Herpes on gums and oral care

Herpes on the lips (lat. Herpes labialis, in everyday life the names cold sores or fever on the lips are sometimes used) is a consequence of infection with a certain type of herpes virus. This disease is one of the common infectious diseases of the skin and mucous membranes, which is easily transmitted between people.

There are 8 known types of herpes simplex virus, and each type predominantly causes herpetic lesions of a certain type. Herpes on the lips is initiated by infection with the herpes simplex virus type 1, much less commonly with type 2. The type 1 virus can also cause other diseases, for example herpetic stomatitis, herpetic keratoconjunctivitis.

How does primary infection occur?

Often, the initial infection with a herpes infection has no symptoms and is not noticeable. But it happens that complications appear along with herpes:

  • gingivostomatitis - inflammation of the oral mucosa and gums;
  • an increase in temperature, accompanied by the appearance of blisters and ulcers in the mouth;
  • herpetic panaritium (inflammation of the finger tissue) - the infection can spread to the fingers if they are pulled into the mouth;
  • rashes can occur throughout the oral cavity, affecting the gums, which turn red and bleed. The child refuses to eat because the process becomes painful.

Complications of herpes on the lips

With mild or moderate inflammation, it disappears on its own. However, in infants and young children, for whom this is a primary infection, the symptoms of herpes on the lips and its consequences can become dangerous. But essentially this is due to the general primary infection of the child’s body with herpesvirus type 1.

Generalized infection. External symptoms are mild, but the general condition of a small child’s body resembles sepsis. Foci of infection are localized in the internal organs (lungs, liver, kidneys, spleen, brain), and can even lead to respiratory failure.

Transition to other organs and systems of the body. It is possible to transfer herpetic lesions to the skin, oral cavity, and eyes. In the visual system, inflammation of the cornea and conjunctiva (keratoconjunctivitis), as well as the retina and choroid (chorioretinitis) is possible.

Inflammation of the brain (encephalitis). The child has a high fever, severe lethargy, tense fontanel, convulsive seizures and coma are possible.

Reactivation of the virus (secondary infection) with symptoms of herpes on the lips can also lead to complications. Most often, the lesion spreads to the eyes - inflammation of the cornea (herpetic keratoconjunctivitis) with its clouding, scarring, visual impairment, even to the point of blindness.

An extremely dangerous complication is inflammation of the brain (encephalitis). In adults and older children, it can take an acute form, in which only three out of ten people survive without treatment.

How to fight a “cold”?

If herpes appears for the first time or in a baby under 6 months, and the disease is accompanied by fever and affects not only the lips, then you need to consult a pediatrician for antiviral therapy.

Often recurrent infections go away on their own. But you can shorten their duration by using local antiherpetic agents (active ingredient acyclovir).

Ways to reduce discomfort:

  • apply a cold compress to the area of ​​the rash;
  • avoid sour and spicy foods;
  • choose cool drinks;
  • if there is severe pain, then use ibuprofen or paracetamol;
  • Do not use products containing lidocaine due to possible side effects or overdose.

How to prevent the spread of the virus:

  • it is important to ensure that the child does not scratch the rash and wash his hands;
  • use individual dishes, towels, toothbrushes for a child with a herpes infection;
  • during an exacerbation, you should not engage in contact sports;
  • a child with a “cold” on his lips should not kiss other people.

Symptoms of herpes on the lips

Quite often, the first symptoms of herpes on the lips are almost unnoticeable - mild irritation of the affected areas, their increased sensitivity. Subsequently, visible symptoms appear: inflamed and painful blisters, possible purulent plaque on the mucous membranes of the lips, and in some cases, inflammation of the lymph nodes.

Primary infection with the virus usually occurs with mild or moderate damage. Reactivation of the virus leads to more pronounced symptoms of herpes on the lips, but in some cases there are practically no external symptoms. The intervals between repeated outbreaks can be very varied, and are mainly associated with the frequency of provoking factors. Mild forms of this disease pass quite quickly, but when they become severe, they require specific treatment, since complications are possible.

Reasons for a swollen lip

Solving the problem of a swollen lip must begin with identifying the cause of the defect. This can best be done (from a professional point of view) by a doctor - dentist, dermatologist, surgeon, traumatologist, therapist. Any of them, based on an examination and anamnesis data, will make a conclusion about the origin of the swelling, but the list of reasons for both the doctor and the layman is approximately the same, the only difference is in the right choice, which is often not possible without specialized education.

So, what can cause a swollen lip? This:

  • infectious diseases - both in the oral cavity and in the body as a whole;
  • inflammatory processes - both in the oral cavity and in the body as a whole;
  • traumatic damage to the mucous membrane, including piercing;
  • injury;
  • carelessly performed dental procedures;
  • allergic reaction;
  • herpes.

Correctly determining the reason why the lip is swollen is the basis for taking adequate measures to respond to the problem and solving it as quickly as possible.

What measures to take when your lip is swollen?

The most correct advice is to consult a specialist. No matter how superficial and insignificant such a problem as a suddenly swollen lip may seem, its origin can be very dangerous to health - this is the spread of infection in the body and frequent relapses, suppuration and ulceration of the damaged area, the attachment and spread of infectious flora, which only aggravates the course of the pathology .

If your lip is swollen due to a bruise

The most obvious and completely removable cause of lip swelling. It usually happens in a short time after injury and may be accompanied by damage to the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes. If timely treatment of the defect is not undertaken, it can be aggravated by inflammation, infectious damage, and suppuration.

Compresses must be applied to the injury site. Warm or hot. You can start with any choice, and if the first is ineffective, give preference to the second. A cold compress slows down blood flow to the injured area. For this, it is enough to wrap a few ice cubes in a cloth and apply it not so much to the lip and tumor itself, but to the skin nearby. A piece of cloth soaked in hot water can be an alternative, and again, not on the lip, but on the skin next to it, for 15-20 minutes.

If a wound has formed on the lip after a bruise, it is recommended to treat it with hydrogen peroxide and an agent that stops bleeding and promotes healing. It is recommended to use the antiseptics Miramistin or Chlorhexidine, healing ointments Actovegin and Solcoseryl. A “homemade” alternative to pharmaceuticals can be lanolin, olive or sea buckthorn oil.

However, please note that the skin on the lips is very thin and delicate, and deep wounds are difficult to heal. If the lip is so broken that the contour of the lips is lost, their shape changes significantly, rush to the doctor, otherwise healing may occur soon (at best), but the lips will lose their attractive appearance.

If your lip is swollen due to an infectious disease

The lip may become swollen due to a viral or bacterial infection. Moreover, the infection can be localized either directly in the oral cavity or on the lip (stomatitis, herpes), or throughout the body (ARVI).

In this case, antiseptic drugs will demonstrate effectiveness, the use of which is not recommended to delay. They quickly stop the infection and prevent it from spreading and getting worse. When purchasing a drug, it is important to familiarize yourself with the indications for its use and contraindications, which may result in side effects.

Popular antiseptics for the treatment of infectious diseases of the oral cavity are drugs such as Orasept, Chlorophyllipt, Bioparox. They have bactericidal, antiseptic, and analgesic effects. It is sprays and liquids that are easier to use on a swollen lip, rather than tablet or gel-like medications. It is advisable to moisten a cotton pad in the medicine and apply it to the damaged area of ​​the lip.

If the lip is swollen due to inflammatory processes

The inflammatory process in a swollen lip is usually accompanied by the formation of a certain substance inside - it can be a clear liquid, pus, or any other discharge that is concentrated inside or released outside. This is usually accompanied by bad breath, pain, and often visible damage to the mucosa.

This poses a greater health hazard than it may seem. Since unprofessional removal of secretions is fraught with infection, and measures aimed at resolving the tumor do not always eliminate the true cause of inflammation, and subsequently it can appear again either in the area of ​​the lips or in another area of ​​the face.

It is important to establish the cause of the inflammatory process. Typically it is any of the following:

  • swipe,
  • cut or rupture of soft tissues,
  • presence of an open wound,
  • squeezing pimples.

In the first hours of the development of inflammation, it is necessary to respond with measures available to any average person - this is treating the damaged area with hydrogen peroxide. Another quick response measure could be treating the swelling with iodine solution (it is recommended to dilute it 1:1 with plain water). If you are already experiencing excessive dryness of the mucous membrane (and iodine dries out the treated area), it is enough to drink ordinary still water in small portions, the saturation of which will also moisturize the mucous membrane.

If you feel that you are not getting better, the pain and swelling are not decreasing, you should urgently contact a medical facility. Failure to contact a specialist in a timely manner can lead to the accumulation of pus in the lip, which requires surgical removal.

If your lip is swollen due to herpes

When your lip is swollen, you can suspect herpes only if it is a disease characteristic of the body. The formation of herpetic blisters on the lips is usually caused by swelling and soreness of the lips. Within 24 hours, such a swelling forms into a characteristic blister containing a translucent liquid inside.

Under no circumstances should you press or burst the resulting bubble, and the use of specific agents is most effective when starting at the tumor stage, which allows you to speed up the healing process. Popular antiherpetic drugs include Zovirax, Herpevir, Acyclovir. In their formula they contain components that exclusively destroy the manifestations of the herpes virus and have an analgesic and healing effect. They need to be applied regularly and systematically, not only until the main symptoms subside, but also until the blisters completely disappear and for another 1-2 days after that.

If the drugs of this group are powerless and within a few days the symptoms do not subside, but also worsen, the cause is probably not herpes, and therefore it is necessary to seek help from a specialist and not delay treatment that is adequate to the specific case.

If the lip is swollen due to purulent processes in the oral cavity

A swollen lip can be a symptom of stomatitis, gingivitis, periostitis (commonly called gumboil). This type of origin of swelling is perhaps the most dangerous, since purulent processes are certainly accompanied by inflammation, hyperthermia, deterioration in general health and is fraught with the spread of not only the infection, but also the pus containing it deep into the body.

Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral mucosa, jaw, periosteum can be caused by any traumatic lesion of the mucous membrane, improper treatment of dental diseases (including wearing braces, dentures, etc.), insufficient antiseptic treatment of the oral cavity during them or poor hygiene in general. Hypothermia, weakened immune system and stress are of secondary importance. If the reason for the appearance of a tumor lies precisely in diseases of the oral cavity, this does not mean that the danger is local in nature, inflammation can either occur from within the body or spread further, for example, through the bloodstream, which means that swelling on the lip can be eliminated without professional help, and the cause that caused it is unlikely to succeed. It is wise to consult your dentist for specific recommendations.

If your lip is swollen due to allergies

To come to this conclusion, it is necessary to analyze the list of recently consumed food products, cosmetics, household chemicals; perhaps the flowering season begins or an allergy develops to dust or animal dander.

It is typical that the lip is unlikely to become swollen due to inhalation of an allergen (which reduces the likelihood of dust and fur being involved in the swelling); the local action of the allergen is more likely, which means the use of cosmetics and food products, when the lips are easily exposed.

If the lip is truly swollen due to an allergic reaction, then the swelling will also be accompanied by slight numbness, redness, dryness and flaking of the lips.

If your lip is swollen due to external factors

These usually include frostbite or, conversely, overheating and chapping. Damage of this kind is characterized by excessive dryness of the lips, redness and peeling of their surface and, naturally, in the recent past the victim should recall the presence of a certain negative impact. Such an effect does not entail any particular danger, however, it would be useful to treat the lips with a moisturizing cream or cosmetic balm, or special restorative lip masks, which can be prepared at home.

If your lip is swollen due to piercing, tattooing, or plastic surgery

Performing piercings, tattoos in the lip area, or changing their shape through plastic surgery exposes a person to an increased risk of developing swelling and other unpleasant symptoms in the lip area. Swelling can develop either immediately after manipulation or after some time.

It is recommended to carefully examine the punctures or tattoos; it is better to entrust this to a cosmetologist or the person who did them. Thus, the likelihood of developing an inflammatory or purulent process in this area is excluded or confirmed. When piercing, it is very important to check the inside of the piercing and be sure that there are no foreign bodies in it. The jewelry itself can also fit into an extended puncture and cause discomfort and pain to the lip.

Persons with piercings, tattoos, or lip surgery still have the possibility of being exposed to the main risks listed above of the formation of a swelling on the lip.

If your child's lip is swollen

This situation is complicated primarily by the fact that the baby cannot always explain his feelings, describe the events of the last days that could lead to a tumor, especially when it comes to an infant.

During breastfeeding, babies may experience pain on the lips, and parents may notice swelling here due to improper feeding. Incorrect latching of the baby to the breast can cause the formation of calluses in the mouth, and therefore the baby’s discomfort during feeding should be a reason to reconsider the tactics.

It is necessary to take into account that children develop stomatitis more often than adults, and therefore the oral cavity must be examined and, having taken the first measures to treat stomatitis, still contact a pediatric dentist.

Children are more susceptible to allergic reactions than adults, their body is more sensitive to external irritants, children are more susceptible to respiratory viral and bacterial infectious attacks, and therefore, excluding self-medication, it is necessary to contact a specialist for specialized help.

Another reason for a swollen lip in a baby is a simple bruise. It must be dealt with in the same way as in an adult, with the exception of the use of certain pharmaceutical drugs that are not recommended for children.

Traditional medicine for swollen lips

Swelling on the lips is rarely expected; rather, it takes you by surprise. It’s good if your home medicine cabinet contains pharmaceuticals suitable for each specific case. The victim probably has the opportunity to go to both a doctor and a pharmacy. But what to do when your lip is swollen at night? It is advisable to react to damage as quickly as possible; you have to use improvised, “folk remedies”.

Traditional medicine suggests solving the problem of swollen lips as follows:

  • aloe juice - finely chop or crush a large leaf of an adult aloe (over 3 years old) and squeeze out the juice, soak a cotton pad in the juice (or you can wrap the aloe pulp in gauze) and apply to the swelling for 15-20 minutes;
  • a mixture of turmeric, Fuller's earth and water - the powders must be taken in equal quantities and diluted with a small amount of water to a paste-like state; apply to the swelling for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm running water;
  • baking soda - form a paste-like substance from baking soda and a small amount of water and apply it to the damaged area of ​​​​the lips; after 10 minutes, rinse with cold water;
  • honey - apply a thick layer of honey onto a cotton pad, apply to the swollen area for 20 minutes, rinse with cold water; repeat several times a day.
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