m (also tusk); canino m, diente canino

•fang•נִיב ז'* * *ניבשן כלב Synonyms: tusk, notch, tooth, fang, dug, braid, cuspid, undercut, tinok

hoggetann, støthorn, skjæretann Synonyms: tusk, cut, tooth, fang, dug, braid, cuspid, undercut, teen

agyarSynonyms: tusk, cut, tooth, fang, dug, braid, cuspid, undercut, tinok


Family planning

In ancient times, people did not use contraception. Women gave birth to as many children as God pleased. But mom and dad still wanted to know how many mouths they would have to feed until the heirs grew up and were able to work. The number of future children was determined by how many teeth the baby would have before one year of age.

But most modern parents do not plan to have a large number of heirs. Therefore, the sign has changed a little. Grandmothers and aunts determine the number of future children by the number of teeth on the upper jaw of a one-year-old baby.

Reply to the post “It didn’t work”

everyone has such relatives.

I have a wonderful uncle whom I last saw when I was 10 years old. 20 years later he came to visit. On the way, his life-weary Lada Troika burped a little with its distributor. I came to him with a tackle, loaded the Lada and drove to the place of the family gathering.

upon arrival, my uncle praised my car very much, and then, already at the table, he said that he was giving me his Lada: they say, although it breaks, it is almost retro and soon I will be able to sell it for all the money in the world. Well, drunken markets are a common thing.

so be glad that you fucked up your relationship with such a wonderful relative

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