Light filling - what is the best filling and how much does it cost?

Diana Levchuk. Founder and chief physician of aesthetic dentistry Deva-Dent. The doctor is an orthopedic dentist specializing in aesthetic treatment and prosthetics. Has 15 years of experience in therapeutic and orthopedic dentistry.

The reason for writing this article was a question that is often asked, especially from the regions of Russia:

“The clinic advised me to get a paid light filling, but how is it better than the usual free one?”

In such a situation, most patients agree to a “paid” or more expensive filling. However, having already agreed, such a patient has little idea what it is and what he has to overpay for. But the price of a light-curing filling can also be different and sometimes differ significantly!

Well, let’s try to “put everything into pieces.”

How is a light seal different from a regular one?

In fact, the term “light filling” is more popular among the people, but experts usually use other names: photopolymer, light-curing, heliopolymer are the most common of them. A light filling is a fairly plastic material, and thanks to ultraviolet light it is much easier for a specialist to carry out a filling. This is the main difference between a light filling and a regular one. In addition, you can choose many colors and shades for a light filling, which is why it is so often used in the treatment and restoration of teeth in the smile area. In short, the main advantages of a light filling are reliability, durability and high aesthetics. These qualities make light-based dental fillings one of the most sought after in the dental market.

Preparatory measures

First, the dentist will have to visually examine the defect in the front tooth. If your teeth have decay, you may need to take x-rays. In particularly difficult cases, the nerve may need to be removed. Of course, this happens under the influence of a high-quality anesthetic.

If there is no caries, and the reason for the visit to the dentist is a chipped front unit, then the enamel is cleaned of plaque and tartar is removed. Next comes the filling process itself.

Composition of the light seal

The vast majority of filling types are based on the use of a mixture of several materials. A filling made from a light-curing composite has a rather complex composition, which is partly why it costs more than its analogues.

Light seal materials

  • Heliocomposite.
    The basis of a light filling, which under the influence of an ultraviolet lamp breaks down into radicals, due to which polymerization (hardening) of the filling material occurs.
  • Filler.
    This can be silicon dioxide, glass ceramics, etc. The structure, color and area of ​​application of the filling depend on the type of filler.
  • Connecting elements.

How does the installation work?

  • Using a drill, the tooth is slightly ground down for better adhesion of the filling to the tooth.
  • Thorough treatment with antiseptic drugs.
  • Applying a special filling substance to the tooth, evenly distributing the composition.
  • Polymerization using a blue lamp.
  • At the end of the procedure, sanding and polishing are carried out to make the unit as similar as possible to the rest.

On average, installing a light seal will cost 4-7 thousand. Some clinics often hold promotions, thanks to which you can restore a tooth at a reduced price.

Types of light seals

Some sources indicate that only anterior teeth can be restored using light-curing composite fillings, but this is incorrect information. Today, such filling is successfully used in all departments, except for the most inaccessible places (for example, “wisdom teeth”). All types of light fillings differ in the composition of the filler, which determines their characteristics.

Light fillings for teethDescriptionApplication area
Macro-filled light fillings (light fillings for chewing teeth)The filler consists of solid large particles (macrophiles). They give the filling strength, but have a rough surface and tend to lose color. Macrophilic light fillings are usually used on posterior teeth or on the inside of the dentition, where aesthetics are less important.
Microfilled light fillings (light fillings for front teeth)Fillers consisting of small particles. They hold color well, can be polished, but are very fragile. Mostly used in the smile area.
NanohybridThey consist of ultra-fine particles that are both durable and aesthetic.Universal light fillings that can be used in all types of restorations.

In 2021, you can get more services under the compulsory medical insurance policy

The patient now has the right to choose not only a clinic, but also a federal medical center, which he can go to independently. A referral from a clinic is not required. This is due to a review of their funding. Federal clinics no longer depend on insurance companies and the regional budget, and their only customer is the Federal Compulsory Health Insurance Fund. As a result, citizens who need specialized medical care will be able to receive it faster and at the highest level.

The volume of palliative outpatient medical care has been increased, including within the framework of home visiting, which means that the number of visits by health workers to such patients will increase.

Preventive health care has become more widespread. Starting this year, the medical examination, for example, includes early diagnosis of diabetes mellitus: if the disease is suspected, the therapist will refer the patient to study the level of glycated hemoglobin in the blood. And if he suspects cancer of the mucous membranes or skin, he will prescribe a consultation with a dermatovenerologist, as well as a dermatoscopy.

By the way, in the oncology profile, the volume of medical care in day hospitals increased by 4%, in 24-hour hospitals - by 5.7%. Moreover, the compulsory health insurance system included a revision of histology: rechecking of tissue samples in another laboratory, by other specialists, on other equipment. This is necessary for an accurate diagnosis. Previously, it was possible to obtain a second opinion only at the expense of the patient himself.

Testing for the detection of COVID-19 was also included in the state guarantee program, the cost of which per person will be 584.0 rubles. And in total, per capita standards for medical care provided under the policy (funds provided for one insured person under the compulsory medical insurance program per year) increased from 12,696.9 rubles to 13,531.4 rubles.

At the same time, the temporary standards for the provision of medical care remained the same as last year. Thus, it should be provided immediately in hospitals. The waiting time for an ambulance is 20 minutes, and a therapist must be on call within a maximum of 24 hours. The period from the moment of diagnosis of an oncological disease to the establishment of dispensary observation by an oncologist for a patient with diagnosed oncology is limited to three working days. The waiting time for specialized medical care (except high-tech) may be from 7 to 14 working days if the patient is referred for hospitalization. For patients with cancer, this period is reduced to 7 working days from the moment of histological verification of the tumor or from the moment of establishing a preliminary diagnosis of the disease (condition). The patient should not wait for CT, MRI and angiography when providing primary health care for more than 14 working days from the date of their appointment by the attending physician. In case of suspected cancer, these periods are reduced to 3 working days.

Installation of a light seal

Today, a light filling can be installed in almost any clinic. Installation has approximately the same number of steps as in the case of other types of fillings (with the exception of scanning with an ultraviolet lamp).

  • Initial consultation, panoramic x-ray.
  • Anesthesia.
  • Preparation of damaged tooth tissues. During depulpation, the canals are treated and a temporary filling is installed.
  • Placing a light filling (filling the area with filling material and giving it a primary shape).
  • Polymerization of the filling under the influence of ultraviolet light.
  • Grinding and finishing of the filling to achieve optimal shape and correct occlusal contact.

If after filling with a light filling your tooth hurts for more than three days or you feel discomfort when closing your jaws, contact your doctor as soon as possible. Find a trusted clinic where you can get a filling in Moscow on in the “Search for dentists” section

Advantages and disadvantages

There is nothing better than a natural healthy tooth. Therefore, any dental intervention will have its pros and cons. A light filling certainly has more advantages.


  1. High plasticity of the filling for an unlimited time, which makes it ideal. The material will not harden at the most inopportune moment
  2. Safety for the patient, no side effects. The filling can be placed on children and pregnant women. No toxins
  3. A large color palette from which the doctor can select a color that is indistinguishable from the natural tooth of each individual person
  4. Durability
  5. A correctly formed filling does not cause any discomfort to the wearer.
  6. A light-curing filling can restore a tooth, even if more than half of the bone tissue is destroyed
  7. Almost instant bonding with the tooth. After an hour you can already consume food in most cases


  1. The first and main disadvantage is the high cost. Of course, it is not formed out of thin air; you will definitely be pleased with the result. But a fact is a fact
  2. The light seal cannot be placed in hard-to-reach places. Such fillings do not cover external cervical caries of “sevens” and “eights,” for example. Because the ultraviolet lamp will not be able to illuminate the surface of the tooth, and the filling will not harden properly
  3. For several days, you should not consume food or drinks that are coloring, so that the filling does not change its color.
  4. Over time, the color may change and move away from ideal similarity due to incomplete polymerization

How much does it cost to install a light seal?

In order to most accurately tell you how much it costs to get a light filling, you need to understand what type of filling will be installed, as well as where exactly the treatment will take place. The cost of a light filling in a state clinic starts from 900 rubles. As a rule, this is a medium quality composite material intended for the restoration of chewing teeth. In private dental clinics in Moscow, the price of a light filling starts from 1,500 – 2,000 rubles. Light fillings for front teeth are more expensive: for aesthetic restorations, the price can exceed 3,000 rubles.


A photopolymer filling is the most perfect way to restore a damaged tooth to almost its original condition. Durability, lack of side effects and restrictions have made this technology popular all over the world. Reviews about such fillings are the most positive.

Such fillings cost several times more than chemical ones, if only because all the components are imported from abroad. But if you consider how long light seals last, then you can and should come to terms with the prices.

Choose a high-quality clinic, find out exactly how much and what you are paying for, and do not forget to take care of your teeth so that the filling serves you much longer than its intended period.

Why fill it?

Filling is an effective way to restore the anatomical shape of a tooth and its functions. The primitive method of treatment first appeared in the 1st century BC, and low-melting lead was used as a working material. Since those times, dentistry has changed dramatically, and today the strongest and completely safe quick-hardening mixtures are used to install fillings. They are as reliable as possible and look aesthetically pleasing, practically indistinguishable in tone from dental tissue.

If a tooth is destroyed by injury or disease, installing a filling will help restore its integrity. This is a common procedure for both the doctor and the patient. Tooth restoration with a filling is required in many cases:

  • enamel is destroyed by caries;
  • the appearance of non-carious lesions;
  • The filling is placed after root canal treatment.

If you do not seek timely dental care, the tissues will continue to deteriorate and an infection may appear in the oral cavity, which will harm the entire body.

Important! Many patients delay visiting the dentist after noticing small black spots or a small hole in the molars. Delay is fraught with serious consequences, including tooth loss.

Rules for caring for fillings

Despite the fact that many fillings can theoretically last for years, it is recommended to change the materials every 10-12 years. It is recommended to visit a doctor once every six months for hygiene measures. You should also make an appointment with a doctor if:

  • short-term pain in the treated area;
  • detection of cracks;
  • presence of a chip in the filling material.

The dentist can easily replace a bad filling with a new one.

If there is a large amount of restoration material in the cavity, you can ask the specialist to prescribe a gel with a high fluoride content. Its regular application will help strengthen the hard surface and prevent caries from forming again. Filled teeth may also be coated with fluoride varnish during the examination.

At home, it is recommended to use mouth rinses. With their help, you can significantly reduce the number of microbes that cause caries.

Summarizing the above, I would like to note that filling is a serious procedure. To prevent dental treatment under anesthesia from ending with repeated fillings and a double waste of time and money, you should seek help only from reliable, experienced specialists.

What factors affect the service life of a filling?

For a tooth to last for a long time, it is important to remember the following factors:

  • Tooth location. The chewing load is greater, so the fillings on them hold less well.
  • Bad habits. If the patient is accustomed to chewing nuts, seeds or candies, as well as opening bottles with his teeth, etc., then the service life of the restoration is rapidly decreasing.
  • Bruxism – contributes to tooth wear in general.
  • Poor quality treatment. An indicator of this may be how long it takes to place a filling, the lack of control images during the treatment of periodontitis, etc.

If the filling has already fallen out, how long can you walk without it? Dentists recommend not to delay, but to consult a doctor as soon as possible. Besides the fact that it is a source of infection in the mouth, the thin walls of an unfilled tooth can break when chewing or biting into hard foods. The next restoration will be more massive, or even require prosthetics with an inlay and a crown.

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