How to remove a seal from a gas meter: dismantling options

To prevent unauthorized consumer intervention in the operation of the electricity meter, the utility company installs protective seals. Let's consider the types of sealing used and methods for removing seals yourself, depending on the type of protection installed.

People ask questions:

  1. Is it possible to remove the seal from the electric meter yourself? Answer: It’s impossible because this is a violation of the law and when they come to you with a verification, there may be large fines (because you will not be able to prove to them that you removed it a few days ago).
  2. How to remove the seal from the meter? Answer: We have described this in the article below.

Our site does not recommend removing the filling yourself. If you are making repairs, then contact the supplying company, they will remove it and install it in place.

Ideas on how to open the seal on the meter

If you are familiar with situations that lead to emergency removal of a filling, then you should know several ways to remove it. It is especially important to be able to do this without recourse to outside help.

Before removing the seal from the gas meter, you should watch the training video

Possible ways to solve the problem:

  • Unofficially use the services of electricians and provide them with the opportunity to independently check the serviceability of the electrical network;
  • Carry out independent dismantling. To do this, you will need to watch training videos and visually determine the filling material. It can be polyethylene or lead. In addition, the degree of seating of the filling and the presence of gaps are determined. Only after this can the meter be dismantled.

If your knowledge is limited and it is difficult for you to distinguish a DIN rail from a machine, then the best option would be to use the services of electricians. To do this, you will need to write a notice and only then officially break the seal.

When choosing options to solve a problem with a control device, you must first of all use common sense and not forget about the consequences.

If you have good knowledge of electrical devices and you have an unexpected situation, then you can use several important recommendations.

How to carry out repair work and replace the meter

First you need to close the control valve. It happens that the reason for dismantling the meter is precisely a broken control valve, which is located close to the device. And to do this you need to block the entire riser. But if this is not the problem, then it is enough to use a key (if there is no handle) or turn off the water supply by hand. But, before changing the meter, you need to decide why it needs to be done. And depending on the problem, go in the right direction. So, before you remove the water meter yourself, you need to know that water meters are removed in case of the following problems.

  1. The service life of the water meter has expired.
  2. The device broke down before its warranty expired.
  3. The control valve is broken.
  4. Physical damage to the water meter.
  5. Replacement of pipes in the water supply system.
  6. In case of exchange or sale of housing.

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Methods of legalization

The problem of reinstalling a broken seal and legalizing it is solved very simply. Today there are several proven options for how to do this.

Ways to legalize a broken seal:

  • In a situation where the values ​​of the meter readings and the numbers in the last receipt are approximately the same, you can simply call the service organization;
  • If the readings on the device and the latest data differ greatly, this can lead to a change in the order of electricity calculations from actual to theoretical, which is quite unprofitable;
  • Contact the energy service with a statement that the seal was broken due to theft, while recording the date and time of the incident.

In some situations, it will be enough just to leave a verbal telephone statement that repair work is planned and that after this it will be necessary to re-install the seal.

To legally remove the seal from a gas meter, you should call a specialist

The appeal must contain information that the owner of the device intends to break the seal, and after completing the repair work, he undertakes to call specialists to replace it.

If more serious work is planned or there is a large debt to the utility service, then a personal visit to the organization may be required.

Refusal of a water meter

How to refuse water meters? There are few such owners. Moreover, at the moment it is much more profitable to pay for water using a meter than at a general tariff. But if such citizens meet, then a government agency can carry out such a procedure. And for this you need to go to the city water utility and conclude a new agreement.

After this, a specialist comes to the apartment, writes down the latest meter readings and enters all the data into the register. Then he breaks the seal and the area with the device is replaced with a metal adapter (as described earlier). That’s it – the procedure is completed, and the apartment owner now pays the general tariff. It should be added that this procedure is also available for hot water. This method exists, but it is best to obtain receipts based on water readings. It's much cheaper.

Removing a lead seal

You can try to dismantle the lead seal yourself. To do this, experienced specialists recommend using proven techniques. They are used by most craftsmen.

If your meter is old and its configuration includes a rotary metering head for kilowatts, then most likely a lead seal was installed on it.

To dismantle, bend the broken end of the wire approximately 1 mm twice to make the hook flat. The most important thing is to be careful, as the wire can catch the edges of the clothing.

Next you need:

  • Using a pin or needle, drill a hole in the filling until it takes the shape of an oval and a hook can fit through it;
  • Place small automobile pieces of rubber on both sides of the seal, and two coins on top;
  • Compress the resulting structure using pliers.

Thus, the result is a wire that is pressed deep, and the bent end will not allow it to slip out. This is important in a situation where you have to pull sharply.

Tools for removing lead seals are sold in a specialty store.

The rubber will perform a protective function, which will help preserve the impression on the filling. Pliers and coins will help ensure full parallel compression. The seal may be poorly pressed during installation, which allows the wire to be pulled through until it is completely bent through the hook.

Methods for removing fillings and installing them yourself

Despite the established protection, there are ways to independently remove the filling and then restore it. This need arises in the following situations:

  • if it is necessary to dismantle the device for the purpose of replacement or transfer to another location;
  • for equipment repairs.

Methods for removing the seal depend on the type of protection installed.


The lead seal is removed in the following order:

  • Two flat hooks are made from wire with the ends bent using pliers;
  • using a large needle, carefully expand the holes at the entry points of the wire or fishing line;
  • hooks are placed in widened holes;
  • Rubber plates are placed on both sides of the washer to protect the seal from damage, and coins of the same size are placed on top of them;
  • the washer is clamped with pliers and carefully pulled off the wire or fishing line;
  • After completing the work, the seal is returned to its place and slightly squeezed with pliers.

When removing and reinstalling, care must be taken not to damage the marking made by the sealer imprint.


This type of seal is easier to remove because they are installed less tightly than lead seals. But such an operation requires great precautions, since the plastic washer is easily damaged. The procedure is performed in this order:

  • The plastic protection is fixed with a sticky strip of polyethylene. It is necessary to carefully peel it off, grasping it with tweezers;
  • similarly to the previous filling, hooks are made;
  • The plastic washer is removed in the same way as the lead washer. To carefully widen the hole and install the element in place, a heated needle is used to melt the plastic.

Often, representatives of utility companies, when installing such seals, leave a small gap to make it easier to remove the protection. The owner can take advantage of this circumstance.

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Such an element is more difficult to remove without damaging the protection. For these purposes, a hair dryer or other device is used that allows the adhesive layer to be melted at high temperature, preserving its original properties. After completing the work, the strip is heated again and returned to its place.


This protective device cannot be removed without destroying the element. If a utility organization has installed this type of seal, removal is only possible through official means, after contacting the energy supplier.

Water meter device

A conventional vane water meter is simple: it consists of two chambers - dry and wet. There is an impeller in the wet chamber, and a gearbox with a counting mechanism in the dry chamber. Both chambers of the water meter are connected to each other by a magnetic coupling, which transmits rotation from the impeller to the counting mechanism.

Wet meters have only one chamber, which contains an impeller along with a counting mechanism. If a regular meter has anti-magnetic protection, then wet walkers do not need it, since they do not have a magnetic coupling.

What are the risks of breaking a seal?

First of all, owners are interested in what consequences may occur if the meter seal is damaged or broken. The law prohibits the owner from breaking the seal, as well as in any way interfering with the operation of metering devices. If employees of the resource supplying organization notice damage to the seal themselves, this can be interpreted as deliberate interference in the operation of the meter on the part of its owner.

For such an action administrative liability is provided under Art. 19.2 of the Administrative Code, but the fine for this offense is insignificant: for individuals - from 100 to 300 rubles.

But the worst thing is that they can recalculate the resource consumed using an increased coefficient, so the amount can amount to tens of thousands of rubles. Moreover, there are quite a lot of such cases.

However, the question arises as to who must prove the owner’s guilt. Since the owner of the home is responsible for the metering device, if the seal is damaged, he needs to prove that the damage was not his fault, and to make this easier, certain actions should be taken.


The Doctor Martin Clinic provides services for the treatment of patients with the installation of a temporary filling, if this stage is necessary for more effective treatment. Our center provides guarantees for the work of specialists and materials, however, the possibility of temporary fillings falling out cannot be ruled out.

To reduce the risk of opening a tooth cavity when a filling falls out, our experts recommend:

  • use low-hardness brushes for dental care;
  • reduce the load on the affected tooth;
  • exclude the influence of sudden temperature changes (including eating dishes of different temperatures);
  • Do not touch the fillings with your tongue or any objects.

Installation of a temporary filling is a mandatory intermediate step in the treatment of many dental diseases.

Compliance with all recommendations, the professionalism of the doctor and high-quality materials reduce the likelihood of temporary fillings falling out to a minimum. If the filling does fall out, we recommend contacting our specialists for advice and making an appointment as soon as possible.

Why can a temporary filling fall out?

When a temporary filling falls out the next day, most patients believe that the doctor’s unprofessionalism is to blame. However, there can be many reasons, including violation of the dentist’s recommendations by the patient himself.

A dental mistake is considered to be a violation of the tooth filling process:

  • insufficient drying of the internal cavity and crown;
  • leaving tissue affected by infection;
  • insufficient crown treatment;
  • placement of a large volume of material in the cavity;
  • insufficiently tight closure of the cavity;
  • poor-quality composition of the filling;
  • installation on a pulpless tooth.

The reason may also be the patient's behavior:

  • eating sweets, especially foods with increased stickiness (for example, toffee);
  • eating solid foods;
  • biting nuts, seeds, etc.;
  • insufficient oral hygiene or, conversely, excessive brush pressure on a filled tooth;
  • constant contact with the seal of the tongue, cutlery, pens, etc.

It is necessary to establish the reason why the temporary filling fell out to avoid a repeat incident.

What to do if there is a hole in your tooth?

Some manipulations will help you wait for a visit to the doctor without complications:

  • First of all, it is important to prevent the accumulation of food debris and plaque inside the tooth. The danger is that bacteria developing in dental plaque release acids that are destructive to teeth.
  • If your tooth hurts, you can take a painkiller.
  • It would be a good idea to rinse with a warm soda solution.
  • It is better to limit chewing on the painful side so as not to provoke an attack of pain.
  • There is no need to cover the cavity with cotton wool, plasticine and other improvised means. This can cause complications and the development of infection.
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