Mouth ulcers: causes and treatment (Well, you and the ulcer! Where do sores in the mouth come from and how to get rid of them)

Ulcers caused by trauma

The main reason for the appearance of ulcers when the mucous membrane is injured is infection in the wound. Most often, white rashes occur due to the habit of biting nails or the tip of a pencil or pen.

Fans of seeds and hard toothbrushes may also be at risk. Many people believe that hard bristles remove plaque better. Actually this is not true. If you carefully brush your teeth with such a brush, you can damage the enamel, gums and cause inflammation.

Other causes of mucosal injury:

  • uncomfortable dentures;
  • braces or other orthodontic structures;
  • habit of unconsciously biting your cheek or tongue;
  • exposure to mucous membranes with drugs or acids.

How to treat?

It is enough to remove the irritating factor and wait 1 - 2 weeks. Usually the ulcers go away on their own. If this does not happen, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Forms of the disease


It is considered the most beneficial for the body. In this form, people with high immunity suffer from herpes stomatitis. It flows without temperature. It is distinguished by single rashes that do not cause discomfort and disappear on their own without consequences.


General disorders are added: weakness, drowsiness, fatigue, loss of appetite. Rashes appear in several places at the same time. The temperature rises to 37-37.6°C.


This form of stomatitis indicates extremely low immunity. The rashes are multiple and painful. Severe headache, chills, and vomiting appear. The temperature exceeds 38oC.

If the disease is mild, the patient may not notice any external signs!

Ulcers caused by oral diseases

White sores in the mouth can appear due to diseases of the oral cavity. The most common cause is stomatitis. It comes in several types:

  • aphthous;
  • herpetic;
  • bacterial;
  • fungal.
White ulcers in adults and children occur with aphthous and herpetic stomatitis. This disease can appear due to stress, untreated caries, lack of vitamin C, or overexertion. It is better not to self-medicate, but to immediately consult a doctor. Recommendations, in addition to medications, may include treatment of caries, a balanced diet, stress reduction, etc.
There are two separate forms of stomatitis - Bednar's aphthae and Setton's aphthae. The former develop only in a child due to injury to the mucous membrane or poor oral hygiene. Such rashes are also called erosions.

Setton's aphthae is a more complex and painful phenomenon. It begins with the appearance of compactions, which then develop into painful ulcers. They most often form on the inside of the cheeks, in the corners of the lips and on the sides of the tongue.

Another cause of white sores is gingivitis. In smokers, such rashes are much more common due to the effects of nicotine on the mucous membranes.

Those who have poor oral hygiene, reduced immunity and hormonal imbalances are also at risk of encountering gingivitis. If left untreated, it can progress to periodontitis: when the tissue that supports the tooth is affected. And this is a direct path to tooth loss.

It's all the virus's fault!

The term "stomatitis" is derived from the merger of two Greek words: stoma (mouth) and itis (inflammation). There are a great variety of different types of disease - serous, aphthous, allergic, etc. The most dangerous is herpetic, or cold sore, stomatitis caused by a virus. Its main manifestations are painful ulcers covering the oral mucosa. The trigger mechanism of the disease is the activation of herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2. First of all, the disease threatens those who have a weakened immune system and, as a result, the body simply does not have the strength to give a worthy rebuff to viruses.


To avoid relapse, it is recommended to use rinses with an antiseptic effect, observe the rules of oral hygiene, and consult a dentist in a timely manner, because simple caries can become one of the factors in the development of pathogenic processes in the mouth. It is also recommended to get rid of bad habits, minimize the consumption of foods that irritate the mucous membranes, strengthen the immune system, and carry out professional cleaning of the oral cavity.

The mechanism of formation of a blood bubble on the oral mucosa

Bloody blisters in the mouth in most cases are not life-threatening. They are formed as a result of mechanical damage to the mucous membrane. When microtrauma occurs, harmful microorganisms attack the damaged area.

After this, a number of responses are activated in the human body:

  • The immune system is activated. Monocytes and leukocytes, as well as macrophages, instantly arrive at the damaged area, attacking the harmful pathogen and quickly destroying it.
  • Immune cells die. This is a signal for other cells and substances are released in the affected area that are mediators of inflammation of the mucous membrane - serotonin, histamine and bradykinin.
  • These substances cause a strong spasm of the circulatory system and the outflow of blood is hampered. After the spasm is relieved, all accumulated blood immediately flows to the site of inflammation. It moves at high speed and under pressure. A detachment of the mucous membrane occurs in the mouth, and a bloody blister appears.

Organization of diagnostics

If a person goes to the hospital with complaints of discomfort and pain in the oral cavity, the doctor first conducts a survey to diagnose associated lesions. Then tests are prescribed:

  • allergy test;
  • bacterial culture from the site of inflammation to identify the type of infection - viral, fungal or bacterial.

A general blood test and blood serum test are required. If necessary, a referral for diagnostics from specialists of a different profile is issued.

Only after a full examination, identification of the etiology and type of the disease is it prescribed how to treat inflammation in the mouth. Independent actions will only aggravate the condition and provoke complications.

  • Diseases of the tongue and oral cavity: photos and names of diseases of the mucous membrane in adults, methods of treatment

Causes of herpes stomatitis

There are two types of herpetic stomatitis: acute and chronic. Acute herpetic stomatitis, according to Dr. Komarovsky, occurs only in children under 3 years of age, when for the first time the child’s body, already deprived of antibodies to the herpes virus received from the mother, is first exposed to a viral attack from the outside. Moreover, the source of infection, as a rule, is the parents themselves - carriers of the virus, who kiss the baby or lick his pacifier or feeding spoon.

Recurrent or chronic stomatitis is already the lot of adults. The disease is recurrent in nature as soon as the body’s immune forces are weakened. In this case, primary infection can occur either through airborne droplets (sneezing), or through household contact (for example, through the use of the same dishes with a virus carrier) or hematogenous (through blood during injections, etc.). The incubation period of the disease can last up to two weeks depending on the state of the immune system.


The pathogenesis of the disease in dentistry is still unknown. But if the body is weakened, any injury to the palate or gums can provoke activation of the herpes virus types 1 and 2!

Drug therapy


To stop the spread of infection throughout the oral cavity, as well as to prevent the occurrence of sore throat, anti-inflammatory drugs such as Stomatidine and Miramistin are prescribed. The greatest effect is achieved by repeating the rinsing procedure every 3 hours, strictly adhering to the instructions for medicinal solutions.

Antiviral drugs

To suppress the reproduction of the herpes virus, the patient is advised to take “Immudon” and “Acyclovir” orally according to the scheme, and for external use - “Viferon” ointment or “Silicea” gel.

Vitamin therapy

Tablet vitamin complexes such as “Complivit” help improve immunity.


Before use, consultation with a specialist is recommended!

Characteristics of a blood bubble on the oral mucosa

The mucous membrane protects the entire body from the negative influence of the environment, from harmful microorganisms, various types of pollution, and also has a fairly high level of regeneration. If blood blisters regularly appear on the oral mucosa, then you should take this signal seriously and take action.

A bloody ball in the mouth is a hematoma (bruise), which is characterized by the accumulation of blood in a certain place in the oral cavity. The appearance of bloody blisters is a kind of hemorrhage that occurs due to trauma to the capillaries and thin vessels of the mucous membrane.

A blister on the mucous membrane may contain clear serous fluid without the presence of blood. This means that the vessels were not damaged and the resulting wound is superficial. Such blisters on the mucous membrane heal much faster. The presence of blood in the bladder indicates a deep injury and a longer period of healing and blood resorption.

Herpetic or aphthous?

It will be somewhat more difficult to distinguish between herpetic and aphthous stomatitis. The latter got its name from the Greek term “aftha”, which means “ulcer”.

If with herpetic stomatitis there are many ulcers, but they are small, then with aphthous stomatitis there are few of them, and the size can reach 7–8 mm.

The second important distinguishing feature is the absence of swelling of the gums with aphthous stomatitis.

If you are looking for differences between herpetic and aphthous stomatitis, then the third thing you should pay attention to is the localization of the rash. Aphthous is characterized by the appearance of ulcers in the oral cavity, while herpes infection can spread to the border of the lips.

How to distinguish herpes sore throat from stomatitis?

Despite the fact that these medical terms have the same grammatical root, herpetic sore throat and herpetic stomatitis are two different diseases. Unlike stomatitis, herpes sore throat occurs not due to the penetration of the herpes virus, but as a result of an adenovirus infection (in particular, the Coxsackie A virus). Children are more likely to suffer from this disease than adults. The rashes are localized, for the most part, on the soft palate and tonsils. Typical symptoms of stomatitis include pain in the abdomen and abnormal bowel movements.


The disease begins acutely, with a jump in temperature to 40 degrees, and is severe, so differential diagnosis should only be carried out by a doctor.

Bad breath: how to get rid of it?

Halitosis or bad breath often accompanies us during oral diseases. The reasons for its appearance may be pus in the mouth, long-term use of certain medications, diseases of various body systems, and stress.

First of all, you need to understand the causes of the odor and visit a dentist, who will determine the disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment. At the same time, if nothing bothers you, then you need to pay more attention to hygiene:

  • Carry out thorough brushing of your teeth 2 times a day using floss or special brushes;
  • rinsing the mouth after every meal;
  • use of rinses;
  • professional cleaning of the oral cavity by a dentist 2 times a year.

The last point is especially important. Even if you are not bothered by your teeth or gums and there is no pain, a preventive examination by a dentist is mandatory. In many cases, it is better to prevent the development of the disease than to treat complications.

Treatment of herpetic stomatitis

How to treat herpes stomatitis? Unfortunately, the herpes virus, once entered into a person’s blood, remains in a “dormant” state for the rest of his life. But treatment of viral stomatitis is possible provided that you do not delay visiting the dentist when the first signs of the disease are detected. During the period of therapy, in order to avoid infecting loved ones, you should eat and drink from separate containers and avoid kissing. The patient is recommended a diet that excludes spicy, smoked, sour and salty foods, which can irritate the damaged oral mucosa, and an increased drinking regimen (up to 2.5 liters per day), aimed at combating the manifestations of general intoxication of the body.

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