Scaling the root and subgingival surfaces is the key to healthy and beautiful teeth

The essence of the term “scaling”

Many patients are interested in what oral scaling is. This is a professional procedure (carried out exclusively in the dentist’s office) that allows you to clean the supragingival, cervical, subgingival area, and roots from hard deposits and plaques, which are usually called tartar. Translated from English, scaling means “descaling.” But very often, some clinics include the removal of soft deposits in this concept.

On a note! In some dentistry, the word scaling simply means comprehensive cleaning of the oral cavity. But it would be more correct to say that this is one of the stages of professional hygiene (cleaning) of the oral cavity.

In the classical sense, the procedure is carried out using ultrasonic instruments called scalers (scalers, scalers). But in addition to them, other devices and devices can also be used, for example, mechanical curettes.

About ultrasound exposure

As mentioned above, ultrasonic scaling is a more modern, effective and safe option for cleaning teeth from plaque and tartar. Under the influence of ultrasonic vibrations, solid deposit structures are literally destroyed and immediately washed away with a water jet. The technology allows the procedure to be carried out completely painlessly for the patient, and without the risk of injury to mucous tissues.

Today, ultrasonic scaling is often carried out in combination with sandblasting using an Air Flow device. After exposure to ultrasound, the doctor treats the enamel and cervical area with an air-water jet containing abrasive particles, and, if necessary, smoothes the root surface in the same way. Thus, he removes the remaining small particles of deposits and carries out additional polishing to protect the fabrics from the rapid formation of new plaque and tartar.

Using an ultrasound machine, a specialist cleans periodontal pockets

The need for the procedure

A biofilm consisting of saliva, food debris and various microorganisms continuously forms on the surface of the enamel. If a person brushes his teeth irregularly and not well enough, as well as other factors (poor diet, bad habits, internal diseases of the body, such as diabetes), then deposits begin to accumulate, layer on top of each other, and soft plaque quickly turns into hard plaque.

When is oral scaling performed?

At first, such plaque is deposited only on the crowns of the teeth and the surface of the gums, which spoils the aesthetics of the smile and leads to bad breath. But later it penetrates under the gums. Removing it at home becomes simply impossible, and generally unsafe. And if you don’t clean, the risk of developing caries, gingivitis and periodontitis increases.

Plaque under the gums is especially dangerous, because it becomes a source of toxins that inflame the gums, leading to the formation of deep periodontal pockets, purulent processes, destruction of periodontal tissue and the ligaments of teeth that hold them in the sockets. To prevent such conditions, treat them (including to avoid complex surgical procedures), and scaling can be performed in dentistry.


In addition to the need for periodic monitoring of the condition of the oral cavity, factors determining the need for the procedure include:

  • Planning the installation of fixing splints;
  • Preparation for prosthetics or implantation;
  • Installation of orthodontic correctors;
  • Deterioration of the shade of the enamel coating of teeth.

Diagnosed gum pockets are a prerequisite for the development of more complex pathologies, which can be eliminated by timely scaling.

What types of procedures are there?

Depending on the type and location of plaque, there are supragingival and subgingival scaling. The second can be combined with procedures such as closed or open curettage of the gums, and also necessarily with root polishing.

Supragingival scaling and indications for its implementation

Plaque on the surface of the enamel and gums, as mentioned above, forms continuously. Absolutely no one is safe from it. Our diet, oral care habits, various diseases and bad habits (for example, smoking) make the smile unattractive, leading to the appearance of persistent pigmentation and discoloration, hard brown dental deposits along the gum line - they are best seen from the lingual side.

Supragingival scaling procedure

On a note! Indications for supragingival type of manipulation: prevention of caries and gum inflammation, as well as preparation for any medical and surgical procedures, for example, whitening, splinting, implantation, prosthetics, installation of braces, fluoridation and remineralization.

How do doctors deal with these types of plaque? Ultrasonic scaling or laser comes to the rescue in the fight against hard deposits. But the Air-Flow device, special brushes, threads and pastes cope well with soft plaque. After such a complex effect, the enamel becomes smooth, shiny, well-groomed, and acquires its natural shade. The procedure also perfectly prepares the oral cavity for better exposure to various strengthening and healing compounds.

Subgingival scaling and indications for its implementation

Such manipulation as subgingival scaling of dental plaque is indicated in the following situations:

  • the presence of hard plaque under the gums, on the necks and roots of the teeth: in these areas there is no soft plaque. Typically, the presence of deposits is indicated by symptoms such as increased sensitivity, bleeding and swelling of the gums, periodontal pockets, detachment of the gum from the tooth, pus, bad breath, mobility and displacement of teeth,
  • atrophy of the gums, exposure of the necks and roots of the teeth,
  • gingivitis, periodontitis and periodontal disease: for their comprehensive treatment and prevention.

During the procedure, the doctor needs to carefully penetrate the subgingival pockets and clean them, for which ultrasound (special devices with scaler attachments) or laser are best suited. In addition, manual mechanical instruments (curettes[1]) are also used.

Application of the “Vector” device

It is important to emphasize that subgingival deposits, depending on their quantity and depth of location, can be removed in different ways:

  • subgingival scaling, which is also called closed and non-surgical: it is used to gently and atraumatically clean periodontal pockets (if they are shallow, no more than 5-6 mm) and the root surface as much as possible. Can be effectively performed on the Vector machine using a special Vector Paro attachment,
  • deep scaling: to better provide access to the roots and deposits (if they are very deep), doctors sometimes resort to surgical manipulations, peeling off the mucous membrane with a scalpel. The procedure is more complex and traumatic.

On a note! Ultrasound is good because it is non-contact and does not cause allergies. It breaks deposits into tiny particles, after which they are washed away without a trace with an aqueous solution. But the laser is considered even safer and more effective in use, since it simultaneously disinfects mucous membranes, prevents tissue bleeding, and accelerates regeneration processes after traumatic interventions. However, the laser procedure is more expensive.

After removing deposits from the roots of the teeth, it is important for the doctor to grind, polish and smooth these areas using special pastes. This measure will help prevent rapid re-formation of the stone. The procedure for root planing in dentistry is called root planning. An experienced doctor will definitely carry it out after scaling.

Helps keep teeth beautiful and healthy

Scaling not only helps make your smile beautiful, but also keeps your teeth healthy.
After all, even daily brushing of teeth does not protect the oral cavity from all possible dental diseases. The smallest particles of food can accumulate in tooth spaces that are inaccessible to a toothbrush. Together with coffee, tea, tobacco, and alcohol, they contribute to the formation of plaque. And it, in turn, is converted into tartar.

This course of circumstances inevitably leads to a host of unpleasant gum diseases, which can lead to tooth loss. There is no need to talk about the aesthetic appearance of a smile here - plaque makes teeth yellow and ugly.

During the process of professional teeth cleaning, called scaling, all harmful deposits are removed. This ensures a beautiful smile and healthy oral cavity.

Does it hurt?

The procedure can be unpleasant, especially if the patient has sensitive teeth and sore gums. However, there is usually no talk about pain. To prevent discomfort, tissues are anesthetized before the procedure by applying a special freezing gel to them. If subgingival scaling is performed openly, with mucosal detachment and subsequent suturing, the procedure is performed under local anesthesia.

After the procedure, already at home, the patient may again experience discomfort. To reduce it to a minimum, and also to promote rapid tissue restoration, a diet is prescribed (without cold and hot, hard, salty and spicy), antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and regenerating drugs are prescribed.

How painful is it to do teeth scaling?

“I did scaling of the entire jaw. The doctor advised to treat periodontitis. Afterwards it was very unpleasant, my gums were very sore and itchy. At home I smeared them with Dent's Metrogyl. But 8 weeks have passed, and now the doctor notes that my condition has improved, the periodontal pockets have become significantly smaller, and this is worth a lot!”

Karma, review from the dental portal

Benefits of subgingival scaling

The main goals of subgingival dental scaling are the prevention and treatment of periodontal inflammation by removing stone, microbial film, infected root cement and forming its smooth surface. The procedure allows you to get rid of the source of toxins and bacteria, relieve unpleasant symptoms (bleeding, swelling, soreness and itching of the gums).

Important! According to a number of studies, the treatment of periodontitis using the scaling technique can reduce the depth of periodontal pockets and the number of bacteria, and help restore natural gingival attachment.[2]

In case of advanced periodontitis and periodontal disease, in combination with other measures, it helps to transfer the disease into a stage of stable remission, serves as a prevention of the formation of new deposits, and helps to avoid displacement and premature loss of teeth.

Expert opinion
Marina Igorevna Tarabanovskaya
Specializations: Dentist-therapist, periodontist

Experience: 9+

“Subgingival scaling is one of the conservative types of treatment for periodontal diseases (in combination with other methods) and often allows one to avoid more complex surgical interventions. For example, flap operations to reduce deep periodontal pockets and correct gums.”

Air Flow teeth cleaning technique.

To carry out professional teeth cleaning with Air Flow, a mixture of water and special abrasive particles is first applied to the tooth surface under some pressure. With its help, tooth enamel is polished, that is, plaque and various microorganisms are removed. Air Flow, due to its convenience, is a very popular teeth cleaning procedure today. This is explained by the fact that to implement it you only need to undergo 1 session, during which a specialist will lighten the enamel on your teeth up to three shades. It is known that plaque and food debris in hard-to-reach places are a favorable environment for the reproduction and growth of various bacteria that can cause caries, inflame the gums and destroy teeth. Therefore, professional teeth cleaning using Air Flow is also the best preventative measure.

It is noteworthy that ultrasonic teeth cleaning (using Air Flow or other devices) in European countries is a component of the insurance program, being one of the mandatory procedures. In our country, too, the Air Flow cleaning procedure has recently become more and more popular, because prevention is always much more pleasant than the treatment itself. And the cost of ultrasonic cleaning is much cheaper.

Scaling and curettage: the same thing?

Sometimes in different descriptions these two concepts mean the same thing. But actually it is not. If we turn to periodontics, then curettage is the scraping of the gingival wall of the periodontal pocket from granulations. What are granulations? Soft tissues subjected to a pathological inflammatory process.

Scaling involves the removal of hard dental plaque (if it is subgingival, then from under the gum, which is important in the case of periodontitis and periodontal disease) and is necessarily combined with the procedure for smoothing the root surface. Some of the actions carried out during these manipulations may include some stages of curettage. However, these two procedures should be considered as separate parts of periodontal treatment.[3]

For a better therapeutic effect, these two procedures can be performed sequentially. After them, the gums are initially bright red, swollen, and may bleed. But after just a few weeks, with proper hygienic care, the tissues acquire a natural pinkish color, their surface is evened out, and they adhere better to the teeth.

Before and after the scaling procedure

What about the price?

The cost of the procedure may vary in different clinics and regions, but on average it ranges from 6 thousand rubles. Compared to the treatment of cavities, gingivitis, periodontitis and other diseases, this is a fairly reasonable price.

If you are wondering whether it is worth paying such a sum for cleaning surfaces from tartar, decide what is better - to constantly visit the dentist and suffer from painful procedures during treatment, or to carry out such treatment and forget about any signs of disease for a long period.

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