Toothpaste “President” (PresiDENT) – types, description and reviews

An important step in proper oral care is brushing your teeth in the morning and evening.

The effectiveness of this process directly depends on the choice of toothpaste.

Recently, the Italian toothpaste President has gained popularity.

We will take a detailed look at the range of products from the famous manufacturer and highlight the most significant advantages.


First of all, we need to tell you a little about the composition. Of course, each paste consists of various active substances, various additives, and so on. However, they all have one thing in common. We are talking about a strictly controlled abrasiveness indicator.


This is the most significant characteristic that you should pay attention to when purchasing. If there is no information about this characteristic on the packaging or in the instructions, then it is better to choose another manufacturer.

Abrasives are small hard particles consisting of different materials that help remove all kinds of deposits. Accordingly, abrasiveness is the degree of enamel cleansing and, at the same time, the mechanical abrasive effect of the product.

In this case, not only the quantity of these particles is of great importance, but also their size and quality.

The larger the particles, the more severe and aggressive the impact they have. And vice versa, the smaller they are, the softer the cleansing will be.

The generally accepted system for calculating the degree of abrasiveness is reflected in the Radioactive Dentin Abrasion index or simply RDA. This indicator indicates the size of the particles. Each paste from the PresiDENT line has a mandatory mark on this parameter.

Almost all of them have an RDA index of 75 units. This value is the most optimal for most people.

However, the company has specialized pastes that have underestimated (up to 25) or overestimated (up to 200) indicators.

We have prepared for you a description of Cross toothpaste from.

Well, in this article there is a review of products from their competitors “Splat”.

Here: - you can read reviews about the Waterpik WP 100 Ultra oral irrigator.

Active components

One of the important points is the presence or absence of fluorine in the composition. Among the products there are also those that do not contain this element. This is especially true in regions where there is an excess of it in water. Fluoride oversaturation has a detrimental effect on dental health, as does a deficiency of the element.

You can learn more about PresiDENT products in the following video:

Bottom line

How to choose “your” toothpaste? Dentists generally advise combining two or even three main medications. For example, once every 7-10 days you brush your teeth with White Plus Clinical whitening, and on other days you use Defense or Classic. During gum problems, you can choose Active Plus, Active, or Defense. Remember also about PresiDent gels and rinses.

Don't forget that even the most effective and high-quality toothpaste cannot give you a complete guarantee of teeth protection. We must remember that gums and teeth are affected by a large number of factors, such as water quality, diet, alcohol consumption and smoking, and heredity. But you can increase your chances of having healthy teeth by improving your oral hygiene.


Among the company's products there are several representatives of a particularly popular segment - pastes that have a whitening effect. Their popularity is due to the fact that darkening of the enamel, changes in color, all kinds of stains on it, accumulation of plaque and stone greatly affect the appearance of the teeth, which negatively affects the aesthetics of perception.

This is facilitated by the consumption of food and drinks with strong dyes, periodic consumption of red wine, smoking, various medications, insufficient hygiene procedures and other factors.


This is the first on the list of whitening pastes. Despite the fact that it has an average abrasiveness index of only 75 units, a new component is used here - Syloblanc. This is a chemically inert, amorphous silicon , which allows you to combine a gentle effect and effective cleansing, as well as polishing of enamel.

To clean the interdental areas, special crystals of a water-soluble calcium compound . This also promotes enamel mineralization. In addition, the composition contains antibacterial and refreshing components .

You can buy President Renome toothpaste at a price from 140 to 350 rubles , depending on the packaging capacity and the seller.


Approved for daily use, as the effect on enamel is very gentle . With low abrasiveness (RDA 75), it effectively removes plaque and prevents its appearance. Also contains various calcium compounds, phosphates, sodium compounds for remineralization and Icelandic cetraria extract for health benefits .

Sold in three versions - 50, 75 and 100 ml. The average cost depends on the volume of the product and ranges from 180 to 400 rubles.

President toothpaste without added fluoride

Today, almost every toothpaste manufacturer makes at least one product without added fluoride. Why is the popularity of these products growing? There are several reasons:

  1. There is a lot of information on the Internet about the real “fluoride conspiracy” of manufacturers;
  2. There are many regions where this substance in water, food, and soil is higher than normal.

The last point is clear. Excessive amounts of this element cause fluorosis and other negative consequences. In order to prevent them, you need to purchase a special paste.

The first one is more difficult. There is no official confirmation. There are only indirect facts that indicate that products with fluoride were simply imposed on us by manufacturers.

However, let's return directly to the paste, which is called PresiDent Unique. What does it consist of and why is it so unique? If you look at the list of components, you are unlikely to see anything unusual in it:

  • Calcium complex, which consists of lactate, glycerophosphate and pantothenate, providing remineralization;
  • Papain is an element for breaking down plaque;
  • Special microgranules and siloblank. These products make it possible to polish tooth enamel and remove plaque;
  • Potassium salt – a substance to combat dental hypersensitivity;
  • Aloe extract;
  • Vitamin E.

There is nothing unique about the paste, but it is of good quality and does its job. The product is recommended for daily use. Does not contain sodium lauryl sulfate or other aggressive surfactants. The taste is pleasant, but unusual.


Also a popular product. It is used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes to combat bleeding gums in various inflammatory diseases of periodontal tissue - gingivitis, periodontal disease, periodontitis.

Thanks to its unique composition, it helps strengthen gums and prevents the development of soft tissue diseases.

The paste contains the following components:

  • sanguinaria and hawthorn extract;
  • triclosan, which has an antibacterial effect;
  • zinc citrate to strengthen gum tissue;
  • extracts of oak bark and burnet act as a hemostatic and astringent;
  • sodium fluoride at a concentration of 0.32%.

The cost also depends on the size of the package. The price of President Active toothpaste ranges from 100 to 180 rubles .

President Defense - freshens breath

An excellent option for brushing your teeth and strengthening your gums is President Defense toothpaste. Its use contributes to:

  • removing plaque,
  • preventing the appearance of tartar,
  • healing of wounds in the mouth,
  • improving the condition of the gums,
  • prevention of caries development, through the formation of a thin protective film on the enamel, as well as periodontitis.

This paste boasts an antiseptic content of 0.1% hexetidine. Thanks to it, the oral cavity remains protected from fungus, which is the cause of candidal stomatitis. In addition, it contains the silicon compound Syloblank, which is involved in cleaning and polishing, and 1450 ppm fluorides, which makes it an optimal product in areas with normal fluoride levels in water.

Another advantage of Defense toothpastes compared to other products, for example, from the President Renome series, is their long shelf life. It lasts 5 years due to the lack of reaction between the components.


Also belongs to the segment of therapeutic and prophylactic drugs. Like most products of the President brand, it has a very mild effect and does not contain aggressive cleaning and antibacterial components.

Promotes remineralization of enamel due to active calcium compounds. In addition, the product includes the following components:

  • sodium fluoride;
  • xylitol;
  • extracts of lemon balm, sage, echinacea and chamomile;
  • mint oil.

They help relieve inflammation, impart the necessary wound-healing and necessarily also bactericidal properties. And protection against caries is provided by Syloblanc, which effectively removes deposits without causing damage.

The price, as for other products, depends on the volume of packaging and averages from 150 to 230 rubles . However, depending on the pricing policy of the distributor, it may vary slightly.

Adult line

The President range of pastes for adults includes 10 types.


The paste can be classified as a means for prevention and treatment. Gently and beneficially affects all tissues of the oral cavity, gently cleanses and disinfects the surface of the teeth.

Does not contain hyperactive components that have an aggressive physical and chemical effect. Thanks to the active calcium compounds in the composition, high-quality remineralization of the protective layer of teeth occurs.

The tool consists of elements:

  • sodium fluoride;
  • extracts of medicinal herbs;
  • xylitol;
  • peppermint essential oil.

All components promote wound healing, eliminate inflammatory signs, and have a bactericidal effect.

The main active product is Syloblanc, which thoroughly removes plaque of any consistency without damaging the enamel.

The cost of the Classic product depends on the volume of the tube and varies between 130-210 rubles.


It is unique in its kind, as it does not contain fluorine. Recommended for use in those territorial districts where the fluoride content in water exceeds the norm, as well as for citizens who have idiosyncrasies and allergic reactions to this component.

In addition, it is ideal for calcium deficiency. This is due to the presence of several calcium compounds in the composition, which quickly penetrate into the tissues of the oral cavity. This fact primarily sets the paste apart from similar products.

Papain successfully removes deposits on teeth, and xylitol fights high acidity in the oral cavity, gently neutralizing it.

A 50 ml tube costs about 140 rubles.


It is considered a medicinal product and is not recommended for regular use. Thanks to impressive protection against bacteria, the following symptoms are reduced:

  • inflammatory processes caused by a number of oral diseases;
  • pathogenic irritants due to periodontal disease;
  • gum disease accompanied by swelling;
  • ulcerative and necrotic lesions;
  • glossitis (inflammation of the tongue due to injury).

An important advantage of Exclusive is the possibility of use in the complex treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory system.

The product contains hexetidine, which has an enveloping effect on the mucous membrane and has bactericidal, virucidal and powerful antifungal properties.

The instructions for use contain recommendations about using the drug for no more than 20 days in a row. After some time, the course of treatment and prevention can be repeated. The Exclusive price is 200-215 rubles.


In the dental market, Active paste has proven itself to be the best. Consumers use it for both medicinal and preventive purposes.

The active ingredients included in the product successfully cope with bleeding gums and effectively eliminate inflammatory processes in gingivitis, periodontal disease, and periodontitis.

A number of components are unique in their properties, which allows them to effectively strengthen the gums and protect the periodontal tissues from various diseases.

It contains the following components:

  • extract of bloody root and hawthorn inflorescences;
  • antimicrobial ingredient (triclosan);
  • zinc + citric acid (strengthens gums);
  • oak bark and orchard extracts, which cause compaction of surface tissue cells and have a hemostatic effect;
  • solid fluorine compound (Sodium Fluoride ) of medium concentration.

You can purchase President Active for 120-160 rubles, depending on the size of the tube.

Professional and home teeth whitening Opalescence, composition and principle of operation of the system. Watch a video here about caring for braces after installation.

At this address a detailed description of the mouthwash SV 12.


This product is part of the anti-aging series and is designed to combat the manifestations of the biological process of gradual degradation of teeth and gum tissue associated with aging.

The product comes complete with a toothbrush and is suitable for regular use. It has a gel-like consistency with a pale blue tint. Perfectly cleanses any plaque and whitens enamel.

Thanks to vitamin E, which is part of the product, the stages of aging slow down in the gums, periodontal tissue and enamel. The gum tissue is restored, and the hypersensitivity of the protective layer of the tooth is eliminated. Due to zinc, bleeding disappears and thin blood vessels are strengthened.

The cost of Anti Age is 225 rubles.


This series is anti-allergenic, which means it does not contain any dyes or artificial components that can cause allergic reactions. The product provides reliable protection against caries and hard dental plaque. .

Consists of components:

  • calcium;
  • xylitol;
  • anise oil;
  • thyme, sage, eucalyptus, chamomile, echinacea;
  • alpha bisabolol;
  • alpha-eucalyptol;
  • tea tree oil.

The main cleaning element is Syloblanc. The paste has an unobtrusive herbaceous taste with a slight mint tint.

A tube of the product costs between 170-190 rubles.


The series is specially created for people with increased sensitivity of the bone organs of the oral cavity. Such signs arise due to the pathological structure of the enamel or due to metabolic disorders.

For example, the period of gestation, the formation of permanent teeth during adolescence, as well as with long-term use of provoking medications and frequent consumption of solid foods.

index in this paste is 25%, which provides soft and gentle care. Due to potassium nitrate, hyperesthesia during meals with high acidity is reduced.

The price of the product is 160-200 rubles.


Defense toothpaste eliminates unpleasant odor from the mouth. The bactericidal components of the paste not only eliminate the foul odor, but also destroy the causes of its appearance.

The product can be used continuously for 14-20 days. With longer use, the paste can disrupt the favorable habitat for beneficial microorganisms, which often provokes the development of dysbacteriosis.

Therefore, the product should be purchased as prescribed by a specialist.

Zinc citrate has a powerful antifungal effect.

Cost 280 rubles per 100 ml.


The name tells the consumer that the product has a strong antibacterial effect. This product is unique and provides reliable protection against pathogenic microorganisms.

People with installed orthodontic and orthopedic structures cannot do without this paste. In addition, it showed itself effectively while wearing braces and mouth guards.

The product gets rid of bacterial plaque. The product costs about 150 rubles for a small tube.


The most popular whitening pastes occupy a special place in the company's product range.

Their demand is explained by the fact that changes in the shade of the protective shell of the tooth, dark enamel, different pigmentation, the appearance of dots and color defects, plaque, and hard dental deposits worsen the aesthetics of teeth. This leads to a negative perception of the interlocutor.

These problems arise due to the consumption of foods that contain dyes, red wines, smoking and poor oral care.


It has a gentle effect on the protective layer of the tooth, therefore it is recommended for daily use. Easily copes with plaque of any hardness and also prevents its formation.

The restorative effect is achieved through the following compounds:

  • calcium;
  • phosphates.

The process of natural restoration of tooth structure occurs due to sodium compounds. The healing effect occurs due to the extract of Icelandic moss .

The average cost in the country is about 200-350 rubles.

White Plus

The paste has a super-intense whitening effect. Recommended use: 1 time every 7 days. Does not contain fluoride. The abrasiveness index is quite high and amounts to 200 units.

Special combinations of compounds that make up silicon, calcium glycerophosphate and diatomine qualitatively remove dental plaque, polish the coating, providing it with natural whiteness.

In pharmacies across the country, a small tube can be purchased for 185 rubles.

Indications for the use of orthodontic trainers and the principle of defect correction systems. Find out prices for teeth straightening trays here.

Follow the link to get detailed information about the causes and treatment of yellow coating on the tongue.


The paste has won the greatest recognition from consumers. With an average abrasiveness, it takes the lead due to its unique component - Syloblanc.

This product is capable of simultaneously providing both gentle and high-quality cleansing of enamel, as well as thoroughly polishing it.

The calcium compound, which dissolves in water, forms crystals that thoroughly clean the spaces between the teeth.

This feature also allows you to enrich the enamel with essential minerals. In addition, the paste contains antimicrobial and refreshing ingredients.

Depending on the capacity of the tube, the cost will vary between 150-320 rubles.


This remedy is not one that can be used constantly, since the paste is classified as medicinal . With the help of powerful antibacterial protection, it has a beneficial effect on inflamed gums in various dental diseases, in particular, varying degrees of periodontal inflammation during periodontal disease, periodontitis and gingivitis, as well as stomatitis and glossitis .

Another plus is that the product can be used as an addition to the complex treatment of problems and diseases of the respiratory tract and nasopharynx. The composition contains hexetidine, which is a strong antibacterial agent, as well as other useful components.

The instructions indicate that it should be used in courses of 2 or 3 weeks with breaks.

Its cost is approximately in the same price category as the “Classic” - from 140 to 220–230 rubles .

Protection against bacteria

PresiDent also has an antibacterial paste called Antibacterial Clinical. It is recommended for all people who suffer from gum inflammation, stomatitis , as well as for patients who have undergone oral surgery . It should be used 2 times a day for a course of 14-28 days.

The paste is combined with a rinse aid and balm. According to the manufacturer, their combined use significantly increases the protective effect .


It belongs to specialized toothpastes, as it is intended for people suffering from excessive tooth sensitivity . Such phenomena may depend on the properties of the enamel or occur during certain periods of life, when the body undergoes a general restructuring.

For example, pregnancy, the formation of the hard shell of teeth during adolescence, as well as after consuming certain medications and too harsh foods.

Firstly, the abrasiveness index is reduced to 25 units, which contributes to extremely gentle cleansing. And secondly, the composition contains a special component that reduces sensitivity when consuming foods with a high acid content and temperature changes - potassium nitrate.

The paste is recommended for adults, as well as for children as a means of daily hygiene.

The cost is not much different from previous products and ranges from 150 rubles for 50 ml and about 220 for 100 ml .

Pastes for sensitive teeth

A good solution for people with sensitive teeth are President Sensitive toothpastes. The composition has useful properties:

  • relieves pain that occurs when teeth are exposed to air, hot or cold foods, reduces sensitivity due to the content of 5% potassium nitrate,
  • restores and cleanses enamel, thanks to the high amount of fluoride salts,
  • gives freshness to breath,
  • prevents caries with xylitol,
  • strengthens gums and prevents the development of inflammation under the influence of chamomile and linden extracts.


This product is listed in a completely separate column, since it has a unique composition - it does not contain fluorine . It is recommended for use by those people who live in regions with a high content of this element in water, who have an individual intolerance to the element or increased sensitivity to it, as well as when calcium deficiency develops in the body.

The fact is that it contains three calcium compounds, which are very easily absorbed. This is a significant difference from other similar means. In addition, papain facilitates the removal of plaque, and xylitol prevents its appearance and reduces the overall acidity of the oral cavity.

The price for a 50 ml package is on average 130–150 rubles .

Pasta for every day

The PresiDent toothpaste brand has a product called “President Classic”. The abrasive index of this product is 75 . This is an average value, suitable for patients who do not have enamel erosion, sensitivity problems , etc. Cleaning is provided by the aforementioned Syloblank.

The composition also contains xylitol and extracts of mint, chamomile, lemon balm and sage. In order for them to have a certain effect, you need to brush your teeth for at least 5-7 minutes.

The product has many advantages:

  • No astringent effect;
  • Neutral smell and taste;
  • Favorable price. For approximately a 100 ml tube you will pay 300 rubles;
  • Does not include SLS.

Important: PresiDent Classic toothpaste contains 1500 ppm fluorides. When there is a high amount of fluoride in the water in your area, it is advisable to choose a different product.

White Plus

This is no ordinary pasta. It belongs to the means of intensive action and is shown as an additional tool in the fight against plaque and tartar . Some patients, for many reasons, experience increased formation of deposits on the enamel surface.

At the same time, daily care products (even those related to bleaching) may not cope. It is in such cases that experts recommend using PresiDENT White Plus once or twice a week. Too frequent use is undesirable , as it has increased abrasiveness - RDA 200.

A list of toothpastes without fluoride, which is recognized as very dangerous to health, has been prepared for you.

In our article you can find reviews about such a product as Rox Bionics.

Here: - the composition of Sensodyne toothpaste is described.

Other types

Along with the whitening toothpastes President Renome, Classic and Eco-bio, there are other, not so common, but no less effective varieties:

  1. Exclusive series. Anti-inflammatory pastes Exclusive are prescribed for infections, viral and fungal diseases in the mouth, severe damage to the gums, palate or tongue. The course of application lasts 3 weeks.
  2. Antiage series. Aimed at combating age-related changes in teeth and gums.
  3. Active series. Solves the problem of irritation and bleeding of the oral mucosa due to the content of zinc and oak extract. Apply for 2-3 weeks.


The range of pastes for children is quite large. Firstly, they have various flavoring additives to improve the perception of the product by kids. And secondly, they have a clear division by age.

  • Baby – from 0 to 3 years;
  • Kids – from 3 to 6 years;
  • Junior – from 6 to 12 years;
  • Teens – from 12 years and above.

The abrasiveness and composition of each correspond to what is acceptable and useful for a particular age. Designed for comprehensive care of the oral cavity and baby (as well as permanent) teeth.

The cost of products for children over 3 years old is approximately the same and ranges from 120 to 150 rubles per 50 ml. Pastes for very small children are a little cheaper. They can be bought for 90 – 115 rubles for the same volume.

Toothpaste for children

A series of toothpastes for children contains several different products at the same time, which differ in the age of use. For example, for small children (up to 3 years old) Clinical Baby is produced in gel form.

Product without antiseptic chemicals and fluoride. Even when the baby partially swallows it, nothing dangerous will happen. Taking into account the fact that the tooth enamel of children at this age is still weak, the manufacturer made the abrasive coefficient RDA 25.

  • Does not contain harmful preservatives, parabens, surfactants;
  • Contains xylitol, calcium glycerophosphate;
  • Provides prevention of gum inflammation and caries;
  • Can be used for daily oral hygiene;
  • It is produced in a tube of 30 ml.

For children aged 3-6 years they offer President Clinical Kids toothpaste.

At this age, most children actively develop caries. In order to prevent rapid tooth decay, it is necessary to use high-quality toothpastes that contain fluorides . Easily digestible forms of calcium are also required . This product contains three types of calcium, as well as extracts of chamomile, linden and aloe.

  • Abrasiveness – RDA 50;
  • Fluorides – 450 ppm;
  • Strengthens tooth enamel;
  • Thanks to xylitol, it normalizes acidity in the mouth;
  • Suitable for everyday use.

When you need children's toothpaste for a child over 7 years old, choose PresiDent CLINICAL JUNIOR.

It also contains fluoride and 3 forms of calcium, which provide remineralization of tooth enamel in children . There are also natural plant extracts that help relieve inflammation, protect gums, improve oxygen supply to soft tissues, and prevent the occurrence of periodontal diseases.

The advantages also include the absence of SLS and parabens. This product contains no allergens, harmful chemical dyes or sugar.

  • Daily care;
  • Abrasiveness – RDA 45;
  • Fluorides – 1000 ppm.

All pastes for children and any pastes with the word Clinical in the name undergo a large number of studies and tests before hitting the shelves of pharmacies and stores. The Italian manufacturer strives to develop formulations that are as safe as possible for the consumer.


Toothpaste of the Italian brand “President” belongs to the premium class, has excellent reviews from dentists and has proven itself well among clients in Russia. If you want to share your own experience of using President pastes, you can leave your feedback in the comments to this article.

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A little about the brand

President - toothpaste from Italy. The President company's products are manufactured at pharmaceutical factories in Italy, more precisely in Milan. Where did the PresiDENT brand begin? It began with the creation of the Italian laboratory Betafarma SpA back in 1971. It was founded by two partners - Giuseppe Kicco and Ettore Talia. The purpose of this laboratory was to create medicines, cosmetics and hygiene products. A special feature of this laboratory is the use of the most modern technologies and research results for the production of products. Its employees are always aware of the latest developments and techniques in this industry. Soon, in order to implement all the advanced ideas of the scientists of this laboratory and organize the production of high-quality and modern products, a pharmaceutical plant was launched in Milan. If you check the barcode of PresiDENT products, you will be convinced that all of them are manufactured in Milan. This is confirmed by the first digits of the barcode - 80. The advantage of this product is that it meets the most stringent EU standards.

Customers liked the high-quality and affordable President pasta. In almost every major pharmacy you can find a fairly wide range of President products. A special feature of this brand is the excellent ratio of high quality and low prices. Thanks to this, customers can purchase several oral hygiene products at once. This brand is also popular among young people. As marketing research has shown, students often buy it. It is interesting that these products can be used not only for prevention, but also for the treatment of all kinds of problems with gums and teeth. An interesting feature of the President line of toothpastes is that each of them has a special rinse that is ideal after use. Thanks to the use of these unique rinses, you can maintain the effect for a long time after using toothpaste.

A few more interesting facts about PresiDENT:

  1. Its products have received approval from the Association of Italian Dentists (AIDI). But for Russian pharmacists this did not become the final confirmation of the quality of these products. It was decided to conduct serious tests of PresiDENT dental and oral care products. They were carried out on the basis of several research institutes. These tests confirmed the high efficiency and safety of President brand products.
  2. The President brand offers customers a wide range of oral care products. It is not at all limited to toothpastes and mouthwashes. Customers are offered brushes, floss, gels, sprays and balms of the highest quality.
  3. The peculiarity of President pastes is that some of them contain the unique gentle abrasive component Syloblanc. Information that it is contained in the paste can be found on its packaging. This innovative tool was an achievement of modern technology.
  4. According to the company's official website, the shelf life of each President brand paste is no less than 5 years.
  5. Many dentists are quite satisfied with the quality of PresiDENT brand products. Information about this is easy to find on numerous blogs and forums. The buyers themselves speak well of it.
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