Teeth like stars - how they do it, why are they always straight and white?

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  • Teeth like stars - how they do it, why are they always straight and white?

05/10/2021 ~2 min.

Pop artists and movie stars, both “ours” and foreign ones, under any circumstances and from any angle, always demonstrate snow-white smiles, literally “sparkling” with beautiful, even, perfectly white teeth. How such teeth are “made”, are there any shortcomings and how much does it cost - in the DI material.

Whitening with the Air-Flow system ("Air-Flo")

The Air-Flow system (“Air-Flo”) is usually used after ultrasonic cleaning and is included in the complex of professional oral hygiene. The essence of Air-Flow is that an air stream mixed with particles of water and a special cleaning powder (soda-based) is supplied through a special nozzle. This removes the dark bacterial film from the enamel and polishes the enamel. As a result, teeth look 1-2 shades lighter (the original natural shade), acquire shine1 and also become more protected, because It is quite difficult for bacteria to attach to a polished surface.

Criteria for beautiful teeth

Clean water and a balanced diet, proper hygiene and regular visits to the dentist are important conditions for developing white, straight teeth. Neglect of these standards leads to the need for serious work to restore the shape and color of incisors, canines, and molars. You may even need to replace rows. An ideal smile has the following parameters, calculated mathematically:

  1. The presence of a normal bite, when the lower units overlap the upper front incisors by one third.
  2. Dimensions of the frontal organs: length - no more than 8 millimeters, height - no more than 6 millimeters.
  3. The width of the crown should be 75% of its length.
  4. Diastemia and trema should be absent altogether or not exceed one millimeter.
  5. The ratio of the size of the crowns, their shine, shape and shade is determined separately for each patient.

Physiologists have proven that for a wide and frank smile, at least 45 facial muscles are involved. Attractiveness is based on symmetry. For women, the lines should be rounded, and for representatives of the stronger sex – straight. The location of the units plays an important role. It should be harmonious and even in the arc. The units on the left and right may be slightly different.

When a dentist models ideal parameters, he uses special calculations and a computer program. In case of malocclusion or high crowding of units, intervention is required. The color of the designs is selected individually. For bright brunettes, white crowns are suitable; for fair-haired patients, doctors offer warmer shades. This will help in maintaining harmony and naturalness.

Whitening using enamel remineralization

Remineralization saturates tooth enamel with “building” elements – calcium, phosphorus, fluorine. As a result, it becomes stronger and lighter (but not by much, only 1-2 tones). In dentistry, a special two-phase system is used - deep fluoridation, suitable for adults and children with mixed dentition. At home, you can use pharmaceutical remineralizing gels (for example, ROCS), which are available for adults and for children from 2-3 years of age.

On a note! All of the above measures will not make the smile snow-white, like that of a screen star, but, nevertheless, they will lighten it a little - and this will still be noticeable from the outside. But to make your teeth truly white, i.e. To whiten them significantly (by 8-15 tones), you need to turn to professional bleaching.

Photobleaching – ZOOM technique and others

Why do stars have snow-white teeth? The answer is simple - to improve their appearance, they turn to specialists. For example, one of the most popular methods is photo-whitening ZOOM 3 and ZOOM 4. Its essence is that a gel containing bleaching substances - hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide - is applied to the tooth enamel. Next, the doctor turns on a special lamp with ultraviolet light, under the rays of which a chemical reaction begins in the gel. Its components penetrate the enamel and lighten it by 10-15 tones, making it truly snow-white.

In addition to the ZOOM method, Amazing White and Beyond are widely used. But they have a slightly different concentration of active substances, there is no ultraviolet light in the lamp, and the brightening effect is less pronounced than that of Zoom.

Using products at home

Americans for the most part do not use folk recipes, as they like to do in Russia. But with great diligence they use special gels placed in mouth guards, chewing gum, strips (for example, Crest Whitestrips), enamel pencils with hydrogen peroxide, as well as whitening pastes with a high level of abrasiveness. All of these products have an insignificant effect; they allow you to lighten the enamel by 1–4 tones. But with their help, you can maintain the results of cabinet or office whitening longer.

“We always used to wonder why Americans have such good teeth. Even in some post-apocalyptic film, their main characters always have perfect and snow-white smiles. There is no way to lose face, even if everyone around you was shot at and the end of the world has come. Their cult of youth, health and external attractiveness is so strong!!! But today it’s easy to understand how they achieve such a smile: it involves whitening, prosthetics, and implantation. All this is available today in Russia.”

Marika, review from woman.ru

Home remedies are often used not only by those in America who maintain the results of in-office whitening, but also by people who do not have the money to pay for the services of a professional dentist. True, in the latter case, the risk of complications and problems is quite high, since many people abuse bleaching compounds.

How to whiten your smile with a laser

The principle of the technique is somewhat similar to photobleaching - a gel is also applied to the enamel, but it will be activated by a laser (diode or neodymium). The length of the laser beam is specially designed so as not to harm the teeth - not to overheat them and prevent injury. Dentists even note the fact that the laser not only perfectly whitens a smile by 10-15 tones, but also makes the enamel stronger, i.e. protects against caries.

“I finally decided to have laser whitening and it wasn’t a bad choice at all. Three years ago I did Zoom, but after it my teeth ached terribly, to the point of tears. The doctor said that this is a reaction of the body and this happens. But I didn’t need that anymore)) And after the laser, nothing bothered me at all, and my smile just became great.”

Alena, review from the women's forum woman.ru

Is everything as rosy as in the photos and movies?

Some researchers argue that the majority of residents of the American outback have oral health that is not much different from that of the average Russian. Such patients will not go to the doctor until their teeth hurt. They will also choose to perform removal rather than treatment if it is cheaper. Many people still have a low level of education about oral care and the prevention of dental diseases.

On a note! Experts emphasize: the idea that absolutely everyone in the United States has white teeth is nothing more than a stereotype caused by Hollywood cinema and the beauty standards imposed in it. True, many residents are trying to meet these standards.

Some American schools have only recently begun to ban the sale of candy and highly carbonated drinks that negatively affect enamel. And many parents are in no hurry to take their children and teenagers to the dentist, so when they reach 20–30 years old, they have teeth that are no longer useful to whiten or even treat.

It is also noteworthy that in the States it is often cheaper to install removable dentures than to cure a tooth, which, by the way, many patients are calm about. But the quality and level of production of dentures is very high, artificial teeth sometimes look even better than real ones, so many people look and wonder where Americans get such “Hollywood” smiles.

Chemical enamel whitening

The chemical whitening method is more gentle than ZOOM, but also involves the application of a special active gel with hydrogen peroxide. Lamp activation is not used here, because the active components begin to “work” immediately after application. The most popular technique is called Opalescence Boost PF - here the active gel contains not only whitening, but also enamel remineralizing components (fluorides and trace elements).

Interesting fact! Before photo, laser or chemical whitening, dentists recommend taking a course of professional hygiene (ultrasound treatment and Air-Flow) in order to achieve maximum whitening effect. It is also necessary to strengthen the enamel with a course of remineralization, because chemical components can weaken it and increase tooth sensitivity.


Irina Krutikova, 36 years old, Moscow: “Before traveling abroad I decided to whiten my teeth. But I didn’t have time, so I went to the clinic and used laser treatment. The result was impressive, the teeth became significantly whiter. But then I had to deal with sensitivity. As a result, during my vacation I carefully selected my food items and ate practically nothing. Plus from bleaching – minus 6 kg in 10 days.”

Anatoly Filippov, 29 years old, Novosibirsk: “I noticed that a lot of plaque began to accumulate on my teeth. They became yellower, I couldn’t find the reason, but I didn’t go to the clinic. I decided to use lemon at home. Then I used baking soda along with lemon. Within a month, the plaque was gone, now I use the same products for whitening - no more than once a week.”

Microprosthetics with veneers and lumineers

Often people who want to get really white teeth, like Hollywood stars, do not know what this whitening method is called. In fact, beautiful teeth among stars are not always the result of whitening procedures. Celebrities often resort to special coverings for their front teeth - veneers. Also very popular is a unique type of veneers called “Lumineers,” which are created in only one laboratory in the United States. Veneers not only give a whiter smile, but also “hide” minor defects (chips, cracks) and correct minor bite pathologies.

Veneers are permanent microprostheses, the thinnest plates that can be created from porcelain, ceramics, glass ceramics, and zirconium dioxide. Depending on the properties of the material, you can get truly beautiful and durable teeth that will delight their owner for 10-20 years or more. Popular brands of veneers are E.max, Empress, Prettau.

Interesting to know! Manufacturers make materials not only pure white - after all, “faience” whiteness looks unnatural. Veneers are painted in light but natural shades, which will look more advantageous than snow-white ones. By the way, according to experts, the optimal color of teeth should be only 3-4 shades lighter than the color of human skin.

Beautiful teeth should be straight

Crowded crooked units lead to the fact that their owners feel inferior. To get rid of this, you need to contact orthodontists. Modern methods allow you to fix problems using expensive and low-cost methods. Designs can be completely invisible or visible. They eliminate defects and asymmetry.

  • If you need quick results with good oral health, dentists offer veneers.
  • It is possible to reconstruct the original units, that is, install aligners or braces. Aligners are transparent plates. They are changed once every 15 days. They are anti-allergenic, install quickly, but can only correct minor distortions.
  • To correct the bite, orthodontic systems such as mouthguards are used.

Bracket systems

An effective technology for correcting malocclusion is installing a brace system. Classic metal structures, which cause horror in patients, have been replaced by new devices: sapphire, lingual, ceramic, and other materials. An orthodontic device that aligns units consists of brackets, an arch, an elastic band, a chain, and springs. A special glue is used to fix the brackets. The operating principle of the structures:

  1. The dentist draws up a trajectory for the movement of crooked organs.
  2. Then he places systems on each crown.
  3. Then the arc is inserted into the groove. The arches have a memory effect.
  4. Misplaced teeth are gradually moved using archwire pressure.

The pressure is not strong, but constant. This affects the dental system. As a result, the unit tilts in the desired direction, sinks, turns, and extends outward.

Mouth guards

To get beautiful, healthy teeth with maximum comfort, special polymer caps are used. They are invisible to others because they are transparent. The caps fully correspond to the size and shape of the crowns of a particular patient. They do not cause inconvenience when eating or wearing, as they fit tightly to the crowns. The adaptation period is very short. Patients do not take them off during sleep; they are easy to care for.

To make the mouth guards, dental samples are taken from each patient. During the therapy period, each curved unit moves to the correct position according to the trajectory that is specified. Movement occurs due to constant light pressure. The design must be worn daily. It is removed at the moment when hygiene procedures are carried out. The caps are changed after 15-20 days. The system is removed as soon as a healthy bite is restored.


Today you can straighten your teeth without braces. Special overlays (veneers) are used. They have many varieties. They are comfortable to wear. The structures are installed after minimal grinding of the crown within the enamel layer. They have been serving for more than 15 years. It is possible to install composite veneers. This is how a chipped, narrow or short crown is built up. This gives the cutter the desired shade and beautiful shape.

Plates are placed on healthy organs. After therapy, units affected by caries or other pathological changes are covered with crowns made of metal ceramics, zirconium and other materials.

Prosthetics with crowns and bridges

In cases where teeth are severely damaged, have large fillings, or have had their canals treated many times, the optimal solution is to install crowns made from modern materials (ceramics, ceramic composite, zirconium dioxide). You can also install a whole bridge of several crowns if a large number of teeth are destroyed or some of them are missing.

However, dentists now recommend installing implants rather than bridges. Because bridges quickly fail under chewing load, but implants last forever - and provide the highest comfort and aesthetics of a smile.

Where to get the smile of your dreams?

How and where do you get snow-white teeth like stars? To carry out professional whitening, you need to contact a clinic that has the appropriate equipment and experienced specialists. Teeth are whitened by a dental hygienist, but this procedure can also be performed by a dental therapist - contacting any of these doctors will allow you to get teeth like a star.

The installation of veneers, lumineers and crowns is carried out by an orthopedic dentist, and implantation is carried out by an implantologist. If your bite needs correction with braces, you should first visit an orthodontist.


Anna Khilkevich and Maria Gorban
Maria has veneers. Very natural teeth, nice to look at. As previously described, you need to look after the veneers as you would your own teeth, avoiding impacts and visiting your dentist for thorough cleaning of plaque and tartar that may occur.

Which star gave himself a snow-white smile?

It is quite difficult to get an answer to this question from the celebrities themselves. But if you carefully examine the smiles of the stars, it becomes clear that almost every famous person undergoes whitening on a regular basis. And if he doesn’t, then he gets veneers or lumineers to make his appearance even more attractive and not lose popularity. Only a few can boast of ideal white and naturally straight teeth.

If we turn to world stars with a “Hollywood” smile, which they acquired some time after they became very popular, then we can focus on the following personalities - Marilyn Monroe, Tom Cruise, Julia Roberts, Madonna, George Clooney, David Beckham , Emma Watson and many others.

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