Dental prosthetics in the absence of a large number of teeth

Anyone can lose a tooth for a variety of reasons, be it dental disease or injury. At first glance, the problem seems harmless and not everyone is in a hurry to eliminate the defect as soon as possible. In fact, prolonged absence of teeth can lead to serious consequences for the body, increasing the cost of treatment and its duration. Therefore, experts do not advise delaying, but recommend inserting new teeth as early as possible. There are many reasons in favor of this, which we will consider below.

Reason 1 – digestive problems

The digestion process begins in the mouth, when crushed and chewed foods are moistened with saliva containing certain enzymes. As a result, a formed and pre-processed food bolus enters the stomach. In the absence of chewing teeth, food is not crushed enough and is poorly saturated with saliva. As a result, stomach cells have to produce more hydrochloric acid, which increases the risk of developing gastritis.

The inability to chew food thoroughly leads to a change in diet. A person who does not know whether to insert teeth is trying to adapt to existing defects; he tries to eat more soft, pureed or liquid foods. This contributes to dystrophy of the oral mucosa, dysfunction of the digestive glands, decreased peristalsis, and changes in the microbial composition of the intestine.

Reason 2 – increased load on neighboring teeth

If a person refuses to insert teeth in a timely manner, the load on the dentition will be distributed unevenly. As a result, the abrasion of the enamel will increase, and the risk of developing caries will increase significantly. In such patients, teeth will decay very quickly and in just a few years you can be left with completely toothless jaws. Next, a logical question arises: “how to insert teeth if there are no teeth at all?” Such methods exist, but they are very expensive (All-on-4 all-on-4 implants) or not effective enough (removable dentures).


Implantation is the most modern method of restoring dentition, which is the implantation of a rod into the bone tissue, onto which a removable or fixed structure is attached. With all the advantages (reliable fixation, restoration of dentition of any length, aesthetics, long service life), implantation also has disadvantages:

  • high price;
  • high level of trauma and pain;
  • likelihood of rejection;
  • the likelihood of complications from the nervous system;
  • a large list of contraindications.

You can find even more about the features of restoring lost teeth through removable and fixed prosthetics, and how much it costs to install an implant in the materials on our website.

The Meliora Dent clinic offers a full range of dental services, including all types of prosthetics and implantation.

Reason 4 – the longer teeth are missing, the more difficult it is to restore them

Patients who decide to have a tooth inserted after a long absence often face a certain problem.
Due to insufficient chewing load, the bone tissue atrophies over time and its volume becomes insufficient to install an implant. In such cases, it is necessary to use traumatic and expensive bone grafting techniques (sinus lifting, splitting of the alveolar ridge, etc.). The time spent on tooth restoration will also increase. When can teeth be inserted after extraction? It all depends on the specific case, the possible options for inserting teeth. Sometimes the defect can be restored in a very short time, but in some cases it will take longer - up to six months.

Reason 5 – aesthetic side

If a person refuses to insert the front lower or upper teeth, then the cosmetic defect will be significantly pronounced. In addition to visual changes, speech also suffers, the pronunciation of certain sounds is disrupted, and in some cases the patient’s appearance also changes. Since the dentition is a support for the soft tissues of the face, when this support disappears, sagging or sunken cheeks appear, facial features change, and asymmetry appears. All this leads to psychological problems, self-doubt, isolation, and fear of appearing in public. The longer the defect exists, the more pronounced these problems become.

What is an end defect?

Losing the attractiveness and integrity of a smile is a real disaster for most people. But, unfortunately, there are people for whom the loss of a tooth or even teeth is absolutely no reason to see a dentist. Especially when it comes to back molars.

Loss of the back teeth of the upper or lower jaw is called an end defect

– and this is truly one of the most important and complex problems in prosthetic dentistry. First of all, due to the enormous functional load that the posterior (chewing) teeth bear.

“Just think, my back teeth are falling out! You still can’t see them when you smile!”

Of course, this is a misconception. After all, the point is far from being about the beauty of a smile, but about a functional disorder of the dental system, which provokes many serious dental diseases. The absence of back teeth will sooner or later trigger a process of negative consequences in relation to both the central teeth and the smile line.

Difficulties you may encounter

Among the most common reasons for refusing to visit the dentist and timely restoration of missing teeth are the following:

  1. Fear of pain. A large number of people avoid the dentist for this reason. They do not even suspect that modern methods of pain relief are very effective and allow them to avoid any unpleasant sensations. If you are asking the question “does it hurt to insert teeth?”, then the experts answer you – “no!”
  2. Some refuse to restore the defect due to the length of the procedure itself. Indeed, classic two-stage implantation involves the implant engraftment stage for 6 months. In fact, this is not such a long period, only six months. There are also faster methods, for example, the dentist may suggest immediately inserting the tooth in place of the removed one.
  3. A lack of money. How to insert teeth if there is no money? The financial part of the issue is quite important. The dentist can offer various methods of restoring teeth, from cheap to very expensive. Therefore, the patient can choose the best option based on his budget. Today there are a large number of clinics where you can get teeth inserted in installments or on credit. Overall, recovery can be very accessible for all people. When looking for a clinic where you can get teeth inserted cheaply, you must avoid those institutions that operate illegally and have specialists with a dubious reputation on their staff.

The dentist must take an individual approach to the patient who needs to have teeth inserted. Options must be selected so that they take into account the wishes of the person and his financial capabilities. One patient may need to insert a front tooth in one day, while another may need to restore multiple defects using modern and aesthetic materials. With a competent and professional approach, you can eliminate any problems without pain and fear.

Options for receiving budget assistance

The easiest and most affordable option is to go to a free clinic. Medical care is provided in emergency cases, for example, in case of acute toothache.

The main advantage of this option is that there are no fees (or minimum amounts). The list of shortcomings is extensive:

  • outdated equipment in budget clinics;
  • limited number of treatment options;
  • you have to pay extra for more modern materials;
  • long lines.


Dental restoration is a very broad area in dentistry, with a special approach to each case. Therefore, patients often have various questions, the most common of which are:

  1. How much does it cost to insert a front tooth? Depending on the method, materials, additional treatment and many other features, the cost can vary greatly. You need to come to the clinic, where a specialist will answer any of your questions: how much does it cost to insert a pin and build up a tooth; At what age can teeth be inserted? how much does it cost to insert a chewing tooth?
  2. Is it possible to insert a tooth if there is no root? It is possible, the dentist may recommend implantation, a bridge, or a removable denture.
  3. What types of implantation exist? Today, single-stage, one- and two-stage implantation is used.
  4. The tooth was removed. How long after can teeth be inserted? It all depends on the individual characteristics of the patient. The defect can be fixed in one day, but sometimes you will need to wait several months.
  5. How much does it cost to get a dental implant? The cost of dental implantation is from 25,000 rubles.
  6. Where is the best place to insert teeth? Preference should be given to certified clinics that employ experienced dentists and have all the necessary equipment for diagnosis and treatment, as well as high-quality materials.
  7. Does it hurt to insert a pin into a tooth? Modern painkillers can completely eliminate pain and discomfort.
  8. How to insert teeth without grinding down the adjacent ones? You can insert one tooth without grinding the adjacent teeth using a removable denture, implant or pin.
  9. How much does it cost to insert a metal-ceramic tooth? The cost of one unit of metal-ceramic crown starts from 8,000 rubles.

If you have additional questions, you can always ask them to an experienced dentist and get a competent answer.

How to choose an implant brand?

How to solve the problem

The dentist who inserts the teeth can recommend several methods for correcting the defect. The most effective of them is dental implantation. At the first stage, an implant is placed in the jaw, then a metal-ceramic crown is fixed onto it. Teeth can be inserted in this way for patients who have both single and multiple defects. Implants are also installed in completely edentulous patients. Unlike conventional removable prosthetics, this method is more reliable and functional. For those who are interested in how to insert teeth without implantation, dentists can recommend other methods:

  • Crowns. They are installed on a previously ground tooth, if most of it is preserved.
  • Bridge. Consists of single crowns that are soldered together. The denture is installed on the ground adjacent teeth.
  • Removable dentures. Does not require turning. They are fixed in the oral cavity using hooks and other mechanisms.
  • Pin. It is a rod made of metal or fiberglass that is installed in the preserved root. The prosthesis is subsequently fixed onto it.
  • Implant. Helps replace lost roots. This restoration method is the most effective, you can see this in the before and after photos.

In order to find out which teeth are best to insert, you need to schedule a free consultation with a dentist. The specialist will examine the oral cavity, and, if necessary, prescribe an examination and select the most optimal method of restoration.

Lost her teeth and gave birth to a disabled child

7. My name is Sveta. I am raising two daughters. The eldest is studying, the youngest is 14 years old and is bedridden. After working in a hazardous factory, she lost her teeth and gave birth to a disabled child. Over the years, I underwent oral sanitation and removal. Now I grind food for both the child (he doesn’t chew on his own) and myself. I turned to the local department of social protection for help, to allocate funds for prosthetics. You are not supposed to, just a child, handle it yourself or save from your pension. I wrote to the Ministry of Health with the question “How should we live? We undergo a medical examination every three years, because... medical examination is free." But it turns out that a lot is given to us, and if I am not disabled myself, then it is not due. How to save? She is 14 years old, she needs to buy a lot of diapers, the state gives the minimum, she needs to buy more, she needs to buy medicines and treatment at her own expense. Medicines for the brain are given free of charge, and damage to other organs is treated for retirement, go to hospitals, call a taxi, because... I won’t drag a stroller onto public transport. The eldest daughter is learning how to at least get her back on her feet. My ex-husband drank himself to death and is not helping. One dentist generally humiliated, “look for a sponsor, although... who needs you with such a mouth.” That's what's offensive, when they humiliate you, you survive anyway, you try for the children. Even though I spoke out, I’m not afraid to send the number, it’s still empty (in case it’s a scam). Although, what if someone really helps. Danilova S. 63900275 9002162042.

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