Methods for getting rid of lip swelling after a blow or bruise


A bruise on the lip can form due to a bruise, biting the teeth, trauma during dental treatment, or as a reaction to a drug. The causes include malocclusion, vitamin deficiency, and the use of anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents. The mark is formed due to hemorrhagic vasculitis or tumor development.

Even hot kisses can spoil the appearance of your lips. Therefore, a bruise is treated by applying cold in the first minutes after the injury. Then they use absorbable agents: gels Troxevasin, Lyoton, Hepatrombin ointment, Arnigel, Bruise OFF cream. Compresses made from aloe with honey, wormwood, and raw potatoes will also help.

Reasons why a bruise appeared on the lip

A bruise on the lip can occur for several reasons:

  • Because of the bruise. This area is very sensitive, with thin transparent skin, without fat. There are a lot of blood vessels here, and they are easy to damage. The blood released from the destroyed capillaries remains in the tissues for some time. And it is clearly visible through the transparent skin, much more clearly than on other parts of the body.
  • Due to other mechanical effects. It is not uncommon to have bruises on the lips from kissing. Too active actions of a partner can lead to injury to small vessels. Especially if you kiss for a long time.

You can damage the area while eating if you bite the mucous membrane with your teeth. Or in the dentist’s office, when you have to open your mouth wide and stay in that position for a long time. Vessels can become damaged from tension, resulting in a blue mark or several.

  • Due to malocclusion. The abnormal position of the dentition when the lips are closed, while eating, or talking can lead to soft tissue injury. And this happens more than once, so spots appear often.
  • Due to lack of vitamin C in the body. The problem weakens the blood vessels, making them vulnerable to any influence. And the lip area is very mobile, so capillaries can burst during communication, laughter, while eating, or simply from an awkward touch.
  • As a result of a cosmetic procedure - augmentation with hyaluronic acid, tattooing. In this case, a bruise on the lip is formed due to damage to a large vessel. Small capillaries are also injured, because living tissue comes into contact with the filler.
  • Due to hemorrhagic vasculitis. This disease occurs with inflammation of blood vessels. For the most part, the rashes are localized on the limbs and body, but spots can also be on the lips.
  • Because of the tumor. The neoplasm is formed from the vascular network, feeds on it, so at first it looks like a bruise. As a result of its development, soft tissues and new vessels are damaged. Therefore, the stain begins to protrude above the skin.
  • If necessary, take blood thinning medications. Aspirin and other anticoagulants also weaken blood vessels. And when they are damaged, biological fluid spreads more actively in the tissues.

A hematoma on a child’s lip in most cases appears due to injury. It doesn't have to be a hit or a fall. Small children love to try toys and various objects on their teeth, and often suck a finger or a pacifier. All this can also cause damage to the mucous membrane and red border.

We cannot exclude a lack of ascorbic acid in the body, hemorrhagic vasculitis, which develops at the age of 5-14 years. The cause may be a tumor formation, but this is much less common. Parents should also monitor the development of their child’s bite. If hematomas appear regularly, you may need to think about correction.

How long does it take?

How long a hematoma in the lip area lasts depends on many factors:

  • age (old people take longer to recover);
  • features of the metabolic process;
  • existing diseases;
  • care

The depth and extent of the bruise are important, because the stronger the injury, the longer it will take to heal.

But on average, small hematomas resolve in 4-7 days. In the worst case scenario, it will take 2 weeks to heal.

Swelling of the penis and testicles.

Swelling of the genital organs can be caused by both completely harmless factors (passionate sex, tight underwear, allergies, poor hygiene) and serious reasons. Therefore, if the swelling does not subside within a day or additional symptoms appear (itching, burning, redness, discharge, rash, inability to open the foreskin), you should consult a specialist.

Why does the penis and/or testicles swell?

Various reasons can cause swelling of the penis and testicles:

Balanitis, posthitis, balanoposthitis.

Balanitis (inflammatory disease of the head of the penis) and posthitis (inflammatory process of the foreskin) are usually inseparable, which is why they are combined under the common term “balanoposthitis.” In a man, erosions form on the head of the penis and in the area of ​​the foreskin, pain, swelling, and hardening of the inguinal lymph nodes are possible.


Pathological processes in the cavernous bodies cause swelling of the shaft of the penis.


Due to the narrowing of the foreskin, the head of the penis is not fully released, which leads to inflammation and swelling.


Pinching the head of the penis by the foreskin causes redness and swelling of the organ, and pain when urinating. In the absence of timely medical care, tissue necrosis is possible.


As a result of inflammation of the dorsal vein, the penis swells and the temperature rises sharply. Physical activity and movement cause pain.


Itching and swelling of the penis can be caused by synthetic underwear, poor-quality lubricants, condoms, and long-term use of antibiotics.


The slightest bruise can provoke swelling of the penis and the appearance of a hematoma, which is explained by the increased sensitivity of the organ. Sometimes the cause of microtrauma can be a strong impact on the penis during sexual intercourse or masturbation, or wearing too tight underwear.


Sexually transmitted diseases (trichomoniasis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis) often cause swelling of the genital organs. With syphilis, a growing compaction also becomes noticeable, and the general condition worsens. Swelling of the penis is also possible with systemic infections (tuberculosis).


The cause of swelling can be a malignant neoplasm, but swelling of the entire trunk is extremely rare.

Diagnosis of a hematoma on the lip

If hematomas on the lip appear frequently, or the mark does not go away for a long time, or increases in size, you should definitely see a doctor. In case of injury, you can contact a traumatologist or surgeon. If a bruise has formed after “beauty injections”, at least a consultation with the cosmetologist who performed the procedure is necessary.

If a blood disease or other systemic pathology is suspected, a general analysis (CBC) is performed, and a detailed analysis may be prescribed. Depending on the results, more detailed studies of biological fluid may be needed, as well as ultrasound of internal organs, x-rays of joints, etc.

How to remove a hematoma after a blow

You can remove a hematoma after an impact, or rather, prevent it from spreading and becoming too noticeable with the help of:

  • Cold compress. Ice is applied to the bruised area for 15-20 minutes. It needs to be wrapped in a napkin, otherwise the extreme cold will also cause frostbite. Then take a break and repeat the compress.
  • Several metal spoons. They are placed in the freezer to cool and applied to the bruise one by one. As soon as one spoon warms up, it is replaced with the next one, etc. The whole procedure should also take no more than 20 minutes, and after a pause it is repeated.

How to get rid of a bruise on the lip with drugs

You can get rid of a bruise on the lip using external agents that promote resorption:

  • Gel Troxevasin. They use it 1-2 times a day for a week. It should be applied in a thin layer. The drug contains troxerutin, which strengthens blood vessels.
  • Gelya Lyoton. The product can be applied up to 3 times a day. If the hematoma is on the lip, this should be done within a week. Lyoton contains sodium heparin, which increases vascular resistance.
  • Cream Bruise OFF. The drug based on leech extract and pentoxifylline is used up to 5 times a day. It relieves swelling, inflammation and pain.
  • Heparin ointment. In addition to the absorbable effect, it also provides pain relief, since it contains benzocaine. This ointment for bruises on the lips is applied to the bruise 1-2 times a day.
  • Arnigel. The drug contains an extract of the arnica plant, which has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and regenerative effects. It is applied 2-3 times a day. Course – 7 days.
  • Balsam Rescuer. It is a product based on plant extracts, without dyes or fragrances, so it can be used for hematomas on the inside of the lip. The balm is applied 2-3 times a day. Before use, you should read the composition, as some components may cause allergies.
  • Indovazina. The gel can be used 3-4 times a day. It contains troxerutin and indomethacin. That is, the product not only quickly resolves bruises around the lips and on the red border, but also eliminates pain.

You should not use products with badyaga to treat hematomas in this area. Sea sponge causes dryness and burning on the red border of the lips, which can injure them even more. The bruise will go away, and then you will have to treat the skin for peeling and cracks.

How to quickly remove using folk methods

It will be possible to quickly remove a hematoma using a combination of medicinal treatment methods and folk remedies:

  • Plantain. The plant leaf is washed well and cut in several places to release the juice. The plantain should be applied to the mark for 15 minutes, then removed and replaced with a new one. The plant is rich in vitamins C and K, tannins, so it perfectly removes bruises and is pleasant to use.
  • Aloe. It is advisable that the plant is at least 3 years old, as it contains more useful components. The aloe leaf is cut lengthwise and the wet side is applied to the hematoma. You can also treat a bruise on the inside, but the juice has a bitter taste. The resorption effect is achieved through vitamins, tannins, and regenerating components.
  • Potatoes. Raw tuber should be used. The product is washed, peeled, grated or crushed using a blender. The gruel should be very tender. It is placed in gauze and applied to the bruise for 20 minutes twice a day.

You can cut the raw vegetable into slices and make a compress with them, changing them as the juice dries. Potatoes contain vitamins A, E and K, which have a beneficial effect on blood vessels, so you can quickly cure a bruise on your lip.

  • Banana. The skin is removed and the pulp is mashed with a fork. It can be applied to the bruise several times a day. Bananas contain a lot of vitamin C and potassium, which tonic blood vessels, hence its regenerating properties. The pulp can also be applied to the mucous membrane of the lip without fear of burning or an unpleasant aftertaste. Some people use banana peels to resolve bruises. It should be applied from the inside.
  • Aloe and honey. The plant is crushed and mixed in equal parts with the liquid product. You need to make sure that no sharp particles of aloe get into the pulp, they can hurt your lips. The mixture is applied to the bruise for 15 minutes. After the compress, it is washed off and, for example, Troxevasin gel is applied.
  • Fresh cabbage leaf. Before use, it is also cut until the juice comes out. This remedy can be applied for a couple of hours, secured with a band-aid. Fresh vegetables contain more ascorbic acid than citrus fruits. It ensures tissue regeneration.
  • Bitter wormwood. The grass is crushed, placed in gauze and applied to the affected area for 15-20 minutes. You need to repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day. Wormwood juice is very bitter, so you should try not to get it on the mucous membrane.

How to remove a bruise under and on the lip using cosmetics

You can remove a bruise under the lip and on the red border using cosmetic tricks:

  • Tonal means. The cream should have a dense texture and match the natural skin tone. But before applying it, you should use a concealer. This is also a product of creamy consistency in a pencil or palette.

It is important to choose the right color. If the hematoma is blue, the shade is neutralized with a yellow or orange corrector, depending on the natural color of the skin. For a “fading” green bruise, use lavender or lilac. If you have a yellow hematoma, you should try pink. The crimson “blanch” is hidden with a green concealer. Only after applying a corrector that will dull the color of the defect, use foundation. The top of the skin can be powdered.

  • Lipstick. It is easier for a woman to disguise a bruise on her lip with this product if it has a dense texture but is quite greasy. Lipstick should be well pigmented. A translucent, delicate shade will not be suitable for masking a hematoma. And the remedy must also be durable, so that after the first snack or sip of water the bruise is not visible.

A man can try to cover up the mark on his lip with a translucent foundation. It will not leave a light spot that would stand out against the general background, like a product with a dense consistency. But it will dull the blue. Even if the hematoma remains visible, it will be less noticeable.

Another option for men is a lip pencil in a natural shade. It should be soft, but not greasy, without shine. First, the stain is neutralized with concealer, then painted over with a pencil. You should not apply it to the entire surface of your lips, it will look cartoonish.

How to disguise with makeup

When examined, the bruise looks scary, especially if it is huge. Ointments, tinctures, compresses will not remove inflammation and swelling in one day. Nobody will give you sick leave for this reason, but you have to go to work. It is easier for ladies to cope with a hematoma. Cosmetics will help hide failure. The bruise area can be covered with dark lipstick or gloss. If the hematoma involves surrounding tissues (cheeks, chin, corners of the lips), it is masked with foundation and powder. It is recommended to first apply a foundation slightly lighter than your face tone, then apply powder later.

How to make a bruise on your lip

It's quite easy to bruise your lip by hitting yourself with an object, entrusting the job to someone else, or trying to leave a mark with a pinch. But these are very unpleasant methods, because there are many pain receptors in the mouth area. It's safer to draw the mark using:

  • Long lasting eyeshadow. Dry ones are best, they blend more naturally. Creamy ones are also possible, but without pearlescent particles. The colors chosen are blue, purple, burgundy, gray, combining them.
  • Brown sulfur from matches. It is cut with a knife and crushed. A cotton swab is dipped into the mixture and a black eye is drawn with it, lightly rubbing into the skin.
  • A couple of aluminum spoons. You need to rub them against each other, and then on the skin of your lips. There will be a bluish coating on it, similar to a fresh bruise.
  • A simple pencil. The lead should be rubbed onto the paper until it turns into a powder. You can dip your finger in the mixture and apply it to the desired location. Or the stylus is rubbed on a sheet of paper and with its help a “hematoma” is imprinted on the lip.
  • Aluminum button. It is used together with a simple pencil. The convex part is painted with it, after which a mark is applied to the selected area.

Watch a video on how to do “Ragged Lip” makeup:

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

Bruises on the lips can be cured without the help of others. The main condition is not to trigger an anomaly. Situations that require urgent specialist consultation:

  • immense bruises, a huge amount;
  • the hematoma appeared at one moment without a previous factor (may be a symptom of systemic blood diseases);
  • no effect from local therapy;
  • the bruise does not disappear after one and a half to two weeks;
  • swelling has increased and spread to other structures;
  • severe, constant pain at the site of the hematoma;
  • presence of a wound;
  • The pathological process progresses: redness and swelling occur.

Hematoma on the lips is a safe condition that does not require expensive treatment. The right approach to therapy will return beauty and attractiveness to your face in a few days. Consultation with a specialist is not required; hematomas will go away without the help of others, including injections. If you have wide bruises on your lips that cannot be healed, do not be too lazy to consult a doctor so that they can be removed and not start the pathological process.

Prerequisites for the occurrence of bruises on the lip and methods for their rapid removal.

A bruise formed on the lips does not pose a particular threat to the health of the body. But this problem spoils the appearance, causing discomfort. Why does a hematoma or bruise appear on the lip? There are a huge number of circumstances for the occurrence of ecchymosis on this part of the face. With the slightest damage to the blood vessels located in the sponges, swelling occurs - a bruise.

What should not be done when treating a hematoma on the lip

You can interfere with the rapid healing of burst vessels by careless actions, so you should not:

  • Warm a newly formed bruise. Heat will further weaken the blood vessels and the swelling will increase. And the mark itself will become more noticeable and painful.
  • Eating spicy, hot or too cold food. Temperature variability also does not benefit injured vessels. Food should be warm and so that you don't have to put a lot of effort into chewing.
  • Drink alcohol and smoke. Alcohol and nicotine, tars harm blood vessels and inhibit the regeneration process. Ethanol burns damaged skin, and a cigarette in the mouth causes soft tissue to tense.
  • Constantly touch the stain. Even a slight mechanical impact can increase damage. If the skin is torn, there is a risk of infection in the wound.
  • Apply iodine or brilliant green to the hematoma. These products burn the sensitive skin of the lips. If you need to wash the wound, it is better to use Chlorhexidine or peroxide.

In most cases, a bruise in the lip area can be dealt with on your own. But it happens that the mark appears for no reason, persists despite treatment, or gets larger and hurts. In these cases, you should definitely consult a doctor.

First aid

Removing swelling from the lip is much more difficult than preventing its occurrence in time. One of the simplest recommendations is to apply a cold compress immediately after the blow. This method allows you to narrow the blood vessels and thereby reduce the release of fluid from them. In addition, using cold can stop bleeding from small capillaries. Ice or any frozen product will work for this procedure, but it is better not to apply it directly to the skin. It is recommended to wrap pieces of ice in a cloth - this way it will not cause frostbite.

There are several methods that are not suitable as first aid for bruises in the face and lips:

  • warming ointments - such drugs will increase the release of blood from the vessels and provoke the appearance of extensive bruising;
  • iodine mesh - despite the fact that this drug is used to resolve hematomas on sensitive skin of the lips, it can cause allergies or chemical burns;
  • It is not recommended to use cosmetics during the treatment period - if you cover up the bruise with tinting agents, this may worsen the symptoms.

If the wound bleeds profusely, it is better not to try to heal it yourself. Modern surgical methods make it possible to apply a suture in such a way that there are no scars left at the site of injury. Traces of self-healing of skin damage will be visible after a long time.

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