Review of popular toothpastes and rinses New Pearl

Modern toothpaste is subject to increased demands, both in terms of cleaning dental plaque and the ability to give fresh breath. In addition, it must contain a set of safe and effective components that comprehensively solve the problem of oral hygiene. These requests are fully met by the New Zhemchug series of toothpastes.

This brand, produced by St. Petersburg Nevskaya Cosmetics, has been known for several decades. It remains popular due to the optimal combination of low price and excellent quality. Its advantages include:

  • modern effective ingredients in the composition;
  • innovative production technologies;
  • balanced cleaning base;
  • the entire series combined with a refreshing taste;
  • passed clinical and toxicological tests.

Active Ingredients

Any toothpaste contains various ingredients that perform their functions. To suppress the inflammatory process and treat certain oral diseases, antibacterial substances are added to toothpaste. The antiseptic component allows you to reduce the activity of microorganisms that contribute to the appearance of caries. In recent years, various enzymes have been used to influence metabolic processes in the oral cavity, which also dissolve plaque and remove food debris.

In order to improve the taste properties and enhance the consumer effect, food colorings, flavors and substances that maintain the plasticity of the mass are added to oral care products.

To relieve the symptoms of gum inflammation and treat stomatitis, the toothpaste includes some vitamins, extracts of medicinal plants, dietary supplements and substances that affect metabolism. Strengthening the enamel is achieved by adding minerals such as calcium and phosphorus. In some cases, fluorine is used, but only in permissible concentrations and combinations, since, when combined with certain substances, it becomes toxic.

Tensides facilitate the process of removing plaque, acting as a stimulator of foam formation. It is important to correctly maintain their concentration within 0.5-2%, otherwise this component provokes irritation of the mucous membrane.

Review of New Pearl pastes for adults

The company produces many types of oral cavity cleaning products for both treatment and prevention of various diseases. The main condition is to follow the recommendations for brushing your teeth and take into account all indications when choosing a toothpaste.

"Total 12"

As an active ingredient, Total 12 toothpaste contains a patented Optafresh complex, which has proven effective in suppressing the growth of microorganisms that cause bad breath. Hydroxyapatite, which is part of the composition, strengthens the enamel, making it dense and durable.

With daily use, the dentinal tubules are sealed and increased tooth sensitivity is eliminated. The fluoride content is within acceptable concentrations, so it prevents the occurrence of caries. Total 12 toothpaste does not contain peroxide, triclosan and oxidizing agents, so it is approved for daily use. Approved for use from 14 years of age.


“New Pearl Whitening” paste is capable of dissolving soft plaque and preventing the formation of stones. Active components return teeth to their natural whiteness and eliminate yellowing of the enamel; The absence of peroxides and powerful abrasives in the composition does not destroy its structure.

"Gentle whitening"

“Gentle Whitening” paste protects teeth from the appearance of soft plaque and stones, prevents the development of caries, polishes the enamel and removes yellowing. Does not contain triclosan, peroxide or powerful abrasives. Suitable for adults and children over 14 years old.

"Green apple"

Preventive toothpaste that prevents the development of caries. Polishes enamel, maintaining its natural shade, while carefully removing stains from its surface. It has a pleasant green apple flavor with the addition of mint. Does not contain aggressive abrasive components, therefore suitable for daily use. Sodium pyrophosphate, which is part of the New Pearl Green Apple paste, dissolves soft plaque. Sodium fluoride reduces the solubility of minerals, thereby slowing down the demineralization process.

"Healing herbs"

Toothpaste with the addition of herbal extracts strengthens periodontal disease and reduces bleeding gums. It has a general strengthening effect due to the content of components such as echinacea extract, nettle, sage, peppermint, St. John's wort and chamomile. In addition, “New Pearl Medicinal Herbs” toothpaste replenishes the lack of calcium in tooth enamel.

"New Pearl Fluorine"

A paste with added fluorine increases the resistance of hard tissues to the destructive effects of acids. Effectively removes plaque and inhibits bacterial growth. The main components are calcium carbonate and sodium monofluorophosphate. Calcium carbonate breaks down soft plaque and mineralizes enamel, monofluorophosphate strengthens hard dental tissues.

"The Power of the Sea"

The active component of the “Power of the Sea” toothpaste is kelp - seaweed that can heal periodontal disease, prevent the accumulation of plaque and calculus, and also eliminate bleeding gums. The paste has a pleasant taste. Suitable for adults and children over 7 years old.

"For sensitive teeth and gums"

A special paste has been developed to gently cleanse sensitive gums and teeth. It gently removes plaque without damaging the periodontal mucosa, and its active components promote the healing of small wounds in the oral cavity. To prevent caries, a complex of calcium, fluorine and potassium was added to the paste, which additionally eliminates sensitivity by blocking the pain impulse. Green tea extract has anti-inflammatory, astringent and antibacterial effects.

"Cedar complex"

Therapeutic and prophylactic toothpaste “New Pearl Cedar Complex” acts in two directions - strengthens the gums and protects teeth from caries. It contains a large amount of pine nut oils, which are a source of vitamins E, F, D, B, antioxidants, fatty acids and other microelements. Cedar Complex paste relieves symptoms of periodontal inflammation, eliminates its bleeding, softens the mucous membrane, and prevents the aging process of the oral cavity.

"Pomegranate and Mint"

A paste with pomegranate and mint extract acts as an astringent, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, wound healing and soothing agent. Prevents the development of caries and strengthens the mucous membrane of the gums. Suitable for children over 14 years old and adults.

"Honey and Rosehip"

Teeth cleaning product “New Pearl Honey and Rose Hips” has a bactericidal, vitaminizing and tonic effect on the periodontium. Due to the presence of minerals in the composition, the paste prevents the appearance of caries, gently polishes the enamel, returning it to its natural whiteness. It has a pleasant honey taste, and the aroma of mint helps maintain fresh breath.

Therapeutic rinses

New pearl oral rinses are enriched with natural ingredients: oak bark, sage, chamomile, pine needles. Their purpose is to destroy harmful bacteria where the brush cannot reach. This is an indispensable tool for those who wear orthodontic plates, braces, and dentures. The average price is 110-140 rubles.

The Total 12 herbal-free mouthwash does not contain triclosan, but a patented Optafresh ® complex, which keeps fresh breath for 12 hours (clinically proven), as well as xylitol, which improves the absorption of mineral substances by teeth, and polyvinylpyrrolidone. The advantage of this mouthwash is the absence of dry mouth after use.

Rinses with oak bark, pine needles and herbs additionally strengthen and heal gums, reducing their bleeding and relieving inflammation. At the Department of Dentistry of the St. Petersburg State Medical University, it was practically proven that a rinse with chamomile reduces inflammatory processes in the mouth by 70%.

Toothpastes and rinses of the New Pearl series are designed to provide a comprehensive solution to customer problems - from whitening to combating inflammatory processes in the mouth. They are suitable for several age categories, focusing on the characteristics of each of them.

The products in this series help each customer solve their dental problem or prevent its occurrence.

"New Pearls" for children

Among the hygiene products there is a line of pastes for children of different ages.

"Magic Fruit"

Toothpaste for children from 3 to 14 years old. Gently cleanses enamel from plaque and provides protection against caries. It has a pleasant fruity taste with a predominance of watermelon and melon notes. The fluoride content corresponds to age standards. The sodium monofluorophosphate included in the composition mineralizes hard dental tissues, and calcium carbonate removes soft dental deposits.

"Orange aroma"

Suitable for children from 1 to 6 years old. Gently cleans baby teeth, prevents the development of caries and saturates the enamel with phosphorus. The paste is safe if accidentally swallowed. The low abrasiveness of the product protects delicate fabrics from premature abrasion. There is no fluorine in the composition.

"Strawberries without fluoride"

Strawberry children's toothpaste “New Pearl” helps prevent caries, strengthens the enamel of baby teeth and prevents the deposition of tartar. Suitable for children aged 1 to 6 years, safe if swallowed. Does not contain fluoride.

"Junior lemon and mint"

Toothpaste with a gel texture contains lemon extract. Intended for children over 7 years old. Cleans teeth and oral cavity, reduces the risk of caries. Due to its gel structure and low abrasiveness, it does not wear off the enamel.

"Junior apple and mint"

Teeth cleaning paste for teenagers normalizes the pH of the oral cavity, gently cleanses teeth and strengthens their hard tissues. The composition includes tea oil, which acts as an anti-inflammatory, tonic and strengthening agent. Does not contain fluorine, has a pleasant mint-apple taste.

"New Ginseng Pearl"

A dentifrice that mobilizes the oral defense mechanisms. In addition, it accelerates metabolic processes, stimulates tissue restoration and promotes rapid healing of wounds. Prevents the development of caries, eliminates unpleasant odor from the oral cavity. Ginseng extract slows down the aging process of the mucous membrane.

"Pine Balsam"

The first toothpaste that is active against viruses that cause ARVI. Strengthens the periodontium and reduces its bleeding. During periods of increased likelihood of developing viral infections, it acts as a means of combating infection. Helps reduce the activity of influenza viruses, adenovirus, and herpes by 3-4 times. The pine needle extract and chlorophyll included in the composition promote the regeneration of oral wounds, as well as burns and dermatitis. In addition, they have an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. Suitable for children from 3 years old and adults.

A word to consumers

Reviews from consumers who use one or another toothpaste from the New Pearl series.

I have problem gums, and before, when I brushed my teeth, I constantly bled, and an unpleasant salty taste immediately appeared in my mouth. Before, dentists told me to rinse with oak bark, but I was still lazy, because it takes a long and tedious time to steam it in a water bath.

I live alone and I don't have the patience to deal with all this. But then I somehow saw New Pearl Oak Bark paste, and it was inexpensive.

I bought it to try and after a week I felt that my gums hardly bleed. And a month later I forgot about this problem - I came across such a miracle paste!

Alexey Petrovich

The enamel on my teeth tends to darken very quickly. Maybe it's because I'm a coffee lover. I used to buy pasta from another manufacturer - ROCS, it is also not bad, but its price is crazy! Now it’s more than 300 rubles per tube.

At some point I had absolutely no money for it and I bought a simple NJ Whitening toothpaste. But it turned out to be difficult! The product cleans my teeth perfectly and I have not known for a long time what darkened enamel is. I am very pleased and want to say THANK YOU to my new savior!!!!


I would like to thank those who make NJ Propolis toothpaste. This is the best I've ever used. It leaves a very pleasant feeling in the mouth. My gums stopped hurting, and the dentist didn’t find any new holes in my teeth. I believe that this is only thanks to Pearl Propolis!

Tatyana Yuryevna

Are there any contraindications?

The issue of choosing a toothpaste should be approached carefully, since in some cases there are restrictions on the use of a particular product. For example, in regions with high levels of fluoride in drinking water, the use of pastes containing fluoride is contraindicated. Highly abrasive toothpastes are not recommended for people with hypersensitive teeth. Children should choose their teeth-cleaning products according to the age label, as some toothpastes are dangerous if swallowed.

General principles for using New Pearl toothpaste

You need to brush your teeth twice a day - in the morning and before bed, making the correct sweeping movements. You should not squeeze a large amount of paste out of the tube - just apply a small pea of ​​the product to your toothbrush. After finishing brushing your teeth, it is recommended not to spit out the foam immediately, but to hold it in your mouth for a while to enhance the effect. Read more about how to brush your teeth properly →

For proper oral care, it is advisable to listen to the advice of a dentist. After examining your mouth, he will recommend a type of toothpaste and teach you the correct technique for brushing your teeth.

Author: Yulia Khaimanova, dentist, especially for

A wide range of

The New Pearl line of oral care products includes 28 adult, 7 children's toothpastes, as well as five types of rinses.
Pastes are presented in preventive and treatment-and-prophylactic groups. Preventive, in turn, are divided into antibacterial, whitening, and therapeutic and prophylactic - into anti-caries and anti-inflammatory.

Each toothpaste has not only been tested in the manufacturer’s laboratory, but also tested by independent experts from Roskontrol. According to their data, GOST standards regarding taste and smell are fully met. All microbiological parameters were normal.

Very good cleaning properties and safety (no irritation of mucous membranes and various allergic reactions) have also been confirmed. The focus group highly appreciated the organoleptic characteristics of all pastes.

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