Rotocan instructions for use for rinsing teeth

The pharmaceutical product Rotokan is a natural anti-inflammatory drug, made from extracts of many plants.

Rotocan solution helps well with pathologies caused by damage to the mucous membrane and infection. The instructions included with the medication describe in detail how to use the drug.

Composition and release form

Rotokan is intended for external and internal use. Sold in the form of an aqueous-alcoholic extract.

The drug contains natural ingredients. These are chamomile, yarrow and calendula. This plant complex strengthens the capillary wall, providing a pronounced homeostatic effect. It also helps restore the integrity of the mucous surface and exhibits an antimicrobial effect.

When used orally, the product improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Available in bottles of 25, 50 or 100 ml. The set includes a dropper dispenser and instructions for use. The extract is a liquid with a dark brown tint and a specific odor.

Ethyl alcohol acts as an excipient.

Dispensed from the pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.

Indications and contraindications

Rotokan is prescribed for:

  • pustular formations;
  • stomatitis and ulcers;
  • periodontal disease and gingivitis.

Rotokan for rinsing gums is also used to prevent infection from entering the mucosal cells during wound mechanical damage - bites, tooth root removal and other dental procedures. The remedy is also prescribed after cleaning the crown from tartar.


  • with alcohol addiction;
  • pregnancy/lactation;
  • allergy to plant materials;
  • brain injuries;
  • minor children.

Rotokan during pregnancy: rinse the gums with extreme caution so as not to harm the fetus.

Therapeutic effect

Rotokan belongs to the group of herbal remedies with complex action. The main pharmacological property is anti-inflammatory. Provided thanks to plant extracts.

The drug has the following therapeutic effects:

  1. Antiseptic - observed due to the content of chamomile and ethyl alcohol in the composition. Helps against a large number of gram-positive bacteria.
  2. Antispasmodic - herbs have a pronounced sedative effect, can relieve muscle hypertonicity and muscle tension in internal organs.
  3. Restorative – rapid regeneration of epithelial cells is noted, effective for ulcerative lesions.
  4. Hemostatic - the natural components of the drug strengthen the vascular and capillary walls, preventing the development of minor bleeding.
  5. Analgesic – achieved in combination with a number of pharmacological properties.

Removal of a tooth

Is it necessary to use Rotokan after tooth extraction, and what are the dangers of root removal? There is no consensus regarding rinsing the mouth after dental surgery. Some doctors believe that rinsing with solutions removes a naturally formed blood clot, which acts as a barrier against the penetration of dirt and infection into the wound.

The ban on rinsing after surgery to remove a root/tooth is based on the assertion of possible suppuration of the wound and the spread of infection on the surface of the gum tissue. However, a number of doctors consider rinsing necessary. Why? Their arguments are based on the following arguments:

  • rinsing helps remove food particles after eating;
  • eliminates the accumulation of microorganisms in the wound;
  • creates the prerequisites for rapid tissue healing.

If there are carious, untreated teeth around the wound surface after root removal, the risk of infection is very high. Bacteria can also move into the wound from poorly cleaned teeth and plaque.

This condition of the oral cavity can lead to the development of alveolitis and foci of inflammation in the wounded gum. Timely sanitation reduces the aggressiveness of microorganisms and eliminates their impact on the wounded mucosa.

For sanitization, you can use medical products, soda/salt solutions and infusions of medicinal herbs.

How to rinse your mouth correctly? You should keep the medicinal solution in your mouth without active action of the facial muscles: do not rinse, but arrange a medicinal bath inside the oral cavity. After holding the solution, you should simply spit the liquid out of your mouth. Baths should be done every 15-16 minutes until the mucous membrane heals. In this case, the blood clot will not be washed out of the wound and will continue its protective effect.


  • stop eating/drinking immediately after surgery;
  • do not use tobacco and alcoholic beverages for a while;
  • do not go to the steam room or take a hot bath/shower on the day of surgery;
  • exclude heavy physical activity and psychological stress.

Compliance with the recommendations listed will facilitate the healing of the wound surface.

Instructions for use

The drug can be taken orally, topically and rectally. Each method has some features.

The extract is not used in its pure form; before use, the product is first diluted with water.

The course of therapy depends on the diagnosis, the age of the patient and the severity of the pathological process. For dental diseases, it is effective to rinse and apply applications. This is relevant for the treatment of stomatitis and other inflammatory lesions of the mucous membrane. Use a diluted solution, 1 teaspoon of the drug per 200 ml of water. In Rotokan, cotton swabs are moistened and applied to the affected areas for 25 minutes. The frequency of procedures is up to 4 times a day for a week.

Treatment of periodontal tissue with a solution is carried out immediately after removing plaque, tartar and cleaning the gum pockets from pathological contents. To do this, turundas soaked in Rotokan are placed in the periodontal areas for 20 minutes. The duration of the procedure is up to 6 manipulations, 1 time per day.

For pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, the medicine can be taken rectally and orally in diluted form.

For internal use, the course of therapy is 10 days, maximum 3 weeks. The solution is drunk 2-4 times a day, 130 ml. Take 30 minutes before meals or an hour after meals.

To administer microenemas, 1 teaspoon of Rotokan is diluted in 100 ml of warm water. The procedure is carried out after emptying the intestines up to 2 times a day. The maximum course of treatment is 3 weeks.

The antiseptic drug is also effective for sore throats. In this case, rinse for 7 days with a low concentration solution.

Indications for use

For inflammation of various etiologies, dentists and ENT doctors often prescribe Rotokan to patients. Germs and damage, burns can cause bleeding, pain and swelling.

For stomatitis, the medicine is very effective at the first stage of the pathology. It affects bacterial and fungal infections and quickly destroys them.

Indications for treatment with Rotokan for dental pathologies:

  • periodontal disease
  • tooth socket disease
  • periodontitis
  • gingivitis
  • various stomatitis
  • necrotizing gingivostomatitis

For pathologies of the pharynx and tongue, the drug is used for rinsing.

Treatment with Rotokan helps reduce inflammation with tonsillitis, pharyngitis, and glossitis.

Pathologies of the digestive system when the drug is prescribed orally:

  • gastroduodenitis
  • enterocolitis
  • gastritis with low acidity of gastric contents
  • chronic enteritis, inflammation
  • functional dyspepsia

special instructions

It is not recommended to exceed the duration of the course without consulting a specialist. If there is no positive dynamics in treatment, you must stop taking the medication and consult a doctor.

People suffering from high stomach acidity should take the drug with caution. In this case, antacids should be used in parallel.

Rotokan is not prescribed for children. This is due to the high risk of allergic reactions.

Since the medicine contains ethyl alcohol, it is not advisable for alcohol addicts and people with impaired liver function or excretory system to take it.

The drug should be used with caution in the elderly to avoid the development of adverse reactions.

Reviews about the product

Svetlana, 27 years old:

I often use Rotokan for toothache and gum swelling. The wisdom tooth does not erupt in any way and periodically gives a signal of itself with unpleasant painful sensations. Rotokan fixes the problem very quickly.

Galina, 46 years old:

After removing wisdom teeth or damaged carious stumps, you should not rinse with hot soda or saline solutions. A friend of mine did this and ended up bleeding from her gums. The doctors barely stopped him. I take baths from Rotokan/Romazulan for a few seconds, but often. You can’t gurgle in your mouth, you just need to take some liquid and hold it.

Marina, 29 years old:

They removed my tooth, and in the evening I decided to treat the wound with traditional decoctions (sage and chamomile). And that’s what happened - particles of grass got into the wound. I filtered the broth, but the wound was still clogged. Then I learned that you can’t actively gurgle in your mouth, and it’s better to use Rotokan solution instead of traditional herbs. I'll keep this in mind for the future.

Tamara, 37 years old:

My husband got a flu infection on Saturday. A neighbor advised me to make lotions from Rotokan - soak gauze and apply it. Thank you very much for the advice: at first the flux stopped hurting, then it began to decrease. Along with the lotions, my husband also rinsed his gums slowly - he held the liquid in his mouth and spat.

Treatment methods in gynecology

Rotocan in gynecology, douching, is the topic of our article today. As everyone knows, gynecology is the field of medicine that deals with the study of various female diseases.

What is douching in gynecology? This is a method of washing the vagina using various medicines or herbs. This procedure cannot be carried out without consulting a doctor, since unknowingly you can disrupt the delicate microflora of the vagina and cause undesirable consequences instead of the desired result. If you do the procedure thoughtlessly, it can cause disturbances in the vaginal environment and such an unpleasant disease as vaginosis.

Also, frequent use of this procedure can cause the development of thrush. This is far from a typical procedure for medical practice, and it has its pros and cons. Since it washes out the necessary bacteria and disrupts the microflora, not many specialists are ready to prescribe it. If your gynecologist prescribed this procedure for you, then you should strictly adhere to his recommendations, this is in order to preserve your health. Nowadays, this procedure is increasingly receding into the background, and gynecologists are trying to replace it with methods that are more gentle on the body.

Some doctors are inclined to believe that douching during erosion can damage the epithelium of the cervix, and therefore do not use it.

We treat the throat and oral mucosa - how to dilute Rotokan and use it

Pain in the throat area is a symptom of colds and sore throats.
This disease requires immediate treatment. The sooner it starts, the faster you can get rid of the disease.

The doctor will not necessarily prescribe antibiotics right away - if only the first signs are noted: sore throat, sensation of a foreign body in the throat, gargles will most likely be prescribed.

For this purpose, it is customary to use soda diluted with water and iodine. But a medicine called Rotokan is more effective - it is created on the basis of herbs that have a medicinal effect.

What is Rotokan, its effect on the body

Rotokan is a combination drug that can have a local effect. Has good antiseptic and hemostatic effects. Helps speed up the recovery of damaged mucous membranes. The low cost allows a person of any income to buy the drug. The medicine is non-toxic, it can be used to prepare rinses for a child.

According to the instructions, you can quickly prepare a healing solution from Rotokan, which is quite effective if the disease has just begun.

By using it correctly for rinsing, you can cope with the disease without using strong medications.

Rotokan is a product whose effectiveness has been confirmed by clinical trials, about which there are numerous positive reviews.

The medicinal product contains the following ingredients:

  • Calendula flowers. They contain a high content of essential oils and organic acids, the action of which promotes healing of wounds and relieves inflammation, toning, and provides a calming effect.
  • Chamomile – helps reduce the manifestations of the inflammatory process, has the ability to relieve pain, and eliminates irritation.
  • Yarrow – improves blood circulation, heals damaged mucous membranes, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. In large doses it can be dangerous, but in Rotokan the ingredient is present in small quantities.
  • Ethyl alcohol 40%.

Rotokan herbal extract looks like a dark brown liquid that has a tart herbal odor. After the first few procedures, most patients notice the appearance of results.

Rotokan extract is an analgesic and antispasmodic that can stop bleeding, improve regeneration, and protect against inflammation.

Application of Rotokan for treatment

The drug has a fairly wide range of applications. Indications for its use are as follows:

  • Dental diseases. Rotokan infusion can seriously help in the treatment of periodontal disease and stomatitis, with gumboils and in the occurrence of necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis.
  • Diseases of the bronchi and mucous membranes (ARVI, sore throat, influenza, laryngitis, etc.).
  • Gastroenterological diseases – colitis, enteritis.
  • Some gynecological diseases.
  • Cosmetological problems - redness, acne, oily skin.

Before using the drug, you must visit your doctor for consultation. Despite the fact that the drug is quite harmless, it should be taken strictly according to the regimen prescribed by the doctor.

The maximum effect can be achieved by treating the throat using a hardware method . Also, if the patient has a certain skill, treatment can be performed using a syringe.

If there are no other options, regular rinsing will do, but this procedure has a slower effect.

Most often, an appointment is prescribed for a feeling of discomfort in the throat, difficulty swallowing, soreness, dryness, or a feeling that something is stuck in the throat.

Thanks to the use of Rotokan, you can quickly eliminate harmful microorganisms, preventing their reappearance and reproduction.

Side effects may occur.

They do not occur often, but their occurrence cannot be completely ruled out.

Side effects can be expressed in complications for the body such as rash, itchy skin, the intensity of pain may increase, and a feeling of heaviness appears. If the case is severe, even anaphylactic shock is possible.

It is not recommended to take the medicine if you have kidney or liver pathologies, if you drink alcohol frequently, or after any head injuries. A prescription is not needed to purchase the infusion, but it is not advisable to take the drug without consulting a specialist.

How to dilute Rotokan for mouth and throat rinse

Before diluting the drug to a state suitable for treatment, it must be inspected for sediment content. If available, shake the liquid until smooth. Water for dilution must be boiled in advance and cooled to 40 degrees.

For one glass of warm water you will need one teaspoon of Rotokan.

If the pain is severe, the inflammation is significant, to prepare a solution intended for the treatment of an adult, the dose of Rotocan can be increased to 2-3 small spoons.

Rotokan solution is prepared for single use. When rinsing, all the liquid must be consumed at one time, so carefully calculate the dosage of the drug. If you still have liquid after rinsing and you are not going to use it, it is better to pour out the solution - after a couple of hours it almost loses its healing properties.

How to breed Rotokan:

  • To treat toothache and throat, mix one tablespoon of medicine with half a glass of water.
  • To treat gums, cotton wool pads are prepared and dipped in the extract. They are then placed in the gum pockets.

The throat should be treated three or four times a day, depending on the degree of discomfort. The prepared solution is taken into the mouth, then gargled, throwing back the head. The procedure should last approximately one minute. There is no need to swallow the solution - just spit it into the sink.

Immediately after the procedure, you should not take food or water. Rinsing can last 5-7 days. For those who tolerate the effects of the drug well, the dosage can be increased, if necessary, after the first 2-3 procedures have been completed. Leave the frequency of use unchanged even when increasing the dosage.

For the treatment of sore throat and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, there is nothing better than Rotokan for rinsing. You will find a detailed review of the drug in this topic.

We will tell you how to treat gingivitis at home here.

Do you know what causes gingivitis? Read in detail about the reasons for its occurrence in this topic.

Using Rotokan for sore throat

A feeling of discomfort in the throat is the main sign of inflammation in the mucous membrane of the pharynx and larynx.

It can occur when a viral infection or fungus enters the body.

Sore throats have a specific cause - it cannot be solved with the help of the drug Rotocan, but when used in conjunction with other medications, the treatment will be more effective.

  • Rotokan for sore throat. Sore throat is an aggravated version of tonsillitis. The disease is characterized by discomfort in the throat, fever, and difficulty swallowing. When rinsing, swelling is relieved, pain is reduced, and inflammation of the tonsils is eliminated. When preparing medication for the procedure, it is necessary to take into account the age of the patient and select the correct dosage. Warm water is used, otherwise the effectiveness of the drug is reduced.
  • Use for tonsillitis. Chronic inflammation of the tonsils provokes frequent pain in the throat, varying in intensity. The patient experiences swelling of the nasopharynx, the inflammation worsens after the patient eats or drinks something cold. Severe weakness is often noted. Gargling with decoctions prepared from natural raw materials helps speed up healing. The drug Rotokan is considered the most effective among them.
  • Reception for pharyngitis. When the disease occurs, there are signs of intoxication - headaches, migraines, weakness and not particularly pleasant breath. Using Rotokan infusion helps cleanse the mucous membrane, heal wounds, eliminate swelling and a sore feeling in the throat.

Taking Rotocan creates the greatest effect when used as part of a complex for treatment. In itself, it only helps to smooth out the manifestations of the disease.

Instructions for use

One of the components of the drug is ethyl alcohol.

Therefore, procedures where the product is used undiluted may pose some danger.

To reduce harm to the body and reduce toxicity, the medicine is diluted to a certain consistency. For dilution you need to use warm boiled water.

For diseases of the oral cavity, applications and rinses are used to apply to diseased areas. In pathological conditions of the gastrointestinal tract, solutions are required to be taken orally; they are used for rectal enemas.

The drug is used for inhalation - the instructions do not indicate the exact dosage when using the drug in a nebulizer, so it is better to consult a doctor for a prescription. Good effectiveness of the procedure is achieved if the inflammation is complicated by a severe cough.

Stomatitis can occur due to the penetration of bacteria into the oral mucosa. Miramistin for stomatitis in children is a simple and effective remedy for combating an unpleasant disease.

Are you constantly bothered by dry mouth? This symptom should alert you. Read about diseases that may be hidden under this symptom in this publication.

The most common option for use is the treatment of inflamed lesions in the throat.

Treatment with a drug called Rotocan is a good alternative to medications that can cause unexpected side effects. The product contains only natural ingredients that are not dangerous when used and, nevertheless, are quite effective.

on the topic

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When is the drug contraindicated?

Before use, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications for using Rotocan extract:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • brain diseases;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • severe renal dysfunction;
  • alcoholism;
  • adolescence (up to 18 years of age) - this prohibition applies to oral use;
  • individual intolerance to at least one of the components of the drug Rotokan.

The instructions also consider situations when the drug should be used with extreme caution - that is, under the supervision of a doctor or in consultation with him. This is due to insufficient knowledge of the likelihood of side effects when using Rotocan extract for certain diseases:

  • Pyelonephritis.
  • Glomerulonephritis.
  • Renal dysfunction.

In other cases, Rotocan is usually well tolerated by patients.

Bottom line

If you follow the instructions correctly, Rotokan will relieve swollen gums, remove ulcerative formations on the mucous membrane and neutralize the oral cavity from pathogenic agents - microbes.

When using Rotocan, after removing a tooth root, you should first rinse your mouth with boiled water, and only then take a medicinal bath with the drug. Active movements of the facial muscles should not be allowed.

In the presence of serious systemic disorders of the body (renal failure, etc.), the drug is not recommended. The use of the product by children is prohibited as it contains alcohol.

Sources used:

  • Preventive dentistry / I.K. Lutskaya. - Moscow
  • Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of periodontal diseases / A.I. Nikolaev. - M.: MEDpress-inform, 2008.
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