Rating of the best teeth whitening strips for 2021

The desire for beauty is natural for any person. It’s not worth mentioning self-confidence; everyone wants to have white teeth.

More recently, not everyone could afford a snow-white smile, because teeth whitening services in clinics cost thousands of rubles. Technology does not stand still, and today the market is replete with all kinds of means that make it possible to carry out procedures at home. One such device is whitening strips, also known as strips.

How whitening strips work

One strip consists of three layers: thin plastic on top and bottom, and in the middle - a special gel containing hydrogen peroxide with or without urea.

After opening the protective packaging, the oxidation process begins, which, when interacting with the surface of the teeth, dissolves and eliminates plaque and destroys bacteria. In addition, the active substance is able to penetrate the enamel and bleach pigments, producing deep, comprehensive whitening.

Important! Before using strips, in order to avoid negative consequences, it is imperative to consult a dentist!

Types of whitening strips

The corresponding products can be found in any pharmacy. Basically, they are divided into the following four types:

  1. Gentle. This option is suitable for people with sensitive teeth. The active substance in such a product is provided in a minimal, safe dose.
  2. Standard. They are used in the absence of any manifestations of oral diseases and tooth sensitivity.
  3. Powerful. Prescribed to patients with strong pigmentation and tartar formation.
  4. Fixing. After the effect is achieved, it is recommended to use such strips. They maintain whiteness and prevent plaque formation.

Most manufacturers produce strips with a protective film that protects the inside of the lips from possible burns. But there are also soluble strips that dissolve on the surface of the teeth over a period of time.

Among other things, such agents are divided according to the time of exposure: rapid and long-term. However, it is worth remembering that despite the fact that the effect of the former will be noticeable more quickly, such strips have much more side effects.

Fact! Many patients are frightened by the procedure of tooth enamel whitening; they consider it unpleasant and sometimes even painful. In fact, there is no pain. After conducting a corresponding study, scientists were able to establish that only ten out of a hundred people, after using strips, developed increased sensitivity to hot or cold foods for 5-6 days.

How to whiten teeth correctly?

Step one: read the instructions

Be sure to pay attention to what is written in the instructions, even if this is not your first time doing whitening. Most products have similar methods of use, but due to the difference in composition there may be some differences in use. Therefore, read the instructions to the very end, paying special attention to possible side effects.

  • Remember that improper use of any whitening products is dangerous to the health of your teeth. The fact is that the process itself causes weakening of the enamel, so you need to approach it carefully. The active substance applied to the strips may cause soft tissue irritation and other problems.
  • Different brands of strips have different instructions, so every time you use a product from a new manufacturer, read the manual carefully.

Step two: brush your teeth

Before you begin whitening, brush your teeth thoroughly, otherwise food debris and plaque will prevent you from achieving good results.


  • Do not whiten your teeth immediately after brushing them; do this at least half an hour after the procedure.

If you want to achieve maximum results, it is better to have the cleaning done by a dentist. There are several procedures that will help restore teeth to their natural color and get rid of hard and soft plaque. The most popular options: ultrasonic cleaning and cleaning using an Air Flow device. The first is necessary if you have tartar. The second is a more gentle procedure; food debris and soft plaque are removed using a special abrasive solution, which is released under pressure.

Step Three: Prepare the Strips

Before you fix the strips, make sure you are using them correctly. Some manufacturers produce strips of various shapes for the upper and lower teeth. In other cases, the products do not differ from each other. Be sure to figure this out when you decide to whiten.

  • After you understand how to properly fix the elements, prepare the strips. The composition contains an active substance, most often it is based on hydrogen peroxide. The principle of operation is simple - oxygen is gradually released from peroxide, which penetrates the enamel, discoloring the pigment.
  • The smooth side does not contain active gel; its main function is to make it convenient for you to stick the strips to your teeth.

Step Four: Apply the strips to your teeth

  • Apply the strip to the front surface of your teeth with the gel side so that it completely covers the teeth, then smooth out any irregularities.
  • In order to straighten the strip, it is convenient to use a toothbrush.
  • Make sure that the strip actually covers the entire row of teeth, if you, of course, want to get a uniform result.
  • Try not to get the gel on your gums, especially during the period of wisdom teeth eruption, otherwise perioronitis may occur; if necessary, remove it with a cotton swab, as long-term presence of the active substance on soft tissues can cause irritation.

Step Five: Wait

After both strips are attached to the teeth, all that remains is to wait a little. Do not touch the strip for the process to proceed correctly. The required time depends on the concentration of the active substance and other factors. Therefore, be sure to read the instructions carefully to correctly determine how long you will need to wait. Usually the session lasts about half an hour, after which you can remove the strips.

Step Six: Remove the Strips

  • After the waiting time has passed, you need to carefully remove the strips. Slowly peel them off the enamel surface and discard.
  • Carefully watch the clock so as not to overexpose the gel on your teeth. This can lead to damage to the enamel or irritation of the gums, and the delay can also increase tooth sensitivity.
  • Remember that if you leave the strips on longer, the effect will not become more noticeable.
  • Be sure to rinse your mouth after removing the whitening strips. After this, to completely remove any remaining gel, brush your teeth with a toothbrush.

Seventh step: repeat the procedure

Unlike in-office whitening, home remedies never provide instant results. Therefore, to make your teeth whiter, you will have to undergo several procedures. The gel that is applied to the strips has a small concentration of the active substance, which is why the lightening is not immediately noticeable. But this also has its advantages, since the process becomes less destructive to the enamel. Remember that quality whitening requires patience. To obtain a noticeable effect, you will need to carry out several procedures. They should be repeated in accordance with the rules written in the instructions.

  • In most cases, you will need to do the procedure for 30 minutes twice a day.
  • The minimum recommended period for using whitening strips is 14 days.
  • The results become noticeable approximately four months after you start the procedure.

Precautions, side effects and disadvantages

Everything is clear about the advantages - a snow-white smile for a long time.

But home whitening also has disadvantages that are very important to remember:

  • if there are microscopic damage to the gums, discomfort and burning will be felt. Also, such a side effect can occur if the active substance is too concentrated;
  • the occurrence of tooth sensitivity. Depending on the thickness of the enamel, and it is different for all people, symptoms such as aches and discomfort while eating may appear. In this case, it is important to temporarily stop using strips and purchase a special toothpaste to strengthen the enamel;
  • allergic reaction;
  • poor fit of the strip to the teeth.

The strips also have contraindications:

  • caries, pulpitis, microcracks, chips;
  • age under 18 years;
  • wearing braces or leveling brackets, and several months after their removal;
  • epilepsy - during an attack a person may choke on film;
  • pregnancy and lactation period.

Whitening strips reviews

You can find many reviews on the Internet that after purchasing the strips, the whitening procedure was not completed. How to carry it out correctly in order to get the desired result and not damage the enamel? Advanced Teeth Whitening Strips are very popular with our customers, so we can give some tips on how to use them correctly.

1. Do not use a hard toothbrush while using the strips. Damage to the gums leads to an unpleasant burning sensation during the whitening procedure.

2. If you have sensitive teeth, after using the strips you feel discomfort and pain, use “ROCS teeth strengthening gel”. This gel can be purchased at a pharmacy; it will strengthen the enamel, significantly reduce tooth sensitivity, and will not reduce the whitening effect.

3. During the whitening procedure, you should avoid “coloring” products.

4. It is better to carry out a repeated course of bleaching no earlier than after three weeks.

5. If your teeth have become too sensitive, carry out the whitening procedure every other day; this will not affect the final result.

Sequence of actions when using lightening strips

Before starting to use strips, even those recommended by a doctor, every patient must read the instructions for use. There, in great detail, with illustrations, the rules for using stripes are described.

Step by step it looks like this:

  • familiarization with the instructions;
  • brush your teeth an hour before the start of the process. After the procedure, for some time, you can only drink water and cannot eat;
  • if there are piercings on the lips, the jewelry must be removed;
  • It is necessary to glue the strips in front of a mirror, otherwise the whitening will be uneven;
  • each manufacturer indicates the order in which strips are applied: first on the top row, then on the bottom. Or vice versa;
  • depending on the type of product, the film must be removed after 15-30 minutes;
  • brush your teeth with a gentle brush and rinse your mouth thoroughly.

Attention! In order for the whitening effect to last longer, you will have to reduce the consumption of colored foods and drinks: dark grapes, some types of berries, chocolate, black tea, coffee, red wine, etc. Smokers will have to smoke less if they want to sparkle with a smile as long as possible.

Using whitening strips

Advanced Teeth Whitening Strips are used once daily.

1. Brush your teeth thoroughly, run your tongue over them with saliva.

2. Open the package along the cut line and remove the transparent film with stripes.

3. Glue the strips to your teeth in the smile area. Short to the lower teeth, long to the upper teeth. Try to press the strips as tightly as possible to your teeth.

4. Leave the strips for 30 minutes.

5. Remove the strips and brush your teeth gently, without applying too much pressure with the toothbrush to avoid damaging your gums.

One package contains seven bags of strips for the upper and lower teeth. This is enough for one course. If you are not completely satisfied with the result, you can repeat the course in two to three weeks. It is not recommended to use strips without interruption for two or more weeks.

Top 10 Best Teeth Whitening Strips

"Bright Light Night Effects"

10th place

Basic information:
A country:China (brand – USA)
Effect onset time:2 weeks
Daily Wear:6-8 hours
Duration of result:1 year
Amount in a package:28 pcs.
Price:1,500 rub.

These strips, which have many positive reviews, are classified as night-time products. They adhere well to the teeth, and the effect is noticeable after the fifth use. These strips will do an excellent job of removing the yellow stain that forms on the enamel from smokers and coffee drinkers.

Bright Light Night Effects


  • home use;
  • comfortable use;
  • night action;
  • long lasting effect;
  • average price.


  • possible manifestations of allergies;
  • causes tooth hypersensitivity and increases salivation in the first few days after use;
  • if the patient has previously had fluorosis, the effect may not be ideal.

"White Intensive"

9th place

Basic information:
A country:USA (brand – USA)
Effect onset time:2 weeks
Daily Wear:1 hour
Duration of result:1 year
Amount in a package:28 pcs.
Price:2,200 rub.

Despite the fact that the packaging is designed for a two-week course of procedures, the effect of using these strips comes quite quickly. The enamel becomes three to four shades lighter in just a few days. Moreover, the daily process takes only an hour of wearing, and the gentle gel does not cause tooth hypersensitivity.

If you do not overuse coffee, strong tea and other coloring foods, your teeth will remain white for a year and a half.

White Intensive whitening strips


  • safe and comfortable use;
  • suitable for sensitive teeth;
  • rapid onset of effect;
  • long lasting result;
  • average price.


  • in some cases may cause allergies;
  • there are contraindications.

"Crest 3D White Supreme FlexFit"

8th place

Basic information:
A country:USA (brand – USA)
Effect onset time:3 weeks
Daily Wear:1 hour
Duration of result:1.5 years
Amount in a package:21 pcs.
Price:4,200 rub.

The peroxide gel and whitening components in this product are presented in fairly high concentrations. Therefore, the visible effect occurs literally the next day. However, due to the aggressive effect of the contained substances on the enamel, such strips are not suitable for owners of sensitive teeth.

Users who use the strips throughout the course note that the achieved effect is practically no different from the lightening procedure in the clinic.

Crest 3D White Supreme FlexFit


  • extended bottom strip for a more secure fit;
  • carrying out the procedure independently;
  • long lasting result;
  • rapid onset of effect.


  • cannot be used if you are hypersensitive;
  • an allergic reaction is possible;
  • after suffering fluorosis, the effect is unpredictable;
  • there are contraindications;
  • high price.

"Celebrity Smile"

7th place

Basic information:
A country:China (brand – China)
Effect onset time:2 weeks
Daily Wear:1 hour
Duration of result:1 year
Amount in a package:14 pcs.
Price:RUB 1,900

These strips belong to the category of gentle products. Enamel lightening is carried out in accordance with the anatomical location of the teeth. It is important that the active substance does not violate the integrity of the gums, does not cause burning or other unpleasant sensations.

Such strips are an excellent option for sensitive enamel and guarantee gentle lightening.

Celebrity Smile whitening strips


  • possibility of independent use at home;
  • safety and comfortable wearing;
  • quick and long-lasting results;
  • average price.


  • in some cases, manifestations of allergies are possible;
  • There are only 14 plates in the package;
  • there are contraindications.

"Blend-a-med 3D-White Luxe"

6th place

Basic information:
A country:USA (brand – USA)
Effect onset time:2 weeks
Daily Wear:1 hour
Duration of result:1 year
Amount in a package:28 pcs.
Price:RUB 3,700

This drug is one of the best of its kind and is capable of whitening enamel by seven tones. Strips effectively and quickly remove even strong and old stains, and also destroy tartar. Despite the fact that peroxide is contained here in a five percent concentration, the product is approved for use in case of enamel sensitivity.

If you follow a “colorless” diet, the effect lasts for at least a year.

Blend-a-med 3D-White Luxe whitening strips


  • independent and safe use;
  • fast whitening;
  • comfortable use;
  • long lasting result;
  • Suitable for sensitive teeth.


  • allergens in the composition;
  • Do not use the product after suffering from fluorosis;
  • there are contraindications;
  • high price.

"Listerine Whitening Quick Dissolving Strips"

5th place

Basic information:
A country:USA (brand – USA)
Effect onset time:2 weeks
Daily Wear:5-6 min.
Duration of result:1 year
Amount in a package:56 pcs.
Price:RUR 2,500

These strips stand out from their competitors by gradually dissolving on the enamel when interacting with saliva. Due to the low concentration of the gel, they are perfect for patients with hypersensitivity. Another advantage of wearing such strips is that they dissolve literally within a few minutes.

There are 56 pieces in one package. This makes the purchase also profitable.

Listerine Whitening Quick Dissolving Strips


  • independent and safe use;
  • long lasting result;
  • complete dissolution of the strip;
  • a large number of records in the package;
  • profitable price.


  • there may be a slight increase in tooth sensitivity;
  • allergens in the composition;
  • there are contraindications.


4th place

Basic information:
A country:China, Thailand, India, Russia (brand – Russia)
Effect onset time:1-2 weeks
Daily Wear:30 min.
Duration of result:1 year
Amount in a package:28 pcs.
Price:2,000 rub.

This drug from a Russian manufacturer is also known as “Living Enamel”. The active components of the gel lighten teeth by an average of four shades. It is quite an effective remedy, but reviews often contain complaints about negative effects on the gums. Irritation, burning, etc. may occur. Therefore, it is recommended to use such strips with extreme caution, without touching the soft tissues of the oral cavity.

MeiTan Living Enamel


  • does not require long daily wear;
  • convenient use;
  • long lasting effect;
  • acceptable price.


  • possible gum irritation and increased tooth sensitivity;
  • allergens in the active substance;
  • there are contraindications.

"Global White"

3rd place

Basic information:
A country:China (brand – China)
Effect onset time:2 weeks
Daily Wear:30 min.
Duration of result:1 year
Amount in a package:28 pcs.
Price:from 889 to 1,380 rub.

Third place goes to the budget product itself, originally from China. The strips work on the basis of a special oxygen gel. They are thin, very firmly fixed on the teeth and are practically not felt when worn. Due to the flexibility of the material, the strips perfectly follow the anatomical shape of the dentition. The active substance is quite aggressive, so it is necessary to avoid getting it on the gums.

Global White whitening strips


  • action based on oxygen gel;
  • comfort: the strips are not felt when worn;
  • reliable fixation;
  • budget cost.


  • in case of contact with soft tissue, irritation is possible;
  • there are a number of contraindications.

Crestal Bright White

2nd place

Basic information:
A country:USA (brand – USA)
Effect onset time:2 weeks
Daily Wear:1-2 hours
Duration of result:1 year
Amount in a package:14 pcs.
Price:1,200 rub.

In second place is a product for patients with hypertension or increased sensitivity of teeth, based on hydrogen peroxide. It is recommended to use the drug no more than 2-3 times a week, in order to avoid the occurrence of unpleasant symptoms in the form of pain and discomfort while eating or drinking.

The gel side of the strip is very sticky. Thanks to this, the strips are securely attached to the teeth and do not interfere with wearing.

Crestal Bright White


  • home use;
  • reliable fixation;
  • suitable for sensitive teeth;
  • affordable price.


  • allergens in the composition;
  • there are contraindications.

Advanced Teeth Whitening Strips

Advanced Teeth Whitening Strips – Hollywood whitening in 14 days!

Safe ingredients, whitening up to 6 shades

Do you dream of a snow-white smile? Order Advanced Teeth Whitening Strips and get the long-awaited beauty of your teeth in 2 weeks! Advanced Teeth Whitening Strips are a completely new product on the market that has won the trust of customers for quality results without harmful effects on healthy tooth enamel. The difference between Advanced Teeth Whitening Strips and analogues and other home whitening systems is in the unique formula of components, patented in 2021.

Other systems discolor pigments much more aggressively and directly affect the enamel of a healthy tooth. Often after their use, teeth become hypersensitive to any liquids, acids (for example, lemon juice, apple juice), as well as sweets. The other side of analogues is that the percentage of bleaching substance is too small, which gives an effect of 1-2 tones, virtually indistinguishable for an ordinary person. Toothpastes whiten with the same success.

Advanced Teeth Whitening Strips offers an advanced whitening pattern and formula. This is not a miracle remedy that will return white teeth in 3 days, but comprehensive oral care for 14 days. However, a subtle result of 1-2 tones is visible after 1-2 applications. For 14 days you will receive a significant brightening of your smile up to 6 shades. The same effect is offered by ultraviolet whitening systems in dental offices and with the same substances. The difference is in price, because the price of whitening in dentistry includes the cost of equipment, the doctor’s work, materials, and other hidden charges.

With Advanced Teeth Whitening Strips, you are your own dentist who decides what effect is sufficient and is guided by your own feelings.

How do Advanced Teeth Whitening Strips work?

Advanced Teeth Whitening Strips are 14 daily sachets containing 2 sealed whitening strips. on the upper and lower jaw. A bleaching mixture of a transparent to whitish shade is applied to one side. When interacting with saliva, the color of the substance may change to white.

The active formula contains the following substances: hydrogen peroxide, hydroxide, sodium sucrose. The components remove dark pigment not only from tooth enamel, but also dentin (the main building material of the tooth). The percentage of substances is ideally balanced for gradual whitening without disturbing the natural environment of the tooth. The risk of hypersensitivity after using Advanced Teeth Whitening Strips is reduced to 5%. No other home whitening system can boast of such results.

Advanced Teeth Whitening Strips: How to Use?

The rules are simple. In the morning or evening, after thoroughly cleaning the mouth, apply a long strip to the upper jaw and a short, rounded strip to the lower jaw. Leave the strips on for 30 minutes with your mouth closed. When the time is up, remove the Advanced Teeth Whitening Strips and rinse your mouth with balm or warm water. If you still feel the gel on your teeth, use a soft brush without toothpaste to lightly brush your teeth.

Course: 14 days.


  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Bleeding gums
  • Cracks and chips of enamel
  • Presence of veneers on the front teeth
  • Pulpless “dead” front teeth
  • Stained teeth after root canal filling with resorcinol-formalin paste


  • Ingredients: hydrogen peroxide, sodium sucrose, hydroxide
  • quantity per package: 14 pcs. + Vita color scale
( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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