Cases in orthodontics: when are figure eights removed and when is it better to leave them?

Pets, like people, need dental care. They suffer from caries, gingivitis, periodontitis and other diseases. In addition to illnesses, the reason for visiting the doctor is often mechanical damage to the teeth when playing or trying to chew something hard.

Visiting the dentist is as important for dogs, cats and other animals as getting tests or vaccinations. Healthy gums and oral mucosa ensure proper chewing of food and protect against focal infections.


  • The impact of malocclusion on health
  • Making a choice
  • Removable type of braces for adults
  • Popular braces
  • What is a retainer?
  • Systems for teenagers
  • For children
  • Do your teeth hurt during treatment?
  • How to care for your oral cavity?
  • Pain after removal

A beautiful smile can work wonders.
People who regularly show their teeth are more successful in life than those who don't. But what to do if nature has not given you the opportunity to smile? The most common reason for this is uneven teeth. A person becomes unsure of himself and begins to communicate less with people. In a word, he develops an inferiority complex. But there is a solution to this problem. Medicine is developing rapidly, and now anyone can get dental braces. With their help you can correct your bite. Moreover, this can be done quite quickly. For example, advanced cases take five years - this is exactly the period required to straighten the teeth.

But not everyone decides to get braces. Why? The fact is that most people are subject to stereotypes. Malocclusion occurs in 70% of the world's population. And what part of them do you think undergo treatment with braces? Less than half! And all because they consider it ineffective and painful. But that's not true.

After all, modern orthodontics offers a huge variety of designs that have different effects on teeth and look different. People who are involved in public life are often concerned about aesthetic issues. This is due to the fact that they have to interact with more people, which will be more difficult to do with designs that, in their opinion, are repulsive. As we have already said, there are different types of braces systems, and one of them is ceramic. It is white in color, so it easily “adjusts” to the natural color of the teeth.

The impact of malocclusion on health

Malocclusion has a negative impact on human health. We don’t think it’s worth talking about the aesthetic component. Of course, there are no life-threatening indicators, but it is still necessary to get rid of the anomaly, otherwise it will lead to disastrous consequences. First of all, the impact falls on the gastrointestinal tract. This happens due to the fact that a person’s chewing function is impaired. Correcting your bite with braces will help you avoid digestive problems. There are just some contraindications for installation:

  • infectious diseases of the oral cavity;
  • different sizes of teeth;
  • allergies (occurs extremely rarely to metal, but in this case it is possible to install, for example, ceramic structures).


ServicesPrice, ₽
C. Gingivectomy in the area of ​​one tooth300.00
C. Gingivectomy in the area of ​​one branch of the jaw1 000.00
C. Dental X-ray (1 projection)1 000.00
C. Dental X-ray of cats/small dogs (6-8 images)4 000.00
C. Dental X-ray of large dogs (14-16 images)8 000.00
C. Dental x-ray of medium dogs (10-12 images)6 000.00
C. Initial dentist appointment1 500.00
C. Gum plastic surgery category 11 000.00
C. Gum plastic surgery category 22 000.00
C. Gum plastic surgery category 33 000.00
C. Repeated dentist appointment1 000.00
C. Fluoride varnish coating of 1 tooth200.00
C. Fluoride varnish coating of all teeth (cats/small dogs)1 000.00
C. Coating all teeth with fluoride varnish (large dogs)2 000.00
C. Coating all teeth with fluoride varnish (medium dogs)1 500.00
C. Hardware teeth polishing using special toothpaste1 000.00
C. Separation of teeth300.00
C. Removal of temporary (deciduous) canine800.00
C. Removal of temporary (baby) premolar/molar500.00
C. Removal of temporary (deciduous) incisor300.00
C. Removal of a permanent tooth of category 1600.00
C. Removal of a permanent tooth of category 21 000.00
C. Removal of a permanent tooth of category 31 500.00
C. Removal of a permanent tooth of category 42 000.00
C. Ultrasonic sanitation of the oral cavity, category 12 000.00
C. Ultrasonic sanitation of the oral cavity, category 23 500.00
C. Ultrasonic sanitation of the oral cavity, category 35 000.00
C. Ultrasonic sanitation of the oral cavity, category 46 500.00
Dental services of 1st category of complexity4 000.00
Dental services of 2nd category of complexity6 000.00
Dental services 3rd category of complexity8 000.00
Dental services 4th category of complexity10 000.00
Dental services of 5th category of complexity12 000.00
Dental services of 6th category of complexity14 000.00
Dental services of 7th category of complexity16 000.00
Dental services of 8th category of complexity18 000.00
Dental services of 9th category of complexity20 000.00

Making a choice

Many people don't know which dental braces to choose. There is no need to rack your brains over this, as your doctor will help you make the right choice. To do this, he will take into account the characteristics of your oral cavity, age, and your wishes. Based on this, he will decide what to choose and offer it to you.

There are different types of brace systems, and you need to choose the right one based on the duration of treatment and other factors. So, if you plan to wear structures for a long time, it is better to choose ceramic or metal types. If you need to adjust your teeth slightly, you can choose sapphire ones. However, it is worth keeping in mind that this material is quite fragile, so if it is worn incorrectly, it may chip. In this case, you should immediately contact your dentist.

Preparing for installation

If you decide to undergo orthodontic treatment, it begins with a diagnosis. A comprehensive minimum examination includes OPTG and TRG (a special image with which the orthodontist can make all the necessary calculations). For a more detailed study of the condition of the dental system, a CT scan may be required.

Using the photographs, the doctor evaluates the condition of the teeth, the relationship of the jaws, and the condition of the temporomandibular joint. Based on the information received, he makes a diagnosis and draws up a multi-stage treatment plan with the involvement of specialists from several specialties.

Before installing braces you must:

  1. Cure all carious teeth
  2. Remove wisdom teeth
  3. Carry out professional oral hygiene
  4. Separately, if necessary, endodontic and surgical treatment is carried out.

It is important that your mouth is healthy before installation, as treatment can be very difficult with braces. Therefore, first of all, the patient is sent to a therapist to treat caries and replace old fillings that may not cope with their function.

Removable type of braces for adults

Dental orthodontics offers removable and non-removable structures. Now let's talk about the first ones. They can only be used in cases of slight displacement. Removable aligners are also called aligners, and they must be worn at least 22 hours a day, and cannot be removed during this time. There are people who believe that removable systems can quickly correct the situation, and therefore, bite correction with braces is carried out within 2-3 hours of wear a day or by putting it on only at night. It is worth understanding that there will be no result from such treatment.

Correcting a bite with a brace system should be conscious. Wearing it requires self-discipline. Therefore, if you don’t have one, maybe it’s better to install a non-removable system? Of course, the final decision rests with the doctor, but he must take your wishes into account.

Popular braces

Lingual ones are very popular. They are made to order. They don't have sharp ends. While a person chews food or talks, they do not scratch the mucous membrane. Getting used to them is almost instantaneous.

All this is achieved due to their close location in relation to the teeth. That is, there are no cracks into which food can penetrate. Also, such braces for children and adults do not interfere with diction.

Another popular system is ceramic, which does not have ligatures. They have an attractive appearance and perform their functional duties well.

Metal braces are also in demand. They are wear-resistant, but cannot boast of aesthetics. But prices for such dental braces are affordable, which is why they are popular. Therefore, if you want to install braces inexpensively, you should pay attention to this design.

Owner actions

A responsible owner must understand that a corrected bite in a pet does not mean that no matter how good its exterior is, this representative can participate in breeding. A female or male will definitely pass this defect on to her offspring.

After getting braces, your dog needs to brush his teeth daily to prevent food from accumulating under the steel mechanism, irritating his gums. The mandatory cleaning ritual takes little time, the animal quickly gets used to it and the teeth remain healthy.

If your dog is very worried in the first 24 hours after getting braces, rubs his face, and tries to get rid of devices that are bothering him, then it would be wise to put a special collar on him. The collar is not removed until the dog stops paying attention to the braces.

What is a retainer?

A retainer is a small arch that is placed on the inside of the teeth after braces are removed. That is, it consolidates the result of treatment of malocclusion. Retainer placement is required for all patients over 25 years of age. You have to wear it for a long time - twice as long as wearing braces. It is believed that the optimal period is four years. After this time, the person must wear a mouthguard at night.

And all these procedures must be performed without fail, otherwise the result of the treatment will not be consolidated. A person must realize that changes in the functioning of the body must be completed. Otherwise, correcting the bite with braces will be done in vain.

A note about general anesthesia

When you talk about dental exams and cleanings, the part that gives some pet owners pause is the need for general anesthesia. Leading experts in veterinary dentistry firmly believe that examinations and cleanings performed without anesthesia are virtually useless.

This is because the bulk of a visual examination is finding and treating what is below the gum line. Without general anesthesia, a full examination and x-rays, any initial treatment cannot be carried out effectively.

Although we worry about this every time we place a patient under anesthesia, it is not the same worry that it was, say, 15 years ago. We have had many changes to our drug protocols over the years, with more effective drugs and a greater knowledge base thanks to the specialty of veterinary anesthesia. In most cases, anesthesia is less harmful than dental disease.

Systems for teenagers

Orthodontics in Moscow continues to constantly develop. Anyone can correct their bite, and it is best to do it in childhood or adolescence. And which dental braces to choose, the price of which will be optimal, but at the same time the designs will perfectly perform their functional duties? Here we must be guided by the peculiarities occurring in the body of a teenager.

At this age, a person has a lack of calcium and fluoride. Teenagers often bite their nails, chew gum, and have many other bad habits that lead to a crooked bite. And due to the lack of microelements important for teeth in the body, a person at this age can easily develop an anomaly.

If these indications for treatment exist, the teenager needs to have braces installed on his teeth (the cost of each system varies):

  • there are gaps between the teeth;
  • the dentition is crooked;
  • there is an urgent need for treatment.

Bracket systems are installed, the cost of which depends on their material of manufacture and much more, in several stages. If treatment is required for a child under nine years of age, the doctor performs the procedure and then monitors the child for several years. Then the installation of other braces is carried out during adolescence. The need for this is due to the growth of the jaw.

To make a choice in favor of one or another braces, you need to familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of each of them. Let's start with metal ones. Such lower and upper braces have the following advantages:

  • small thickness;
  • quite comfortable to wear;
  • the mucous membrane is not injured;
  • ease of care;
  • strength;
  • durability;
  • low cost.

As you can see, such a brace system has many advantages; the price in this case is one of the main advantages. But there is one drawback - unaesthetic.

Products made from composite material are quite fragile and therefore short-lived. Ceramic, on the contrary, are highly durable. At the same time, they are aesthetically pleasing, as they are invisible to the eye and are firmly attached to the enamel. But the prices for such braces (Moscow) are quite high. It is also worth noting that they are not picky in their care: you need to look after them very carefully.

Lingual braces, as we have already said, have many advantages. But they can only be installed by adults. The fact is that they are attached to the inside of the teeth, which is an undeniable advantage, but they take a long time to get used to, so teenagers should not use them.

For children

Our dental prosthetics and orthodontics clinic installs braces not only for adults and teenagers, but also for young children. Which system is best to choose for your child? Usually a system is installed that consists of 20 “locks”. One half is attached at the top, the other at the bottom. Orthodontics considers this treatment to be the most effective. Metal structures are shown for children. After a few years, the braces are replaced with other, more advanced ones, for example, ceramic ones.

Do your teeth hurt during treatment?

After braces are installed, the cost of which in Moscow can vary significantly depending on the clinic, a person may begin to experience discomfort. What is this connected with? This reaction is quite normal. People may experience discomfort for up to seven days. To ease the “suffering”, you can take an anti-inflammatory drug. It should be prescribed by a doctor - under no circumstances should you self-medicate.

Unpleasant sensations are normal. The gums need to get used to braces - a foreign object. To alleviate the condition, you can use a saline solution. How to cook it? Dissolve a couple of teaspoons of salt in a glass of water and rinse your mouth with the solution at least twice a day.

If your teeth become more sensitive after getting braces, avoid eating hard foods. Eat soft foods: mashed potatoes, yogurts, soups, etc. If the pain worsens, you can eat something cold.

Guide to Chewing Toys for Dogs

The simplest rule to follow is to consider whether you will hesitate when chewing a treat or toy. If the answer is yes, it could cause damage to your pet's teeth. The toy or treat should be soft enough to bend or flex slightly when bitten.

A list of overly hard toys and chews includes:

  • antler
  • bones
  • hard rawhide
  • hard nylon bone style
  • wooden sticks.

How to care for your oral cavity?

If you do not take good care of your mouth while wearing braces, your gums may become inflamed. After installation of the structures, it becomes more difficult to brush your teeth, so the duration of this procedure should not be less than ten minutes. At the same time, this must be done after every meal without toothpaste (otherwise it will negatively affect the enamel). If you cannot use a toothbrush, you need to rinse your mouth. This will remove food debris from the system.

It is worth noting that you need to use a special paste and brush. As already mentioned, a simple remedy cannot be used. If you follow this recommendation, you can maintain your dental health. Ideally, you should also visit a specialist at our orthodontics clinic to have professional cleaning done:

  • process enamel;
  • remove tartar;
  • seal fissures.

So, treatment with braces is not only wearing these structures, but also careful oral care.


There are a number of contraindications to wearing braces; this depends on many factors and the patient’s readiness for orthodontic treatment is determined only by the doctor.

Installation of braces is not recommended for:

  • Patient age under 18 years
  • Elderly patient
  • Presence of periodontitis
  • The presence of severe bone tissue atrophy
  • Unsatisfactory level of oral hygiene
  • Presence of any types of oncology

Treatment may be difficult or impossible if there are implants and fixed orthopedic structures in the oral cavity, since they cannot be moved.

Pain after removal

People who have completed treatment to correct their bite and are concerned about pain often come to our orthodontic center. Let us immediately reassure you that you will experience discomfort for no longer than two weeks. Why does this happen - what causes teeth pain? The fact is that over many years the teeth have become accustomed to the position in which they were before treatment. And after removing the braces, they try to return to the incorrect original position.

A person may experience discomfort for another reason - due to weakened enamel. To get rid of discomfort, the doctor applies a special varnish, gel and paste to the teeth. These products quickly restore the enamel, so the pain goes away.

Are antlers safe toys?

A dog can easily get a broken tooth from chewing on antler and nylon.

Deer antlers have become a cheap and popular chew item for sale in many pet stores. Dog owners intrigued by this "natural" item buy them, thinking they are likely to be equally intriguing, healthy and fun for their dogs. However, what people don't realize when purchasing is that they may also be setting up their dog for a trip to the veterinarian, just like Benny did.

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