Teeth whitening system BlanX White Shock Blue Formula+ Led. Detailed analysis of the composition + comparative photos + whitening guide

Julia looked at herself... and decided that she was not beautiful enough. I started to correct the situation with my teeth.

During quarantine, we did live broadcasts with different cool speakers - and I got involved. I loved this format.

But - surprise - because of these broadcasts I encountered new old problems. Again, I didn’t like the way I looked :) In this case, I looked on camera. I reviewed my “film” wardrobe (if you’re in black or white, the camera is “off-putting”, you need something neutral), I reviewed my makeup (my skin is too light, and the camera “offsets” again), now I’m making my face tone warmer, highlighting eyes more intense) and found points in the apartment where the lighting makes me happy.

But there was a problem that you couldn’t fix on your own. For example, yellowish teeth -).

I decided to take this very problem to dentist Gleb Pekli at his clinic Insmile Dental Lounge, which we have already written about and who is a doc, a pro and a specialist in this matter. At the end of June I went for a consultation. It wasn’t scary - it seems like I already know everything about whitening, I did it seven years ago. Well, almost not scary :)

This is what the teeth looked like when I showed Gleb:

Teeth before whitening

It seems not critical, but I remember how much I liked the color of my teeth seven years ago, just after that Philips Zoom whitening. I wanted to return that feeling.

General picture "before":

At the consultation, Gleb told me that I have a gray-yellow type of enamel. (There are three of them in total - white, a very rare white-blue and gray-yellow. Gray-yellow is characteristic of approximately 70% of the inhabitants of Russia). With this type, whitening with Philips Zoom alone will not be enough. To make your teeth as white as possible, after the procedure you need to use the Opalescenes home system. It is, of course, not as powerful as Zoom, but it works gradually, day after day.

Application of silicone mouth guards

The teeth whitening procedure using silicone aligners deserves special attention. This process is carried out in several stages:

  1. The dentist takes an impression of the oral cavity.
  2. Production of individual silicone trays in the laboratory.
  3. Filling the tray with a special gel. Unlike concentrated professional products, gels with low acid concentration are used at home.
  4. The patient uses a prepared structure according to a special scheme. The mouthguard is worn every day, following the instructions and gradually increasing the wearing time.
  5. At the end of the treatment session, the oral cavity is cleaned of any remaining gel and rinsed thoroughly.

The condition of the tooth enamel will become noticeably better within a week after starting to wear the mouth guard, but to get a snow-white smile, a course lasting 25–30 days is required.

Summary table of whitening techniques


Teeth whitening procedure format Products/techniques Duration of the procedure Whitening zone Duration of effect after teeth whitening
(subject to diet and smoking cessation)
Cost (RUB) in Moscow* Aesthetic result
Home teeth whitening Pastes, strips, sticks 21 day all teeth 1-2 months 500 rub. for the “paste + brush” set up to 2 shades lighter
Mouth guards 2-6 weeks all teeth 6 months 5 000 – 16 000 up to 4 tones
In-office teeth whitening Photobleaching 50-60 min. "smile zone" up to 5 years 4 000 – 20 000 5-12 tones
Laser whitening 20-30 min. "smile zone" up to 5 years 7 500 – 30 000 5-10 tones
Chemical bleaching 30-90 min. "smile zone" up to 5 years 5 000 – 22 000 5-10 tones
Endobleaching (intracoronal) depends on the chosen technique locally up to 2 years 500 – 1 700 maximum up to 2 tones
*according to the portal


Bleaching safety guarantee

Our clinic employs dentists specializing in diseases of enamel and gums. ZOOM 4 whitening specialists take into account the specific oral health of each patient. In some cases, you can begin the procedure immediately, in others, serious preparation and treatment is required.

We use advanced whitening methods that are safe for enamel. The ZOOM 4 technique requires a competent approach, so you should trust the work only to an experienced doctor. Sign up for a consultation at our clinic to find out what preparation for the procedure is needed in your case.

In what cases is the procedure indicated?

A correctly selected technique, provided that the teeth and enamel are healthy, can give a noticeable effect after the first session. With the help of modern technologies, specialists have been able to significantly reduce the potential harm without compromising the effectiveness of modern lightening techniques. First, you will need to remove plaque and hardened deposits to return your smile to its natural milky hue. Next, the doctor will no longer act on the surface layer, but on the dentin, due to the oxidation of which he will give the smile a truly Hollywood whiteness, even if by nature the person’s teeth are slightly yellowish.

Teeth become dull and yellow over time

Over the years, the smile fades and turns slightly yellow, losing its vibrant shine. These processes are facilitated by bacterial plaque and deposits, smoking, as well as constant exposure to coloring pigments, which are contained in some foods and drinks - coffee, strong tea, red wine, etc. The cause of yellowness may be genetics, taking potent drugs, non-carious lesions of the enamel. Modern whitening techniques allow you to achieve impeccable whiteness - up to 8-12 shades on the Vita scale. But in order for everything to go without harm to the teeth, it is better to contact dentistry directly, where the process will take place under the supervision of experienced specialists and only after a thorough diagnosis.

What equipment is used for photobleaching?

To carry out the procedure, you must have a specialized lamp. However, today there are several types of lamps on the dental market:

  • ultraviolet: after switching on, such devices begin to emit heat, they heat hard tissues and the gel applied to them, due to which the active components of the drug penetrate into the deep layers and destroy the pigment accumulated in them. If used incorrectly, can lead to overheating, excessive sensitivity and discomfort,
  • halogen: exposed to so-called cold light. According to doctors, they are considered more gentle compared to ultraviolet radiation, because less damage to the enamel,
  • LED: like halogen, they produce cold light, but are even more advanced and safe.

Indications and contraindications

The ZOOM 4 teeth whitening procedure is indicated in the following cases:

  • dissatisfaction with the color of teeth;
  • recently removed braces;
  • natural predisposition to yellowing of the enamel;
  • fluorosis is an enamel disease associated with excess fluoride content;
  • smoker's plaque.

In some cases, the ZOOM 4 whitening method cannot be used. This is due to possible health consequences. Before the procedure, the doctor collects anamnesis and identifies undesirable conditions. Among the contraindications to the ZOOM 4 method are:

  • oncological diseases;
  • neurological disorders;
  • acute inflammation of the oral cavity;
  • age up to 16 years;
  • regular use of contraceptives and antibiotics;
  • allergy;
  • untreated caries.

Teeth whitening using the ZOOM 4 method is a cosmetic procedure. It is carried out after eliminating all diseases of the teeth and gums.

Zoom 4 technology

Zoom technology is based on the use of a gel with a high content of hydrogen peroxide. When exposed to ultraviolet radiation, active oxygen is released, which destroys enamel pigments.

The system has the following components:

  1. Gel.
  2. LED lamp with the ability to change emission settings.
  3. A product aimed at reducing tooth sensitivity and restoring enamel.

The main differences lie in the composition of the whitening gel. Firstly, the concentration of hydrogen peroxide has been reduced to 25% versus 35% in the previous version. This made it possible to reduce the aggressive effect on the enamel without losing the brightening effect. The second point is the addition of calcium phosphate to the gel, which replaces the voids left after the destruction of the pigment, thereby strengthening the enamel. The lamp setting modes have also been improved, which helps prevent overheating of the pulp tissue.

Safe home remedies

You can make your smile naturally white and beautiful at home. To do this, you need to carefully monitor your oral health, brush your teeth at least twice a day, rinse your mouth every time after eating, use floss and an irrigator, and also visit the dentist twice a year for preventive maintenance. But if you want to make your enamel even whiter, you can turn to home whitening methods for help. You just need to use them very carefully, after assessing the condition of the enamel by a dentist and taking into account his recommendations. Now let’s look at effective and safe ways to whiten at home.

Kits – gel and mouth guard

In any case, first you will have to visit a dentist so that he can conduct a diagnosis and give a professional assessment of the current condition of the enamel. As a home whitening method, you may be offered to take a course using a special gel and tray. First, the doctor must take impressions of the jaws. Based on them, an individual mouthguard will be created that will fit as tightly as possible to the teeth to guarantee the best effect.

When whitening at home, a tray with a special gel is often used.

Before putting it on, it is enough to lubricate the inner surface with a small amount of lightening gel or carefully apply it to the surface of the crowns, trying to avoid contact with the mucous membrane. The course lasts from several weeks to a month, and it is enough to wear the mouth guard for 15-20 minutes a day. At the same time, it is important to carefully monitor the time, not to violate the technique of performing the procedure, and to use pastes and rinses that help strengthen the enamel. If hypersensitivity, discomfort and severe unpleasant sensations occur, the course should be stopped immediately and it is better to seek advice from a specialist.

Lightening strips and pencils

Today, pharmacies offer a fairly diverse range of home systems - mainly strips impregnated with a brightening composition and special pencils. With the help of such devices, you can achieve a not too noticeable effect - your smile will become 2-3 shades lighter. More often, strips and pencils are used as support systems after in-office whitening. Many of the products contain fluoride to further strengthen hard tissues and saturate them with micronutrients.

Whitening strips can lighten enamel by a maximum of 2-3 shades

Toothpastes with whitening effect

Whitening pastes also give an effect, but much less noticeable than professional methods. Such hygiene products usually contain small abrasive particles that effectively remove plaque and other contaminants. But it is not advisable to use such pastes on an ongoing basis - regular abrasive treatment can lead to deterioration of the enamel, the appearance of microtraumas and cracks on it.

Toothpastes have a less noticeable effect

Professional teeth cleaning

It is also possible to make teeth whiter after hygiene procedures: removal of tartar, supra- and subgingival deposits, etc. After professional teeth cleaning, the teeth will become noticeably lighter. However, you will not whiten your teeth, you will only return them the natural color that was lost due to the abuse of coloring products or smoking.

I would like to pay special attention to such a popular procedure as AirFlow , which is actively positioned as a whitening procedure. In fact, talking about this method as a teeth whitening system is incorrect. During professional cleaning with AirFlow, the tooth surface is treated with a mixture of water, air and sodium bicarbonate particles (in other words, soda), which is supplied from a special nozzle under pressure and at high speed. In this case, plaque and bacterial films are removed, the enamel is polished and better reflects light. But there is no chemical effect on the teeth. In fact, after any professional preventive measure, teeth become cleaner and, of course, lighter.

Ultrasonic teeth cleaning is also often marketed as a teeth whitening method. And this is also wrong. The essence of this procedure is that hard plaque is removed from teeth under the influence of electric current without damaging the enamel. At the end of the procedure, a special paste is applied to the teeth. There is also no chemical effect on the teeth.

Summary: if you regularly visit the dentist and carry out preventive measures (removal of plaque, tartar, supra- and subgingival deposits), then your teeth will remain clean and natural white . How satisfied you are with the natural color of your teeth is a matter of individual perception. In any case, hygiene measures and regular visits to the dental hygienist should be included in your list of aesthetic procedures. This is the most cost-effective way to keep your teeth healthy and white. And remember that if you decide to whiten your teeth (be it at-home teeth whitening or in-office techniques), you will in any case have to go through the entire range of hygiene procedures.

Types of photobleaching

Photo teeth whitening in Moscow and other Russian cities today can be carried out in different ways, using different equipment.


It is considered the most popular, because It is this technique that allows, if desired, to lighten the enamel by a maximum number of tones – 10-12. You can evaluate the effectiveness of photo teeth whitening from the before and after photos presented below.

To obtain a positive result, lamps of different generations are used: ZOOM-1, ZOOM-2, ZOOM-3. But ZOOM-4 is considered the most modern, effective and safe.

ZOOM are ultraviolet lamps. Before manipulating such devices, it is important to exclude the slightest contraindications. After the procedure, the patient must follow all the doctor’s recommendations in order to quickly eliminate tissue hypersensitivity. True, the creator of the method recommends applying a protective preparation with calcium phosphate1 to the enamel before bleaching, which will reduce its susceptibility to environmental factors and restore the structure, but caution will still not be superfluous.

Important! To carry out photo whitening using ZOOM technology, choose only experienced doctors, otherwise you may encounter undesirable consequences: the enamel will become unnaturally white (it may even acquire a blue tint) and hypersensitive, and its integrity may also be damaged.

The method is suitable for patients who have a fairly pronounced pigment that they really want to get rid of. The use of ZOOM-3 and ZOOM-4 lamps is recommended not only for those patients whose yellow teeth are caused by smoking or eating “colored” foods, but also for people with certain types of non-carious dental lesions, for example, fluorosis.

Amazing White

Compared to prices for enamel whitening using ZOOM technology, the price for Amazing White is more affordable. All this is due to the less popularity of the technique in our country, as well as the fact that it promises patients a slightly less impressive result - up to 10 tones.

To carry out the procedure, a mixed type lamp is used: with ultraviolet and LED radiation. First, the enamel is exposed to UV rays, and then “cold” LEDs, which are gentler on it, come into play. This combination makes it possible to achieve good lightening performance with minimal risk of tissue trauma.


This is a gentle technique that is suitable for use in patients with cracked and chipped teeth. To achieve an effect of 6-9 tones, the doctor uses a halogen lamp that produces cold light and Luma-White gel.

The whole procedure takes no more than half an hour - one cycle of exposure of the lamp to the enamel is exactly 8 minutes. In total, you need to do three sets of eight minutes each.

The technique is not suitable for patients with strong yellowness of the enamel and those who want to achieve flawless Hollywood whiteness. Luma-Arch cannot cope with non-carious lesions either.

Beyond Polus

This technique is based on the activation of the brightening gel and the release of oxygen from it using a high-intensity cool blue light lamp. The promised result is up to 8-10 tones.

The manufacturer claims that the lamp used for this technology does not produce harmful ultraviolet and infrared radiation - this protects patients from damage to soft tissues, makes the procedure itself comfortable and minimizes the amount of discomfort after it.

Crowns and fillings: replaced after whitening, not before it

For patients who are dissatisfied with the color of their teeth, the relevant question is what will happen to crowns, dentures and fillings if they undergo whitening. In fact, artificial materials will not change their shade, so against the background of a renewed smile they will look dark, and under the influence of whitening compounds, scratches, cracks and roughness may appear on them. It is for these reasons that old fillings and crowns need to be replaced only after the photobleaching procedure.

If you change them earlier, then again you may not be able to guess with the color of the restorations, because it is unknown how natural enamel will behave and how many shades it will actually be possible to lighten it in the end.


Will the procedure harm my teeth?

No. The gel is designed in such a way as to prevent damage to the enamel. All tissues of the oral cavity remain unharmed.

Is it painful to whiten teeth with the ZOOM 4 system?

One of the advantages of this method is minimal discomfort. During the whitening process, the doctor can reduce the intensity of ultraviolet radiation at the request of the patient.

How long does the effect last?

The initially achieved degree of whitening lasts for 1 year. The state of a snow-white smile lasts 3-7 years, depending on nutrition and the degree of oral care.

What preparation is needed before whitening with the ZOOM 4 system?

The patient needs treatment for oral diseases.

Prices for photobleaching

The price depends on the method and equipment used in the clinic. Thus, the cost of the procedure using one of the most effective and safe lamps for lightening enamel ZOOM-4 starts from 15-20 thousand rubles.

To get Hollywood whiteness using Amazing White technology, you need to pay about 15 thousand rubles. How much will you have to pay for whitening using Beyond technology?

For those who prefer the Luma-Arch method, the price will be even lower - about 10 thousand rubles.

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