Why a “Comprehensive Treatment Plan” is the best way to get your teeth in order and save money

“Everyone says that health is most valuable; but no one observes this.”

— Kozma Prutkov

Attitudes towards dental health are changing: many regularly go for checkups, have their teeth professionally cleaned, and if they undertake treatment, they plan to “get everything in order.”

There is also another approach: people go to the clinic “when they get sick,” and having solved the problem, they disappear “until a new case occurs,” apparently not wanting to spend more on health than is necessary now.

A story about an integrated approach to dental treatment will be useful for everyone, because it allows you to regain your health and not overpay for treatment. Yes, yes, an integrated approach, including saving money!

a comprehensive treatment plan is and then illustrate what the savings are.

What is a comprehensive dental treatment plan?

A comprehensive plan is a treatment and preventive measure, the goal of which is a sanitized (healthy) oral cavity.

Dentists have a list of requirements for oral health:

all caries and its complicated forms (pulpitis and periodontitis) were cured; all fillings, inlays and crowns with defects in the oral cavity were replaced; no foci of chronic infection; dental deposits were removed; mucous membranes and gums were removed without signs of inflammation; all 28 teeth were present (full dentition!) all teeth have the correct anatomical shape, no pronounced orthodontic disorders

Since it is impossible to prescribe the correct treatment without finding out the cause of the disease, a diagnostic examination . The required minimum is photographs of the jaws (orthopantomogram) and an examination by a dentist-therapist.

A complete diagnosis may include consultations with an orthopedist, surgeon, implantologist, orthodontist, periodontist, other specialists (anesthesiologist, ENT doctor, allergist) and additional research:

  • CT scan
  • temporomandibular joint examination
  • photographing a face
  • production of diagnostic models
  • modeling of orthopedic structures
  • creation of wax-up and mock-up models of teeth
  • planning the surgical stage of treatment

After a diagnostic examination, the doctor draws up a treatment plan that allows you to eliminate all identified disorders in the oral cavity.

The doctor offers at least two options:

  1. Recommended Treatment Plan (Best Option!)
  2. An alternative treatment option , which usually involves a lower cost due to the use of simpler technologies and materials.

, an executable treatment plan can be drawn up that takes into account the financial capabilities and other limitations of the patient.

When refusing the recommended plan , which, in the doctor’s opinion, is the best treatment option, you need to be aware of all the possible consequences of unresolved problems in the oral cavity and be prepared to accept the shortcomings of simpler technologies and materials.

But it’s better to choose an economical option than to let your health take its course by postponing dental treatment “until better times.”

After signing the plan, you can begin treatment!

Types of treatment

Dentistry Ilatan is a multidisciplinary clinic that provides a full range of diagnostic, therapeutic, surgical, restorative and aesthetic services:

  • Treatment of caries and its complications (pulpitis, periodontitis, cysts, granulomas, etc.).
  • Endodontic treatment (canal filling under a microscope);
  • Turnkey implantation (classical two-stage, one-stage protocols with immediate and delayed loading).
  • Bone grafting and sinus lift.
  • Removable and fixed prosthetics.
  • ENT dentistry (treatment of ondogenic infections, removal of foreign bodies, neoplasms, etc.).
  • Surgery (removal of teeth and their roots of any complexity, gum surgery);
  • Orthodontics.
  • Hygiene (professional cleaning, whitening).

Dental treatment is carried out using high-precision diagnostics, from computed tomography to an operating microscope. A dental microscope improves the quality of canal revision, eliminates the risk of root perforation, and minimizes the amount of intervention. All materials used are certified.

Treatment “in your sleep” (under sedation) is possible. This is a special anesthesia method that provides painless dental treatment in a state of superficial sleep (medicated sleep). This is not anesthesia, but a special ultra-short-acting drug that does not depress the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Treatment under sedation allows you to perform a large amount of work in 1 visit, without discomfort for the patient.

Why does planned treatment save money?

After reading the list of requirements for dental health and assessing the volume of diagnostic tests, you can’t help but think: “What kind of savings can we talk about if we need to do all this?”

Let's not lie - dental treatment is not cheap! Therefore, when we talk about saving, we first of all mean that prevention and timely treatment can protect us from major health problems.

Secondly , planning in any matter, including treatment, is an opportunity to foresee the consequences of certain actions, reducing the likelihood of errors, and therefore costs, to a minimum.

What is well known to dentists is sometimes not obvious to ordinary people, so now we will demonstrate how treatment becomes more complicated and more expensive if dental diseases occur.

Team of doctors

All doctors at the Ilatan Clinic are highly qualified dentists with extensive practical experience. Regular participants in international seminars and forums. They regularly improve their professional level, undergo internships and advanced training in leading domestic and foreign clinics. Our achievements speak for themselves. We give people beautiful smiles, which improves their quality of life and gives them self-confidence. Positive feedback from patients is our reward, an incentive to become even better, move further and help. They are necessary not only for other patients, but also for doctors.

A wide range of dental services positions the Ilatan clinic as a family dentistry. It successfully combines classical and advanced technologies, allowing you to achieve the best treatment results. We not only set affordable prices for comprehensive dental treatment, but also allow patients to independently choose the optimal format that best suits all conditions. Regular promotions and discounts make treatment and prosthetics even more affordable.

Caries - the deeper, the more expensive

If at the initial stage of caries there is a chance to cure it without even drilling the teeth, then with deep caries it may be necessary to treat the canals and restore the tooth with a crown.

Read about the treatment of caries at different stages in the articles:

  1. How to treat caries? Today using the Icon method or tomorrow drilling with a bur?
  2. Caries: what is it like? And why does treatment differ so much in price?

Where can I get qualified help?

At Sanident comprehensive dentistry, all patients receive timely and qualified care. For the convenience of visitors, a flexible system of discounts is constantly operating, and a guarantee is provided for all types of services.

At the first visit, each of our patients undergoes a consultation with a dentist, and this is all done absolutely free of charge. The entire range of activities, including the diagnosis of dental diseases using the most advanced equipment, is carried out so that a visit to our clinic does not cause negative emotions and feelings of internal discomfort in visitors. We provide a full range of dental services in the urban district of Ivanteevka and Shchelkovo.

Just think about the tooth. I deleted it and forgot about it!

Some easily go for tooth extraction, apparently believing: “no tooth, no problem.” However, after removal, the load on neighboring teeth increases, and tooth displacement begins.

Tooth displacement and bone loss may complicate prosthetics in the future. To install an implant, a complex and expensive bone grafting operation will be required.

Read about this in the articles:

  1. Insufficient volume and quality of bone tissue are contraindications for the installation of implants. Solution to the problem - Bone grafting
  2. What awaits me if I need a sinus lift?

Our technologies and materials

All restorations are carried out only using minimally invasive all-ceramic technologies (e.max). Minimal tissue preparation is performed (grinding of the back teeth in the thickest place - up to 1 mm, front teeth - up to 0.6 mm).

We offer our patients the entire palette of shades - from natural to maximum white. The most suitable shape, size, transparency, external structure of the teeth is performed depending on the needs. The result can be either naturally attractive teeth or a “Hollywood” perfectly white smile. To achieve the necessary goals, teeth whitening, orthodontic correction of the position of teeth with transparent aligners and gingival plastic surgery are used to improve the contour of the gums (zeniths).

Thanks to following modern trends, many years of experience and creativity of our specialists, the Mother and Child dentistry in Kuntsevo is the jewel in the crown of the Mother and Child Group of Companies, the flagship of private medicine.

In Kuntsevo, highly qualified specialists with extensive experience in functional dentistry are waiting for you. Our friendly atmosphere and individual approach to each patient will make your stay at the Center as comfortable as possible, and the result - excellent.

Gum health is important!

Good gum health is no less important than healthy teeth. Inflammatory processes in the gums can lead to tooth loss.

With gingivitis, the ligament that holds the tooth root in the bone tissue is still preserved and therefore the tooth is stable. But if treatment is not started in time, destruction of the periodontal attachment and bone tissue will lead to tooth mobility. The bone tissue holding the tooth can be completely resorbed.

Read about the prevention and treatment of inflammatory gum diseases in the articles:

  1. Why do you need professional dental hygiene?
  2. Why does the gum recede and the neck and root of the tooth become exposed? What to do to prevent and treat gum recession?
  3. An effective method of treating periodontitis using a diode laser Doctor Smile

We will help you understand questions that you have not received answers to from other specialists:

  • why some teeth constantly need treatment since childhood, while others are not susceptible to caries;
  • why during pregnancy fillings fall out and chronic dental diseases worsen;
  • how we can correct posture and relieve a patient from chronic pain in the spine by simply correcting the incorrect position of his teeth;
  • why by correcting your bite you can normalize sleep and forget about “chronic headaches”;
  • how to make a person several years younger or emphasize the beauty of youth by improving the shape, color and size of teeth, while taking into account his individuality;
  • why children suck their thumb and how it relates to dentistry;
  • why adults and children bite their nails and hands and how to get rid of it without the participation of psychologists and neurologists;
  • why professional athletes use proper teeth closure as a “legal doping” to improve athletic performance;
  • how to reveal the secret of muscles during chewing, smiling, sound pronunciation, stress management.

The patient is an active participant in the treatment process!

We just realized that we are responsible for our own health and if for any reason we need treatment, we must become an active participant in it.

“I didn’t know... I wasn’t warned... The doctor didn’t tell me,” that’s enough of such excuses.

The patient is the most interested person, because we are talking about their own health!

Be interested in everything the doctor says, ask and clarify until you figure it out. No one has the right to reproach you for such an active life position.

Your right to information is enshrined in law.

Article 20. Federal Law No. 323-FZ “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation”: A necessary precondition for medical intervention is the giving of informed voluntary consent of the citizen or his legal representative to medical intervention on the basis of complete information about the goals provided by the medical worker in an accessible form , methods of providing medical care, the risks associated with them, possible options for medical intervention, its consequences, as well as the expected results of medical care.

According to the law, the doctor has the right to begin treatment only with the written consent of the patient.

To obtain such consent, the doctor is obliged to explain in detail, in a form understandable to the patient, what he plans to do and for what purpose, what possible complications are possible and what treatment results he predicts.

And quality treatment begins with a correct diagnosis.

Diagnostics by an osteopath and psychologist

All patients who are indicated for complex prosthetics at Dial-Dent undergo consultation with a psychologist and osteopath. The help of these specialists is necessary during long-term treatment. The psychologist finds out the patient’s motives and expectations, determines whether the patient can cope with the difficult stages of treatment, and whether he is under stress (any treatment during a stressful period is fraught with complications). An osteopath helps the patient’s body adapt to the changes occurring in the dental system. Osteopathy is a branch of medicine that studies the structural and anatomical connections between various organs and parts of the body. Thus, changes in the cranial area (changes in bite and dental prosthetics in this case) will affect the condition of the neck and spine. An osteopath, using soft osteopathic techniques, corrects these changes. The patient visited the osteopath 5 times during the entire treatment process, each time noting an improvement in overall well-being, a release of tension in the cervical spine and temporal joints.

Almost everything depends on your desire

Many factors influence human health; of course, not everything in life can be controlled, but what has a permanent and noticeable effect on health is in your hands.

Let's list the main factors affecting health:

  • heredity
  • random circumstances
  • environment (nature, climatic conditions)
  • lifestyle (nutrition, physical activity, working conditions, material and living conditions)
  • healthcare

By the way, taking care of our own health is not only our good will, but also our duty.

Article 27. Federal Law No. 323-FZ “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation”: “Citizens are obliged to take care of maintaining their health.”

And since maintaining good health is easier than restoring it in medical institutions, it is very important to realize your own responsibility for health and do it better at a young age.

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