Rules for working with the unique composite material Herculite


Composite materials have long been successfully used in dental treatment and dental restoration. They are very easy to use and allow you to recreate the desired tooth shape.

Herculite has long been known in the dental materials market and has established itself as a very high-quality and reliable composite. Its unique composition provides high performance characteristics and allows it to be used for all types of dental restoration.

General presentation and purpose

Herculite is a unique composite material with light reflection. It has been produced for more than 20 years by the Italian company Kerr.

This enterprise began its work at the end of the 19th century. Thanks to its own developments and the addition of several leading companies from other countries, Kerr has become one of the world's largest manufacturers of consumables for dental practitioners. All products are of high quality.

Herculite technology is patented and is the world standard for restoration materials. The composite is a universal composition that recreates the natural properties of the tooth.

The substance can be used for the restoration of any dental cavities and defects:

  • Filling cavities;
  • Treatment of enamel erosions;
  • Elimination of wedge-shaped defect;
  • Correction of the shape and color of teeth;
  • Restoration of ceramic dentures.


For some people, the use of Estelite material may cause allergic reactions to one or another component in the composition (most often to methacrylic monometers). In this case, you should stop using it and look for an analogue. There are no other contraindications to the use of nanocomposite, which is why it is considered universal, since it is used even for treating the teeth of small children.

After filling, the oral cavity is thoroughly cleaned and rinsed with water to avoid material getting into the mucous membrane or into the esophagus. Composite particles may cause irritation or other health problems.

Characteristics and equipment

The substance belongs to nanofillers. It consists of particles whose size does not exceed 0.6 microns. Microparticles occupy up to 80% of the composition of the material, which ensures its high density.

The composition includes 3 types of particles:

  • The polymerized filler is a proprietary blend that consists of barium glass nanoparticles and a low-shrinkage polymer. They allow the composite to withstand heavy loads, have excellent polishing and virtually no shrinkage;
  • Piont 4 filler is barium glass particles no larger than 0.4 microns in size. Thanks to them, a “chameleon” effect is created;
  • Silicon particles add shine and create an optimal consistency.

Thanks to its unique composition, Herculite has a number of advantages:

  • High level of aesthetic properties . The nanoparticles in the composite are very close in size to enamel prisms. After restoration, the tooth does not differ from its anatomical units;
  • Strength. The high level of material density provides mechanical strength;
  • Ease of use. The material has improved performance characteristics.
    The optimal consistency of the composite prevents sticking to working instruments, and also retains its shape during the modeling of the tooth shape; after hardening, the material is perfectly polished and retains its shine;
  • The material has several shades that correspond to the VITA palette.

Herculite is available in sets. Each of them has its own composition. The differences in the sets lie in the number of shades of enamel and dentin.

Herculite XRV (mini set)

The mini version of the Gurkulite set has the following composition:

  • 3 injectors of 4 grams with a composite of different colors (two shades of enamel coating and one dentin);
  • 1 tube of OptiBond Solo Plus 5 ml;
  • 3 gram syringe with etching gel;
  • Additional attachments for all injectors;
  • Set with 50 applicators.

Herculite XRV Custom Kit

The Custom Kit contains:

  • 6 injectors of 5 grams with base material of different colors (four shades of enamel coating and two dentin);
  • OptiBond Solo Plus 5 ml bottle;
  • 3 gram syringe with etching mixture;
  • 10 additional syringe attachments;
  • Set with 50 applicators;
  • 25 mixing palettes.

Herculite XRV General

The General set has the most complete set of shades:

  • 16 syringes of 5 grams with the main mixture for restoration of different colors (ten shades of enamel, four dentin and two shades for the incisal edge);
  • OptiBond Solo Plus 5 ml bottle;
  • 3 gram syringe with etching gel;
  • 10 additional syringe attachments;
  • 50 applicators;
  • 25 mixing palettes.

Advantages and disadvantages

Herculite has a number of advantages:

  • Versatility. Can be used to restore both lateral and frontal zone units. The consistency allows you to perform work of any complexity without the use of additional materials. When treating anterior teeth, the composite lays flat, and when treating molars, it packs perfectly;
  • Multi-layering. The composite mixture allows tooth restoration to be carried out either in one layer or in several layers. In this case, no deterioration in the properties of the material occurs;
  • Reliability. The composite allows you to create a filling that is not subject to wear and will serve for many years;
  • Color preservation. Nanoparticles provide long-lasting color;
  • Preservation of shine. The gloss of the composite is maintained even after several polishings with different systems;
  • The technology for producing composite mixtures has been time-tested and brought to perfection;
  • A wide range of colors allows you to choose the shade that best matches the rest of your teeth, and thereby improve the aesthetics of your appearance;
  • High level of radiopacity.

Among the disadvantages of the filling mass, we can only note the high cost, which has a direct impact on the cost of tooth restoration.

But the high level of quality and aesthetics is worth it.

Is amalgam still relevant in dentistry as a filling material?

Come here if you are interested in indications for root canal irrigation and the procedure technique.

At this address the method of vertical condensation of gutta-percha is described in detail.


The table shows the average prices for the company's products.

Type of set Cost in rubles
Herculite mini-kit 5000
Custom set 7000
General set 18000

Prices are approximate and may vary depending on the seller.

In the video, watch the technique of restoring a front tooth with Herculite material.

Instructions for use

Herclayte is available in syringes or unitoses. Each type of packaging has its own requirements for work.

Compliance with all rules for working with the material will ensure a high-quality result.

Preparing the syringe

The Herculite composite mixture is completely ready for use. Before use, it is necessary to accurately select the desired shade of enamel and dentin from the available set. The syringe has a volume of 5 grams and can be used several times.

After squeezing out the required amount of material, it is recommended to reduce the pressure in the syringe.

This can be done by turning the piston handle counterclockwise two turns. This will prevent the mixture from leaking out and preserve the performance properties of the material.

Preparing a unidose

Unidoses contain only 0.3 grams of composite and are intended for single use only.

After opening and using the required amount of the mixture, the unidose is disposed of.

Tooth preparation

Before applying the composite, it is necessary to prepare the tooth surface:

  • Isolate the tooth from neighboring units using a rubber dam;
  • Ensure surface moisture. The concept of “wetness” excludes the presence of saliva. This will improve the process of binding materials;
  • Determine the area where the composite will be applied;
  • Apply etching gel;
  • Rinse thoroughly and dry the surface;
  • Apply Optibond and let dry.

Surface preparation ensures the reliability of the filling procedure and eliminates the possibility of complications.

Application of composite

A syringe or unidose with a pre-selected shade is squeezed onto the prepared cavity or surface. For a more complete and dense filling of the composite, it is recommended to place the syringe needle and unidose cannula as deep as possible into the cavity.

For large cavity sizes, it is necessary to apply the material in several layers, drying each layer separately. Each layer is evenly distributed and given the anatomical shape of the tooth.

Principle of operation

Working with Estelite filling material is easy and simple, and filling occurs quickly, dentists note. Due to the same depth of demineralization and penetration of adhesive substances, the dentinal structures are filled simultaneously. The design as a whole is monolithic, without cracks, regardless of the structure of the surface of the tooth enamel.

An aesthetically attractive, high-quality and durable filling is placed in a minimum amount of time. In this case, caries no longer occurs in this place, since the material releases fluoride ions.

Mode of application:

  1. The surface of the dentition is treated with paste (without fluoride).
  2. The appropriate shade is selected (filling of whitened teeth can be done no earlier than two weeks after the procedure).
  3. The tooth is isolated using a rubber dam and the cavity is sanitized.
  4. In order to avoid sharp changes from the restored area to the edge, the enamel of the lateral tooth is smoothed, and a bevel is made along the edge on the front dentition.
  5. To restore an artificial tooth (ceramic or composite), a diamond bur is used to increase adhesion and roughen the surface.
  6. Etching occurs using phosphoric acid.
  7. A glass ionomer material or calcium hydroxide liner is used to protect the pulp.


There are certain precautions when working with mixtures:

  • The material is squeezed out very carefully and slowly, which will ensure uniform distribution;
  • One layer of the mixture cannot exceed a thickness of 2 mm;
  • Each layer must be polymerized for 40 seconds;
  • When restoring a large cavity, it is necessary to carry out polymerization on all sides.

Types of profiles in dentistry and instructions for using dental instruments.

In this publication you will find a detailed description of the Atatsamit filling material.

Here all the most important things about filling the root canal using the lateral condensation method of gutta-percha.

Precautions and storage conditions

The use of the Herculite composite requires compliance with certain storage conditions and precautions:

  • The shelf life of the composite mixture is three years from the date of manufacture. It is indicated on the packaging;
  • Herculite must be stored in a dark place at a temperature from 18⁰C to 24⁰C;
  • After the expiration date, the material must not be used;
  • Syringes are stored closed after use;
  • It is recommended to polymerize the composite mixture using a helium lamp;
  • Until use, the material should not be exposed to light;
  • Always use disposable applicators and palettes.

Important points

When using Estelite filling material, it is important to pay attention to the integrity of the packaging. Since the product is widely known in many countries, there is a possibility of purchasing a fake, which is significantly inferior in quality to the original.

Precautionary measures when using the Estelite nanocomposite:

  • use only with medical gloves;
  • if the material gets on the mucous membrane, in the eyes, respiratory organs or on clothing, you should immediately rinse the surface;
  • The composite can only be used in accordance with the instructions;
  • the material is purchased only by professional dentists or clinics that have the appropriate license;
  • after using the filling material, all instruments are sterilized;
  • Polymerization with the device is carried out only in protective glasses.


Specialists and patients of dental clinics who have had experience working with Herculite composites express their positive opinion and recommend this product for use.

The actual service life of fillings based on Herculite is difficult to estimate, because... they have been used in Russia not so long ago. But aesthetics and quality are trustworthy.

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