They don't have their own smile! Stars who wore braces and corrected their bite. Expert opinion from the show “Reloaded”

These stars took care of their teeth in time, and now they have a perfect smile. We’ll figure out who did what together with the dentist, expert of the “Reboot” show on TNT, Ruslan Sabanov.

Let’s clarify right away that braces are special brackets for correcting the position of teeth in case of malocclusion. They are different and differ in the method of fastening, installation location and the materials from which they are made. For example, there are metal (the most popular today), sapphire (the most beautiful), ceramic (they are invisible on the teeth), lingual (they are often called “invisible”, since they are invisible and are installed on the inside of the teeth).

Veneers are special plates (a kind of “onlays”) that allow you to create an ideal smile, correct the curvature and shape of teeth, close the gaps between teeth and improve their color.

Tom Cruise

The actor had a very difficult case. “Tom clearly underwent complex orthodontic treatment, had surgery on his gums, and wore braces,” emphasizes dentist Ruslan Sabanov. – And then, using implants, crowns and veneers, I changed the size, shape and color of my teeth. And even now Tom’s smile cannot be called ideal, since the center line is shifted to the left, and therefore the teeth are not completely straight.”

What materials do adults prefer braces from?

An adult tries to choose braces that will not draw attention to the teeth. Most patients in orthodontic departments wish to have lingual systems installed. They are attached to the inner surface of the teeth from the tongue side and are practically invisible to others. However, such designs have disadvantages. Internal braces affect speech and increase the duration of orthodontic treatment.

When choosing vestibular braces (external), adult patients prefer the following materials:

  • Plastic. The most budget option for people with braces. In the recent past, they were the most aesthetic way to correct a bite. The color of the plastic can be matched to the shade of the tooth enamel, which will make the linings unnoticeable.

  • Ceramics. Fragile plastic has been replaced by more durable ceramics. Ceramic braces are also individually matched to the color of the tooth. They are smaller in size, which makes them more aesthetically pleasing.

  • Sapphire. Orthodontic structures made of sapphire are considered the most aesthetic. They are made from material grown under artificial conditions. You can call sapphire braces a decoration for your teeth, since visually they resemble precious stones. Such castles shimmer and shine in the sun.

On a note!

This option is not suitable for all people with braces. Sapphire systems are recommended for use on snow-white teeth. In patients with yellowish enamel, they will highlight the deficiency.


Now Madonna can easily afford to wear gold dental jewelry, because she has excellent teeth. Although before her smile was far from ideal. But at the same time, the singer never appeared in public with braces. “Most likely, she wore internal (lingual) braces, which helped her correct her bite and slightly correct the gap between her teeth,” emphasizes dentist Ruslan Sabanov.

Can braces look good?

If you look at the photos of girls with braces, you can see completely different types of orthodontic devices. Some are striking and attract the attention of others to their teeth. Others remain almost invisible. Still others make your smile more attractive.

Beautiful girls who are about to wear braces are especially worried about their smile. They turn to the dentist with a request to choose an aesthetic design with miniature onlays for the teeth so that the treatment does not spoil the appearance. Modern manufacturers of bracket systems make beautiful brackets, but it is worth remembering that beauty is an uncertain concept. It's different for everyone.

Photos of correcting crooked teeth in children

When milk teeth are removed early, the teeth behind them move forward, to the place of the removed ones, and occupy a “foreign” place. In this case, the primary canine was lost prematurely; its place was completely covered by the teeth behind it, thereby completely “taking” the place from the permanent canine. Fortunately, the orthodontist managed, with the help of a removable appliance, to move the entire segment posteriorly and get a place for the fang!) It didn’t take long to wait and soon erupted into the oral cavity! Of course, the work is not finished yet, but most of it is done!


Indications for installing braces systems are numerous. These include correcting malocclusion and straightening teeth.

Occlusion is the arrangement of the upper and lower teeth when they are completely closed.

With a correct bite, the upper canines and incisors slightly obscure the lower ones, the chewing surfaces of the premolars touch and the lower molars are closer to the inside of the mouth.

In most cases of a different location, wearing braces is indicated.

  • Crossbite , when the upper and lower rows of teeth do not sit exactly on top of each other. This occurs due to underdevelopment of one of the jaws, which moves to the side.
  • Deep bite , in which the upper teeth in the front part overlap the lower teeth too much - by more than half.
  • Mesial bite with protruding lower jaw. In this case, braces can be either the only or an auxiliary means of treatment.
  • Open bite – non-closing of the teeth in the anterior or lateral areas. Here, braces are also used as one of the stages of treatment.
  • Distal bite is an incorrect position of the jaws, the upper jaw protrudes forward in relation to the lower jaw.
  • Facial asymmetry caused by underdevelopment or excessive growth of one of the jaws.
  • Torsion of teeth - rotation around its axis.
  • Dystopia is an incorrect position (out of row) and curvature of teeth (one or more).
  • Diastema and trema – too large a distance (presence of gaps) between the teeth.

Beauty requires sacrifice

Often the desire to comply with fashion requires compliance with the rules of restrictions and not too pleasant ones. Same with braces.

  • Before installing braces, it is necessary to sanitize the oral cavity: there should be no untreated caries left. In addition, wisdom teeth often need to be removed.
  • It will take some time to get used to. Whatever they say about the convenience of modern braces, one way or another it is a foreign element in the mouth.
  • You need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to visit the orthodontist at least once a month throughout the treatment. And this is a year or two. There may also be a need for an unscheduled visit.
  • You will have to spend a lot of time brushing your teeth: this procedure will need to be done more often and more thoroughly. Otherwise, there is a high probability that caries will appear on your teeth.
  • We'll have to get used to a new diet: nothing very hard and sticky-sweet.

These are just some unpleasant moments that you need to be prepared for. But all this can be endured. After all, it is ultimately not only about beautiful appearance, but also about health.

Not just for selfies

Someone really suddenly has a desire to get braces in order to be, as they say, in trend. For others, this treatment (yes, it’s treatment!) may be prescribed by a dentist. And not every bite correction is caused only by aesthetic defects, such as uneven dentition or a gap between the teeth.

Over time, an incorrect bite can affect the health of your teeth: due to uneven chewing load, the enamel on some of them is prematurely worn away. Due to problems with chewing food, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract occur. Even headaches can occur due to malocclusion, that is, due to weakening of the temporomandibular joint. Not to mention that it is often difficult to install dentures if the bite is incorrect. And no one is immune from the need for this.

So it’s not just the pursuit of beautiful selfies that makes you turn to an orthodontist.

But it happens that what brings him to the chair is precisely the desire to have a beautiful, youthful appearance, despite the fact that the teeth are generally straight. Some imperfections in appearance, such as early wrinkles, changes in the shape of the face, and a heavy chin, can actually be overcome by installing braces. In some places it has already become the norm that a woman of silver age, when she comes to a cosmetologist with a request to do something about her “swollen” face, is sent first to the dentist. It happens that cosmetic surgery is not required after this.

Pros and cons of braces

Despite the fact that braces are a very popular system for correcting malocclusion and have a large number of advantages, they are not without some negative aspects.


  • Possibility of complete correction of almost all types of malocclusion and dental curvature.
  • With the help of special programs, the final treatment option can be predicted.
  • Highly aesthetic braces systems have been developed that are practically invisible on the surface of the teeth and give a smile a special charm.
  • Braces are stationary devices, so patients do not need to adjust them themselves.
  • The procedure for installing and removing braces is absolutely painless for patients.


  • There is an adaptation period during which problems with eating and speaking may occur.
  • When wearing braces, oral hygiene becomes more difficult. Patients are forced to use additional dental care products (about care products in the article: How to care for braces).
  • During the entire treatment period, there are restrictions on eating certain foods and smoking.
  • The metal parts of braces can injure the delicate mucous membrane of the cheeks and lips. In case of wearing lingual systems, traumatization of the tongue is possible.
  • The need for regular visits to the orthodontist to monitor the progress of treatment and adjust the system.
  • After removing braces, teeth often require therapeutic measures aimed at eliminating the manifestations of caries.
  • To prevent teeth from becoming crooked again after braces are removed, it is necessary to wear special retainers or mouthguards.

Photos of installing braces before and after

If there is not enough space for the teeth, their crowded position is formed; the upper canines erupt later than all of them, when the space is already occupied by the rest of the teeth. As a rule, such teeth erupt outside and above the dentition, less often on the palatal side, and also do not erupt and remain in the bone. The average period for the eruption of fangs is up to 13 years, but it is better to focus on the sequence of teething; if all the permanent teeth have erupted, but the fangs have not, then this is a reason to consult an orthodontist.

Doctor: Tkalich Evgenia Aleksandrovna

How to film

Removing braces is also not too difficult a task for an experienced orthodontist. All elements are removed from the surface of the tooth enamel. After that, a special solution dissolves the remaining glue and hygienic teeth cleaning is carried out.

Patients are often concerned about the question: does it hurt to remove braces? This procedure is completely painless and takes only a few minutes.

You should remember when your braces are removed that further treatment is aimed at maintaining the achieved effect. Therefore, you will have to wear retainers or special mouth guards for some time.

It will be useful: How real doctors remove braces

Beautiful braces for children

Many teenagers with braces on their teeth are embarrassed about their appearance. Girls and young women are especially worried. You can also choose beautiful braces for children, but not all teenagers prefer aesthetic designs made of plastic or ceramics.

For girls, metal braces with multi-colored ligatures will be beautiful. Such designs are the most budget-friendly, and the presence of ligatures allows you to periodically change the color of the overlays. A girl with braces of different colors looks unusual, and individuality is the main desire of teenagers.

Plastic braces will look aesthetically pleasing on girls. If desired, such structures can be painted in different colors and even have patterns applied to them.

If girls and boys do not have any complexes or embarrassments about wearing plates on their teeth, they can use budget metal non-ligature structures. They have a lot of advantages:

  • they are almost impossible to break;
  • metal braces correct the bite faster;
  • the absence of ligatures allows you to reduce the number of visits to the dentist.
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