Dentistry advertising: how to attract customers and increase profits


Orthopedic dentistry

Dental prosthetics

Are you missing one or more teeth in a row? Modern dentistry can solve almost any problem today!

The clinic for prosthetics and dental implantation "PROFI-Dent" in Moscow provides a full range of services in the field of dental prosthetics. We use only the most effective methods and technologies for dental restoration, so you can be sure that no matter what type of dentures you choose, the new dental units will be completely identical to natural ones, both in functionality and appearance.

The absence of dental units in a row causes a lot of problems:

  1. articulation disorder;
  2. curvature of the dentition;
  3. malocclusion;
  4. displacement of dental units;
  5. bone tissue atrophy;
  6. problems with the digestive tract;
  7. psychological complexes.

The PROFI-Dent clinic will help you quickly restore your full smile using low-traumatic methods of dental prosthetics. The cost of dental prosthetics in Moscow in our clinic is affordable to every patient.

Indications for prosthetics

The main indications for dentures are:

  • loss of one or more teeth as a result of illness, injury,
  • serious defects in the dentition - chips, cracks, wide gaps between teeth,
  • unstoppable erosion of tooth enamel,
  • destruction of the crown of one or more teeth.

Some indications are subjective - for example, aesthetic defects such as uneven teeth, slight darkening or natural yellowness of the enamel. In such cases, there is often a desire to improve aesthetics, make teeth smoother, more uniform and more beautiful.

In all cases, the doctors at the Dental Master clinic will help you gain beauty and self-confidence, as well as restore chewing ability. We perform all types of prosthetics - quickly, efficiently and at affordable prices.

Dental prosthetics: types and prices in Moscow

The PROFI-Dent clinic provides dental prosthetics in Moscow inexpensively and with high quality. We use a wide range of techniques and methods of dental prosthetics:

  • fixed;
  • partially removable;
  • completely removable designs.

Fixed dentures include:

  • tabs;
  • ceramic veneers;
  • lumineering;
  • dental crowns;
  • bridges;
  • dental implants.

The remaining orthopedic structures are removable or partially removable:

  • plate prostheses;
  • clasp dentures.

Each type of construction and denture technique solves specific dental problems. The orthopedic dentist selects the most optimal option depending on the clinical situation. If you are looking for high-quality and inexpensive dental prosthetics in Moscow and the Moscow region, contact the PROFI-Dent clinic!

Which material is better and will last longer?

The material from which the prosthesis is made has the greatest impact on wearing comfort, and this is especially true for removable structures. If no errors were made during the manufacture of the structure itself, but the prosthesis still causes significant discomfort, then the problem is most likely due to the poor quality of the material. Of course, no such design can provide 100% convenience (especially at the adaptation stage), but modern materials make it possible to achieve very high performance. So, what qualities should the best materials for dentures have:

  • Hypoallergenic.
    Many people are allergic to dyes and acrylates.
  • "Friendly" to gums.
    If the denture rubs the gums a lot, wearing it will be a complete torture.
  • Color fastness.
    Immunity to staining and environmental influences.
  • Acceptable strength.
    Despite the fact that a removable denture rarely lasts more than 5–6 years, the structure should not be overly fragile.

If we talk about specific brands of removable dentures, the best lamellar denture is considered to be Acry-Free (“Acry-Free”) made of acrylic-free plastic: it is very comfortable, does not shrink when worn, does not stain and does not cause allergies. The best nylon dentures at the moment are Quadrotti. However, they have limitations for use: to install such a prosthesis, one of the jaws must have several healthy teeth, however, like other clasp-type prostheses. As for non-removable systems, metal-free structures are increasingly being used, which look more aesthetically pleasing, do not cause allergies, but are no less durable.

Before and after installation of dentures. Works by P. A. Zotov

Materials for dentures

Our specialists use only the latest materials that are highly biocompatible with natural tissues and absolutely safe for the human body:

  • metal alloys;
  • ceramics;
  • porcelain;
  • nanocomposite materials;
  • photopolymers;
  • plastics.

The materials used have elasticity, strength and elasticity identical to the tissues they replace, do not cause allergies and completely imitate natural enamel in color and appearance.

Prices for dental prosthetics at PROFI-Dent dentistry in Moscow vary widely. Thanks to a huge selection of modern materials, you can choose an option that will suit the patient as much as possible, both in terms of results and price.

Ancient dentures

The first prototypes of dentures for the upper jaw were discovered during excavations of Egyptian tombs. After carefully studying these impressive artifacts, scientists came to the conclusion that even in ancient Egypt, priests wondered “How to make dentures” and widely used slave teeth and ivory dentures for this purpose, which were tied with wire to adjacent teeth. In the tombs of the Etruscans (9th-39th centuries BC), during excavations in the city of Tarquinia, a denture for the jaw was found, made from animal fangs with fastenings in the form of gold rings. And only in the 11th century AD. The beginning of dental prosthetics, as a separate direction in dentistry, was laid by the Arab surgeon Abul-Kassem, who proposed splinting teeth with wire made of precious metals.

Further development of orthopedic dentures took place in Europe. In the 16th century, the French surgeon Ambroise Paré thought about how to install dentures and came up with designs consisting of interconnected artificial teeth made of ox bone, ivory and even wood. However, later, the teeth of deceased people, for example, soldiers who died during military battles, were more often used for prosthetics. The first porcelain dentures, most similar to modern ones, were made in the 19th century, but the bases for them were still made of wood, ivory and gold. It was only in 1848 that these materials were replaced by rubber. Our country has also made a significant contribution to the development of technology for the manufacture of dentures. Russian researchers introduced the production of dentures from acrylic plastic and discovered the suitability of stainless steel for the manufacture of fixed dentures.

Budget dental prosthetics in Moscow

The PROFI-Dent clinic offers high-quality but inexpensive dental prosthetics in Moscow, providing orthopedic treatment quickly and professionally.

The main advantages of contacting us:

  • high-quality diagnostics;
  • professional assistance in choosing a prosthesis;
  • application of computer modeling technology in the manufacture of structures;
  • all patients are monitored by a doctor until they are completely accustomed to the new prosthesis;
  • only the latest orthopedic technologies and materials;
  • guarantee for all types of dental services;
  • free denture correction.

We are sure that a beautiful and healthy smile should not be perceived as a luxury. We do not offer the cheapest dental prosthetics in Moscow, but our prices are among the most affordable, including dentures on implants.

Pain after prosthetics

After installation of the orthopedic structure, the patient may experience pain. They are mainly caused by either adaptation of oral tissues to the elements of the prosthesis, or the development of inflammatory processes. Pain due to adaptation goes away on its own or after correction of the structure.

But pain after dental prosthetics, caused by inflammation, is fraught with dangerous consequences, so if they last longer than a few days, do not subside, but intensify, are accompanied by an unpleasant odor, the discharge of pus, it is urgent, without delay, to consult a doctor.

The cause of pain may be untreated foci of infection in the oral cavity, infection as a result of errors in the installation of the structure or previous preparatory operations, violation of the rules for using the prosthesis and oral hygiene, allergic reactions to the materials used in dental prosthetics, as well as too tight, or, conversely, , insufficiently tight fit of the prosthesis to the soft tissues.

In order to identify the causes of inflammation and cure it, it is necessary to contact a dental clinic, otherwise this can lead to breakage of the prosthesis, rejection of its structural elements and serious complications.

How much does dental prosthetics cost in Moscow?

Prices for prosthetics and dental implantation in Moscow depend on various factors - the cost of the material, the type and complexity of the orthopedic structure, the amount of work, additional procedures, etc.

The PROFI-Dent clinic offers the most affordable prices, which you can see for yourself by comparing our price list with the offers of other metropolitan clinics.

Price list for dental
Metal ceramicsfrom 11,000 rubles
Metal ceramics on the implantfrom 16,000 rubles
Complete removable denturefrom 20,000 rubles
Clasp prosthesisfrom 45,000 rubles
Removable denture45,000 rubles
Frame removable denture with soft silicone basefrom 75,000 rubles

Choice according to indications and budget

The best dentures are those that are indicated for the patient. Generally speaking, the most modern designs will be those based on implants. However, there are two very important points here: implantation has a number of limitations and is considered an expensive procedure (especially if we are talking about complete dental restoration). In this case, other structures come to the rescue, which are also designed to restore chewing function and aesthetics. Before we start talking about the different systems in more detail, we need to make some distinctions so that you don't get confused.

All dentures are usually divided into several types. First of all, the number of teeth being replaced is taken into account: this criterion implies the installation of a partial or complete denture. According to the method of fixation of the structure in the oral cavity, removable, conditionally removable and fixed dentures are distinguished. Which ones are better - read on.

What advertising methods will bring more profit?

Each marketing method has its pros and cons. If you want to attract as many clients as possible, use several methods at the same time.

Promotion of dentistry is a difficult task. People are afraid to go to unfamiliar doctors: they are afraid that the price will not correspond to the quality of the work and materials. They want reliable doctors and quality services. Therefore, the most effective advertising is word of mouth, reviews and recommendations from friends.

A good reputation can only be earned over time. Therefore, it is more profitable to buy a dental business than to create a new one. You receive not only all the material assets, but also a base of regular customers who will continue to visit this clinic and tell their friends about it.


Relatively recently, a separate segment has been identified in orthopedics - microprosthetics. The purpose of these restoration measures is to give teeth strength and visual aesthetics. Two main approaches in microprosthetics are aimed specifically at each of these results:

  • Microprosthetics with a stump insert is suitable if the tooth is very badly damaged, for example by a large-scale carious process, in this case a regular filling will be powerless. And the use of a core tab will strengthen the tooth and extend its service life.
  • Veneers and lumineers are conceptually similar technologies for aesthetic microprosthetics, which involve the installation of thin overlays on the vestibular surface of the front teeth. In this way, it is possible to make the frontal area perfectly beautiful. All teeth acquire a snow-white shade, the same shape, and the correct direction of growth (if there was initially a slight curvature).

Unrolling veneers on teeth

The installation of veneers on teeth has become a popular dental service - these are special thin plates for eliminating chips and cracks in the enamel, as well as for giving teeth ideal whiteness. Veneers allow you to create a real “Hollywood” smile with flawlessly white tooth enamel and the absence of any defects.

To increase demand for this service, it is necessary to inform as many people as possible about it. Our portal contains information about the installation of veneers and the advantages of this method of aesthetic dentistry. This will help to arouse the keen interest of potential clients, many of whom dream of getting rid of the aesthetic imperfections of their smile. Veneers help remove age spots, eliminate unsightly chips or disguise irreversible darkening of the enamel.

With proper promotion, you can talk in detail about the advantages of this method, as well as its safety. When installed correctly, such plates last a long time and do not require complex additional care. If you want to interest your future patients’ clinics in this service, publish information about it on the Moscow Dentistry portal.

Types of fixed dentures

This type of prosthetics is indicated in the case of incomplete edentia - the absence of one to three teeth or their fragments. Its essence is to fix prosthetic structures on hard tissues using special cementing compounds. Fixed dentures can be temporary or permanent; they are made of zirconium dioxide, ceramics, composite materials, metal, and plastic.

Installation of this type of prosthesis allows you to solve a variety of problems. With the help of bridges, dental defects such as the absence of up to 3 adjacent teeth are eliminated. Cracks or chips of the enamel are masked with overlays - veneers or lumineers, which are firmly attached and prevent further destruction of hard tissues. In case of significant damage to the molars, inlays are installed instead of fillings. In case of partial or complete loss of the crown, an artificial analogue is placed.


They are caps made of various materials that are hermetically placed on a specially prepared natural tooth. Preparation consists of preliminary treatment, depulpation (if necessary), and grinding. After preparation, an anatomically shaped prosthesis is made from the impression taken, and its temporary installation is performed. After a month, the dentist eliminates the identified deficiencies of the artificial crown and performs permanent fixation with medical cement.

Dental crowns

This type of prosthetics is performed using various materials:

  1. Metal – alloy of cobalt with chromium, precious metals. It is used in modern dentistry only for prosthetics of chewing teeth, since it looks unnatural. Metal crowns are the most durable and also the cheapest (if they are made by KHS).
  2. Metal-ceramics is a combination of a metal base with a ceramic coating. A more expensive and aesthetic option, not inferior in strength to the previous one.
  3. Ceramics is lithium disilicate, which is a durable material that fully matches natural tooth enamel in transparency and color.
  4. Zirconium dioxide - the best dentures that can be made are made from it - durable, aesthetic, but expensive.
  5. Plastic - used as a temporary overlay or for cladding a metal structure. It quickly darkens, deteriorates, and stains, but is very cheap.

Crowns are the optimal way to restore a tooth that is more than half destroyed. Installing a crown restores the ability to chew food properly and makes your smile aesthetically pleasing.


Fixed orthopedic structures designed for prosthetics of 1-2 (less often three) dental units in a row. Longer products are impractical because they do not bear the chewing load and do not have increased strength. Bridges are a series of monolithic crowns that are attached to supporting teeth or implants. They are made from modern materials - metal ceramics, zirconium dioxide, and metal. Depending on the method of fastening, they are divided into several types.


Recommended for prosthetics if you need to preserve healthy abutment teeth. A design feature of this type of bridge is the fastening in the form of thin horizontal fiberglass plates, which are fixed on the inner surface of one’s own teeth. The design is quite durable, and also has a number of other advantages:

  • aesthetics - the fastenings are invisible because they are located on the tongue side;
  • safety – healthy teeth are not subjected to grinding:
  • low price - formed by reducing material consumption.

The disadvantages of an abrasive prosthesis include its fragility (average service life is no more than 2 years), as well as the thickening of the supporting teeth. The last factor is a consequence of applying fastenings and takes some time to get used to.


Suitable for eliminating a single defect, since only the teeth on one side are used as support. The supporting units (one or more) are ground, and a crown with a console made of zirconium or metal-ceramics is fixed on them. Since this type of fastening cannot be considered sufficiently reliable, cantilever bridges can only replace incisors with canines.

This design lasts about 5-7 years, but does not slow down bone tissue atrophy and is not highly durable. In addition, the supporting tooth gradually shifts, so consoles are placed only when it is impossible to use the teeth on both sides as support. For the same reason, this type of prosthetics does not correct end defects.


A bridge of this type is placed in cases where the axes of the supporting teeth are not parallel to each other. The structural elements are movably connected using hinges, clasps, and the “groove-ball” system. The main advantage of a composite bridge prosthesis is the possibility of prosthetics of inclined dental units. In addition, they are quite durable (last 12-15 years) because they are made of metal.


Solid metal dentures are characterized by increased strength and also do not require significant grinding of the teeth. However, due to their low aesthetic appeal, they are used for prosthetics exclusively for molars. If part of the prosthesis is visible, metal can be combined with metal ceramics. For example, the crowns on teeth 7 and 6 should be made cobalt-chrome, and those on teeth 5 and 4 – metal-ceramic. This reduces the cost of making a prosthesis without compromising your smile.


Microprosthetics are used for partial destruction of the crown, chips and damage to tooth enamel. It is an intermediate link between filling and installation of a prosthesis. Microprostheses are made of composite materials, metal, ceramics, and are fixed using cement or special glue.

Veneers and Lumineers

They are thin ceramic plates designed to correct defects in the front teeth:

  • cracks;
  • chips;
  • spots;
  • darkening of the enamel;
  • gaps, irregularities;
  • thinning of enamel.

Veneers are coverings for teeth

Lumineers with a thickness of 0.2 mm are more expensive, but have a service life of 20 years, do not require significant grinding of teeth, and are fixed with glue. Veneers are cheaper, but you will have to prepare about 0.7 mm of hard tissue, attach the plates with cement, and the service life of the lining is no more than 15 years.


This method of prosthetics is suitable for restoring the crowns of chewing teeth. The orthopedic dentist makes an impression, with the help of which a microprosthesis is made from metal or composite. It is attached with cement and is several times stronger than conventional fillings. If the crown is completely destroyed, a metal or metal-ceramic core inlay is placed.

Dentures on implants

The best dentures that can be installed as quickly, efficiently, and for a long time are designs on implants. They are classified as conditionally removable, since only a specialist can remove or install them. The prosthesis consists of an artificial jaw with teeth, titanium pins, and abutments. Compared to traditional implantation, this prosthetic method has several advantages:

  • installation in 1 day;
  • no bone tissue augmentation required;
  • can be placed without age restrictions;
  • the number or condition of the teeth does not matter.

All-on-4 technology is suitable for prosthetics of both jaws. The procedure is performed one day after preliminary sanitation of the oral cavity. Installs two pins in the patient’s jaw in the front, without tilting, and two more on the sides at an angle. Abutments are attached to the artificial roots, and an acrylic prosthesis is attached to them.

All-on-6 is a variation of the previous technique, but using 6 implants. Suitable for people with significant atrophy, reduced bone density, and those with periodontal disease. Implantation using this method provides more reliable fixation, requires more materials, and therefore costs more.

Teeth brushing advertisement

To maintain ideal white teeth, as well as prevent the development of caries, it is not enough just to regularly brush your teeth with a regular brush and toothpaste. It is recommended to periodically carry out the cleaning procedure in a dental clinic: there are a number of cleaning methods that help remove plaque and dense tartar that has formed.

On the Moscow Dentistry portal you can place advertisements for teeth cleaning in various ways, this makes it possible to notify potential clients about new achievements in dentistry. Hygienists clean enamel in various ways using professional pastes, Air Fiow technology or ultrasound.

Use the convenient opportunity to talk about the clinic’s services: the Moscow Dentistry portal publishes advertising information for patients and talks about the advantages of each method. Advertising your clinic posted on the portal will help significantly increase the flow of patients and increase the profitability of your work. Use this convenient opportunity to promote and receive positive reviews.

There are two significant disadvantages to the clasp prosthesis:

  • To install it, you need to have your own (at least several) teeth;
  • It is more expensive than its LP counterpart.

However, there is good news for patients of the professor’s clinic: prices for dental and orthopedic services in the clinic are affordable, and consultation with the head physician is free . We offer favorable conditions for prosthetics using modern materials, technologies and equipment.

Date of publication: September 20, 2020 Last update: September 22, 2021 © 2020 Professorial Dentistry “22 Century”. All rights reserved.

Dentistry advertising: texts that generate income

To promote a dental clinic or office, printed materials, television and the Internet are usually used. But regardless of the type of promotion, you will need to come up with a bright text, a slogan that will attract the attention of the target audience.

The text for advertising dental services should be short but meaningful. No one will read lengthy discussions about why your clinic is better than others.

The main task is to determine what your customers want. Some are trying to save money, for some it is important that the treatment be painless, for many it is important that the clinic be close to home.

What are the advantages of your dentistry? New technologies, convenient location, modern equipment, low prices or highly qualified employees - choose what you can stand out with.

Examples of slogans for dental clinics:

  • “Healthy teeth without pain and fear”
  • "32 reasons for a Hollywood smile"
  • “Cheaper because it’s not in
  • “World-class dentistry at St. Petersburg prices”

Teeth whitening advertisement

Advertising teeth whitening on Instagram, VK

and on other platforms it is becoming more and more popular - more and more people are striving to achieve a perfect smile and eliminate even the slightest darkening of the enamel. Our portal helps clinics explain the whitening options they offer in order to inform patients about the possibility of eliminating aesthetic imperfections.

Whitening advertising provides an opportunity to increase clinic attendance by attracting new patients. Dentists can talk about the introduction of new technologies and the services offered by dental hygienists to prevent caries and other oral diseases. The portal's traffic is constantly growing, it helps to gain a strong position in the dental services market in the capital.

Take advantage of the convenient opportunity to place an advertisement for teeth whitening in a clinic on our portal. All costs will be justified due to the increased flow of patients and increased profits of the medical institution. If you use advanced technologies for cleaning enamel and making it whiter, our portal will help you talk about it to get ahead of your competitors.

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