Rinsing with Maraslavin quickly relieves pain and inflammation of the gums

Pharmacological properties

Combined herbal preparation for topical use in dentistry.
has an antiseptic, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, astringent, local anesthetic and regeneration-stimulating effect. When the drug is applied topically, soft tissue hyperemia and increased exudation are first noted. the presence of ammonium chloride in a hypertonic concentration leads to a decrease in exudation, neutralization of toxic substances in periodontal pockets, and stimulates restoration processes. due to its fibrosing effect, at the end of the course of treatment there is an increase in collagen fibrils and their compaction, a significant decrease in swelling and bleeding. Regular use of maraslavin after complete removal of tartar and treatment of the root surface eliminates bad breath. the drug leads to a decrease in hypersensitivity when the necks of the teeth are exposed and shifts the pH to the acidic side, thus acting bacteriostatically on the fusospirillum microflora existing in the oral cavity. The gingival papillae fit tightly to the necks of the teeth. the depth of periodontal pockets, measured with special periodontal probes, is significantly reduced. The herb wormwood, which is part of the drug, contains active ingredients - essential oils, among which blue-green essential oil has the highest activity. It also contains thujol alcohol, thujone ketone, terpenes, acetic and isovaleric acids.

The main pharmacological properties of wormwood when used systemically are stimulation of salivation (saliva has a bactericidal effect); stimulation of taste buds. When applied topically, it accelerates the regeneration processes and healing of wounds and ulcers.

Garden savory contains the essential oils of carvacrol and paracymol, tannins, and mucous substances. It has an astringent, bactericidal, antispasmodic effect.

Clove tree buds contain essential oils: eugenol, acetoeugenol, vanillin and caryophyllene. Clove essential oils are used in dental practice as antiseptics and also have an analgesic effect.

Black pepper contains approximately 1.2–2.6% essential oils, which are responsible for its antimicrobial and therapeutic effects on periodontal disease.

Stimulates taste nerve receptors and helps increase gastric secretion and saliva. Also has an insecticidal effect.

The medicine also contains ginger. It contains up to 3% essential oils, arylalkanes, gingerdiols and starch. These main components determine the following pharmacological effects: stimulation of salivation, gastric and bile secretion, antiemetic, antioxidant, antiplatelet, antilipidemic and anti-inflammatory effects.

The essential oils of certain types of medicinal plants in the preparation, different in composition, determine the pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect of the combination. The presence of tannins, acids and dyes in the solution contributes to the antiexudative, antihemorrhagic and local anesthetic effect of the combination.

There are no data on the pharmacokinetics of the individual components and their combination when applied topically to the gums or gum pockets.


Solution for topical use100 ml
active substances
wormwood herb (Artemisiaa pontica L.)4.196 g
savory herb (Satureja hortensis L.)0.728 g
clove, buds (Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merr.et. LMPerry)3.646 g
black pepper fruits (Piper nigrum L.)1.199 g
ginger rhizomes (Zingiber officinale Roscoe)4.196 g
excipients: ammonium chloride - 2.399 g; wine vinegar 2% (corresponds to 2 g/100 ml acetic acid) - 59.59 g; purified water - 59.59 g
the drug is produced using the technology of obtaining a decoction from a mixture of plant materials with water and wine vinegar


The drug is intended for local use.

Adults and children over 14 years of age:

Before starting treatment, the dentist carries out complete mechanical therapy of the entire dentition, including the removal of supra- and subgingival tartar and dental plaque, polishing and curretage without lambo with a depth of periodontal pockets up to 5.5 mm. Existing iatrogenic factors are also corrected; according to indications, selective grinding is also carried out to remove the existing traumatic occlusion.

The drug is dosed in 10–15 ml doses as a mouth rinse for 2–3 months at intervals. It is necessary to conduct at least 17–20 sessions per month. After completion of active treatment, maintenance therapy is carried out with follow-up examinations every 5–6 months. The last examination is carried out 12 months after the start of therapy.

How does Maraslavin work?

Maraslavin prevents the development of inflammation and allergic reactions. The wound healing process is accompanied by the effect of local anesthesia, which facilitates the treatment of oral diseases. Rinsing with a healing liquid helps cleanse the oral mucosa of toxic substances, purulent plaques and bacteria.

After contact of the drug with tissues, their ability to regenerate sharply increases due to an increase in the density of collagen fibers. The activation of growth and compaction of the epithelial layer of the gums begins, which leads to the natural restoration of the tissue structures of the oral cavity.

The instructions for the herbal medicine Maraslavin contain special instructions regarding the features of treatment with the drug:

  • the beginning of treatment procedures can cause an increase in the inflammatory process, accompanied by swelling and irritation;
  • relief of the condition along with rapid healing of the mucous membrane occurs after cleansing the periodontal pockets of toxic deposits;
  • continuation of therapy leads to a decrease in gum bleeding and the return of a tight fit of their papillae to the surface of the teeth.

The use of rinses with Maraslavin eliminates the serious threat of subsequent loss of teeth by eliminating infection in the gum pockets. Reducing the cavities with their further disappearance aligns the edge of the gum, pressing it against the teeth, which can significantly reduce tooth mobility during periodontal disease.

special instructions

It is necessary to take into account that due to the content of a large number of organic acids, the solution exhibits a weak demineralizing effect on hard dental tissues, and it should not be recommended for caries and dentition disorders (clusters of teeth, malocclusion).

It is first necessary to carry out general dental sanitation using orthopedic methods. The patient is recommended to eat food enriched with vitamins and additional use of vitamins A and C. During the treatment period, eating spicy and irritating foods (garlic, onions, nuts, etc.) is prohibited; you should not brush your teeth with a toothbrush and paste or use disinfectant liquids to rinse your mouth. Rinse your mouth with cool water in the morning and evening. Prolonged exposure to the sun should be avoided.

Use during pregnancy and lactation. There are no systematic studies of the effect of the drug during pregnancy or breastfeeding, therefore during these periods the drug should be used under medical supervision and only after a careful assessment of the benefit/risk ratio.

Children. Due to insufficient clinical experience, use of the drug in children under 14 years of age is not recommended.

The ability to influence reaction speed when driving vehicles or working with other mechanisms. No data.

When is rinsing prescribed?

A course of use of Maraslavin, which has an astringent and antiallergic effect, is prescribed by the dentist after surgery for periodontal disease. In addition, rinsing the mouth with a healing herbal liquid is indicated for inflammatory gum diseases.

Hemorrhagic form of periodontal disease

The course of the pathology is accompanied by severe bleeding of the gums, their swelling and pain, which leads to the development of tooth mobility. The disease is characterized by the appearance of shallow gum pockets with scant exudate and subgingival dental deposits.

How do rinses with Maraslavin work:

  • pain in the gums decreases;
  • the amount of swelling is minimized;
  • profuse bleeding stops.

The use of a natural solution of Maraslavin for rinsing the mouth allows you to return the gums to their natural size, ensuring tight contact of the gingival papillae with the plane of the tooth neck. The result is the partial or complete disappearance of gingival cavities, which threaten the development of a purulent process.

Pyorrheic type of periodontal disease

The development of a purulent form (alveolar pyorrhea) is characterized by the appearance of a large number of pockets filled with pus with an abundance of subgingival deposits. Under the influence of the combined composition of the drug Maraslavin, the volumes of purulent discharge initially increase, but continued therapy leads to a decrease in the production of exudate until it completely disappears.


Reducing the volume of pus leads to an improvement in the condition, accompanied by a decrease in pain, tissue regeneration, and the oral mucosa takes on a healthy appearance. However, the instructions for use of Maraslavin warn about the possibility of side effects due to impaired outflow of pus from the alveolar cavity. The situation may be accompanied by the appearance of low-grade fever when the lotions with the medicine fit tightly. The symptom of low-grade fever disappears with the removal of tampons.

Placement of tampons is contraindicated in case of an abundance of purulent masses and a progressive abscess. Children under 14 years of age are not treated with Maraslavin; it would be safer for pregnant and lactating women to refrain from using natural medicine.

The possibility of allergies should not be ruled out. The appearance of its symptoms is a fact of the individual reaction of the patient’s body to the components of the healing agent. There is no information in dental practice about an overdose of a locally used drug.


Description of the drug Maraslavin gingival solution. fl. 100ml on this page is a simplified author’s version of the apteka911 website, created on the basis of the instructions for use.
Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the manufacturer's original instructions (attached to each package of the drug). Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide to prescribe the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.

How is the treatment carried out?

Local therapy with Maraslavin is prescribed by a doctor, and he also carries it out, since therapeutic manipulation requires professional training and supervision of a specialist. The dentist performs actions according to a certain algorithm.

Instructions for professional therapy with Maraslavin

  1. At the preparatory stage, the treatment procedure begins with mechanical treatment of the entire dentition. The dentist begins to clean the bone and gum pockets and removes tartar from the surface of the enamel. It is impossible to effectively clean teeth from tartar at home.
  2. The doctor places loose tampons, abundantly soaked in Maraslavin solution, into the vacated cavity of the alveolar pockets. The lotions remain in the gum cavity for no longer than 5 minutes, after which they are replaced with new ones. In one session, 5-6 such procedures may be needed to ensure deep penetration of the drug into the tissue.
  3. At the end of the session, tampons with a medicinal composition remain inside the periodontal pockets for a day. The patient should not touch the lotions; only if they fit tightly, is it permissible to independently remove the tampon, which can cause a temperature jump in the presence of purulent exudate.
  4. During the second treatment session (the next day), the dentist removes the old tampons to replace them with new ones after removing the subgingival tartar. After changing 5-6 tampons soaked in Maraslavin, the last lotions are left again for a day until the next visit to the doctor.

The duration of a simple course does not exceed 3 months. If the interval between the first sessions should not exceed 24 hours, then the dentist determines the need for subsequent courses based on the results of the treatment measures already carried out. Over the entire period of therapy there should be at least 17-20 manipulations.

At the final stage of therapy with Mapaslavin (after 6 months), the doctor assesses the condition of the oral mucosa affected by inflammation. If necessary, the course may be repeated.

Instructions for using Maraslavin at home

The use of an external antiseptic to independently insert tampons into periodontal pockets is unacceptable, as is the independent removal of lotions left by a doctor. At home, you can use Maraslavin as a mouth rinse.

How to dilute the remedy to get rid of the symptoms of the initial stage of periodontal disease:

  • rinsing - a tablespoon of solution should be diluted in a glass of warm water, you can rinse your mouth up to 5 times a day, but no longer than 3 months;
  • baths - use 2 tablespoons of undiluted product, keep the liquid in the mouth for 10-15 minutes, no more than 5 procedures daily;
  • applications - cover the gums with gauze bandages soaked in Maraslavin; do not keep the lotion in place for more than 15 minutes.

Although the natural drug is sold without a prescription, the instructions for it warn about the need to consult a doctor. The brown antiseptic solution should be stored in a dry place, out of reach of small children. The instructions for the herbal medicine also indicate that there are no problems when combining it with other medications.

Recommendations and tips

During complex treatment of the oral cavity, doctors require their patients to comply with all of the following requirements:

  • It is advisable not to carry out the treatment yourself, but it is best to visit a dentist to ensure the procedure is carried out correctly.
  • Doctors recommend introducing foods containing large amounts of vitamin C and A into your diet.
  • You should completely exclude solid, and at the same time sour and spicy foods from your diet.
  • It is also important to limit your exposure to sunlight as much as possible.

According to the instructions for use of Maraslavin, it is prohibited to use toothbrushes along with regular toothpaste during treatment, and the use of any disinfectant solution is also unacceptable. In order to maintain daily oral hygiene, it is enough to rinse it with warm water every day, immediately after eating.


Vladimir Fedorovich, Moscow. As an experienced dentist, I have been prescribing Maraslavin to my patients for quite some time. I consider the local remedy especially valuable for the treatment of chronic periodontal disease with purulent exudate. Therapy helps prevent surgery.

Yuri, Vladivostok. I had bad breath, I struggled with the problem for a long time, I used expensive toothpastes and magic elixirs for rinsing, but there was no effect. And then the dentist discovered periodontal disease. Therapy with Maraslavin saved me not only from bad breath, but also from tooth mobility. Thanks to the author of the wonderful remedy, and to the dentist for the correct treatment.

Katerina, Novosibirsk. After removing the tartar, the doctor prescribed rinsing with Maraslavin three times a day. I bought one bottle for the course, it was enough, but I had to suffer from the terrible taste of the solution, I remembered it for a long time. However, this is a small price to pay for recovery.

Oleg, Peter. I became friends with Maraslavin during the eruption of my wisdom teeth. To reduce pain and inflammation, the dentist prescribed rinses for me. I diluted the suspension in water according to the instructions and rinsed my mouth after eating. I had to put up with the unpleasant smell, but the treatment was short-lived. Now I use the product for preventive purposes so that my gums no longer become inflamed.

Sources used:

  • Alien CM, Camisa C. In: Sama WM, Lynch PJ, eds. Principles and practice of dermatology. New York: Churchill-Livingstone
  • Therapeutic dentistry / I.G. Lukomsky. — M.: State Publishing House of Medical Literature
  • Products webpage

Release form

To understand what “Maraslavin” looks like, just look at the photo. The drug is sold in liquid form and is packaged during production in darkened glass bottles of 100 milliliters. This is a red-brown solution that is ready for use. It tastes astringent and sour.

If the patient experiences sensitivity to the components of the drug, which occurs very rarely and manifests itself in the form of allergies or rashes, itching, then it is recommended not to immediately cancel it, but to try diluting the solution 1:1 with water.

Purpose of the medicine: indications for use

As for Maraslavin, it is not as versatile as Tempalgin. It has a clear and fairly narrow list of indications for use. In most cases, the drug is prescribed by a dentist or periodontist if the patient has specific diseases - periodontitis1 or periodontal disease. Most often, the medicine is prescribed as part of complex therapy for the treatment of purulent inflammation and in clinical conditions complicated by the presence of periodontal pockets. The oral mucosa is also treated with the drug after surgical procedures and interventions on soft tissues and gums.

Periodontitis and periodontal disease - indications for use of the drug

Who produces the drug

This unique combination product of herbal origin or herbal medicine is brought to the market by a company with rich traditions, Sopharma, whose head office is located in Bulgaria. The corporation has existed since 1933, actively invests in research activities, so it can boast of producing truly high-quality and competitively priced medicines. The same “Maraslavin” can be purchased in various pharmacies for only 110-150 rubles. In addition to Maraslavin, for example, the company supplies to different countries of the world such medicine as Tempalgin, which often becomes a permanent “tenant” in the home medicine cabinet and is perceived as a remedy for all ills, or more precisely, for pain of various origins.


Please enlighten me, do “Maraslavin” have any analogues?

Anton (02/08/2019 at 11:09) Reply to comment

    Dear Anton, in terms of the mechanism of action, “Kalgel”, “Dentinox gel”, “Stomagel”, “Kamistad”, “Solcoseryl” are very close to this drug.

    Editorial staff of the portal UltraSmile.ru (02/12/2019 at 08:38) Reply to comment

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What are the contraindications

Apart from individual intolerance to the components of the drug and the age of patients under 18 years of age, the manufacturer does not identify any group of patients for whom treatment with the drug is completely contraindicated. The use of the drug does not cause any negative reactions, does not affect the enamel and dentin of the teeth, does not cause harm to the body and cannot cause intoxication or overdose (unless, of course, you swallow the liquid, which is generally contraindicated).

There are also no clear contraindications for pregnant women and those women who are breastfeeding small children. It is only said that no reliable studies have been conducted on these groups of patients, therefore the advisability of treatment with the solution should be determined based on the individual clinical situation.

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