What is a nylon prosthesis? – pros and cons, prices

Removable dentures are a common method of dental restoration in modern dentistry. Most often, removable dentures are used for dental restoration in elderly people. The method of dental prosthetics using removable dentures helps you quickly return to your previous active life without discomfort, and also restores the beauty of your smile. It will only take you a few days to get used to the dentures. We will also tell you how to speed up this process in the article. If you want to read about addiction right now, click on the link. Removable dentures fully reproduce the main function of teeth - crushing and chewing food.

General Information About Nylon Dentures

Synthetic polymers are used to make nylon dentures; dental structures have the following characteristics:

  • biological compatibility;
  • resistance to corrosion;
  • surfaces are easy to polish;
  • good flexibility indicators;
  • nylon dentures are not hygroscopic;
  • wear resistance and resistance to increased loads;
  • The dimensions are stable and there is no shrinkage.


The shelf life of dentures primarily depends on the care of the product. The main care recommendations are:

  1. The most important factor is regular and proper oral hygiene. You should brush your teeth at least twice a day, but it is best to do this after each meal.
  2. The prosthesis must be washed after removing it.
  3. Once a day, you need to treat the denture with a special paste, which is designed to remove plaque.
  4. Use dental floss to clean between your teeth at least once a week.
  5. Use a special solution to remove plaque from the prosthesis. To do this, the structure is soaked in a solution.
  6. It is important to avoid mechanical damage to the prosthesis. If a person engages in any sport that could damage the prosthesis, it must first be removed.
  7. You should not leave the prosthesis unwetted for a long time. drying out must be avoided.

If a prosthesis breaks, it can only be repaired in dental clinics.

Indications for installation of a full or partial nylon prosthesis

Prosthetics are appropriate in the following cases:

  • in the absence of 1-2 teeth;
  • if the dentition is completely missing;
  • if you are allergic to materials of other prostheses;
  • for periodontal diseases.

The cost of a nylon denture depends on the number of teeth lost. If after examination of the oral cavity the following defects are found, then prosthetics are prohibited.

  • with an overhanging alveolar ridge;
  • with severely atrophied bone tissue;
  • in the absence of supporting teeth and implants.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for installation are the loss of teeth (one, several or all), especially if the patient cannot have implants installed. But there are also contraindications:

  • periodontal disease grades 3 and 4, in which the tissue around the tooth is completely destroyed,
  • low crown height of abutment teeth,
  • inflammatory process of the mucous membranes or gums,
  • high gum mobility,
  • significant bone tissue atrophy,
  • Recession is the receding or overgrowth of the gums.

Pros and cons of nylon dental prosthetics

When considering the technology and capabilities, a number of advantages stand out for installing a nylon prosthesis:

  • restoration of the aesthetic attractiveness of the dentition;
  • surfaces imitate the color of enamel with high precision;
  • during wearing there are no discomfort sensations due to elasticity and softness;
  • We have affordable prices for nylon dentures in Moscow;
  • high strength indicators provide protection from increased loads;
  • polymer materials do not cause allergic reactions in the patient;
  • there are no metal parts in the design, due to which there is no unpleasant aftertaste;
  • complete restoration of chewing function and uniform load distribution.

Who are flexible prostheses indicated for?

  • They are most often used to replace partially missing teeth. To install them, you do not have to grind down adjacent teeth, and for many dental patients this circumstance is a significant advantage.
  • Due to their light weight, they are recommended for prosthetics for patients with loose teeth due to periodontal disease and with particularly sensitive tooth enamel, which is not damaged by nylon clasps.
  • Hypoallergenic nylon dentures are appreciated by people who suffer from an allergic reaction to acrylic and have learned the “delights” of denture stomatitis.

But, like any other artificial structure, lower and upper dentures also have certain disadvantages that make them impossible to use.

Nylon dental prosthetics also has several disadvantages:

  • the load can be transferred to soft tissues in the process of eating hard food, which in some situations leads to inflammation of the mucous membrane;
  • To increase service life, special care is required using specialized products;
  • after installation, additional correction may be required due to uneven load distribution;
  • There may be slight discomfort when chewing food.

In our dentistry you can perform dental prosthetics with nylon dentures at a low price. We create the most comfortable conditions for treatment and provide high-quality service.

The less time passes from the time your natural teeth were lost to the start of prosthetics, the more successful the result of the procedure. This is because the tissues of the jaws do not have time to atrophy significantly, so it is easier to construct a prosthesis and getting used to it is faster. Of course, a person who needs dentures should also be encouraged to go to the doctor by the fact that without teeth (even without one or two) it is inconvenient to chew food and this can subsequently lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Also, no one has canceled the aesthetics of the oral cavity.

Today, many dental clinics offer dental prosthetics services. At the same time, the choice of prostheses is extensive. Nylon prostheses are optimal in terms of price-quality ratio, safety and effectiveness of prosthetics.

Manufacturing and selection

Making a nylon prosthesis takes quite a lot of time, since it is a multi-step procedure with periodic fittings. However, as in the case of any other prostheses, the oral cavity is first examined and treated, fillings are placed, and so on. An impression is made of such relatively healthy teeth. The impression is made with a special viscous mass that completely replicates the jaw relief. Incorrect bite can become a small obstacle to the production of the structure, so in special cases wax is also used to measure the height of the teeth. Using these casts, a plaster model of the patient’s jaw is cast.

Next, a wax overlay is formed on the plaster model exactly the same as the nylon one will become. After trying on a wax prosthesis, additional manipulations are often required, so another try-on is carried out. Based on the wax impression, a mold is made into which nylon is poured and a nylon prosthesis is formed using a heat press.

However, even during the first or second fitting of the wax model, a conversation and selection of the color scheme of the future prosthesis takes place. Maximum color match is required. As a dye, a special non-toxic and stable dye is added to nylon, which does not change color throughout the period of use of the prosthesis.

The finished nylon product is tried on for an exact match in color and shape, after which the gloss is applied using special brushes and cutters, and the prosthesis itself is brought to perfect condition. Only after some kind of polishing is the structure given to the client along with recommendations for care.

Distinctive features of prostheses

Nylon is a material that is highly flexible along with equally high strength. It is these qualities that are inherent in nylon dental prostheses. After installation in the oral cavity, the prosthesis quickly takes the shape of the jaw and is firmly fixed to it. While eating or talking, a person does not experience any unpleasant sensations; the prosthesis does not affect the quality of speech in any way. The soft tissues of the gums, cheeks, and tongue are not damaged by nylon structures. Getting used to the dentures takes place in a matter of days.

However, you need to know that nylon dentures require daily hygiene. They must be removed and cleaned of food debris. For care, you can use pastes with fine abrasives, special solutions and a toothbrush with soft bristles. You can buy all these accessories without any problems at any pharmacy. But the best option, along with daily home care, is to periodically visit a dental laboratory for professional cleaning of the denture.

The use of nylon prostheses in dentistry

Nylon products are hypoallergenic. They are suitable if a person has:

  • not fully cured periodontal disease;
  • allergy to any other dental materials (metal, ceramics, acrylic, zirconium oxide, etc.);
  • a dental disease that needs to be treated for a long time and in which it is prohibited to install fixed dental structures.

An experienced doctor will immediately determine which type of prosthesis is suitable for a particular patient. The latter will only have to listen to the opinion of the specialist and strictly follow all his instructions. Then you will be able to get the smile of your dreams much faster.

The process of prosthetics with nylon structures

The prosthetic procedure is carried out in stages:

  • The doctor examines the patient’s oral cavity to understand which teeth are missing, determine the characteristics of the bite, identify the presence of any diseases, etc.
  • If during the examination inflammation, a large amount of plaque (soft or already hardened deposits), caries and other problems were discovered, they must be eliminated before installing the prosthesis.
  • Taking into account the identified characteristics of the patient’s oral cavity, the optimal orthopedic design is selected. Next, impressions are taken of the jaws.
  • Before making the prosthesis, a wax template is made. It is tried on the patient, adjusted if necessary, the color and shape of the artificial teeth are selected, and then, after agreeing on all the nuances, it is sent to the dental laboratory.
  • After making the structure, the doctor tries on and fixes it in the mouth, after which he tells the patient how to use and care for the prosthesis.


  1. The use of nylon prostheses in dentistry
  2. Kinds
  3. Advantages of nylon devices
  4. Disadvantages of the design
  5. How to properly care

To cover dental defects, dentists sometimes offer patients nylon dentures. This is a removable denture option. The structure is formed by:

  • translucent material (nylon) imitating gums;
  • artificial teeth;
  • fixation system.

Nylon dentures are a salvation for people who, for some reason, are contraindicated for the installation of fixed systems and implantation. Due to their affordable cost, they are often preferred by older people.

What are the advantages of installing nylon prostheses and what are their disadvantages?

Let's start with the advantages:

  • High aesthetics of prosthetics. Nylon is a translucent material, and the body of the prosthesis is also translucent. Lying on the jaw, it “merges” with it in color, so it is almost impossible to notice, even if it is installed on the front teeth. The teeth look beautiful and natural. Over time, the color of the prosthesis does not change.
  • Nylon is a lightweight material, which means the prosthesis is almost weightless (several times lighter than acrylic).
  • When a person chews food, the denture distributes pressure throughout the jaw.
  • Since the nylon prosthesis does not contain metal elements, monomers, or polymers, it is suitable for installation even for those who are allergic to the above components.
  • If the patient suffered from periodontal disease or periodontitis, but the disease was brought into remission, it is possible to install nylon dentures.
  • Nylon prostheses are very comfortable for athletes.
  • If there are indications, nylon structures can be installed even for children.
  • Nylon is non-toxic and cannot absorb liquids or odors. Also, it itself does not emit odors or harmful substances, even when heated.

Among the disadvantages, the following points should be highlighted:

  • If the rules for caring for the prosthesis are violated, various mechanical damage may appear on it.
  • If the structure deforms, it will need to be completely changed.
  • Dentures are worn on average for about 4–5 years, after which they have to be replaced.

How does a soft prosthesis work?

Structurally, it consists of three main elements:

  • a translucent flexible base - an artificial analogue of the gum, matching it in color;
  • invisible nylon hook-clasps, providing reliable fastening of the prosthesis to the gingival part of the supporting teeth;
  • artificial teeth made of metal-ceramic or plastic and welded to a base.

Due to the softness of nylon, a removable denture does not injure the oral mucosa at all, and its fastenings do not damage tooth enamel. Thanks to staining with a hypoallergenic dye, the base of the prosthesis completely merges with the tissues of the oral cavity. The shade of artificial teeth is matched to the natural one, so the aesthetics of prosthetics are beyond praise: even a partial nylon structure adjacent to the patient’s natural teeth is absolutely invisible in the mouth.

Features of partial prosthetics

Several missing teeth in one row can be successfully replaced with a nylon denture. In this case, the teeth to which the prosthesis will cling do not need to be ground. There is no need to cover the supporting teeth with crowns. All this indicates the low labor intensity of the procedure, which allows us to set affordable prices for this type of prosthetics. The dentures are secured with clasps - special hooks also made of nylon. They gently grip existing teeth and are securely fixed.

In practice, orthodontists use 2 types of partial nylon dentures:

  1. A prosthesis that restores part of the dentition. It is installed on both the upper and lower jaws. Can be installed on the front or side.
  2. Micro prosthesis “butterfly”, restoring 1 or 2 teeth. More often, this type of prosthetics is used as a temporary option, that is, a person walks with it until an implant, crown, or bridge is installed.

Disadvantages of the technique

Nylon prostheses have not only advantages, but also certain disadvantages.

The disadvantages of the technique are:

  1. Since the denture is flexible and soft, chewing food causes pressure on the gums. This can lead to bone tissue atrophy. A person can use pain sensations while eating.
  2. In the area where the prosthesis is attached to the mucosa, it is not polished. Because of this, the surface in these places is rough. This leads to the formation of plaque and an unpleasant odor.
  3. Due to its softness, the prosthesis sags very quickly and loses its shape. Most often, patients with complete nylon dentures encounter this disadvantage. Therefore, it is recommended to use this material for partial prosthetics.
  4. The big disadvantage is the manufacturing process. It is very long and can last up to 6 months. In this case, the patient needs to visit the dentist very often. The manufacture of a prosthesis involves frequent adjustment of the structure. After the denture is installed, professional cleaning should be carried out regularly. The interval between cleanings should be no more than 4 months.
  5. Nylon prostheses are difficult to care for.

One of the main disadvantages for patients is the price of nylon structures. Their installation is more expensive than prostheses made from other materials.

Prosthetics for complete loss of teeth

Nylon dentures are used mainly in cases of partial loss of teeth (for example, when 1-2 teeth are missing on one or both sides). Nylon dentures are rarely placed on a completely toothless jaw, since the denture may turn out to be too bulky and lose its main feature - flexibility. In some cases, if the patient is allergic to metal or plastic, installation of a full nylon prosthesis is acceptable.

Prosthetics with nylon dentures in case of complete loss of teeth is postponed or not done at all if the patient has the following contraindications:

  • Heart attack.
  • Inflamed wounds, ulcers, abscesses of soft tissues of the oral cavity.
  • Atrophied bone tissue (for example, due to a long period of time between tooth loss and prosthetics).
  • Oncology.

Who is it suitable for?

Nylon denture systems can be installed to either recreate missing teeth or cover existing but unsightly ones. The use of prostheses is indicated in the following cases:

Products are installed if one or part of the teeth in the jaw is lost; they are installed in cases of complete edentia - the absolute absence of teeth. They are used when, for financial reasons, it is impossible for a patient to have implantation and installation of clasp types of prostheses.

Indicated when implants are prohibited from being implanted into a patient due to the presence of various diseases. Although nylon prostheses can be used even with existing diabetes, disorders of the cardiovascular system, even epilepsy and other diseases.

Nylon structures are often recommended for installation by children. They are used in situations where a baby tooth has been removed and a permanent replacement does not appear for a long time. In this case, prosthetics prevent the displacement of a number of teeth in the jaw and subsequent deformation of the bite.

Used in the presence of pathology such as periodontal disease. This untreated disease can lead to the loss of all teeth. Wearing a prosthesis is indicated only in the first and second stages of the disease.

Used for temporary prosthetics during the period of tissue adaptation during implantation.

Dentists sometimes recommend wearing them for people involved in dangerous work, a high risk of various injuries, including damage and loss of teeth: athletes, employees of the military and law enforcement agencies, and others.

What patients and specialists say

© Ocskay Bence / Fotolia

People's opinions are quite contradictory. Analysis of reviews shows that the quality of the product largely depends on the manufacturer, and the speed of the patient’s adaptation to artificial teeth, the presence or absence of discomfort, pain and other unpleasant sensations - on the professionalism of the doctor.

We analyzed several review sites and dental web portals and this is what we found out:


A week ago I had a nylon prosthesis installed. The first couple of days, of course, there were problems with diction, but now everything is slowly returning to normal. In principle, everything turned out to be not as scary as it seemed.


I have nylon dentures; I decided not to save the teeth, so I completely removed them and installed a removable denture. It is superbly light, looks beautiful, and no one even thinks that the teeth are not mine.

In the morning you put it on the gel, in the evening you take it off and wash it. In principle, you don’t have to take it off. I only got used to it for a couple of weeks, after that everything was fine.

Don't know which denture is best to get? After reading our article, you will be able to make the right choice.

We invite you to look at the photo and find out how teeth are numbered in dentistry.

Here: https://www.vash-dentist.ru/lechenie/bolezni-polosti-rta/stomatit-bpr/kak-proizvoditsya-kandidoznogo.html - methods for treating candidal stomatitis at home are given.


Unlike plastic dentures, nylon dentures do not need to be removed at night.


My husband has been wearing a nylon prosthesis from an American manufacturer for 4 years now and is very pleased with it. He walks around with it, practically without taking it off, only constantly rinsing his mouth after eating.

True, at first the product chafed, but, as it turned out, the problem was that it was poorly polished. After it was adjusted, everything is fine, there is no discomfort.


© NorGal/Fotolia

At first, the dentures were very difficult to put on and take off, but in general this is how it should be, otherwise they will begin to fall off later. I've been wearing them for almost 3 years and now they don't fit as tightly anymore.

There were problems after installing the first prosthesis: I experienced a gag reflex, and the structure was loose, so I could not wear it. As a result, due to the constant increased stress on the remaining teeth, which are very weak, I had to remove several more.

I went to another doctor, he installed a new prosthesis for me. The difference is very noticeable: I still wear the new one and am quite happy with it, I don’t feel it at all.


I'm just delighted with these prosthetics! I especially like the fact that they do not cause allergies. Of course, they are more expensive than usual, but you can find a place where they are installed for a reasonable price.


Almost a year ago, I refused to have implants installed, as there were contraindications, and got a nylon prosthesis. I’m very pleased with the result: I’ve never had to sharpen anything, I don’t feel any discomfort and I chew almost everything.

It is light and comfortable, very easy to care for: take it off, clean it and put it on again. I recommend.


Just yesterday I installed a nylon structure on the lower jaw. The doctor, of course, fiddled with her for a long time, but in the end she sat down perfectly. Yesterday I still felt discomfort, but today it’s better, so I think I’ll get used to the new teeth in a week, so far I’m very pleased with them.

It’s not difficult to take care of them, you don’t even have to take them off at night, although the doctor still advised taking them off so that the gums could rest from time to time.

Sergey – dentist

Nylon dentures are more gentle on gums because they do not contain metal. Thanks to their translucency and small thickness, they look attractive. To install them, the supporting teeth do not need to be ground down, so, in principle, this is a good solution for those who have lost their teeth.


© vetkit / Fotolia

Today I installed a nylon prosthesis. When they put it on, it was very painful, but after a couple of minutes the pain was no longer felt. The discomfort from pressure on the gum went away after 6 hours.

Despite the fact that the prosthesis fits tightly, now I hardly feel it anymore. It is indistinguishable from real teeth; even in color it is the same as natural teeth and gums. In addition, it is very light, one might say weightless. It’s comfortable to eat with it, I don’t feel any foreign body sensation.


I had a couple of teeth removed because of a cyst. I didn’t intend to do implantation, so I decided to install a nylon microprosthesis. The price, however, seemed high to me, but compared to implantation it is not so much. The prosthesis fits very well and tightly and does not fall off. After a while I stopped feeling it in my mouth altogether.


When I lost three teeth, I was afraid to get an implant, so first I decided to try a nylon microprosthesis for a while. Now I’m not going to change it for anything, since its quality impressed me, and it sits in my mouth very well.


The dentures are good, no one notices that the teeth are not real, as if they were real, and yet it’s much better than walking without teeth. But I advise you not to listen to anyone and take them off at night.

The answer to the question: “How much does it cost to insert a tooth implant?” - can be found in our article.

Read here about overdentures, which fall under the removable category.

Here: https://www.vash-dentist.ru/krasota-i-uxod/narashhivanie/ot-chego-zavisyat-tsenyi-na-zubov.html - you can find out the price of the enamel extension service.


Having put it on, I immediately felt how hard it was for me to have no teeth. They installed it perfectly for me: I completely feel like new teeth have grown! The only thing I didn’t like at first was that the clasp was too tight, but the doctor adjusted it in a few minutes, and now I experience absolutely no discomfort.


I installed it six months ago. In principle, everything worries me, however, one problem arose: the clasp damaged the enamel, and because of this, the sensitivity of a healthy tooth increased.

But after fluoridation, this problem does not bother me. I’m glad that I chose nylon, because I’m afraid to imagine what surprises a metal clasp could bring.

Alexander – dentist

Often our patients come with a complaint that the structure puts a lot of pressure on the gums. But this problem can be easily eliminated with the help of correction.


© drubig-photo/Fotolia

By the age of 52, diabetes mellitus led to almost complete loss of teeth. I chose nylon prostheses because diabetes is not a contraindication to their use. The installation went well: high quality at a very reasonable price.

Of course, for about the first two weeks I experienced a little discomfort, it was unusual, but soon I stopped feeling the prosthesis. I don't take it off even at night. Now I can eat normally, and not just grated foods.

Vladimir – dental technician

Experience with prosthetics has shown that flexible products are not suitable for long-term use. They can be ordered, but as temporary ones. It is better not to wear them for more than a year.

Alexey – dental technician

I have been doing nylon prosthetics for a long time and I want to say that during this time the quality characteristics of the products have noticeably improved.

True, they directly depend on the manufacturer, so you shouldn’t save much: it’s better to pay more and be satisfied with the lack of discomfort and the attractive appearance of your new teeth, than to cheap out and suffer with a low-quality product.

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