Cupid's bow or heart-shaped: what the shape of your lips can say about you

Sometimes it can be difficult to understand what makes a face beautiful. Almond-shaped eyes, a regular nose or prominent cheekbones...

To determine the degree of attractiveness of a face, we use a mathematical method. As part of the harmonizing approach developed by Andrei Iskornev, in our clinics we calculate the exact proportions between individual parts of the face that make us more attractive.

It turns out that the distance between the upper lip and the nose is of great importance. Ideally, it should be no more than a quarter of the distance from the nose to the chin and range from 12 to 18 millimeters.

What is bullhorn cheiloplasty?

Bullhorn lipplasty is a plastic surgery, one of the types of cheiloplasty.

If we use medical terminology, a bullhorn is a subnasal surgical lift, the purpose of which is to reduce the distance between the nose and upper lip. This allows you to enlarge the upper lip and reduce its skin part.

The name of the procedure comes from the English bull's horn: a small incision in the fold under the nose is shaped like bull's horns.

Since reverse correction of bullhorn results is practically impossible, we at Platinental approach the planning stage very carefully. Before surgery, we take a series of anatomical facial measurements to calculate your individual beauty formula.

After all, the goal of this operation is not just to enlarge the upper lip. The goal is to make your lips sensual and your face more attractive.

The point is that there should be a place for lips on the face. And if the distance from the base of the nose to the upper lip is small, especially in combination with a drooping tip of the nose, we often recommend another correction method.

When forming the incision, we repeat the shape of the base of the nose so that the seam after the operation is carefully hidden in the fold underneath it.

Using a special microsurgical technology and without tissue tension, we form the thinnest possible suture, which after healing becomes no thicker than a human hair.

Regular, or Cupid's Bow

The symmetrical shape of the lips is also called Cupid's Bow: according to scientific research, this is the sexiest and most desirable shape that women strive for and men are delighted with. Happy owners of Cupid's Bow are characterized by prudence: they are calm and consistent, it is difficult to unbalance them and anger them. Such people are the best negotiators, partners and psychologists; they can easily put themselves in the shoes of their interlocutor, so they are always ready to compromise or give practical advice. Meanwhile, they can always stand up for themselves and defend their values. Owners of this lip shape are intellectuals and treat others with respect. It is also believed that they are characterized by healthy optimism and a sense of humor.

When is lip surgery needed?

Bulhorn upper lipplasty is used to bring the distance between the upper lip and the nose to harmoniously perfect proportions. Therefore, the indications for surgery are very diverse:

The ratio of lip volume to other facial parameters

In addition to a sober assessment of the initial structure of the lips, it is important to take into account the overall proportions of the face.

Rhinoplasty surgeons know that the problem of a large nose is not always associated with the true massiveness of its tissues. A prominent nose may be a consequence of chin hypotrophy and distal occlusion.

A similar story with the mouth. The same medium-sized lips will look completely different on a petite heart-shaped face and a full square face. Other parts of the face also play a major role in perception - eyes, nose, cheekbones.

People with the following initial data can safely enlarge their lips:

  • Oval shaped face with regular features
  • Smooth contour of the lower jaw, narrowed downwards
  • High cheekbones
  • Large distance between the philtrum and the tip of the nose
  • Thinness of lips in comparison with other facial features
  • Normal bite

People with the following data should approach lip augmentation with caution

  • Elongated and angular face shape - with the slightest overcorrection there is a risk of getting the rough appearance of a “travesty”
  • Large and bulging eyes - with hypercorrection there is a possibility of becoming like the heroine of a Soviet cartoon about the blue sea
  • Open bite - with overcorrection, the lower part of the face will protrude more forward, which will create something of a “Neanderthal” effect
  • A small face with subtle “doll-like” features - with hyper-correction you will get a caricature, or even “alien” appearance

This does not mean that you should forget about lip shape correction for the listed features. But this means that you should choose a doctor with a developed aesthetic sense and taste, who is interested in the beautiful result of the procedure, and not in selling a large dosage of filler.

Also, do not insist on a specific volume: the cosmetologist can better see what your lips and face as a whole . It is more profitable to come back for correction and add fullness after distribution and “shrinkage” of the drug than to inject hyaluronidase to completely or partially break down the gel.


Cosmetologists often have to be torn between the medical rule “do no harm” and the corporate rule “the client is always right.”

And yet, an honest doctor would rather choose the option of parting with one client than tarnish his reputation. “Duck” lips are the object of mass ridicule and jokes. Online celebrities, who 5-6 years ago promoted their huge lips as an “image feature,” got rid of them surgically. “Experienced” patients in terms of contour plastic surgery are showing more and more caution with the previous requests to “inject the maximum volume.” And cosmetologists who allow hyper-correction create anti-advertising for themselves.

We don't like lips that are enlarged like this:

We pay special attention to the formation of invisible seams

The bullhorn scar is located in the visible part of the face. To disguise it, we at Platinental use a number of proprietary developments and tricks that we have accumulated over a long period of practice.

For example, we make an incision under the nose so that after healing it is securely hidden by the anatomical structures of the nose and falls out of sight. We perform fixation and suturing of the scar exclusively using microsurgical techniques. Due to this, the scar after bullhorn turns out thin and practically invisible.

If a small scar is still embarrassing, we perform laser resurfacing of the scar. But, as a rule, this is not required.

Expert comment:

“Bullhorn is not as simple an operation as it looks at first glance.

Before conducting it, I always take into account the rules of harmony and proportions of the golden section. My experience shows that to correct a smile and enlarge the upper lip, it is enough to remove literally 1-2 mm of skin.

Even with a strong desire to get plump lips, excision of a wide flap for bullhorn is contraindicated. On the one hand, this is fraught with excessive inversion of the mucous membrane, which cracks and becomes inflamed. On the other hand, a short distance between the nose and upper lip destroys attractive proportions and adds several years to the face.

Choose your bullhorn surgeon carefully. Do not forget that this operation is performed in the area of ​​the most visible part of the face, and it is almost impossible to correct its results. There is no point in taking risks; correcting bad work in this case will be very difficult and expensive.”

Maxim Vasiliev, plastic surgeon.

Doll lips

Puppet lips with a bow give the deceptive impression that in front of you stands a delicate flower that needs to be protected from the dangers of the big world. Don't be naive: girls with this lip shape can always stand up for themselves. They make strict but fair leaders who demand iron discipline from their subordinates. At the first meeting, the owners of doll lips may seem stern, selfish and withdrawn, but you should definitely get to know them better. Such girls are simply accustomed to keeping their experiences to themselves. They are not iron ladies, they are characterized by compassion and self-sacrifice, and if you earn their trust, you will find reliable support and a devoted friend in them.

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Bullhorn varieties

The bullhorn operation is not always performed according to the same scenario. It has several modifications.

1. For example, there is the so-called internal, or VY bullhorn , when during the operation additional hidden incisions are made in the upper lip from the mucosal side.

The surgeon performs 2 incisions of the upper lip in the shape of a V followed by suturing in a Y shape. This method allows you to enhance the effect of plump lips and get a very natural result.

2. There is also an " Italian bullhorn ". In this case, the incision is not made in one continuous line, but consists of two small incisions to the right and left of the columella.

The advantages of this option include the fact that the scar under the nose after such a procedure is practically invisible. The downside is that this method will not lift the upper lip significantly.

Large and plump

Plump lips have always been considered a symbol of femininity and sexuality, so their owners have gained the reputation of being the most spoiled beauties by male attention. Meanwhile, they do not at all strive to become the center of attraction of all views. These are very devoted, sensual girls who dream of big and bright love. They are faithful wives and caring mothers. Despite the fact that owners of this lip shape can show character and protect themselves, they are at the same time very merciful and compassionate: they are ready to take care of others and come to the aid of even unfamiliar people.

Is it possible to do non-surgical bullhorn?

To enlarge the upper lip without surgery, it is enough to do lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid. However, lip correction with fillers is not always suitable for a number of reasons.

Firstly, to maintain lip size, fillers need to be pinned about twice a year.

Secondly, with initially thin lips, fillers cannot significantly affect their size.

Thirdly, what we talked about from the very beginning, the root of age-related changes in appearance most often lies not in the lips themselves, but in the increased distance between the upper lip and the nose. It is this problem that non-surgical correction cannot solve.

The lower lip is larger than the upper lip

Girls with a plump lower lip and a thin upper lip are real adventurers. For them, life is a series of adventures full of emotions, passions and sometimes dangers. Such girls do not know how to stay in one place for a long time: a working day in the office makes them despondent, so they prefer project work, which involves constantly meeting new people and diverse tasks. These people are the soul and heart of any company; they are sociable, energetic, love to learn new things and take risks. It is believed that girls with such lips are a little flighty in relationships, but this is not entirely true: their chosen one will simply have to take into account that they cannot be forced to sit within four walls and need to constantly feed the fire of their feelings.

Ideal lips - what are they?

Of course, each person has his own sense of “beautiful” and his own subjective concepts of beauty. However, there are also some objective parameters that determine the beauty of lips. There is even a formula for a beautiful mouth, consisting of mathematically verified parameters that serve as a guide for practical aesthetic medicine:

  • mouth width - the distance between the corners of the mouth at rest should be approximately 5.9 cm, while visually the width of the mouth should look smaller than the distance between the pupils;
  • the ratio of the lower and upper lips - the upper lip should be 1.5 times narrower than the lower lip, that is, the ratio should be 1 to 1.5;
  • clarity of relief - the ideal curve of the upper and lower lips should resemble Cupid's arch, and the columns of the philtrum (vertical skin ridges between the base of the nose and the upper lip) should be expressive;
  • the distance between the base of the nose and the upper border should not exceed 1.3 cm, and the distance between the chin and the middle of the lower lip should not exceed 4 cm;
  • raised corners of the mouth.

Corners of the lips, mouth size, curve and thickness - learning to recognize a person by facial features

A Japanese proverb says that lips are as eloquent as eyes. This was also mentioned by Aristotle, who saw the relationship between the shape of the lips and the internal energy of a person. This is how physiognomy arose in Ancient Greece - a method of describing personality and character traits based on facial features and expression. It’s amazing, but little things like the corners of the lips, the size of the mouth, the curve and thickness can reveal a lot about a person. “Kultpokhod” found out how lips can become a personality detector.

Full, regularly shaped lips have always been a sign of sensuality and increased sexual energy. This shape of character lips is for people who prefer to live a busy life. It's now or never - that's their motto. By nature, they are capricious natures who love to be the center of attention. At the same time, those with full lips have a strong will and excellent self-control. Very often they can be cynical and calculating in achieving their goals. Women with such lips are spoiled by male attention. Protruding lips are evidence of immaturity and constant whims. Such a person is quite dependent, weak-willed and suspicious. It is not difficult to manipulate and influence him.

What kind of vices are not attributed to the owners of thin lips? But, contrary to stereotypes, these are by no means always envious, evil and selfish characters. Thin lips with soft lines indicate an overly restrained but charming nature. They show women who are smart, honest and modest. They are often witty, assertive and stubborn, but not at all vindictive. Those with narrow lips and a small mouth are characterized by isolation, asceticism and insight. Thin lips of the owner of a large mouth speak of an active nature, straightforwardness and great ambitions. These people are not afraid to take risks, which is why they often seem belligerent and aggressive. They are always faithful to what fascinates them, boldly go towards their goal and are convinced that all means are good for this.

Slightly parted lips indicate weakness. The less clear the outline of the lips, the less determination and will in the character of their owner. A slightly open mouth indicates emotionality and a call for sensual pleasures. Such people are spontaneous, impressionable and look at life through rose-colored glasses. Clearly drawn, harmonious lips may belong to a sensitive intellectual, whose character combines sentimentality and rationality. Any asymmetrical shape of lips is considered to be a sign of deceitful nature. Perhaps because people hate curves. But, contrary to prejudices, owners of such lips are often distinguished by a kind and cheerful disposition.

Lips with raised corners indicate a great mood and an optimistic attitude. People with this lip shape seem to be constantly smiling and therefore do not remain alone for long. Those around them feel a magical attraction to such life-loving natures. Men with raised corners of their lips are considered playboys, and women are known as skilled lovers. Drooping corners of the lips indicate a person’s tendency toward pessimism and despondency. These people take everything to heart and often feel unable to survive difficult circumstances. Lips with downturned corners can also indicate arrogance and censure of others, but more often they indicate an inferiority complex. Women and men with this lip shape are in dire need of approval, love and sensitivity.

A large mouth is characteristic of pronounced extroverts. Such natures have a great appetite for everything - from physical to spiritual and intellectual needs. They are sociable, friendly, openly express emotions and do not go unnoticed, and they often show themselves as passionate people. A small mouth is characteristic of people who are accustomed to limiting themselves. These natures are often closed and accustomed to suppressing their desires, needs and thoughts. Their character is characterized by secrecy, suspicion, severity and discipline. More often than not, people with small lips are introverts and tend to hide their experiences.

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